*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
*eats your ass*
>shit souls 2
Jesus fucking Christ they seriously fucked up the look of this game.
Yeah it's not Berserk edgy sickdark enough.
Should I play DS2? I played 1 and 3 but 2 looks fucking awful and broken, even more so than 1 and 3.
what game is this?
complete shit man, seriously
dark souls 2
fantastic game, dude, truly one of the best
The duality of man.
sorry i don't recall such a game
Great game
you should have played it after 1 and before 3. I expect you'll have a hard time enjoying it after 3, but it's worth playing through once at least
It has the best weapon system.
>More upgrades and modifiers available for weapons
>Power stancing adds a lot of possible combinations
I was angry when I found out 3 didn't allow so many things to be modified.
Though I will admit, the bosses are easier for the most part outside the DLC and the base game feels lacking.
2 is such a letdown after 1 that I'd almost suggest people play it first. Only problem with that is that people probably wouldn't give the other games a chance after 2.
I'd say play 1 and 3, and then most people are burned out by that point anyway
Most the standard enemies come in large groups, so you'll spend most your time walking backwards and waiting out combos.
It also feels like ass to control and a good 70% of the areas are fuck ugly.
No but seriously.
why did they disable the shadow shit?
Use a longer weapon, dude.
so you just dump all your points in adaptability right?
Get enough ADP to have 96 agility. It's 20 ADP for most classes if you aren't leveling ATN. If you want more iframes you can go up to 105 agility (32 ADP), but don't go past that.
play demkn's souls first
I strongly subscribe to the theory that the game got deleted a few weeks before release so they panicked and bought the first knockoff game they could find
>lmao what if we make a stat that manages how shitty the hitboxes of our game are?
>yeah dude, that sounds like a totally reasonable and not fucking stupid idea
What the actual fuck were they thinking?
I've tried many weapons. The all feel like ass and do not make the shit AI any more bareable.
The turn speed of the enemies eliminate positional strategies, which is the best way of dealing with mobs in 1 and 3, so your options are basically to round them all up and synch their combos, tank hits using a big weapon or bait the enemies out so far that some start walking back.
Use a long thrusting weapon, a ranged weapon, magic, throwing knives, or even just get poise and smack them around with a greatsword. There are very few areas where you should have trouble with groups of enemies unless you're literally incapable of anything but 1v1s, especially since nearly everything in DaS2 dies in only a couple of hits.
It's fun. Be prepared for piss easy boss fights though.
Just get it up to like 20 or so. It's all you need.
The only thing I don't like about DS2 is the fact that your backstabs/ripostes do more damage if you're in NG+.
ive played till 30% in and its unfairly hard in a bad way. There's a boss run where you have to either fight 40 enemies or make a pixel perfect jump. Its really bullshit.
better than phoned in souls 3.
despite being broken and crippled by an awful development, you can at least see that they tried, even if they were overambitious.
I played 2 first because I bought into Yea Forums hype, and I thought it was fine, but a chunk of the way in my autism kicked in and I figured "man maybe I should just play 1 first so Im not just a filthy bandwagonner"
so I played and beat 1 first then went back and beat 2, and I liked both and eventually played 3, I hated it, and went to Demon's Souls, which I loved.
||and then bought a PS4 for Bloodborne. It was ok but I have serious gripes with it, and PS4 paid online kills replayability for me||
Is normal for DS to pull unfair bullshit, that boss is probably a puzzle boss.
actually that was the other way around, I bought the ps3 for bloodborne first, and then got Dark Souls 3. because I remember playing the network test for that on PS4. Im getting my release order mixed up
>There's a boss run where you have to either fight 40 enemies or make a pixel perfect jump. Its really bullshit.
wait which boss was this again?
not him but if I had to guess it's Smelter Demon
I liked that in NG+ your game was essentially gravelorded, and it added the odd red phantom enemy here and there.
I don't remember this part desu
The problem with Dark Souls 2 was its horrible bosses. They're all really, really easy outside of Royal Rat Authority and Throne Watcher+Defender. I haven't tried the DLC yet so I can't comment those bosses. Say what you want about Dark Souls 3 I felt it nailed boss fights. The two stages added more depth and made them way more fun. Dark Souls 2 also had a terrible soundtrack.
Its where you fight a bunch of rats in a tomb. It isnt as bad as people make it out to be.
three sentinels
I didnt mind the bosses being kind of cheap feeling in that 'chinese" sort of way. Way i describe dark souls 2 is that, while in 1 everything sort of followed a kind of "rule of clunk", 2 is clunky in all the wrong ways.
I did like that you could parry bosses though
Always felt like a champ parrying shit like ruin sentinels or Velstadt.
You mean pic related?
>The problem with Dark Souls 2 was its horrible bosses
See I have that problem with 3. 2's bosses were sometimes bland or generic feeling, but they were still kind of memorable. everyone remembers Sentinels or Bellstadt, or the doritos demon, but very few of 3's are memorable. I barely remembered half of them after beating the game. They honestly all reeked of bloodborne too, which was my main issue with them. It's my issue with the game as a whole, really, but it's most reflected in the bosses, who are all ultrafast and all have some sort of instakill grab move, or a "lemme flail around like a retard and do half your health" attack. I mean shit, the painted world boss doesnt even TRY to hide being a reskinned maria. it is 100% just a straight up bloodborne boss. The only bosses I recall being remotely memorable, were Champion Gundyr, who is arguably the best boss in the game, and maaaybe twin princes.
The problem with 2's bosses isn't that they're bland or generic, it's that they're piss easy. There's like four bosses in the main game that are any challenge at all and they're all optional.
There is so much wrong with this I don't even want to begin to dissect it.
3 has great bosses. 2's bosses are only "memorable" because they are such abominations either visually or in gameplay and spamming meaningless bosses like ancient dragon, ornstein again, and skeleton lords does not help its case either
from 3, dancer in particular is probably one of the best and definitely one they worked hardest on. That's one of the bosses I actually felt so attached to I learned how to do it with practically no gear.
easy as shit but 10/10 design
>abyss watchers
very memorable
extremely memorable and pretty damn good fight
great fight
incredible fight
>dlc2 demons
probably one of my personal favorites
>midir and gael
both great
>mfw the entire Gael fight and the soundtrack as it played
They outdid themselves.
Vordt isn't really anything special, "big dumb dude who charges blindly at you" was like the literal original boss design
Champion Gundyr is a beast of a fight though
well I don't like the fight. I find him memorable because i absolutely fucking adore fromsoft's "FATASS KNIGHT" designs and a gigantic quadrupedal one is just what the doctor ordered in my case
no but don't you get it, he wasn't as memorable as the royal rat vanguard because I like dark souls 2
I'm all for a discussion friend. That's why we're here.
I feel there's too much bloodborne in Dark Souls 3, without having compensated for the fact that Bloodborne plays much differently.
I played the network test. It had no equip burden whatsoever. And I feel that that may have been the original intent. Considering they got rid of poise too in favor of Weapon Art hyperarmor. But they added it when people started complaining it wasnt there. As a result, they entirely ruined balance by making a game that caters to quick combat R1spam, but having equip burden, on heavy armors that offer no poise whatsoever, making them more trouble than they are worth.
In Dark Souls 1, going full havels made you fatroll like a motherfucker, but you could tank anything without flinching. In 2, going full havels made you fatroll, but despite no longer having constant poise, you were instead given hyperarmor while attacking. so you could faceroll counterattack without getting your attack interrupted. But in 3? you might get some beefier defense maybe, but you get no poise whatsoever. And still fatroll. in a game that encourages fast combat, it offers no benefit whatsoever.
I was not fond of pontiff. I dont know. Just didnt care for him.
Vordt is really only memorable for his design and music. He's a pretty Dark Souls 2 tier generic big guy in armor boss. only wow hes on all fours.
Abyss Watchers were pretty cool I suppose. I do tend to forget them though.
>DLC2 Demons
I didnt really care for them.
>midir and gael
I must admit I didnt finish DLC2. I just lost the desire to play it. 3 as a whole just burned me out so bad in a way that no other souls game has. Ive replayed 1 and 2 several times, even played Bloodborne maybe two and a half times, but 3? I just reach a certain point where I remember shit like the farron swamp, or demon ruins, or how linear the game is or the other shit I dislike and I just lose interest.
noone is defending royal rat vanguard. Nice cherrypicking.
Don't if you're going to be such a little pussy about it.
Newfag detected, reminder this game existed before Das
i agree 100% with fromsofts culling of rpg mechanics like equip weight/poise etc. being a bad thing but it's clear they do not have competent balancers on their team and sekiro being even more stripped down is evidence of this
poise affects regular attack hyperarmor too. and being able to regular roll up to 70% weight means that armor is still good, just not the retarded easy mode it was in 1
dark souls 3 is 100% a better balanced pve game than dark souls 1 due to the stripped down options.
I just beat Pursuer boss behind fog. Im not seeing whats wrong with the game yet. If anything its a breath of fresh air to see some 'new' animations. The enemies are difficult, hitboxes are great. The enemies dont just let you backstab them If you play online there is a little thing called lag and server latency that will produces these 'bad hitbox' effects. If you play offline its smooth as fuck. Once again no issues with the game. The game doesn't just let you chug estus flasks like a mongoloid as they can be interuppted easily. Whats the fucking problem?
Blue Smelter demon
stupid people flock to the popular opinion to feel smart
guy made a video about "DARK SOULS 2 BAD" and Yea Forums posted it a lot and jerked off over it
Reminder that bossfaggotry ruined this series. DS1 had atmosphere, cool artstyle, level design and tougher than most games bosses, but at some point the whole focus centered entirely on bosses. It happened to the point that now every boss either has tu be a 'epic fucken duel bro' or a flailing baboon or the boss/game sucks. People say this for DS1 now. I mean screw incredible designs like Gaping Dragon or Pinwheel when you can just recycle Artorias 5 times and people will praise you for it.
I'm not defending DS2 bosses with this, it's unrelated.
i really wish i could go back to around the time dark souls 1 was released on pc. had so much fun and the community around souls games back then was so much more pure, i miss it so much lads
>Whats the fucking problem?
Snap lock movement, it's ugly as fuck and the world design is laughably bad, ds1 is a tower of interconnected cities that all fit together in a logically, ds2 is a flat plane of areas that weren't design with others in mind tossed together with zero consideration as to how it connects with the world. There are dozens of examples of this, try figuring out how exactly hides tower of flame connects to Majula SPOILERS It fucking doesn't a huge disappointment coming off of ds1. There are so many things wrong with ds2 you'd need hours for it all to be properly explained
yes, and? ive played it. you can't really compare it to Dark Souls 3
You're a fucking moron if you can't piece together the reason I brought Demons Souls up. Idiot.
It plays much better than it looks.
the bosses were only "tougher than most games" because of the obscure and unexplained rpg mechanics. going back to the game today they are all a complete fucking joke with or without good damaging weapons.
Sekiro's bosses shit all over dark souls, and not because they're "harder" but because they far more responsive and dynamic
Best game in the trilogy. Completely shits on ds1 & 3
the loadouts make this picture more than anything else
nameless king twin princes gael friede abyss watchers
all kino bosses
how? I get the second guy just choosing the armor with the highest physical defense but Elite Knight armor was below the power curve compared to, say, Alva Armor.
I more see it as a player with experience from 1, but really it's the bottom loadout that everyone and their mother used that's funniest to me
There's nothing that makes it super different from 1 and 3, so if you enjoyed those it's worth the playthrough, I feel like I'm in the minority but I enjoyed most of DS2s level design.
The bosses are fucking horrible though, by far the worst part of the game.
I don't know how alive the online is at this point but that was the most fun I had with the game.
T. Retard who doesn't know how to use roll for positioning.
That's blatantly false, DS2 is the game where positioning matters the most in PvE. Try playing unlocked.
This is a criticism I've never fully understood, on average the bosses in DS1 and I guess DeS (haven't played it tho) are way easier than the ones in DS2, which generally put up much more of a threat to the player in one way or another.
>Snap Lock movement
Takes 20 seconds to get used to and doesn't in any way change the gameplay, this is just grasping at straw to hate it
Debatable, a few ugly enemies, empty rooms or repeated textures don't make the entire game ugly. DS2 has some of the prettiest areas in the series.
>World design
It's good. Doesn't make much sense but it makes up for it with the gameplay.
this, they shit even on ds3 bosses which are the bossiest bosses in the series
a shitty miniboss like shinobi hunter of misen is more fun to play against than soul of cinder