Why is nintendo always a generation behind in tech? There still is no HDR support
Why is nintendo always a generation behind in tech? There still is no HDR support
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they were ahead with the N64 and gamecube and look where it got them.
HDR isn't important for portable play
Because they aim to sell all thier stuff at a profit, rather than at a loss.
Yeah, ahead without a CD drive and then without a full-size DVD-drive.
Becuase it's a fucking handheld you dolt! Have you not paid attention to the handheld gaming sphere ever? It's possible this thread is bait too.
Exactly. Wii, NDS, 3ds & now switch were all insanely successful. They all used outdated specs.
Gamecube released like two years after PS2. N64 released also way later than PSX. At best they were simply keeping up.
you don't need the newest tech to sell well. Simple as.
Because it wouldn’t be 200$
Because they have a well placed saturn just like apple, therefore the more restriction they put on things the better result they get, its weird but that's how things work.
HDR is a fucking meme
Fucking what. See, that's the majority
It's cheaper to sell hardware that's a gen behind.
Also could be development cycles. Nintendo historically made their own game engines. Though that's changing in recent times I think
who gives a shit about HDR?
I'd worry about getting most of their games running at 1080p before I'd worry about that
Their games don't even run 720p in handheld mode. Looks blurry as fuck.
Imagine buying a shitty over-priced 2012 tablet with over-priced games, horrible online and defective controllers that are also over-priced
not having 3rd party support or dvd did it.
same reason you now have to pay for online. same reason you now have to pre order a game only to buy the same game again with extra features one year later to get the full experience. gamers are spineless cucks that pay to be treated like shit. it doesnt matter how much you pirate there will always be idiots funding this practices. Nintendo will keep making shit hardware and people will keep buying it.
This. It isn't even liited to Nintendo. Gamers are the single most sheeple, forgiving and masochistic group of consumers that has ever walked this Earth.
Nintentards are too busy rebuying all their old games at outrageous prices.
This. Thanks god I'm not a brain dead sôilent gulping mongoloid so all of my games are free.
This is why I own 20 shares of NTDOY, and am up $100, with no intention of selling before December tariffs kick in (maybe)
Buy the dips
...with great games.
NES was the last time nintendo had a console that was superior in terms of hardware. SNES was worse than Genesis in every way except for its library and n64 was only better because it had actual analog movement.
Hdr for 360p games
So great the nintendies have to spam metacritic with complaints to remove the bad scores
seething snoys in the hooouuuse toniiiight
Should I be paying attention to TGS?
Anything new coming to Nintendo?
Imagine buying a shitty over-priced 2012 media centre with over-priced games, horrible online and defective controllers that are also over-priced
Oh, also because the newest tech hasn't gotten all the kinks worked out and shit. Wait til it get streamlines and cheap, and devs know how to make shit for it.
Am I having a stroke? I thought HDR was extremely old tech from like 2004
the most exciting is a sequel to Deadly Premonition
hdr is a fucking meme unless you have an hdr1000+ retarded monitor, and even thoose are shit. Fuck hdr
>Anything new coming to Nintendo?
you're thinking of "hdr lighting" which is a rendering gimmick that has nothing to do with HDR color, which still does not have an established standard as 3 standards are warring.
its really holding shit back too bc as someone with an HDR OLED tv, let me tell you, hdr is fucking amazing
>Never mentioned snoy
>Nintendiapers automatically start dropping bants toward Sony no matter what
The switch is a fucking handheld, how was it a generation behind? When it was released very few portable devices had a better gpu.
nice nice nice thanks
I heard that's pretty good game. Maybe I'll get a switch and get the original, plus the new wii fit thing. (and BotW...)
>shit waifu game
>random old shitty DQ game port no one gives a fuck about
>shit waifu games
>shit weeb game
>could be literally anything because they dont show anything other then a waifu
No its not
The colors are MUCH better and pop like crazy
t.Someone who's seen real hdr
>claims to not be a snoyboy
>posts a meme from his snoy collection
I never mentioned them either.... why are you getting so defensive?
>>random old shitty DQ game port no one gives a fuck about
It's preparation for the new DQ Monsters game maybe next year.
OLED could've saved Switch.
Not even Sony thought OLED on a handheld was a good idea.
They did at one time. That's why the oginal Vita was OLED.
Sony did think that but then Vita bombed and it wasn't worth the cost. Handhelds should have OLED screens. Pretty much all phones have it these days. OLED is perfect for handheld since unlike TVs, you don't leave them on for hours in the background.
The OLED on the Vita was fucking great. I wish it didn't flop so hard, having something as strong as the switch with an OLED would be perfect.
I don't care about quality or performance as long as I have my bing bing wahoo
Mario games are fucking fun and that's all that you have to know.
I've never understood the people who jizz themselves over graphics, without ever playing the game to see if it's any fun.
Most of gamers don't really care about specs. They are not necessarily even aware of specs of consoles/PC they own. They are manipulated into consuming purely by advertisements, and they don't participate into any kind of "communities" where video games are discussed online.
They have no competitors
>tfw joycon drift
Here's a picture then faggot. The switch is mediocre and overpriced.
Even Nintendo haters angrily donate their money to nintendo!
I love it! I wish I had bought more NTDOY!!!
the built-in screen won't support HDR since it's too expensive and Nintendo does not sell hardware at a loss, and with no portable support there's not much incentive to support it on TVs/they don't want the handheld experience to be second tier
>Even Nintendo haters angrily donate their money to nintendo!
Don't worry for me senpai
>shits on something he bought and still pays for
just yikes
what's that?
Is it a switch emulator?
Does it work well enough to get a satisfying experience for playing something like BotW?
I don't really know what you expected a fucking handheld with glorified home console feature to be, but nevertheless your experience only further proves that gamers are impulsve sheeple consumers beyond redemption.
Imagine being so poor you think $200 for a game console is expensive.
Not him, but he actually can talk about its low points, unlike fanboys that defend even the worst aspects of their precious companies shitty console.
imagine wasting your precious disposable income on depreciating assets
It's been 3 years and half and I'm still living outside and can't find any apartments yet. The only other option for gaming would be a laptop but fuck gaming laptops.
at least i don't shit on handhelds for being weaker than pc's
i bought my switch with 300 dollars and i don't regret it. I'm having fun with my chad console and no one can stop me hahaha
cause Nintendos retarded philosphy is to use the lowest priced tech possible to be able to sell to the most people. Yeah, It's fucking annoying, but hey, what can you do...
look at how these absolute ass blasted losers struggle to defend this mediocre product. no matter how much you spam your shitty smash and fake hype garbage i will not buy or even think about getting switch with no worthwhile games
>SNES was worse than Genesis in every way
Factually false. SNES trumped Genesis in every category besides its CPU
>but hey, what can you do...
you can either have fun or not buy it
>chad console
>literally looks like a fisher price toy
Jesus the cope is real.
I don't care about the power I, as only shit posting, what makes me seethe is the monstrously awful online and the shit tier joycons. Mine are already drifting and I can't do shit, there's no free repair in yurope.
>buying a console based on how it looks
Truly the patrician way to make gaming choices
>hey guys, who else is excited for the switch lite?
>cause Nintendos retarded philosphy is to use the lowest priced tech possible to be able to sell to the most people
Yes... what a terrible business model!
And to think, some people actually enjoy these games. fools!
>struggle to defend this mediocre product
>main complaint is people having trouble playing it because of broken controllers, everyone still wants to play it and enjoys playing it.
name one (1) fisher price toy
>maybe next year.
you fucking doomed us, now SE gonna delay it til 2022
I'm pretty sure every statement in that post is false
power rangers?
>guys, stop liking things I don't like
>that thing is soi and rick and morty
>go back to redlit because this is OUR place.
It is. Especially when you could just build a PC in a sleek looking case that doesn't look like a kids toy.
PR toys are Hasbro. Who licence them from another toy company, or something.
SNES sound chip is far better and so is it's graphics chip, with 256 colors on screen instead of 64. It's main cpu was slower.
imagine not buying Bitcoin under $100 in 2012
I'm seriously considering hacking my Switch. Can I get more information as to how and what the dangers are of it and what I can do with a hacked Switch? I'm an idiot tech-wise.
alternatively, imagine not shorting bitcoin at $19,000 in 2017
You need the old version of the switch to begin with, check your serial number
Then if you're good it's child play, here's a guide for reinx
This is what retards actually believe
And to respond to your last question you can play every games by downloading the nsp files for free ( try dark umbra for example), you can emulate a large portion of old consoles up to the dreamcast, you can install unofficial ports ( doom 3 was first ported unofficially almost a year before the paid version), you can run Android, you can customize your switch, install dynamic themes etc etc
N64 with a CD drive would have dominated
>spam metacritic with complaints to remove the bad scores
Seething shits like you are so jealous that you have review bomb Nintendo games on metacritic just to feel better.
Then you got all your 0/10 removed. What a fucking humiliation. And its not even the first time. Oh how I laughed.
>N64 with a CD drive
Did you actually play Playstation games back then?
Loading screens were fucking horrendous. Give me the N64 anyday.
The PSX did have the advantage of being moddable. Pay a guy to install a modchip into your PSX, and then just burn copies of any game you want, build a massive library for damn cheap.
CD's weren't as cheap as they are now, and sometimes you'd get a bad copy, but still pretty cheap and loads of fun!
Why is the rest of the video game industry always a generation behind Nintendo in actual game design?
I own a switch and there's nothing funny about not knowing if a mediocre game that costs 60 bucks like daemon x machina or anal chains is actually good because the nintendies are throwing a tantrum.
Yeah I guess, piracy was obviously a huge boost to the Playstation's success. I guess graphics and power aren't everything.
They weren't reliable though. The copies or the originals, a little scratch or jolt could cause problems. Pretty annoying.
Those cartridges still work perfectly though. Ill take that any day, I don't care if a big plastic brick looks "fisher price"
Think about the difference between HDDs and SDDs. I'd much rather have games running on SDDs, and have more reliability and less loadtimes.
>nintendies are throwing a tantrum.
Yeah sure.
>game comes out. Gets universal glowing reviews.
>assmad snoyfags have a meltdown and start review bombing the game for no reason other than infantile jealousy.
>their pathetic attempt is exposed and all their 0/10 reviews get exponged.
>it-it's all Nintendies fault!!!
Top kek.
>imagine thinking that playstation users are on a hunt to shut down your favorite shitty game.
Didn't play the game but watching Vinny play it was painful enough.
And I'm not even talking about shitty armored core.
Its not the first time it has happened and it won't be the last. Snoyfags are an embarrassment to us all.
You have it backwards. The SMS was more powerful than the NES but the Mega Drive was less powerful that the SNES.
who's vinny?
fpbp; can't blame Nintendo for giving up when consumers weren't interested.
I played them and they weren't that bad, much better than having everything be untextured polygons like the N64 for a dumb kid
The fuck am I reading here?
There's the same exact shit for every platforms and every games nigger, Nintendo shouldn't be allowed a free pass to delete every 0/10 while keeping the 10/10.
Because they don't have the sheer funds to take a loss on hardware that they can expect to make up for in software.
They have money, but not Microsoft and Sony money.
Why do you care so much?
Gameplay > graphics
Dunno maybe because I was highly unimpressed by all the nintendie's games I've played and sincerely feel disgust toward the nintendiapers?
So they live rent free inside your head and you can't just ignore them
Not an excuse.
Yeah I've noticed that you seem completely obsessed with Nintendo and have an irrational hatred of millions of people you don't even know.
I would suggest you get some help before you shoot up a shopping mall.
Because I will buy it anyway because I pay for good games,not muh pixel count. I own a pc btw.
N64 was weaker than PS1 and Gamecube came out years after PS2, was barely more powerful and couldn't play DVDs. Nintendo constantly makes retarded decisions. If Apple didn't turn so many people into "le nerds xD" Nintendo would have died already. At the moment they're just a fashion company for sweaty neckbeards and people who think watching Big Bang Theory makes them a nerd.
Fucking kek.
Here a history lesson kiddo; throughout the gaming industry, the most powerful consoles are rarely EVER the most successful.
Maybe something to think about.
>Not an excuse.
Yes it is. After years of seeing nintent*ddlers worshipping their shit company on this board I was expecting way more. Turns out pc is still the best platform and every consoletards are fucking retarded but nintendr*nes are a SPECIAL kind of retarded.
Never have I meet such a despicable kind of bootlicking worms defending anything that particular corporation is shitting.
Fucking Christ, get help.
The only ones in need of help are the owners of an unhacked switch.
Thank god i'm not poor.
August ? Hasnt it won every single month this year?
How often has that happened, anyway? PS4 is technically the most powerful this generation (for the base consoles at least, X is more powerful of the two refreshes) but apart from that I don't remember it occuring.
>thanks god I have autism so I can waste my money with little to no care
Does it improve gameplay, at least potentially? Does it cost nothing to implement? If answer to both of those is no, then Nintendo doesn't need it.
>How often has that happened, anyway?
GameBoy Advance
Playstation 2
All those systems were inferior on technical level to their competition.
PSX and PS2 only because they released way earlier than the competition. So no not really.
Far less of a gain than the reverse
Um... yes really. Being technically impressive has NEVER mattered in the history of gaming. People will go to where the games are. Simple as that.
It's disingenous saying PSX and PS2 were weakest of their gens since relative to year of launch, they were high-end devices. N64 released way after PSX and was still not crushing it but edging it out slightly.
Fair enough
I'm not exactly displeased with my index fund's performance from 2007 -> now, and I didn't have to dive into a bunch of esoteric knowledge about blockchain and stress out about putting my money in a highly speculative brand new asset to do it.
But I won't deny it. Some of those people are making out like bandits. Most folks though, not so much.
>lol nintendo and their stupid useless gimmicks
>why aren't they using the useless stupid gimmick I want???????????
I can't wait to play with my ring
I know you're memeing,
I'm unironically excited though!
I wanna get all sweaty having fun like the days of DDR!
I buy whatever console has games I wanna play. I own a PS4, a Switch, and a PC. I don't care what people think is the "chad" console or which console has what gimmicks, or how many pixels it fits on the screen, or if it has VR, or HDR or whatever the fuck. I buy the console that plays games that are worth playing. you console warring faggots are about 20 years behind the curve. the world moves on, this isn't sega vs nintendo anymore. If you like the games, buy the console, it's that fucking simple. The switch has some awesome games, if you like those games, buy it, if you don't fuck off.
just another family night, at home with the kids!
>all those games
He's in!
it's me, I'm in
Except "my friend pedro" . A banana? seems pretty racist.
shut up faggot. no one cares about you or your fuck friend pedro. we are talking about videogames.
you have to go back
Because they charge for it like it was a generation ahead, and people still buy it.
You gotta be retarded to change that business policy.
>PS2 released in 2000
>Gamecube released in 2001
It's also safer not to be on the cutting edge. Chips and drivers are all time tested, and devs know how to get maximum utility out of them, and maybe the manufacturers have learned how to better utilize space so you can get the dimensions of the thing just right, etc.
There's generally no real reason to be the first adapter. I remember the big fat nerds who were the very first to get iphones, took me years before I saw real utility and eventually got a smartphone.
HDR on my TV just makes everything more desaturated, what the fuck am i doing wrong?
Honestly I've never met anyone except for PC people who spend more than a minute ever thinking about graphics. Most people care if a game is good to PLAY not if it is good to WATCH.
what? the switch is $200
Pretty much...
Fun Gameplay > interesting plot ≥ likable characters > Soundtrack > Graphics
It's literally all ps4/xbone fags care about as they desperately try to match things PC does effortlessly. PCfags dont make as big a deal about it except to flex on consolefags
I am glad that at least gimmick this gen is really useful
3d in 3ds was shit that you turned off after a hour and PiiU tablet was completely fucking useless
WiiU tablet would have been brilliant if consolefags weren't casuals and companies actually made games for the things.
These. HDR is a fucking meme and I wish that anyone retarded enough to fall for it, not to even mention those who shill it, were just killed off.
I've never met a console person who talks about graphics except to say "wow that looks good". Every time I talk to a PC dude he goes on an on about mods and all these new graphical effects, how great it looks in 4k, blah blah blah.
I only ever used my friends wiiU tablet, but it seemed pretty great. Especially useful as a roku type device, but when you gotta go get something from the kitchen or whatever, it's really nice you can just pick it up and go.
price fits in there somewhere too, but it's more important than graphics for sure.
1 year and 8 months between PS2 and Gamecube. So yeah, user was right when he said
> like two years
>SNES was worse than Genesis in every way
>He fell for it
The mind of Nincels everybody
>Honestly I've never met anyone except for PC people who spend more than a minute ever thinking about graphics.
Graphics whores have been a thing since the SNES vs Genesis days.
I'm talking about current generation. When I was younger kids talked nonfucking stop about how the SNES could do "3D" and the Genesis had blast processing and the game gear had color but the gameboy had battery and all that bullshit.
>N64 was weaker than PS1
Yeah stopped reading right there.
>SNES sound chip is far better
Can you even compare them??
SNES used shitty samples where the Genesis had a synth chip.