Nobody ever talks about this game on this board

Nobody ever talks about this game on this board

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm still playing through the first one. Pretty fun desu senpai baka

its not anime so yeah

wtf is up with Yea Forums lately? its full of weebs

this game is awesome but there is no huge fanservice for zoomers so nothing to talk about.

Almost belongs on /tg/

Switch port is amazing with cross save on PC.

>that detailed sex scene with Lohse

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i skipped it. cringe



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It's a dense RPG, most people here only larp about liking NWN and IF Engine games whilst never having the attention span to finish them.

That being said.
Lohse as main character with Sebille, Fane and Red Prince is top tier chad KINO.

ساتانيا حمقاء

I have a weird setup

Pyro mage as me
Red Prince War/necro
Ifan as ranger
Lohse as scoundrel/poly


Hows it on the switch?

just finished took me 350 hour defiantly one of my favorite games



Superb game, top tier co-op compatibility, too bad it's one of those games none of my friends play.

lmao same

You were clearly not around when it was released
PoE fags wouldn't shut up about it

lone wolf + 2 summoners

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They don't have any characters in Smash so it won't be talked about.

is it out yet?

incoming butthurt boomers

>bone bro on scoundrel/polymorph
>lizard fag on aero/pyro/hydro/a bit of geo
>elf cunt on huntsman and summoning
>dwarf lad on warfare/geomancy
>fucking murder the two useless human shits at fort joy
this setup steamrolls everything after leaving fort joy, even on tactician

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i want to fuck Dallis

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I'm kinda on the fence about buying it on the Switch. Maybe if it goes on sale. How deep is the roleplay element? Can I have a lizard husband?

now that you posted it, she's kinda hot

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I played JRPGs as a teenager too so I respect them.

HA tried to find everything, played on tactican mode and died a lot

Yea Forums is a weeb website. If you don't like anime you don't belong here.

>goes to anime website
>complains that people like anime

Probably because it's pure hack&slash trash with zero roleplaying depth or challenge.

The game is casual, imbalanced trash with zero challenge that pretends to be "tactically deep", but in reality every single system in the game is broken, starting with economy and ending with combat mechanics. I guess this shit became popular with normies, because it makes you feel "smart" by masquerading as a game with actual tactical depth while in reality having none, since you become overpowered and begin steamrolling through everything on the hardest difficulty setting a few hours into the game. Apparently, this is what onions-infused brainlets call "fun" nowadays. Though I hear talk that Larian have "fixed" the XP accumulation rate since launch so you might not end up outleveling most encounters nowadays, the game still needs a complete rework of its encounter design to be challenging, since its fundamentally flawed in how it allows literally any boss in the game to be instakilled with zero effort once you leave the tutorial island and acquire some levels and source spells and skills.

The roleplaying is also shallow trash since almost none of your character building decisions matter past the tutorial island due to the availability of free infinite respecs. Even though all story characters get some unique content and at least one personal quest, the only quest worth playing is Lohse's, everything else might as well not exist, so the character building decisions associated with playable story characters barely add anything to the almost nonexistent roleplaying depth.

Question, do you think Larian will make Baldur's gate 3 a top down game or they'll go for Dragon age style?

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I hope the diversity squad hit their studio before

did any of you ever abuse the quasi-turn-based combat system by having your archer/mage walk away from combat and heal/grab some items, then come back, all while everyone else is paused? I had to do that a couple times, ashamedly. It's cheap as fuck and I have no idea why it's allowed

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def some of deepest rpg mechanics of this generation and maybe ... i got with a couple female lizards on my play through

the game is too good so there's nothing to shitpost about

>Westerncucks tourists think it's a new thing

cmon bro

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I think they already said it would be isometric

i tried this and ended up getting 2 different combat instances that overlapped, was fucking confusing

i want to bone dallis

I'd also like to know. Sadly, I think everyone's too busy playing Smash, Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina to even notice its existence.

I see these threads all of the time, lurk more ya queer.

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big meaty CRPG's are too niche for the average Nintendo fan.

i bought it. AMA

More like no one talks about the ones before original sin 1.

How you liking it thus far? Does it run well? Is it fun? Any major issues or flaws I should know about?

>it's another "suddenly without warning ambushed by more than 4 enemies that are stronger than my characters" episode

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how will Larian survive this?

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they brought it upon themselves for deciding to make a sequel to a game that came out 18 years ago and had a definitive conclusion. They can get fucked.

Yes, im liking it so far. I noticed there a slow down when there are too many enemies around you. You can also use mods(8 AP, Sprint, Respec). My game crashed one time.

by making the first good baldur's gate game

>turn base = equals no buy
if I were a developer I wouldn't want idiots like that buying my game anyway

Imagine liking RTWP

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Larian is a fucking cancer on the CRPG genre and I hope theier headquarters get overrun by a pack of genetically engineered niggers.

because there's not much bad shit to say about it, it really is a great game. There's some butthurt haters now and then but even they are full of shit and when the game is almost flawless, there won't be threads about it

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It's the objectively worst possible way for a game to be played. If you like it, you have autism, there is no way around it.

it's mainly people with nostalgia glasses wanting more of that shit, even obsidian realized their fuck up when they saw the sale difference between poe2 and OS2 and quickly implemented a turnbased mode for poe2.

>implemented a turnbased mode for poe2.
wait for real? lmao

How did they make it so much better looking than the first game? It runs on the same shit.

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We talked about it a lot when DE came out, and I would think so when it first came out. What are you talking about OP?

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Don't get me wrong, I think Larian is based and DOS1 & 2 were great, but seriously, what the fuck could they possibly have been thinking?

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To be fair people tend to forget Larian does, in fact, have experience with real-time combat.

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It's literally THE biggest RPG name on PC as far as recognition goes. Whether it will resemble anything like Baldur's Gates of old considering the Bhaalspawn saga is over we have yet to see.


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>dat lizard power

You guys think it will have coop? Divinity 2 was such a great coop experience

glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine glory is mine

kek. larian is based

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Minimum water earth wind and fire to cast the spells I want. Max out polymorph for extra ability points to dump in int so it scales every magic school not just the specific element. I have become the Avatar, master of all elements. Apotheosis is pretty much avatar state.

It's the best cRPG gameplay in a long time. Just as an example, the first half of the first act is supposed to be escaping a prison. You have 6 different intended ways to break out. The story isn't amazing but serviceable. Dialogue is hit or miss depending on who you ask, I thought it was great.

Get pet pal ASAP so you can talk to animals.

Show me your honour mode achievement nigga. Oh wait you don't have it because you probably just played on story mode and save scummed your way through.

just use the mod for pet pal

>Dumping more than 5 points in poly
>Actually capping poly
Based retard

there's nothing wrong with RTWP brainlets.

The only thing I abused was buffing before fights while in conversation on my honour mode save.

Weren't those cloning Diablo combat? Don't think they've ever done bioware RTwP combat, which is shit honestly.

Underrated game. Janky as fuck at launch, but Director's Cut made Divinity 2 eminently playable.

>dat feel when spending experience to read people's minds

I do wish dragon combat was present more, though.

>Battle begins
>Choose action for everybody
>Character performs action
>Enemy performs action
>See what's happening
>select character and give another action
>Character performs action
>Enemy performs another action
>See what's happening

>RTwP nostalgiafags unironically think this is completely different to and so much better than turn based

user, what difference do you think there is between those two? one merely has a pause while other does not.

You still get ability points every point past 5. So those extra 5 poly points are 5 extra int which is 25% extra damage on every single spell you use. You are the retard for not realizing this friend.

>tfw mods like universal petpal and running is now on console

can i kill that annoying squirrel?

those sex scenes were fucking frightening, why would they do that? I kept expecting a cutaway, but they just... they went for it.
>mfw the old narrator guy's voice is still used for the sex scenes

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Anime website.

He's thinking of getting the switch version, don't think there are mods for that. I used the mod cuz it's pretty much a mandatory talent. I also modded the ever christ out of the game on my last run because I have 350hrs in and I've done everything there is to do pretty much.

Yeah that's actually a really cool feature, I hope more games follow suit.

there is brah. I owned the switch ver

>A mere 25% damage boost
That boost is utterly irrelevant when the spells you can use are total crap and you get no variety, you retard. Besides, stat boosts to int are a dime a dozen, equipment everywhere has it
It's especially pointless in lone wolf, because your cap is still 40 points
>Bu-but I can remove the cap!
Which is also pointless since by the time you hit 40 points in int, you'll be oneshotting everything
Also, the talent pools offer passive bonuses in addition to damage increases that you're missing out on

I am the summoner with some hydro on the side
Red Prince tanks + uses geomancy
Beast is a dickass rogue
Ifan is the ranger

I wish we had gotten monk instead of fucking summoner



Nah it's great when your friend missed their opportunity so you are just their listening/reading smut about how your skeleton is banging a chick while he waits on deck.

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They'll ignore the RTWP retards because RTWP is fucking garbage and it fucked up POE's sales.

Lately as in since its inception?

Summoner archer

Good luck getting to me, faggot

Is the second area supposed to be so hard? Was doing fine until i got there and now everything is fucking wrecking my shit every fight.

*phoenix dive*

*tactical retreat*

RTWP allows you to issue commands while paused. It's a clusterfuck of a system that can't decide what it wants to be.

Nigga putting more points in pyro or geo also only gives 5% per point, but it gives it to that single magic school instead of all of them. Meanwhile I get it for all of them. Your damage will fall off really bad around end of stage 3 and in stage 4 if you don't get as much int as possible by maxing poly.

Also, I don't play lone wolf because then I don't get to have my full avatar party with myself as the avatar, warrior Ifan as Soka, hydro Lohse as Katara and pyro Red Prince as Zuko.

>throws dust

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Unarmed with monk mods, full crit multiplier
I blow people up with my fists

*gloves of teleportation*

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i like to loot items during combat in online games
i purposefully position myself near the biggest bad dudes so i can get the loot first

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what do you mean by second area?

>how will Larian survive this?
If they fuck up BG3 - which is more likely than not, even if they intended otherwise - hopefully not at all.

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It's the best fight in the game.

That fight was great, the only bad part is if your computer can't handle it once the fire becomes cursed.

just put on your teleport gloves and yeet him a mile away where there's no necrofire

Perhaps they should try to make the first good Divinity game.

Try a different direction. If you go into a higher level area and you're new you'll get your shit pushed in. Once you've played the game enough you can just ignore levels and steamroll enemies higher level than you so you'll get more freedom.

imagine the Switch version

They've already done it twice.

Is this the cRPG thread? So I can't decide whether to play arcane Archer, sharpshooter-assasin or sharpshooter-devoted in Poe 2. Also should I play Poe 1 first? The problem is it doesn't have turn based mode?

Every Divinity game is uninspired shit.

Hey guys, I just want to say

I come from Reddit where people prefer RTWP in isometric games and think POE's storytelling is better because it's darker or something.

Hearing you guys feel the opposite, much like myself. Well...

Maybe this place isn't so bad. I might have to stay a while...


welcome abroad mate

I can't wait, honestly. Portable DOS2 shouldn't be allowed.

Advanced shitpost.

what about here?

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>I can't wait
It's already out though?

Why are Elves so fucking tall in this?
I romanced Sebille as Ifan and holy shit, he was basically talking to her tiddies the entire time.

>imagine fighting that blobs hell fight
just teleport him before the fight and you don't have to fight them.

Elves are more trees than anything

>team of all dudes, ifan, fane, red and beast
>ifan almost hits on fane and peeps on red fugging his waifu

Apparently he tries to hit on beast too but I either missed it or I'm not there yet, why is Ifan such a fag?

Why yes, I am a studious apprentice of Barrelmancy, how could you tell?

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First game was flawed, but kind of fun. OS2 was a complete letdown, itemization was shit, no sense of exploration, writing is still bad, optimization was garbage (had FPS drops with my 1080 while I remember running the first one at 60 FPS constant, no drops, all high) and the combat. Oh my fuck they managed to fuck up the combat.
Yeah, fuck Larian HACK FRAUDS.
I have no hope whatsoever for Baldur's Gate 3, license should have gone to those mad slavs behind Kingmaker.

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Please LARIAN!! don't make Baldur's Gate 3 silly like divinity

>I romanced Sebille

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>Please LARIAN!! don't make Baldur's Gate 3

>Gay scarecrow tries to get the jump on me
>Teleport him into the Paladins nearby
>He gets fucking yote
That'll teach you to try and trick me you straw stuffed faggot

It's an extremely dumbed down version of the first Original Sin, so it makes sense that retards here would enjoy it. The dialogue is also so bad that it gets hard to play it from all the secondhand embarassment. My main problems with it however, are
>gutted AP system, makes it so you can only perform one or two actions per turn, makes combat boring as fuck
>far fewer abilities to use, by the start of act 2 you have seen every skill there is
>line of sight is hardly a mechanic anymore, whereas in the first game line of sight shenanigans were your bread and butter
>fucking retarded worse-than-wow number inflation that makes it so that a low quality non-magical level 17 weapon is much better than that legendary level 16 weapon you just found
>boring talents that add nothing to combat other than numerical bonuses, same with abilities, just do 5% increased damage under x condition
>character building in general is far worse than in the first one, extreme investment in certain options don't unlock any new skills or talents, just adds more damage
>armor system means that your hybrid damage party is utter shit and that you can only go pure magical/pure physical
>also because of the armor system, all of your skills are worthless till you can get armor down, so you're just auto attacking shit for 90% of encounters
>skills generally do less damage than auto attacks anyway, so unless you need to stun/control an enemy, once you get their armor off you'll just be auto attacking them even more
>zippered turns makes initiative worthless on 3/4 members of your party, generally not a fun mechanic and a hamfisted way to avoid players being able to control enemies
>the fucking characters are all so fucking annoying holy shit, they literally hired fanfic writers to make these characters and write this dialogue
>if you don't want to play as their trash OC characters you lose a lot of story
>the narrator that undoubtedly savours every whiff of his own farts

it's complete trash

He's a furfag.

user there's clearly a lion there. It isn't safe.

Because these disgusting homo's think this is an anime website

they get bored of Yea Forums i don't blame them

I'm gonna go play a big lizard dude and fuck Ifan.

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typical degenerate homo lariannigger

game's fine, you just have shit taste
go play PoE

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>got most of the engine building grunt work out of the way with the first game
>got more money from the kickstarter
>developers are more experienced
>probably had more time and money to devote to visual fidelity

>doesn't like the narrator

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WHO is the preferred OS2 waifu of the infamous waifu fag (who is? who is?)?

>that damage control


play ifan and romance a lizard dude

whoever waifu fag is he's got good taste at least

Is that a recommendation? because I've not played it nor been interested. I'm just a disgruntled OS1 fan. They should have just hired the epic encounters guys to handle the core gameplay and pulled absolutely fucking anybody off the street to write some better fucking characters.

And how!

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But there's only Red Prince and he's a cunt.

he's a pretty cool dude when you get to know him, you can bond over helping him find his waifu and then BE his waifu

or don't cause that's fag shit

Personally, I give PoE a 5/10
I don't play very many CRPG's but I finished PoE
I got the expansion from a friend, but I haven't played it yet. The game just hasn't managed to pull me back to play it.
I'd recommend trying before buying.

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He's a total bro, bro.

Nah fuck that, I'm gonna give Ifan the lizard D

no shit he's a cunt
what GOOD npc followers start off liking you?

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8 Man High Divine Scaling Tactician Run
>OC as Super Tank/Paladin
>Red Prince as Fighter/Telekinesis
>Fane as Assassin
>Beast as Death Knight
>Sebille as Necro Ranger
>Ifan as Geo Ranger
>Lohse as Pyro/Buffer
>OC 2 as Stench Spearman

>what GOOD npc followers start off liking you?

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Me and my friend bought this game in April after rinsing through 1.
We have been on Act 2 since then, shit is such a slog.

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Beast is good, and he's at least polite from the start. But yeah Fane and Red are assholes and also the best bros.

Rest in piss Gwydian, the shitty skillbook your quest gives wasn't worth it

>not playing as a fem lizard to give Ifan the lizard V

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You can import you have from Poe 1

That's pretty gay

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its called a cloaca
poop comes from there, as do eggs

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>>zippered turns makes initiative worthless on 3/4 members of your party, generally not a fun mechanic and a hamfisted way to avoid players being able to control enemies
So that's why they did it? Pretty retarded desu

I like this game. I kill the elf bitch every time instead of recruiting her.

Absolutely based


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First time player here, playing on switch, should I just switch to easy difficulty? I just got off Fort Joy but basically had to avoid every single fight, now i'm in the swamp place and everywhere I go seems to lead to me getting ambushed by 5 undead people, who overpower me/make me use all my resurrection scrolls.

>playing on switch

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

Is that what all the spam was about? I never picked her so I wouldn't know.

Not nearly as gay as your man-lizard on man action.

>I just got off Fort Joy but basically had to avoid every single fight,
Why? How? What level are you?

Seriously, the narrator reading erotica out was not something I was expecting.

Lizards don't have external balls so balls can't touch.

Game is alright but am I the only one thinking the setting is boring as fuck ?

red prince carries the game
everyone else are just fags and homos, sometimes both

I don't know, I really want to like this game and the first one but every time i go to play it I get bored a few hours in. I don't know what it is.

Unless you got for intense slit docking

i regretted taking sebile instead of Fane

>am I the only one thinking the setting is boring as fuck ?
No, the game's developer shares your sentiment.
They'd rather abandon it in favor of the current, watered down FR setting.

Honestly what's the point of fane's face ripper quest when you just get his original mask back later anyway? Is it just to make another for custom skelly characters or something?

Level 5 I think? Basically every fight would result in me dying, I went to that dude that has Fane's faceripper and he had like 200 armour.

he's a boss, he's supposed to be hard

Go back and kill everyone you can, your mistake is playing that like a rpg instead of diablo

What's your team set up? Also this

Did you upgrade your gear? The scaling is insane and one level can make a huge difference

>realize thievery is 200% busted and steal everything from everyone
>have over 100k shekels by the end of act 3 yet keep stealing everyone's gold anyway

Why am I like this

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I'm interested in playing it but have a tradition of doing solo runs as my first in every game I do. Is it possible to solo the game? If so, is there anything I need or a fun solo build I can do?

I've got the elf, Fane, Ifan and i'm playing as Lohse. Everyone's their default classes and i'm playing as the shadowdagger thing. I've not really found anywhere to upgrade my gear yet. Am I really supposed to just kill everyone? But what about the nice NPC's?

1 one has really boring starting area. Almost stopped playing the game.
Glad i didnt.
2 one was the shit. Didnt play the Squirrel's EE tho. Is it worth it? how many new stuff did they add?

Why do you care? The system is a fucking mess and designed to be exploited

An easy mistake is specializing everyone by their "class." You want characters to have a wide array of options, also get some healing skills, since your setup makes me assume you don't have any

whats the best way to beat it?
I had to savescum through it for few hours

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Hi newfriend. Dispite what dumb posters may say to the contrary, weebs have always been, and will likely always be, here.

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>2 summoners
lone wolf only works with 1 party member, or are you talking about yourself being a summoner as well?

This lagged like fuck on my computer, like literally dropped to 10fps. I really want to see Switch footage of that fight after all literally everything gets lit on fire. I'd be amazed if they got that fight to run well.

No he means a lone wolf having to begrudgingly travel with a party for roleplay purposes

>Problem one
You don't have any hard cc. Fights in this game is all about how much you can control the enemy. And by that I mean, fuck them they don't get a turn. They tried and failed to stop people from doing this, but it's still the number one way to ending any fight.
>Second Problem
You have a mixed team, but no hard hitting physical team member. The best one is the elf, but if she is her default class, thieves take game knowledge, and exploits that you don't know about, so her and Lohse are useless.
>Am I really supposed to just kill everyone? But what about the nice NPC's?
You don't have to kill everyone, but everyone sees fort joy as a graveyard since none matters after you left it, so they might aswell give you exp before you leave.

just heal the guy when he gets low

weebs don't actually play games so they post on Yea Forums

sneak and teleport that guy away from that area and boom you don't have to fight them.

One of the best cRPGs ever made and the best co-op RPG experience

>keep trying to complete honour mode
>have only died once legitimately in 20+ attempts
>others are due to glitches

I am not even sure why I am so determined to do this, given the amount of cheese I'm throwing at the game

I've really been wanting to play it but never found the time to do so during the summer. Its a huge fucking pain in the dick to get 3 other friends together to play a game as long as this one is. I played through it with 2 other people when it first came out, but wanted to do another when definitive dropped. Any news on when their new game is coming out? I can actually play that since its only 2 person co-op.


abuse teleports
play king of the hill and protect the top floor, use terrain swap on polymorph and any water spells to make sure the fire doesn't spread up there
spam fortify and frost armor
Make sure the magisters guarding the gate on the bottom left of the battlefield start fighting the blobbers as well

Finishing up Bloodmoon Island as my last thing left on Reaper's Coast. Didn't expect there to be so much to do compared to the previous location.

I finally found someone from my shithole country. Hello brother, i dont eat pig.

hello bro i hope u r not gayfarang

>Air/Fire mage
A single fire mage can take out all magic armor now by themselves and air can provide a little magic based cc. An earth mage with witchcraft is the perfect hybrid character as you can give them tons of armor and a shield to tanmk with, they have cc for magic AND physical ailments and can take out both kinds of armor. An archer can also do all of the above due to crafted arrows. The 2 handed warrior could probably be something else to also give more cc potential butt I find phys is still better than magic overall so I just leave them as is. I almost beat the enhancd edition on ironman mode 1st playthrough with this team, would recommend

No. 100% born and raised here. อยากออกจากประเทศควยนี้ชิบหาย

why bro? our country is literally perfect

Elf OC Weapon and Shield or Set Dodge Bow Support Summoner. Almost always go first and set enemies up to get dunked, and once I have the essentials I'm free to experiment with utility in other skill trees. Can work well with any party too.

I don't think I've ever encountered one of those glitches but that's really unfortunate. I crossed Honor off my list early on since that's the only mode my friends want to play and to our credit we managed in 2nd try in a 3-man party. Speaking of which I'd like to ask you brave people what did you guys first wipe on in honour mode? My 3-man group wiped against the dead heroes in stonegarden, we killed two of them easy enough but we got stunlocked and died by the mage and warrior. I tried telling them it was a bad idea to proc both of the last two resurrections at the same time but they told me it would be fine and to believe.

Act II is an oddity for sure with the amount of content in it. None of the other acts even come close to how long you'll spend in it.


I wish DoS2 would have more linear power progression and armor/immunity balance. Its a shame that makes mods mandatory.

i only care about lucky charm and loremaster

pretty sure i've been playing longer than that and i'm on act 3

its been discussed to death man its one of those games this board loves like ROR and terraria where you gotta be here around release/updates

My first honour wipe was against Mommy Dearest, who just deleted the entire party in one round from full

almira can be my mommy any day

>doing lone wolf run
>dual scoundrel with Sebille and OC
>get to act 2 and do fight agaisnt the 4 old heroes that allied with Lucian in the graveyard
>get absolutely raped even with cheesing.


I'll be honest

I wanna fuck the Red Prince

well get in line he doesnt have all day

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Its too silly for my taste, i'm more a kingmaker kind of guy.

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Why did they ruin him in the second half?
He was such a bro in the first half.

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i always get bored and stop about midgame

he probably didnt trust you in the first act 1. Then you become friends in the 2nd act and oh boy time to talk about my feelings

Same, I hope they dont make their new baldurs gate game so bland and full of cringy humor.

Well, he did commit genocide against the race that raised him from childhood. Under orders from the local divine, no less, dude's fucked up. I really liked his shift
And he'll straight up snap that whiny little faggot Alexander's neck if you let him, he gets a pass for every weak moment he has in the game because of that

This was glorious
Me and my friend had a random NPC called Axe Man draw aggro on a lot of them, he died true hero

>they actually try to pass "i just accidentaly whole nation" Lucian as good end
>game is filled with assholes in overall, no matter the faction
>that whole reveal about seven if you play Fane
Nah, fuck every single one of you. Have god king. My only regret is i couldn't kill that half demon or whatever bitch that orders you around too.

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Does this or the first game have any yandere companions?

Should I play the first Divinity Original Sin before playing the second?

it gets boring quickly

also the armor system is retarded

and necrofire

You don't have to but you'll miss a few "I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!" moments

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck what setup do I used for honor mode.
Is it easier as a 4 man party or just 1 single person.
I've never done honour mode before and havent even finished act 2 on any character I start.
I was thinking of trying this

Just level your main damage attribute and wits with lone wolf

Back when I played a two person Lone Wolf party was optimal. Two handed melee necromancer was the most busted build in the game. Once you got access to source points the arrow volley ability one-shot pretty much everything. They've probably changed a ton of shit now though.

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You don't have to. There's references to OS1 and the rest of the divinity series here and there but ultimately OS2 can stand on its own. Each of the games have their own merits but I'd say OS2 is much easier to get into as a beginner to RPGs and some the QoL stuff in the second game(ie: unified inventory screen) might make the first game appear jankier. Also theres a huge disparity in terms of tone, OS2 tries to take it self seriously for the most part except for the odd comic relief quest or when it feeds you stupid lines but OS1 is more of a self-aware fairy tale. Sure it has an actual serious plotline but between the artstyle, various goofy characters you meet and your characters quipping after every action/status change it's easy to forget.

Two man lone wolf is usually the easiest way to go. A summoner(which you can respec later) once they hit summoning 10(easy to do before leaving the fort) basically wins all your fights for the first and half of the second act. It's honestly not that strict, you just need to know how to weigh risk/reward and not be afraid to run from fights if it doesn't go your way. I'm not ashamed to say my unoptimal dickass rogue got his ass carried by my friend's Two-hand crit warrior in our murderhobo honor run but I still won the ending so that's all that matters.

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I fucking hate hybrid build, fuck this game

I fucking loved the game, though the last act pacing is a little poor. The companions were great and the gameplay managed to update CRPG mechanics while being fun. Great sense of exploration and rewards. I know you can cheese the game if you make a party a single damage type (magical or physical) but it didn’t bother me.

I hope they’re able to do BG3 right. I’m sure a lot of faggots will be crying how it’s casualised.

We had like 20 threads a day when it was new you buffoon

I found it a lot better than the second one.
Huh, so that solves the problem of how the Switch will run the Blackpits fight.

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The overally vocal autistic BG fans are meaningless to the success of BG3. The primary audience is Larian and RPG fans, the vast majority of which have never played BG.

Fuck DOS1, the writing is very cringe. It's some sort of belgian """comedy""" no one gets


>play co-op and pick Beast
>lot of dwarves and other npc recognize him
>shit tons of documents and letters related to his story
>find out about the whole operation
>reach arx's sewers
>get mad at the queen and just kill her
honestly if they wanted to maker relateable it failed greatly.
Beast is also probably one of the nicest dwarf i've seen in any media, not even a single swear. I also made him looks like Gotrek since he got that eyeband

where can I find some good builds ? Unironically I never do my "own" build in RPG because i'm a brainlet and i'm scared of putting points into meme shit

then don' cum ova

Why is it so horrifically unbalanced?

>Not playing as an undead jester death knight

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>Caring for balance in singleplayer

is Undead rouge gud?

If you add necromancy, yes.

Worse than war rations these

How do I stop being so pleb with cRPGs?

Idk I had to do the final fight on easy because I just had no chance on classic mode

if i have no lockpick can i just smash the chest?

yes, as long you don't destroy private properties near people, just take the chest with you somewhere safe outside of town then smash it either with magic or ranged because you will make you will fuck up your melee weapon's durability

>he wasn't operating on a dozen different layers of cheese
The tea alone makes you stupid OP.

My problem is that I can't even get that far. I lose interest in these games very quickly.

>Not playing as a hot lizard girl
What's wrong with you?

Here, steam guides, reddit, or hell even fextralife has some solid build advice and thematic builds. It's not hard to find a good build as long as you aren't going for a hybrid build. Hell it's not hard to make one of your own with just the skill list and this general plan:

Attributes: Pump your damage stat(STR/Dex/INT), add memory as needed, wits and con if you're the designated 1st turn character/non-rogue/enrage crit build or you want to use a shield respectively, otherwise those stats and the other two damage stats you don't use get dumped.

Skills:1-2 point investments in your utility skill trees, otherwise max out your primary damage skill tree. This is either your element of choice as a magic damage dealer or warfare as a physical damage dealer (yes even blood mages invest in warfare).

Exceptions exist ofc, like pumping two-handed instead of warfare or bumrushing summoning 10 instead of grabbing utility if you're going those routes, but you really can't fuck up a build by following these rules. This is a sample of what that looks like with Lone Wolf, you wouldn't normally be able to max out 2 stats/ability trees like this has but this was made with the guidelines in mind.

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Its pretty straight forward, put the points into stuff that give you skills or increase the damage of the source you prefer.
Finesse for poly/scoundrel stuff.
magic for the magic you want to use.
Strength/physical for warfare.
You can mix it up in any way you like.


My favorite build was a pyromancer lizard. It's very easy to get 100% fire immunity as a lizard with the Demon trait.

>Late game
>Get into a battle
>Every enemy goes first, obliterates your armour and gives you all of the status effects at once

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Bought this game a few weeks ago, anyone know some good builds for Red Prince? Can I make him a good tank or paladin build?

Necro/Blood Wizard

Something, something, darkness.

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Warfare/Necromancy worked well for me. I went single handed because more armour is always better and Bouncing Shield is busted as fuck.

You can break the entire game with that technique if there's a hatch/instanced door nearby. Just teleport whatever you need to kill (for exampel Adramalihk) over to the hatch, tank the first by designating a tank, then just have people pop out of the hatch, hit him once or twice, pop down, have another party member up there hit him, but before you go back down, bring the first one up again. You can just make the first turn last forever and kill anything this way

stew's good

ranger poly
necro/ summoner

>Not disbanding your party and moving them all into more advantageous positions while one member is trapped in the dialogue box.

>not cheesing every encounter by filling a chest with 5000 pounds of weight and airdropping everyone to death


>Ran away to the magister's little base
>stand out of sight near those screaming whatevers
>Teleport all the big blobs into them for 6666666 damage.

>everything is covered in necrofire
>figure I can get rid of it by turning it all into regular fire and raining
>think the game is stuck
>it was actually just converting all the fire, a tiny patch at a time which took about a minute
>decide it's not worth sitting around for another minute converting it to holy fire
>mfw the next turn the blobs turned it back into necrofire

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>fight instantly goes from manageable to fuckfest

Attached: it's raining kemm.webm (1000x600, 2.9M)

>Lohse depositing a fat log onto his face
baka scat fetishists

>Drink beer
>Die for the second time

Should of stuck your icky finger in it first, dumb bone poster.

i want a scarecrow asmr video

I had some really bad RNG on my last playthrough. Instead of having the kraken vomit out dudes for Alexander and pals to fight with, he just went up behind my entire party and hit them all with an AoE. Since there was nobody else around to fight, Alexander and co. just went over and slapped what was left of us down. If that had been on hardcore I would have been pissed.

>Nobody ever talks about this game on this board
>what this board plays is gacha, weebshit and waifutrash

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>Be Fane
>Cast his source skill
>get the effect doubled
Bonus points if you're also first in ititiative usually, that way you get four turns in a row

>the anti-lucian weapon you build through the entire game break in one hit, meaning you'll have lower DPS since you need to spend 1 turn changing weapon
whoever got this idea should be fired

>fane+elf mask
>blood sacrifice
>blood storm
>time warp
>blood storm
>grasp of the starved
Literally nothing can survive this. Nothing even at the highest difficulty. Time warp is such a bullshit skill there is no reason to pick anything different

you mean the anti Braccus Rex one? Yeah that was stupid

go play some weebshit gacha or waifugarbage for virgins lmao

You mean the one that only breaks if you basic attack, rather than using skills with it?

That part of the game was the only one where you could transform to a Dragon and fight on the land. You could focus on the guy that had swallowed the thing that prevented you from transforming and then kill them with ease.

not to toot my own horn but I did the final fight so fast on tactician that braccus and his stupid worm never even appeared because he died so fast
pretty funny that I cucked myself out of a major story reveal

Larian is such a great company. I hope Baldur's Gate 3 does well.

Weebs is the founder and one of many users since Yea Forums inception retard newfag


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Do I have to play the first one to play the second?

I always end up being bored in the first zone because i've done it like 5 times but also never finished the game.

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No you don't.

>I always end up being bored in the first zone because i've done it like 5 times but also never finished the game.
had the same happen to me, if you can power through it gets so much better

and for post-nerf lone wolf

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>narrator sometimes narrates horrible, dark shit and I don't bat an eye
>narrator narrates poetic sex
why the fuck was it so uncomfortable?

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imagine being a voyeur watching a couple go at it.
Now add in a middle aged man that narrates the whole thing in your ear.

the narrator reminds me of medievil's gargoyles

aaaand dropped

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>faggots saying PoE sucks because RTwP, when it sucks cause its boring balanced garbage.
Kingmaker is superior RTwP done right.
Hell, even Kotor and DAO are decent RTwP.

You failed to make counterpoints everything that dude said was true os2 is the skyrim of crpgs

If os2 is a cRPG that is.

PoE has a lot of variety that's also meaningful choice because it's fairly balanced, I just wish you could play the first game with the gameplay of the 2nd because it's really hard to care about a character that didn't go through the first game.

My biggest issues with divinity OS2 is that alot of characters are seriously deviantart tier OCs. Malady is a big example, having super cool spirit powers and being more capable than the godwoken, and always talking like she's rolling her eyes.

Thought she was hot

Her VA is pure sex, can't argue with that.
She's also pure sex in PFKM.

And you can actually fuck her in PFKM. Win-win.

Did her VA change in that new game they are releasing btw? Sounded different to me in the trailer

She also has a vulnerable side when it comes to the topic of the price she has to apparently pay for becoming so powerful (something with a demon probably, forgot) and if I remember right the only reason she wanted to aid someone to Divinity is so that they can help her with it. I expected that to be DLC but I guess not.

Goddamn retard, did you just escape out of a zoo?
The game is like 2 years old, and we had threads about it constantly for months.
Its the best isometric rpg in the recent years.

>play game for the first time
>decide for whatever the fuck reason to pick hardest mode
>not just that, but instead of focusing on a melee or magic build I do my usual faggot build where I mix both cuz I love magic knights
>during Fort area I literally have to complete every single quest, as well as kill a couple NPCs, so I can have every bit of exp to make my team stronger to beat the harder fights

I legit spent like 50~60 hours before I got to the fucking part where you get a ship.
Burned myself out so I dropped before finishing but I did had plenty fun.
Kinda wish I had a friend to play with since the start, I imagine it would have been a blast.

Giving your companion AI free reign is pretty fun too. I love it that I can't necessarily get my way.

how long before switch version goes on sale, lads? $20 eshop credit Nd I want steam integration. Maybe 2 weeks tops...

The armor system is really a turn off for me, I just hope they won't add this shit for BG3

It's old and doesn't have the most replay value ever.

never lol

>finally get to city
>hanging around the center get stopped by a woman
>she is a guard and wanna take my bro Ifan for some reason
>refuse and they try force
>big ass battle that I wasnt prepared for breaks in the middle of the city
>pools of blood everywhere when we done
I love when shit like this happens.

Are there still thicc orc women in this game?

because Yea Forums is nothing but marketing shills and smash threads

>don't like it don't buy it xD
If you were a developer you would be out of business


a big reason why I love crpgs is because of stuff like what you just described. DOS does it particularly well, I think

Bruh look at this dude

if you change fundamental aspects of your product every time someone moans you'll never ever release it

What an appropriate response for such a watered down point and click adventure game

I want Fane to be a full on necromancer, raining blood and healing in it and shit. Any build guides for this?

fucking newfag

if you have a smaller party do they each get more xp?

Ahahahaha he didn't even notice

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Switch lite

I actually just picked it up. Playing Lone Wolf because I'm not a huge fan of party management.
Any tips? The first few hours were a bit of a slog but once I got some decent gear and skills it got waaay better. Only thing I'm worried about is missing out on portions of the game because I never got any of the companions from the first area; I've been having fun playing completely solo. Can I get any of them back to do their stories/quests or are they just a small bit of flavour?


The whole rtwp vs turn based shitstorm exists only because the devs are desperately trying to figure out which group to pander to with this shit. See: PoE. Seems to work out well enough for them, what with all the expansions for that game.

if you want a companion, decide before continuing on the ship that escape fort joy
anyone you don't pick in your group will die, last chance to get them is on the escaping ship before telling to sail further away

>The first few hours were a bit of a slog
Welcome to the entire game

You're a fucking idiot, this is embarrassing for everyone.

>being embarrassed for anonymous on Yea Forums
I'm laughing my ass off at the guy but you're a complete joke as well

>still can't sage
first decade on Yea Forums?

>anonymous on Yea Forums
But he's not anonymous nor is he on Yea Forums.

You mad or something

>got fucked by Ifan as a skeleton
>no-one ever questions the logistics of this

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I walked into that last one but the first one is just reaching.

Full-on support summoner with the occasional frisbee shield.

Will they all be on the escaping ship or do I need to backtrack to get them before then? If I just grab 3 at random then part ways with them after that sequence, will I be able to go back and do their unique things one at a time?

newfag general?

>still hasn't figured it out

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So you are mad

reminder that necromancy is a hard crutch for retards and the only valid build in a game like this is a cheesemancer


most op weapon?


I wonder how long it will take for you to figure it out.

Don't you have some memes to post in your discord?

>her long finger makes it's way inside you
It was way more graphic than I was expecting.

You really have no idea what you're doing wrong?

Fuck off retard, this isn't reddit

You're obviously more familiar with reddit than this website, friendo.

I wasn't aware reddit had a sage option that you can fail at miserably lmao

Summer ended a month ago, faggot

Smells worse over here

>western games

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Why are you retards so easy to bait, are you actually from reddit?

>comparing a turn based game with a beat em up

I sitll have no monye to buy it and every year I have less and less money, because the politicians in my country suuuuuuck

yakuza gameplay is braindead dogshit with no challenge whatsoever. yakuza fans are delusional retards.

Fuck off retards. I have posted here for over 10 years and there has never been nearly as many weebs and faggots as there is now. It's been just in the last couple years that there has been a massive increase in these "ironic weebs" who don't actually play games and are just annoying pieces of shit

>posts the yawnmost game

have sex

Necromancy isn't a sufficient crutch for shit. Even if you make tanky builds, they get eaten up by anything with any modicum of power and locked down by Glitter Dust/Knockdown loops/etc.

The true patrician's build strat in these games is Lone Wolf Itemancy, where you have a Grenadier and an Archer punish enemies for every weakness they show. Though the most powerful build in the game is pure Aerothurge/Hydro and just freeze/stun locking everything

I love this game but it's a bit boring alone. With friends this game is a blast