What went wrong?
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will wright got a blank cheque and infinite time from EA, won a bunch of awards long before the game came out and still managed to fuck it up. the natural answer is to blame EA, but i think the real blame is on will.
I unironically brought this shit and the "dlc" with additional cute and monster parts. A fucking lot of money to here and my modern standards for shit game...
And I can't share or use my own old creations any more because EA closed all servers.
>niggas be shitting on Spore of all things
This game has more going for it than 90% of the crap that is being shoveled out today. It's hard to invest 60+ hours in a game anymore, no problem with that in Spore.
I tried to be about seven different games at once.
The character creator was fun, and so was the amoeba stage, but as soon as you got on land and changed in to some kind of soft-RTS it became a slog.
God this is depressing
It was all shallow
I forgot to post this web
I was playing the game a couple of weeks ago. Sporepedia was up and working fine.
Making dumb lewd creatures and running them through user made levels in Galactic Adventures is pretty much the best part of Spore.
wait they shut down the servers? what kind of bullshit is that?
It was fun if you didn't hear any of the hype, I literally found out about it from a shitty free phone game in 2006 that was a bastardized version of cell stage.
It's obviously shit compared to what it could have been, but even nowadays it's not too awful to just fuck around in creature stage for a half hour or so.
no dick monsters on the box art
Honestly, not much until you advance beyond the tribe sequence.
Manually setting colonies is ungodly tedious.
Amoeba stage sucked ass, though. Creature stage is where it's at. And if you got the galactic adventures pack there's shitloads of actually great content, if the servers are still up, that is.
I remember playing some kind of adventure series called quackenstein or some shit. It was great.