Is Barret black?

Is Barret black?

he looks Asian to me

Attached: 74490184-3A02-4CD2-B2E5-2D1D2721CC72.jpg (1024x576, 68K)

He's an American.

He's Blasian. Black and asian. The best race combination.
t. blasian

Cloud looks so silly. Also that menu style isn't going to age well.

He’s mulatto

Attached: Real-Time Combat.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Attached: Real-Time Combat 2.webm (1366x768, 2.92M)


There is no Africa in FFVII.
There is no Asia.
There is no Europe.
There is no North America.
There is no South America.
There is no Oceania.
There is no Antarctica.

Attached: cu5dg01.jpg (1076x579, 104K)

Attached: gugeth.jpg (1076x579, 87K)

Barret is Samoan

with that beard

my condolences user

It looks so soulless.

They definitely lightened his skin

Poor NiggerGook. Are you welcomed anywhere?

There's no Oceania irl either user.

Might just be the lighting

Red XIII was cut from the game.

he looks like a much larger neymar

technically it's a region not a continent