at what age did you grown out of Pokemon, Yea Forums?
At what age did you grown out of Pokemon, Yea Forums?
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stay on Yea Forums you big bitch
when i caught all the pokemon in gold
Never will, grew up with it since Blue and LGPE is the only title I've skipped.
I dont grow out of game series I enjoy. I just realized Pokemon was going to shit so I stopped buying them. Simple as that.
Around 7 to 8 max
Around 14. Emerald just came out and I got a bit through it, and realized it was just more of the same again. There weren't any redeeming qualities of the games. Gameplay wasnt that great, story and characters were practically nonexistent, poor dialog, bad (although catchy) music. There just wasn't anything good about the games. There still aren't, really. Pokemon being as huge as it is baffles me. The core games are so weak.
When did online battles start? I stopped when "having fun" wasn't an option and if you wanted to win against other players, you had to be prepared to fight at least three pseudo legenderies and three starters every...single...match. I miss just making a team of Pokémon you like and not worrying about IV/EV/Meta.
gen 8, no national dex no buy
Last week when I played X.
>at what age did you grown
I still fap to Lucario
This user is the kid at school that lies.
formerly Chuckemon
Unironically Gen 1. still fap to anthro pokemon every now and then though
Sneedle's Feedle & Weedle
when i became old enough to browse Yea Forums
so like 2 years ago
>never played the games
>still watch the show
I didn't "grow out" of Pokemon. The franchise itself just became to shitty to stay invested in it since 3DS games hit the shelves. Last one I bought and finished was Omega Ruby and I got it only out of sheer nostalgia. Got X before that and couldn't even bring myself to beat it. Haven't played any official pokegame since than and still have that poke-itch unscratched since.
Now this here is a strange fella.
I played the Sapphire remake last. My brothers bought me whatever came out after that, but I'm pretty sure I never even got to picking the starter and I was bored. You can only grind through so much.
>I miss just making a team of Pokémon you like and not worrying about IV/EV/Meta.
This. While minmaxing can be fun in pokemon it isn't. Now datamining just kills games' fun outright.
I didn't grow out of pokemon, it pulled away from me.
>games get progressively less challenging each entry
>constantly adding gimmicks to the formula (mega evolutions are fucking horse shit and Z-moves are just a stupid idea in general)
>make the exact same mistakes every entry
>content-devoid endgames
>still perpetuating definitive editions rather than just releasing a complete fucking game from the start
>pokedex has bloated far beyond the point of all logic
Never got into it in the first place
After platinum
>bad (although catchy) music
>playing video games in general isn't childish
SwSh are cutting down the dex and z-moves are gone. I think mega s got cut too
I was 15. I bought Pokemon Platinum, knowing that D/P would have a 3rd game and man I just couldn't bring myself to play it. I found it so goddamn boring.
I haven't played a game in the series since.
10 or 11 then i switched to magic for a few years before realizing collecting cardboard is pointless and sold everything.
>SwSh are cutting down the dex and z-moves are gone. I think mega s got cut too
Okay fucking awesome, except they've already proven that despite de-bloating the game they haven't devoted any of those freed resources into the fucking game.
Never got into it in first place, cos im not soiboi
>Growing up from entertainment
Never. I just got off of the ride since GF nosedived into shit after B2/W2.
I grew out of it by gen v when it really went to shit. Went back in gen 6 when there was a lot of hype, then lost interest again in gen 7
Just before gen 3 came around. So around the age of 12.
Diamond and Pearl was fucking garbage
21 years old currently
True, but I actually did.
The last one I was heavily into was Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Was during the in-between for childhood and pre-teen so it was the last one to have a nostalgic tinge to it. Remember playing with 4-5 kids in my class and having a fucking blast with battling trading and the tunnel shit. After that I've still played the new games but they all feel empty without my childlike wonder and nostalgia in the mix.
when I lost my Silver version my senior year of high school and had to swallow 10 years of work going down the shitter
I bought and played Red/Blue/Yellow as a wee lad and that was it.
14, when Ruby and Sapphire came out.
I didn't grow out of it, just got fed up with the quality. If they actually tried harder, I'd probably still play.
Surely you don't think everything catchy has to be good.
>Pokemon being as huge as it is baffles me. The core games are so weak.
Yeah, I've been confused about this for years.
Honestly everything after GSC I wasn't super in to, so probably then. I emulated RSE and didn't really like it.
>pokedex has bloated far beyond the point of all logic
I always thought that adding shitloads of Pokemon each game was dumb and was going to corner them eventually. The fact that they're cutting it down in Sword and Shield is something I actually think is good, but something the fanbase hates, of course.
I lost steam in gen 5 and I've been completely disconnected since 6. I did try gen 7 but it just never clicked.
>The fact that they're cutting it down in Sword and Shield is something I actually think is good, but something the fanbase hates, of course.
Now if they were doing it for important reasons intead of lazyness I'd tell you it is a good point that I don't share personally
DS. Looks like I jumped ship just in time.
Well yeah, admittedly there's a lot of bad Pokemon tunes out there, especially how the new ones try to follow the same progression of the older tunes like
Yeah I'm of two minds about that. They've been fucking lazy forever and I hate that they're still lazy despite not playing the games anymore, but I am glad that they're cutting down on the Pokedex and that their laziness actually has fans mad for once, but fans are made over what I consider a good thing that came from a bad reason.
I was never into Pokemon to begin with. I win.
>it appeals to you so it shouldn't be bad.
There's this song I don't like that has the lyric "If you like what you see, put a ring on it", and I get annoyed every time I see a reference to it because the parts of the song that I do know get stuck in my head for a little while despite not being appealing to me.
Ah, yes. But I don't call those fans, I call then fanboys since they're utter faggots.
17. Only got back into it because my chink friend played it.
Got burned out and never touched a pokemon game since.