>Perfect games don't exis-
Perfect games don't exis-
I always was somewhat interested in it, but never bothered checking about it, what's the gist of it?
you play as a ghost with time traveling powers trying to solve the mystery of your own death
Get out of this thread fast and play it. Its a very engrossing story thats easily spoiled. Emulate it, download it, buy it, whatever you have to do, I promise its colorful and a great story with great writing
Kay thanks i will
Imagine the Ace Attorney series beyond the bounds of the court room scenes in a insane way. That's Ghost Trick. It's all the best of AA and even more.
Basic plot summary is that you died but have no recollection of how it happened, but you have the power to possess items in the world to move or otherwise influence them and the ability to turn back in time to the time before someone's death. Thus you try and piece together what happened using these newfound abilities.
It's a very easy puzzle game but it's really enjoyable.
Listen to and get out now. Play it, don't stay in this thread.
Calm down, user. We're not about to spoil some newbie.
Not him, but I was spoiled by these threads
No replayability = Not perfect.
>No replayability
Brainlet spotted.
>a white lovely man
Oy vey, that's problematic
Uh, it literally gets spoiled in every single GT thread, over and over.
Yes, literally. I have never seen a single GT thread that hasn't spoiled it eventually, and I've been around a long time.
Great game, dumb ending.
puzzle game where you draw lines and move objects.
Well, he can't get spoiled if the thread dies first. It's not like there's much to actually talk about.
True enough. That will also be a first for me, typically these threads go for a while.
The only game I've pirated, played, realized how damn amazing it was, and then ran out to buy an actual copy to play it all over again.
Sissel dies
This game is the closest any game has come to its theoretically perfect version
Missile is best dogo in any videogame and a really good boy, that's a fact
Is talking about spoilers really the only way to keep these threads alive?
We could talk about spoiler culture, and how everyone's become so spoiler adverse you can't talk about anything on a public forum without someone sperging out about it
Anyone played this?
The premise sound almost like Ghost Trick's but trailers made it feel like a cinematic Telltale game
But with this game in particular, people that have played it do not even want to talk spoilers. I understand those that haven't played it freaking out about it like always, but this games story gets so much respect from its fans that they believe everyone is owed the same pure experience. But that means that there is barely no discourse on this game asside from PLAY IT and OMG MISSILE. So far away from its initial release, I guess it makes sense how few people still are passionate enough to want to talk spoilers.
Even I am hesitating now
What can you do? Game is so short you either talk in these threads having beaten it or before you've even started it.
It has its plethora of memorable moments, but the game has been talked to death by this point.
it has one flaw, the fact that it's handheld
Oh, I played that. It's pretty shit.
While it amuses me that the rewards for completing sidequests essentially amount to creepypastas the gameplay itself consists of very simplistic stealth where you traverse buildings whose walls you can phase through, being a ghost and all, to try and gather evidence while avoiding or killing the evil ghosts that chase you.
I honestly wouldn't recommend it, found it awfully boring and unremarkable. It even holds back on the main gimmick of being a ghost through making plenty of buildings and other such walls unphaseable due to buildings in Salem being blessed.
This game is basically Ghost Trick but then an actual detective game rather than a puzzle game. But the characters and writing are not even close to GT level.
Which is a bit of a shame, if only because the best part of GT is playing it the second time and seeing all the little bits of foreshadowing, and the suspense leading towards the climax. One of the really great things about it is that even if you're spoiled on the entire plot, it's still an outstanding ride because it was written with the intent it would be played more than once.
Damn, shame.
>absolutely no replay value
Nah not perfect
I know, I was excited for it back when it came out but it really didn't make for a good game.
If you're determined to play it yourself you could probably get it for really cheap, but don't expect much.
I replayed it 4 years after my initial playthrough and that second playthrough was better than the first. After your first playthrough you will remember the larger twists, but after enough time goes by the you will forget about the smaller twists. The game has so many mysteries you cannot all remember, that it is incredibly enjoyable to see the foreshadowing of the twists you remember and being blown away again by the twists you forgot.
My favorite instance of this is from right at the start of the game, where Lynne's confuses herself with Cabanela, establishing the groundwork that Sissel confuses themselves with Yomiel's body. The biggest plot twist is foreshadowed from the second text box of the game, and it paints the whole game in a different light, but not in a pretentious way.
Okay but consider how us normies that aren't suffering from early onset dementia must feel on a second playthrough
>how us normies
If you remember the entire plot of a game after spending 4 years away from it much must not be going on in your life.
This games writing is an incredible feat. The characters and plot developmemts are so well written, that the story is incredible even without the mysteries or even with knowledge of the mysteries. So having the mysteries spoiled on you does not completely ruin the game. The story is more about how these mysteries are possible and how characters attempt to find out. Same goes with Ace Attorney. The unfolding of the story ("the journey") is at least as exciting as the reward. It proves how great of a writer Takumi is. His characters and dialogue carry the story, so the pay-off does not make or break the game. Still, the pay-offs are amazing but even if they were not it would not ruin the game.
I just have healthy memory retention, maybe you can't relate
Nice projection, loser
When I play a game, I enjoy it and move on with my life. Considering how much tiny details and story developments there are to remember, it is not weird to forget most of a story. My first playthrough was also when I was less passionate about games than the second playthrough. Having played more mystery games in the meantime, my first Ghost Trick playthrough did not stand out anymore.
>dumb ending
*perfect ending
>ctrl + f cat
>no results
Fantastic experience, meh game.
Writing, characters, scenarios, overall plot, music, art style - All fucking TOP NOTCH.
Gameplay amounts to trial and error Rube Goldberg's machines that you could never possibly be able to solve with lateral thinking, and a few shitty stealth sections.
>shitty stealth sections
THANK FUCK I played this on an emulator as I abused the shit out of save states in there trying to figure out what the fuck to do
Funny how the DS and the 3DS had so many amazing titles despite both being mainly handheld systems. Like plenty of titles were a lot better than big main console games.
It's almost like limitations bolster creativity.
Like holy fuck, the rube goldberg "puzzles" were "fun", but no thought was required. But not EVERYTHING put you into a failure state that you had to redo.
it's probably the most I've ever enjoyed a game that's unfun to play
Really liked the ending.
The soundtrack was shit, though. And the gameplay was mediocre at best.
>The soundtrack was shit, though.
I was about to bitch you out for this, but then I went and listened to a few songs to prove you wrong.
I found ONE good song. The fucking title song.
The rest aren't godawful, but they're not what I remember or expect for a game with a story of this caliber
>.gameplay was mediocre at best.
Thank fuck people are realizing this. Great story, shit game.
I love these games with a veil of fun to its writing. You are always with a smile on your face while aldo taking the plot seriously. It's something i only see in japanese games.
I think it's more that on the DS developers weren't being pressured by publishers to make the game "look better", so more effort could be spent on the core elements instead. I find the proliferation of "only developers who face serious limitations can make good games" meme troubling; it's just not true.
Pic related is better
I think almost all the tracks are great and the game play was enjoyable. Being able to go into different objects to animate them and solve stuff is real cool, especially with other powers later on.
>Myst for nintentards
Gonna be a pass from me, dawg.
>Solve stuff
There's no solving. It's a Goldberg's machine. The actual point of it is that there IS no way to know what will happen next. It's just pointing and clicking until something happens with no thinking involved.