Was Twilight Princess really THAT bad? Like how did it manage to lose GOTY when it was the most hyped game ever

Was Twilight Princess really THAT bad? Like how did it manage to lose GOTY when it was the most hyped game ever

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It was an awkward moment when you got a game built off of the criticisms of Wind Waker only to realize it wasn't as good as Wind Waker

There's a constant clash between TP and WindWaker fags so the general consensus from Yea Forums is that both are bad. Moral of the story is don't listen to random people on the internet and form your own opinions or you'll end up a bugman with opinions you don't own.

Literally only Yea Forums thinks TP and WW are bad.

Look anywhere else on the internet and you'll see they are both loved, albeit for different reasons.


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Yea Forums hates everything.

It was an amazing game. One of the greatest ever made.

But it's Yea Forums, and if Yea Forums is anything,

>it's popular so it's bad

TPs biggest flaws are that it tries too hard to be the next oot, and at the parts where it isnt trying to be oot its even worse. Not a bad game by any means, but its a weak entry in the series

The key to any good video game is to start with a bang. Twilight Princess is the literal opposite. You spend over an hour herding goats and feeding fish, then another hour and half as furry link killing bugs and collecting tears. After all that you finally get into your first dungeon at the 3 hour mark.
You can probably guess a lot of players never made it past the tutorial because of how boring it was. It's a shame too, because after you get the Master Sword it finally becomes a real Zelda title since wolf link becomes a powerup used for a few things instead of hours of tear hunts.

-Crappy music
-uninspired map/level design
-easy as shit, not even a little hard
-terrible colour scheme
-terrible bosses (except for skateboard boss)
-tutorial area is way too long

Fucken sucked.

I like TP because of how comfy the beginning was

The fact that nothing in either 2005 trailer made it into a game that came out the following year is beyond disappointing.

Twilight Princess is still better game and better Zelda than BOTW.

>it wasn't as good as Wind Waker
Except it was. All WW has over TP is looking nice.

If Final Fantasy X didn't exist, Wind Waker would be the most magical game of all time

>Eh? Nah. Uh... Shilly shally dilly dally. I'm a dream.

FFX is literally one of the worst fucking games ever created, solely based on Titus' fucking character. Do not even begin to try and compare FFX to Wind Waker.

>If Final Fantasy X didn't exist, Wind Waker would be the most magical game of all time

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The dungeons are pretty good but everything else is a fucking snorefest. Its also baby tier easy, I know Zelda isn't supposed to be hard but its just too much

>HD Remaster didn't remove the Tear sections
The first like 4 hours is just obnoxiously long and tedious

I liked it but it felt short and tiresome at the same time as the dungeons are kind of weird in the sense that are both BIG, empty and confusing at times.

I think it is mostly the length and level design which drags the whole experience down. At times nothing goes on, you just go from A to B, which is very boring as it tried to go open world.

Art style wise, I thought it was superb.

It's still my favorite game 12+ years later so no, it's not "that bad".

Remember how pol says centrists are morons who believe opinions in between exaggerations might hold the factual truth.

Well this proves pol right because both opinions are retarded and in between retardation is still retardation.

Both of you faggots are wrong.
It is not Goty but shitting on the art style and music is nitpicking at best.

Fun fact: none of these games are good. Boring stories, boring sword gameplay, boring puzzles, boring movement, boring characters, boring graphics, boring everything

user, how slow of a person are you to have taken an hour to finish your chores in Ordon and hours to find the bugs when it's twenty minutes at worst considering most of them are in close proximity of each other?

Wind Waker is garbage and objectively one of the worst Zeldas to date, FFX easily dabs on it's corpse in spades.

I finally got around to emulating this game a few years back, I can definitely understand the criticisms.
It's been about three years now and I haven't felt the need to replay it, especially with that long intro and tedious bug catching.
It annoyed me how you would only be using an item in the dungeon you find it in. Once you finish that dungeon, you can sit your new tool in your inventory next to the other useless gizmos until the end of the game.
Overall it was just "good enough", with a few nice moments here and there to keep you from dropping the game.

The best part about playing it wasn't the game itself, but the nostalgia it brought out from around the time of it's release.
The 8.8 meme, ZONE's Midna flash, and pre-social media internet. I have such a fondness for that era when I was slowly starting to be absorbed into Yea Forums.

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The main problem with the game to me is wolf Link.
People rag on the tears of light as a tedious chore. But you're mostly going to new places in a visually unique environment, so it can't be because of repetition. Most of the tasks you do during the pre-dungeon phase as regular Link are just as repetitious and people don't complain about them nearly as much.
The main problem is that wolf Link just isn't very fun to play. He moves faster, but all his moves are worse. Combat is sluggish and boring, which is why the game almost never pushes you into combat as wolf. His platforming feels strange, and is barely held together by the out of place Midna jump. His other moves (dig and sense) are both boring and extremely situational, usually with massive signposts on when to use them.
The game has other problems of course, but wolf Link was clearly decided as a story mechanic long before there was any consideration as to how he would fit into gameplay.

It appealed only to furries.

First and only mention of that in this thread. Don't project on us, furfag.

If it wasn't Zelda nobody would give a shit about it

midna is just as annoying as navi
everything about the wolf form
world was large yet had no soul

It's not terrible, but it has probably the worst first act of any Zelda game. It takes like a solid 4 or 5 hours to actually get good.

lol no shit Sherlock homie

It was just a stealth remake of OoT (which was already a stealth remake of ALttP)

reimagining or spiritual successor maybe
in all reality it's its own beast and the art style exists in stark contrast to wind waker
the next main console entries met somewhere in the middle as a happy medium

Temples, items, and boss fights were really good (outside the Ganon on horse and final Ganon fight). The evolution of OoT’s combat was great. The art direction was also god tier.

I’d say what really hurt the game was how many of the locations had that same look to them, and none of the characters aside from Midna really stood out or did anything worth while, and riding Epona felt miserable and served little purpose once you could teleport as a wolf. You also had wide open fields with nothing in them and it made the game feel empty.

It was okay. At the moment it’s my least favorite 3D Zelda, but it’s still a good game.

>Epona felt miserable and served little purpose once you could teleport as a wolf....wide open fields with nothing in them and it made the game feel empty.
That's really all I can fault it for, I've never liked the Hyrule field of OoT nor TP.

I think the characters were my biggest gripe. For years Zelda has had wonderful and fun characters, in OoT you grew with multiple characters across time and each became pivotal for helping you to the end game, hell, in MM just about every character in that world had some interesting story or quest attached to them.

In TP every character besides Midna basically did nothing or served no purpose. Zelda and Ganon felt like an after thought, what’s her face only gives you the whistle to call epona when it has long since lost its use, they introduce the hylian resistance and they basically just amount to character you meet out somewhere, then they do nothing and go back home.

There were a few that were somewhat memorable like Ashei, Agatha, the depressed clowns, and the bartender with huge tits.

I really didn't enjoy the color palette of Twilight Princess and felt the whole Twilight aspect was really underutilized.

Ashei had a great design, but again, she didn’t do anything. Would have been neat to have a side quest or two where you got in some sparring with her or something.
Agatha was a good side character.

The bartender was okay too but again, it felt like she didn’t really contribute much to the grand scheme of things. Also, for how much the game pushed the kids and Ilia on you it would have been nice to have some payoff with them, but none of them really mattered.

If it weren’t for Midna being such a strong character I’d say the game had the most forgettable supporting cast yet.

I've tried to play it like 4 times but I always lose interest at the sand temple or whatever its called. I know people love it but I really just can't get into it.

it was good, people's expectations were through the roof so the actual game looked shitty in comparison.
yeah it was pretty much OoT 2: Electric Boogaloo but I don't really care. It was a nice change of pace to see a darker Zelda game, even if the forced wolf Link shit dragged on for too long

This is one of my biggest gripes with the game. The side cast is just boring. So is Zelda and Ganon

I like all the sword moves, even if the game is piss easy so it's not required to use 90% of them. Plus Link sheathing his sword after combat was stylish as fuck.

>the bartender with huge tits
Impa. That's Impa.
>I think the characters were my biggest gripe. For years Zelda has had wonderful and fun characters...you grew with multiple characters across time and each became pivotal for helping you to the end game....In TP every character besides Midna basically did nothing or served no purpose. Zelda and Ganon felt like an after thought, what’s her face only gives you the whistle to call epona when it has long since lost its use,
Slow down, you're so far off about TP I'd reckon you've not played it in years. There's so many characters in TP and they're so intertwined with the plot it's insane. Girl who gives you the whistle is Link's love interest and she and the kids get into danger which Link sorts out in a climatic series of scenes and events. Remember the archaeologist? or the cursed gem studded man with the poe sidequests? or the mailman who appears for comedic relief several times? or the yeti and his wife? how about the decendents of chicken people who live in a flying palace?
God I hate Midna. Zant is cool though, hurls that bitch, takes Link down memory lane fighting him just like the final boss of LA. Dude's so cool, and turns out just to be a puppet for Ganon. Turns Zelda into a puppet cause fuck it.
WW and TP are so so good.

TP is flawed but I think SS handled things even worse. SS had some very solid characters but they're all centralized in a single town that you have next-to-no motivation to spend any time in.
God I fucking hate SS.

>Impa. That's Impa.
I suppose she fills that role, but her name was Telma wasn't it? That one guy in Kakariko, Ronaldo or whatever, always struck me as more of an Impa type.

Skyward Sword is the only "bad" game from 3d Zeldas

>the first time you walk out into the rolling green hills of Hyrule Field and that epic battle music starts playing, exploring the land for until night sets and you bask in the moonlight with the sound of serene singing and the sight of glowing golden bugs in the distance
This game's atmosphere was off the fucking charts. The music was great, the combat was good (even if it was somewhat wasted thanks to being easy like all Zelda games), the graphics were surprisingly decent given the hardware... I don't know, I thought it was a decent title. IMO, the biggest flaws were the unnecessary wolf sections, the lack of use for certain items outside dungeons, and the inability to play any dungeons out of order. OoT is still the better game, but TP is legit.

I don't remember the dungeon order, but if you've never played the Yeti dungeon, you really should. TP is a subpar Zelda but the Ice dungeon is probably the single best dungeon in the entire series.

Would have been GOTY without the wolf segments breaking up the flow of the game.
Also the wiimote wagglin was really poorly done and I regret not getting it on the gamecube instead.

At least it's not Skyward Sword.


Not him but I hear people say this all the time and I couldn't disagree more. Other than the part where you fight the knights, the whole dungeon was so repetitive, boring and visually uninteresting. It was just running around little frosty areas pushing blocks. The real kino dungeon of TP is fire temple.

Yeah that must be after the sand one, I don't remember doing it ever.
You know me playing the wii version might be the reason why I always drop the game. Its been a while but I don't really remember the controls being awful.

All the forced wolf stuff is absolutely awful but the linearity is the worst of it, where it constantly just erects arbitrary twilight walls that prevent you from doing anything except going down a boring linear path for the first third of the game. Once things open up, it's a great game, but it takes so long to get to that point that it really ruins the game for me. I will never replay it because of how fucking awful the whole first third of the game is.

Wii version is trash. There's no way to rotate the camera around you, and it's missing some features like the ability to back flip off Epona. emulate or buy the Gamecube version.

yeah but midna tho so it's at least a 6/10

It has a fantastic atmosphere, solid puzzles, a unique theme, a unique item for the series, and a great boss fight. It's everything a Zelda dungeon should be.
The Fire temple had nice aesthetics and a cool boss, but 99% of my memory of it is just the dogshit sumo minigame.

Wii U version is a good pick too.

It's been awhile but isn't the sumo part just something you do one time before you even get into the dungeon? It only lasts like 2 minutes anyway. What I liked about fire temple was the diversity; one minute you're exploring the cramped little caverns filled with hazards and puzzles, the next you're dumped out into big open areas that give you breathing room to snipe enemies from a distance or engage in large brawls. I don't know man, I thought it was pretty sweet.

The thing I don't like about the Wii version is that they A) added unnecessary things like the larger wallet and poe lantern that trivialize certain aspects of the game, and B) the higher resolution textures and lack of bloom just make the environments seem less magical and ethereal. Still a vastly better version than the Wii but GC will always be my top pick.

>There's no way to rotate the camera around you
Goddamn how did I not remember that? No wonder I could never bring myself to finish the game.
Is it just a port of the gamecube version with better graphics? That sounds like the best option for me since I still actually own a wii u. Can I still buy it from the eshop?

>about the Wii version
meant to say Wii U version

yeah, the lack of camera rotation fucking killed it for me. it was literally the same as OoT where you had to switch camera direction by facing Link where you wanted to look and pressing Z. GCN and WiiU both let you rotate 360 degrees with the right stick like any normal 3rd person game. give it another go, it makes a huge difference.

true, I almost quit my first playthrough because it barely felt like a Zelda game at all. the rest of the game is kino as hell but that doesn't excuse the beginning chunk of the game and definitely knocks it down a few points.

TP was awesome. Zelda needs to go back to Termina though, those sidequests were fun

yea you're right lol my bad oops
oh yeah

Wii U version is mostly the same as the GC version with a few QOL features that some people don't like. The fact that they cut down on some of the tedious wolf shit in it though is enough to make it the best version as far as I'm concerned.

the beginning of the game would be so much better if they had just sent you to hyrule field first instead of making you do the faggot forest dungeon. that big nosed blonde fuck gets you all hyped up for your journey and then you spend the first 4 hours dicking around as a wolf and saving monkeys. if they had let you explore hyrule field before any of that, it would have been a nice dose of freedom and exploration that was desperately needed after the tutorial. once you're past the first dungeon though, the game does legitimately get good.

Yeah I can see that being a big improvement
What are the QoL features they added? I remember being bored with the wolf shit so having less of that sounds great.

>once you're past the first dungeon though, the game does legitimately get good
I cannot disagree strongly enough. The game doesn't get good until you're finally done with all the light bug shit and can transform into a wolf at will which is like 3 dungeons in. Until that point the game is just fucking tedious. The only positive aspect of that whole first segment of the game is the fire dungeon.

Something about games with really detailed intros but a piddly endgame makes it my pet peeve. There is literally no reason to have this godawfully long tutorial about your shitty kids
evil dimension and wolf sections only for none of them to matter by the halfway point.

I don't remember the QoL features honestly. I remember there were some but I could not tell you waht they were. The only thing that really mattered to me was cutting down on the wolf shit. There's still too much of it (any amount is too much), but at least there's less.

by that point I just accepted it and blew threw the wolf shit as fast as possible. if you take the time to fully explore hyrule field and any areas that are open at that time before moving on, it won't feel as tedious

No matter how much you love the game, surely you can recognize that it's terrible design to have to actively ignore what the game encourages you to do in order to actually enjoy the first 5 or 6 hours of it. I do like TP once it opens up, but for those first three dungeons it's as bad as SS.

I mean yeah, I'm not saying the game is perfect or anything. the wolf sections fucking blow dude lol. i'm just saying, taken as a whole experience, the game was good, and the tedium you're describing is lessened when you look at that first 1/3 of the game as a series of "boring, good, boring, good" instead of just straight boring. it sucks that you had to go sniff shit every time before and after something cool happened, but that doesn't lessen how cool the good stuff was. getting to explore hyrule field for the first time, the fire temple, etc., those parts were epic as fuck even if the padding on the sides wasn't.

you either enjoy the game or you don't, that's all

I just looked them up and it seems like nothing major other than making wolf link less tedious. I guess having the gamepad be your inventory is nice too. It also said that they don't fucking tell you what rupees are worth every damn time you pick one up anymore. That specifically annoyed the fuck out of me.

twilight princess is shit and the bosses are too easy

IIRC the rupees only display that text the first time you pick up one up when you start the game. i.e. if you pick up a blue rupee it'll tell you, but the next blue rupee you pick up won't display anything until you restart the game. still gay, but it's not that big a deal really.

main issue with entire series

That might explain why I could never get into it. I loved the aesthetic and on three separate occasions I tried playing it, only to give up after the first few scenarios. I'm not a hardcore fan of the series but it just wasn't addicting like the others were to play.

stop posting your shit opinions and just post Midna.

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>midna, surrogate for a small bitchy Asian wife
>not wanting to inseminate the highly superior thiccsucc ginger mommy Impa who craves your elven cock

Arguably it's just as bad to go out with a whimper too. Nothing about the G-Dorf but he had no real stake in the plot and his dungeon comes right after another even shittier one (Which is right after another one as well).

fuck midna

Yeah, I hear you. When I play a game I always try to get the tedious parts over with as fast as possible. Just plow through of all of bullshit like story, world building, and atmosphere.

both are good

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It was the wrong kind of filler shit for sure but a part of me enjoys being able do a couple hour binge session and still having not put a dent into the game's narrative. Except maybe Okami that dragged a bit near the end