Alien: Isolation

I loved Alien Isolation when it first came out and it's my personal 2014 GOTY. I'm replaying it for the first time in a few years and god damn this first human encounter on Hard is a motherfucker.

Alien Isolation thread, I guess. If you haven't played it yet, go fucking play it.

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>2014 was half a decade ago

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Yeah time flies.

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I tried to like this game but I got bored with all the stealth stuff. I thought I was going to be derping around an Aliens-style ship, not dodging synthetics who keep calling me hysterical.

fuck off fuck off fuck off.

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Protip: if you're playing on PC, there are some simple .ini tweaks to make the game look a bit better. I personally don't love the enhanced planar reflections look, so I didn't enable this one this time around, but here's the link:

Also Alias Isolation is a must considering that the in game anti aliasing isn't the best:

I also installed the Unpredictable Alien mod just to mix things up, but I haven't encountered it yet to see how well it works.

Fair enough. It's not a perfect game by any stretch, so I see how not everyone would have loved it.

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I remember when I played it for the first time I think I encountered the alien by accident before it was scripted to show up. (after the initial reveal but before the first "real encounter"

It was during a mission with a bunch of the androids and after stealthing around them for the entire level you are supposed to book it for the elevator.

As I was running down the hallway with 2 of the androids chasing me I ran under a vent and it popped out and killed me. I have since done that level multiple times and I have NEVER seen it again.

Scared the shit out of me tho.

That sounds about right. AI is one of only a couple games to actually give me one or two nightmares. It's so goddamn good.

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Damn the game still manages to look great.

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I'm not sure if it was supposed to happen or not but he got me while I was waiting for the tram to arrive right after Axel got rekt. I just stood there in the open wondering why the tram was taking so long when the camera spun around to the xeno's mouth.

Oh damn. I wonder if it's meant to happen every once in a while just to fuck with you. I wouldn't be surprised.

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nobody else?

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Taylor a cute

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uh oh big mommy just showed up

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How much is that bitch supposed to weigh? Always sounded like a sumo wrestler was moving around in the vents when I played. I'm surprised it can sneak up on anything.

lol never thought about it myself, but there seems to be a lot of nerd talk about this. The aliens wiki says that an adult xenomorph can range from 136-181kg/300-400lbs and from my quick googlefu, the avp forums seem to confirm this.

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I think I'd like Isolation better if the pacing wasn't so goddamn slow. It's one of the few games that I think is too long. The entire segment/flashback where you find the beacon is unnecessary padding that should have been cut, for example.

Also, I hate the slow movement speed. Even if you run it's like barely quicker than a power walk.

God damn it, I was so close. This fucking game.

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I don't really understand this desu, are you on a time limit? Just take a break. It won't take long until you're eager to play again. They could have cut out a bit at the end but stuff like the long interlude after getting rid of the Alien helped the pacing I think.

lol this guy isn't gonna make it.

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he didn't make it. RIP idiot.

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One of the best gameplay videos I already watched

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stupid sexy Alien.

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haha, really funny op really fu-

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>fine, I guess I'll have to find my way in

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welp, I feel sorry for whoever hasn't played this game yet.

It's getting late, so I'm signing off. I'll keep this tab open for a little while, but it doesn't seem like people here are keen on the game.

There's a port of alien isolation happening on the switch, wait a little while and you'll be able to talk again about it in active threads.

Looks dark as fuck, I thought I had my gamma set up correctly so maybe yours is fucked up

Maybe. I like dark things being dark. Maybe your monitor's not set up correctly.

Tfw you can't save her

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>That finger ready to go up its butt before having second thoughts