Post your Moze

Post your Moze are playing as Moze right user..?

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nah i'm maining the uninstall wizard lol

> Sideways Moze because im phoneposting and can’t be bothered to change

Why what’s wrong user?

Not on steam and too expensive on console for my region

What the fuck is moze

That looks genuinely worse than BL2.

Why would I be playing as anyone when it's another in Gearbox's series of loot shooters that manages to do nothing better or in a more interesting way than any other game in terms of gameplay, mechanics, story, or really anything that would make a game worth playing at all?

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> yes

> doesn’t post his moze

user c’mon

I'm playing as the Indian chick since my friend wanted to play as Fl4k, how is Moze? Also another friend of mine is having trouble buying the game from the Epic store did anyone else have this problem?

I’m playing as amara, can’t wait to setup big space magic punch combos on bosses with her cool glowing arms

I don’t play on PC so I can’t say unfortunately. As for Moze, the mech is really fun and has a nice variety of weapons to choose from, I personally use the lock on rocket launchers. Nothing so far comes across as overpowered so i’m not certain what her optimal build will be.

I was gonna play Amara but decided that melee builds weren’t for me. Is she fun?

Holy based

Not yet, still haven’t figured out how to punch with her magic arms.

Attached: r6-operators-list-mozzie_343537.png (300x500, 245K)

>stutter posting
Is there a more impotent limp wristed way of posting?

I will be once the crack hits.

Just got the game, mech seems really strong, what skill tree should I focus on?

>playing Moze
>which Japanese voice

this is the worst team ever.
four zanes is the only acceptable party