How do i beat the last boss ? He/zir/zim keeps pulling me into the gravity ray, every third time i can't get out of it.
Pretty fucking gay.
How do i beat the last boss ? He/zir/zim keeps pulling me into the gravity ray, every third time i can't get out of it.
Pretty fucking gay.
Less gay question.
How does the game supposed to flow? I'm still on D rank story missions, but I'm not allowed to reply previous ones.
Do they intend for you to do any grinding via online or free missions? It's not bad so far, but I feel like I'm blowing through early game
when do I get weapons that aren't shit and aren't silver ravens
Bring a healing shoulder, go to wing arms and boost out. Don't forget you can throw your weapons at it and punch it to death.
It gets harder, you can reply all the missions once you've beat the game.
Online drops good early game weapons
>defeat (enemy)
>it's inhumanely fast and barely attacks
>you aren't even supposed to beat it
How many times do they pull this shit? Just make it a cutscene.
What's the best beam sword? Also, do beam swords work depending on how much femto is available? Such as if I go for a strike with a Baldur's Edge with max femto, it would hit harder than a Baldur's Edge striking when there's less than the amount of femto that Baldur's Edge usually drains?
For the final arm augments, is melee range or melee damage more important? I picked a 25% range previously early in the tree, the problem with picking melee damage for the final tier means I cannot pick 25% reload speed in the 2nd last tier.
how in the fuck are you actually supposed to do the free mission solo train fight
Knock the train off the tracks, fall back, deal with everything else, then kill the train.
I got it to like 60% health and it never detached from the rest of the train, this is the one in the tunnel not the co-op one out in the open
Oh shit, I haven't gotten to that part yet. Does it still run away after a set time?
I have no idea, it seems to be going forever or at least for a good long while. You don't get allies or anything so its a real pain in the ass
Kill all the gun turrets then land on the train and just shoot it until it dies.
I always thought they had absurd health, so I never bothered with trying to kill them ever. thanks friend
How do I get STRONG in this game? Gunfort is kicking my ass.
The final boss succ sucks to the multiplayer exclusive eclipse boss
It's a sphere that does the blue shield fuck off attack, the succ, big laser beams, thin laser beams of high damage
oh and it multiplies it self so there are 3 of them roaming about
Also man the story in this game was retarded.
>all the possible customization and numbers autism shit that ac has
>absolutely unnecessary to pay attention to any of that when the game is easy as fuck compared to ac
I have no hope for PVP with how the game does player sync either.
They have more health than usual but there's more than enough time to kill all of them. Once they're gone you can just park yourself on the second car and hold down the fire buttons until the mission is over.
How? It basically can't hit you ever. Get a strong single shot weapon like a sniper or a shotgun and go to town on its kneecaps. The first time I fought it I died. The second time my partners died but I killed it in 18 minutes. By the fourth time I soloed it in 9 minutes and the seventh time I killed it in 2:15. Pay attention to your character upgrades. Do sidequests and farm for equipment with attachment slots, and good attachments. One of my Gunfort kills made it drop Bullet Performance Upgrades and now my shottie does like 10-15 damage per pellet.
Don't see why they couldn't fix online for PvP. Personally haven't had any issues in co op either. I'm more concerned about the stun guns and how fast these guys are
I'll try this, i'm getting decent drops from western VII 3 so i'm going to farm that a bit, got my defense up to 94.
Does every boss drop the same blueprint? Gunfort dropped one for some big shield but I've never used a shield and I don't think I ever will.
Where do I get the recipes for the secret shop? I'm C rank now and still haven't unlocked any of them.
Are they online or in one of the Free missions?
>solo gunfort multiple times without dying in demo
>get knocked out of bounds first time I encounter it in the full game
Not going to lie, felt kind of embarrassed
>the main story was retarded
It really was, lol @ all those pointless fights that could have been avoided.
There are Sidequests? Or do you mean the free missions? But I guess grinding for attachments is something I Should look into.
you know I think I figured out why the story is so retarded
im pretty sure you were suppose to pick an organization side and follow their story but instead due to time constants they mashed the stories all into one
Yeah I meant the free missions. Do any that have enemy Arsenals, and loot the Arsenals. The escort one on D Rank has good loot but it's an escort mission. The other one with several trillion drones has three Arsenal kills but the loot isn't as exciting. Farming Gunfort is good once you're able to.
The story was just boringly repetitive and a bit dumb up until the point where you find out the Oroborus people get ressed.
From that point forward everything just became full retard instead.
That's makes sense. If you go through the messages one of the early talks about how they can't wait to see the decisions you make
I'm super early into the game, and I assumed you would be able to join a faction because otherwise why introduce them all? I have to assume they meant to but budget and time killed the concept.
maybe pvp will have you join a faction or somethin, one could hope since they're doing it post-launch and all
I wouldn't mind if they brought back the whole territory system from acv
give me one reason to not use a gun arm
Have you fuckers seriously never played an AC game?
...I can't, just make sure you don't use two.
You lose a weapon slot in order to use just one weapon.
fight bosses and get 100% research
let not kid yourself, the genre is niche as fuck, i doubt 10% of this board ever play one of them
This isn't AC. Why would I have played games made by a different company for a totally different system?
>b-but this is a spiritual successor
It's literally not AC. I picked up an interesting-looking game for my Switch, not a PS3 or 360 game.
I want to fuck crown princess while she acts shy and like she doesn't care, then lift her earmuffs/headphones up and lick her ear
>was fighting near area bound
>he charged up his shield
>can't get out in time because i was under his ass
>got pushed right into the red zone and die instantly
Not them but what did you mean by this? I played 4A and I remember that game having paths, one of them having you fight like 5 NEXTS at once finale because you were a dickhead.
she cute
I'd fuck the "kill you later" girl
Most AC games don't have branching paths. At best you get a couple different missions at best. Only Last Raven and For Answer had true branching routes.
Only other mech game i played was Mech warrior when i was like 12 i think, just the first level.
how the fuck does acid damage work
They should have cut 80% of the cast. There are so many useless characters. My only hope is that, as the story progresses, they kill most of them off.
my only hope is for you to shut up
The ass looks amazing on the prototype plugsuit
same tbqhwy
Best Mercenary group name is The Western VII
Prove me wrong.
>not prototype suit
so close, but not quite enough.
I think I played a few rounds with you yesterday or the day before
What's the consensus on the weapon types? Been using shield + shotgun with a handgun back up for close range and it's been pretty effective. Maybe the only downside is handguns are slow like shotguns, so it doesn't really balance out well; considering using an MG over the HG.
starting to feel really fuckin badass
The dying instantly for hitting red wall is some high tier BS. I guess that's part of the challenge? Otherwise just make it a actual fucking wall you can't pass. Another thing about the area bounds, trying to fight anything in the air blows dick because they can fly how ever fucking high they want but if you get just a little too high they literally turn your controls off while your mech is forced to drop straight down for a second.
I find it to be garbage because when enemies hit you into the red zone, you die instantly, but if you hit them into the red zone, they're fine and just stay out there where you can't hit them with melee.
question before I buy!
I played the demo a lot and liked it a lot except for two things:
melee, and the shooting.
for melee, I noticed only one, long, repetitive swing animation. Do you get new blades with different moves and multiple swings eventually?
and for shooting, the auto guns were nice sometimes but trash for the most part. so I swapped to manual, but I noticed something when aiming. enemies get highlighted by a red box, is that a soft-lock-on? because I moved my cursor to the left/right of the enemy to where I wouldn't ahve fired straight at them and it just sort of homed in. Is there no way to do just manual aim? if it's stuck with soft lock-on then that's fine I guess but I can't tell.
sorry if it's been asked before, I'm new to mech stuff like this
Shame this Mecha game isn't good like some other mecha games like gundam or zone of enders.
People keep mentioning Knight's black arsenal like it's a big deal but I totally missed the memo. Why the fuck is everyone jerking themselves over it?
You don't get other swing animations although it's faster or slower depending on the sword you use. You can however get chain attacks which will let you zip between nearby enemies quickly and hit them each once. It usually requires a body mod, but the Habakiri can do this as is. Also, there's a club which can dunk enemies.
Yeah, the box is a lock on. It locks on at white, but it needs to be red for shoulder missiles to lock on. There isn't really a manual aim unless you're out of range or are using the scope on a sniper.
>0 results
>0 results
It is a soft lockbox yes. You cannot manually aim except some weapons like a scoped in sniper rifle or with a laser cannon. The pace of the game is so fast manual aiming would be impractical.
In the game.
i think it's mentioned in the consortium messages before you actually see it in person
Oh. You do know that the Knight is basically the biggest baddest big dick strongest mercenary group there's supposed to be, right?
i just got a katana that is like 2-3 times as fast
Holy shit that second colossal Immortal, the VTOL carrier, is the worst fucking thing ever. They took the annoying shield thing Gunfort does and made it several times more annoying. It never got close to killing me and I still hate it.
Man, I really hope Four doesn't get corrupted or turn out to be a villain or anything, she's by far my favorite character so far, having to babysit all the stupid fuckers Orbital employs
The next one isn't as annoying. Also, Nightmare alpha's blueprint weapon lets you melt it.
How do you tell which one is the real one?
>Online drops good early game weapons
So I have to play single player to get the best stuff?
I've just been grinding the prospector missions for weapons and armor.
what? no, you get good weapon from both
but for single player you need to clear from rank to rank for better foes to appear and loot their shit or unlock more weapon
meanwhile from what i can tell there isn't much of a restriction online so you can join in some harder quest and loot decent shit very fast by just getting carried
10 character limit is suffering.
what the the fuck does melee performance mean
You don't lose a slot, just the ability to switch
MG arm goes perfectly with two big damage low ammo weapons + a sword or stun gun
fucking hell, you guys all sound like you are at end game
i just got to c rank and barely doing free missions yet
I got Nightmare Alpha's blueprints but it's not letting me build anything
You need to love ice cream more.
can you not change one forearm to green?
>tfw she talks to you like you're an idiot/child if you take your time after stealing the Sky Union arsenal
Not sure if corrupted or best girl
How much? I already have 166 orders
Is looting/researching more compelling for you than just getting bursts of new stuff in the store as you progress?
>defend the train
>fucking Guns Empress and her cronies show up and obliterate train
I was waiting for the "you're supposed to lose" cutscene to start and then it told me to fukken git gud holy christ
Good news
It only gets worse
should I use the smaller sword with 5 chain attacks or the bigger one you upgrade to with 2
About 20 cones.
kek, i got that one
was trying to take down the security fucker so i wandering around a bit longer
she getting so sarcastic saying shit like "well, can't expect everybody is smart enough to read a fucking map"
cheeky little cunt AI, i love it
I literally just lost that mission as well, not 10 mins ago, i thought it would be like the one earlier when the cargo plane crash and you advance the story, fucking hell
Store is expensive and has no attachment slots, so yes.
Wait, is shit ever added to the store? I was under the impression that you had to research everything.
Chain attacks are for crowd control and not comboing one guy. The big fuckoff swords are for killing big targets, small for doing anime ninja shit in big crowds.
I don't know if I missed something but I really had to be on my shit for that one. Focused Rose because she had the taser thing and shooed away the other two if they started shooting at the train. I DPS raced her and then it got way more simple and I just kept the other two from fucking with the train until it left.
but you can attack multiple weak points on a colossal with that
I don't want to have to change my shit constantly so I'm trying to decide on what's universally good
Gun Empress left shortly after the fight started on my go. I assume it was scripted, but if she doesn't ditch immediately for you guys then try focusing her first. There's some kind of condition that makes her fuck off long before she runs out of life, happened while I was shooting at her.
>Drake: It's kinda demoralizing to see how they're reapin' the spoils of all our hard work
>Drake: Wouldn't kill 'em to try coverin' their own asses for a change
>Four: ...
>Drake: Four? What's up?
>Four: I forwarded your feedback to a Zen representative, but it had no effect on the content of this mission.
>Four: Orbital considers this a highly important facility?
>Gargantua: Why's that?
>Four: Because it is a highly important facility
I think they bugged out for me. Train got to the end with no damage.
the gaia cannon makes me fuckin COOM
Well you can still get a heavy with some chain attacks right? Whatever your balance is. Or say fuck it and bring one of each.
That's the shit you need the ogre whateverthefuck to research isn't it? I'm excited to see more of the shoulder stuff, I'm still pretty early.
>reddit meme
Knock it off
buy the arm cannons, set up arsenal to tank lasers, and get a shoulder weapon that shits out lasers
you will sink that overly dramatic motherfucker in no time at all
how do you get blueprints anyway?
do they drop randomly or do I have to do the most damage/get the killing blow on the immortal?
i got one from killing immortal
who are you quoting
>get smash ability
>some retarded-looking metal thing is now attached to my shoulder
Is there a later upgrade that can replace this with something cool
>you can fire Garuda and both Silver Ravens at the same time
>mfw stun some arsenal then unload on them with assault femto
dang, savior is a dumb character but his VA really puts work in
>play time
Didnt this release a day or two ago?
Demo was out for a week before release and you can transfer your data
it count the time you spent on demo as well
Is it worth it for the player alone?
The speed in that webm looks faster than the speeds in the demo. Having my mechs be so slow was my biggest complaint in the demo. The progression of speed makes sense, but it really didn't leave me with a good first impression
How do you get clean screenshots of your mech like this? I couldn't find a way to hide the controls in Preview.
well, do you enjoy mecha game?
you can still do coop mission with AI btw
but they say they gonna add pvp in the future patch
Whats the fastest way to go throught the game while not sacrificing on grinding for parts?
If you're not enjoying it to the point of wanting to just burn through it as fast as possible then this game probably isn't for you
If I put some attachments on something, do I have to manually remove them when I get a better weapon/armor and sell the old one, or do they come off automatically?
Which kind of cone? And where does it pop up?
The hud turns off automatically if you dont touch anything for a couple of seconds
I can't wait until this session with this prostitute I'm about to see is over so I can play some more DXM with you guys when I'm done.
What fantasy should I have her fulfill today Bros?
You remove them for a small fee
I wish there was a way to kick people when you're the host.
The absolute worst thing is someone holding up the party because they just need to check out all their new drops and they take several minutes between each mission doing it.
What's the best way to setup a cannon? Maximum ammo? More damage?
tell her pretending to be a sassy AI that oversee you
It'll potentially convert the entire arm, shoulder included.
What's everyone's code/character name?
Ascendant here.
Oh. Well I feel silly now.
I'm done with her now. Ready to start playing/drinking/smoking. I'm that kind of mech pilot. Anyone want to co-op?
bro what the fuck, that not even half an hour from your last post to this post
how fast was the session? did you get your money worth?
Look man, I have a special kind of deal going here. I can't fully explain it right now.
What do you think of my arsenal, Supreme?
>fighting savior
>decide to fight him with my sword
>shit at mashing, get my arsenal destroyed
>trying to take him out as an outer
>he dashes at me so hard I clip through the floor and end up falling until I can't control the camera
I'd post the webm here but it's too big even without sound
How is assault gunner HD?
Out of curiosity, why do you wanna speed through it. I can understand skipping the cutscenes/dialogue but why speed through the gameplay unless you have to?
that while/blue shoulder weapon ruin the whole aesthetic
You're right, but what can I do about it?! All the missiles either look terrible/are useless, usually both!
Anyone saying this mediocre tripe is Armored Core 6 has no idea what they're talking about
The game has decent colours and good mech design, but thats literally it
When you consider how different Armored Core 3, 4, and 5 were, it makes perfect sense. It's just yet another new take, but just different enough. It's literally the Bloodborne of Armored Core.
Only superficially
There's a huge amount of precision to your AC that you just don't get with DxM, not to mention DxMs story bullshit, constant interruptions, dialogue nonstop during missions, grinding shit and to top it all off the silky smooth 5 fps
Goddamn equator posters
even in the demo you can go pretty dang fast
Skip all the cutscenes and dialogue and it's Armored Core. Yes there's less parts in this game but in exchange all your body parts and weapons have three mod slots, which injects a huge amount of customization back into the game despite less parts overall.
It's just that the actual control of the mech is pretty bad, I suspect it's also due to the framerate
How's that graffiti hunt going?
Also not only do all the parts have mod slots but I forgot you also get a customizable pilot in this game, both in appearance and with stats and abilities that effect you both in and out of the mech. I'd say that definitely adds plenty to make in this.
What it REALLY needs is content that actually requires people to work as a team and actually try instead of just being able to just afk faceroll everything and not even know what the mission fail screen looks like online.
And THEN there's all the stuff you can do with femto as well.
Casca please.
>didn't played at all yesterday and I already feel like I'm falling behind everyone
Good thing that the PvP mode is not available for now.
They need more bosses that drop stuff to use against them like Gunfort alpha or Bolt do. Maybe make a boss that requires some players to attack one spot to reveal a weakspot elsewhere or get out of your arsenal to attack it on the inside.
How do i get that metal look???
im pretty sure it is pattern, shiny or chrome or something in that vein
It's a pattern you earn from playing the co-op missions. They can be done solo if you don't want to go online; many people did so with the two bosses available in the demo.
Did they fix the performance or does it still run like shit?
How is the game feel in this game?
Runs like shit
It's terrible to play, nothing has any weight, the mech controls are unresponsive, there's no precision to the flying either
You guys know there is a demo of the full game out like a week right? why not just download and try it
Did anyone pick up those Deamon X Machona branded Hori Pro joycons for this?
it is sold out everywhere unless you preorder, and even then i heard some didn't get their stuff
you gonna need to wait like a couple weeks for it now
i won't go to /m/ to get assraped and you told me i can't trust critic reviews for mecha games.
it's on steam right? just pirate and try it out
>the mech controls are unresponsive
The game is garbage, I wanted it to be good but it just isn't
Has v always been retarded or is it just one guy?
>actually replying
Yea Forums has always been retarded, but for this thread specifically it is the latter
Really enjoying the game so far, Bolt is a lot of fun to fight. Can't wait for the versus mode
what the fuck isn't just the demo out right now
Yea Forums has always been retarded, like how they think a terrible 5fps boostshit game is worth playing
Still availble to buy from what I've just seen. Also hori said thefe will be a normal version without the dXm branding. So i may wait anyways.
You're a mech pilot mother fucker how do you want it to control?
How are you guys finding the game so far? Where does it fit into this tier ranking?
>Top tier
>Bayo 2
>Smash Ultimate
Switchfags are fucking pathetic
I have seen the video unbox and review, it looks pretty good. Don't care about motion control in handheld and amiibo reader but i wish it has some rumble, has actual dpad, turbo and pretty comfortable to hold. Not to mention nintendo officially licensed it so you won't get cuck out by future firmware update. And the biggest selling point would be it might have no problem with drifting
not completely sure about the button at the back for though
>do you like mechs
>are you indifferent or worse towards mechs
how bad was the the day end with you port that make it low tier?
This post is shitposting
You're right, I've failed myself and my people
It's probably better you don't have to feel the rumble from using a continuous laser weapon.
Not bad at all.
The only difference is the control scheme and the additional chapter sequel bait.
Also a few changes in some pins and how they evolve.
There's not really any point playing this version if you've already played the ds version though.
Anyone else want the devs to add the Outer emotes to the arsenal?
Which set can make me go really fast?
go talk to them on twitter
people asked them about the invert gyro and they said on twittter they gonna fix it, japanese one of course
Wait what the fuck happened to Dragon Marked For Death?
What is this stupid tier list? Shit taste bait?
explain your reasoning
well obviously light give you the most speed
honestly atm im just like a junkyard project, just getting whatever feels best and wear it. not doing a full set yet
Gotta be, when was the last time you even saw a fucking pokken thread?
Not him, but the second something says "Yea Forums's official" anything it's always by a faggot who thinks he's got better taste than he really does
If anything, it's useful to know who to immediately disregard as being a moron
Anyone who has played good mech games knows DxM is in the pile of all the other shovelware boostshit, like MASS Builder and Garrison Archangel
The only reason people are defending it is because nintentoddlers have no idea what an actually good game is
In v they let you make your own factions for pvp. It's not a stretch to think they might have wanted to incorporate som was thing similar to picking a faction in single player, but dropped. The game has clearly had a rough development
Spend time in any mech thread on Yea Forums and you'll see they barely know anything about the genre. No wonder they're praising DxM
Go play video games instead of trying to stir shit up, no one care about your console wars
Fuck off with your hugbox safespace shit, DxM is garbage
Why isn't anyone allowed to have a dissenting opinion anymore? Is it nintendo brain damage?
Then again Yea Forums thinks Smash is a fucking fighting game so I guess so
At the end of the game you can fight a special pilot and get the muramasa set. That set has the most fast. But good luck controlling it.
reminder to eat your ice cream, maybe good thing gonna happen to you
>i don't like the game because I don't like it
DxM isn't a flawless 10/10 masterpiece but it's not down there with Damascus Gear either. Most of the problems (outside) framerate involve the story and missioning structure for the story missions, which are indeed awful. As is the entire story.
The gameplay, however, is solid. And as a foundation for a further series for further adjustments and improvements into a base title? It's pretty alright. Customization feels nice enough. Things like the FCS and head being the same and chest and boosters being the same is a bit weird and obtuse when fine tuning performance and processor between processor is kind of mediocre. But arm fire/melee/throw trinity is pretty okay and the weapons are wide and varied.
Nuances of fast paced movement is also fun. The balancing for some encounters when doing the campaign solo could use some tweaking. The damage formula is also a bit obtuse but at least it's not VD levels of just rendering your entire AC useless if you don't have a single weapon in your kit that can deal with the breakpoints on heavy armor.
Overall it's a solid, if flawed game and an acceptable foothold in what can be a new series of action games that happen to feature mech.
Should make another note saying that the story is god awful. Whoever penned it has watched way too much anime and so everybody is friends even when they're killing each other and any love lost between characters is superfluous at best and childlike at worst. LR has absolutely no character development at all (for the most part) and yet you know more about the personalities of the people involved by their messages than you can bother to give a fuck about the entire DxM cast.
7/10. It's aight.
>Fuck off console shitposter
You can start by speaking like a normal person that doesn't obsessed over a video game company
Ran out of good flavor bro, only have popcorn left
How exactly do you unlock the secret ice cream shop. Do you just keep buying ice creamand it randomly appears? Or is there more to it?
I think it's after 20 purchases. I got it when I got my second bonus ticket, and didn't even buy them all in a row
Noob question. All those assault rifles and stuff that drop out of enemies. Do they auto collect at the end or should I pick them up myself? What do they even do? Ammo?
Crying shitposters like him are the ones demanding a hugbox, in that they think everyone has to listen to their shitty opinions
Freedom of speech doesn't protect them from being called a faggot when they try to shit up a thread
Have you? AC often had missions from different companies around the same subject. Attack/Defend X base and all that. While you couldn't join a company exactly, you could always side with their interests.
you need to go to their bodies and loot them then that is it, otherwise you won't get anything because you have to make a choice between 3-4 different parts
and if you want to wear them right away then you need to eject your weapon first
>finally find the secret factory
>it still takes icecream tokens
fucking lame
If you mean the gold sparklies, they're ammo drops that automatically get picked up when you get close enough to them.
When you see a dropped arsenal, though, those do get you parts and you do have to go up to them and hit A
I meant the ammo drops then. I will also keep an eye out for wreckages on the ground then. Thanks.
>Be me
>IPv6, port forwarding and manually opening ports blocked by ISP
>Basically any Nintendo game and most other p2p games don't work in multiplayer
What do? Can't change ISP
wreckages on the ground is quite easy to check because their marker on the mini map is quite distinct from other marks
it is the big ass red thingy that just look different from everything else
A large red exclamation point.
The only thing I don't really like about the game is the aesthetic.
what the fuck, why would they do that though? isn't most of the ports and shit are depend on your router and you can just access it to change the router configuration with shit like
They charge another 10 bucks for an extra IPv4 connection, that's why. I'm not gonna cave and give them money for their scumbaggery, but DxM is eroding that determination. I've already changed router settings, but it never goes through as my ISP just blocks those ports apparently.
I just wanna play online :(
Remember to eat your ice cream
first time i heard about this kind of practice, what in the living fuck man
you can try and host a vpn through another device or hotspot your phone if possible, playing p2p games doesn't take much data just need a quite stable connection
Hotspot sounds like a good idea, but my ping is probably gonna be high as fuck. Thanks though, gonna try it.
Daemon x Machina OST playlist for those who want it. I don't know how good the game is, but the OST is pretty good.
really like the main theme
So what was that shit about something being censored. Did that actually make its way into the game, or was it just some screeching censorship autist?
Censored youtube video on Nintendo's global channel in comparison to the uncensored Sub on Nintendo UK's channel. Nintendo did the thing where they omit violence on their own channel again.
In other words. Absolutely nothing
oh, they removed/changed a scene on the promo animation vid on youtube for whatever reason
everything is intact in the game
I managed to defeat the dominator with double machine gun arms. It took some ammo discipline since it doesn't drop any ammo from the funnels (god knows why, it really should) but only spending ammo while in assault femto and while it was firing solved it. It gave me red damage so I assume it's a temporary weakspot.
so the 3 femto are pretty much : enhance damage, enhance boost, and enhace shield/defense, right?
i played it late at night that part and just kinda skimp past it due to drowsiness
lol... thats the best part
im fairly disappointed, only the boss track is amazing, nothing else in the ost matches it which is a shame, and they also previewed the game with it
the same thing happened with astral chain, the best song was also previewed, and the rest was filler
increase damage, take more damage
Faster boost that uses no boost, take more damage
Shield that also gives defense for damage it doesn't flat out negate.
Shield also scales directly with your stats. Tankier characters get beefier shields whereas lightweight Arsenals can maybe take a hit or two of cannon shot before their shield explodes from full
This could be the end of time
This could be the end of me
Not going to pretend and let it fall into ashes, no
This could be the end of light
This could be the end of us
For the guy who has been asking, yes you can replay story missions once you have finished the game.
I dont even ask for a perfect mind blowing story just something coherent and interesting. I literally just ignored all the cutscenes and skipped as much dialogue as possible with how sloppy the story writing was.
AC had more interesting concept with corporations constantly have a proxy battle without this hyper anime bullshit.
I even liked the no character development approach AC instead of the crap that DxM offered.
Boost Arms also scale with boost duration I think.
>spend dosh on increased chain attacks thinking I would get an extra hit combo from my swords
>it doesn't even work like that
fucking stupid god damn why does every fucking mech game hate decent melee gameplay
Yeah they do
It's not that I don't like what they were trying to do but intent < execution always always always.
When you focus on fleshing out your characters if you don't give them anything significant to do they will fall flat and every word that they utter will end up being worthless.
The reason it stands out in AC is that aside from your operator, few characters are recurring and they only say things that would make sense for them to say. And then they die or die later.
Yeah the only swords that get to take advantage of that are the weeb sticks.
Chain attack does a homing attack to nearby enemies/targets, but you can hit each one once and the sword needs to have a chain attack stat like the katanas. It's good for clearing out groups of small enemies or hitting multiple weak points on the bigger bosses.
I know the feel, i just wanna be an edgy mech with 2 swords
>Mission where whatshername is downloading that data while Grief protects her
>Worried that there might be a different outcome if I lose
>Grief keeps zipping around like a fairy and teleporting halfway across the map
This shit is infuriating
hit and run with dual swords and arm femto is the best you cfan do, if the gravity is killing you learn to boost to the sides dummy.
This happened to me twice while playing co op with a friend I was showing the game.
Is there any downside to modifying your body in this game? I just want to know if it has any effect on the story besides giving you buffs. Please no major spoilers.
I got to make a choice at one point but my body was only lightly augmented so idk.
Good to know, I think I'm going to stick only with stimulants on this playthrough, but I might go full modification in my next playthrough. Gotta say, I'm really liking the fact that choices are a little more nuanced during missions instead of having pure text box dialogue choices.
Man, fuck that digger boss, it's giving me Monster Hunter flashbacks, I remember the one that dug into the sand in Freedom Unite and it was incredibly tedious.
I like co-op boss fights.
Just got here. Holy fuck I thought I was good
Does the stupid phone app work with this game? It's not ideal but I hate the discord userbase.
Any mission that is good for credit farming?
Go on, leave your humanity behind, embrace the metal
I'm not finished with the game yet but for quick cash I do the Bolt free mission. Finish in about 90 seconds for 41,500 credits.
There is none, the game has more than a few illusions of choice.
Take that mission for example, you can shoot Guns Empress while she is hacking, it does nothing. You shoot Grief? It does nothing as his Health cant drop a certain point.
There are no choices that actually change anything, just a bunch of pretending it does by the game.
the singleplayer rebellion drops both the liberator arms blueprints right? cos I've only got one and farming this tosspot is getting annoying.
>That music that plays during the fight with Savior, his sister and Knight.
God damn I wasn't ready
So what happens if you attack Savior when his generator fucks up?
I really liked the following dialogue for not doing so, and his cameo later in a certain mission seemed particularly linked to that.
He goes down and he says he can't wait to fight you again or something and the two others that were there with him leave instantly. Nothing changes outside that mission.
So in the mission where you fight Gloom and Regret, he still shows up to help?
>Dreadnought fight
Set the motherfucker on fire and it stops the diggin.
aw man can you only have one of crafted boss weapons? this one has a nice smg.
Once you develop you can buy it in the shop.
In the secret factory how the fuck do you make the light and dark swords? You need one to make the other but no indication of how you even get one in the first place.
oh shit right
Still figuring things out wtf is femto?
that guy from Berserk
If I remember right, it's okay. Wait for a sale or something.
is this game good
This is the mech I am using right now and I am starting to see a lot of people online using a loadout very similar. Those 2 machine guns, the arms and the laser cannon are all super popular with japanese players.
Neat, rampage hammer does a good job with that.
I went to to replay that mission and you know what Savior only shows up in that one mission if you let him flee, so I have to eat my words here. Still it does not change the plot but gives you assistance for the one mission.
No really does no wanker here know?
Man the submachine gun sound is awful. It's completely detached from the actual firing rate. The fast-firing ones make one sound for like every five bullets fired and it feels awful. Are there any high rate-of-fire guns in the game that don't have this problem?
It's Gendum in honour of the low quality Gundams from the first series.
More like Gendumb
I used a laser canon, his health dropped quickly
This list has got to be bait, nearly everything's wrong. Only shit tier is correct.
Neat, I thought so.
Savior's my fuckin BOY so it's nice there was a little reward for it. Wondering if there's any other shit like that.
The usual generic space magic particles that every Gundam anime has
>got a reward for 100 online missions
>still didn't eat 20 ice creams because I keep forgetting about it
It's like an extremely shitty version of eating food in Monster Hunter. I sure do need that 1% better femto absorption for my outer to beat those missions.
if i had to guess, one of the swords will be a rare drop off someone
>tokens to craft
shit better start eating more ice cream
You have to destroy one of the gargoyle statues in the library defense mission to get Dainsleif.
Can you keep spamming ice cream purchases all at once to get stamps, or do you only get credit for one ice cream per mission and have to come back after for more?
Can the gargoyle only be destroyed in the story mission? There are free missions in that area but the gargoyles do not break in those.
Apparently you need to do a mission in between.
>helicopter defense mission
>going for all helis live side mission
>helicopter can be counted as made it and destroyed after the fact
suck the biggest fattest chode my game dev dudes
Pretty sure they can't be destroyed at all in either mission in that zone. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
>Secret factory
Eat your ice cream
is this game good?
is there enough content and part variety/customization or does it feel lacking?
How many? I got 30 tokens already.
I don't think anyone actually knows exactly how to unlock it, but it's absolutely connected to the ice cream somehow
Do I need to be at a certain point in the story? I got my 20 and still nothing.
I doubt thats from eating ice cream and instead from developing stuff
its like around eating 20 ice creams and a ??? option shows up at the ice cream place
>tfw your thread actually survived the night
so, is this game good? its metacritic is totally fucked but who knows maybe it's normalfags having shit taste
I got it after filling out 2 stamp books.
Dunno. I got it at rank A because that's when I heard about it, but I've also seen people say they got it at C.
I finished the game first and it unlocked when I got the "eat 20 ice cream" done.
>A Blade hidden in a statue of a Gargoyle
Well, user, then were do you get the weapon that literally has this description?
Play the demo. IMO its good, but I can see how people might not like it.
It' alright, but nothing special. Just a fun little mecha action.
Does it still have frame rate issues?
Sweep the city
Mission E
Green Gargoyle
Bring double flamethrower. You'll thank me
How can I win the fight in rank A against Grief, Gloom and somebody else I forgot ?
They've improved massively but boss battles with 4 players can drop a lot
By building a better Arsenal and winning a war of attrition. Also bring a flamethrower so you can catch that bitch who constantly flies
180 ice cream orders and counting.
Don't give me that crap
Didn't AC3 give you different missions based on how much you supported certain groups? I remember manufacturers going out of business.
I brought a healing aux weapon and a melee weapon. Lured them each to the edge of the map and beat them to death after running out of ammo.
>i won't go to /m/ to get assraped
What the fuck are you on about. Unless your name is clawshrimpy or you try to tell people that Do you remember love is a remake of SDF Macross most people there are beyond civil.
>he wasnt memeing
thanks dude
Am i the only tank Mech?
Feel like most people went for speed.
he's mistaking /m/ for Yea Forums
Because he is a fucking retard who doesnt know what a port is. Youre supposed to say "screen of router settings and port test site"
Oh shit
Is that a specific mission, or any mission on that map will do?
As a mechfag, I don't regret buying it. The mechs are really fun to control, some of the weapons are retardedly satisfying to use, and I'm gay as fuck for customization.
But to the average person, I don't think I'd recommend it at full price. It's kind of janky and rough around the edges, and there are games with much better value to cost ratio out there. But what's a mechfag to do? ACVD's been dead for years, and the last AC games with a singleplayer I gave a shit about were two console generations ago. This game effectively scratches that itch, but I am silently hoping they plan to add a lot in the content updates they've talked about.
In the mean time, I'll be dicking around with different mech builds and helping people with bosses.
I don't wanna be a tank mech if the game doesn't let me install quad legs
I go heavy and have been heavy since launch. But I can't deny fast is a hell of a lot more satisfying
Hey user do you know where the other sword is? I have never even see anyone use it online.
>All that fast
Please tell me where you got that back laser user. That sucker is right up my alley.
im not sure I just did the one the dude said but im going to have to repeat the mission because my game crashed at the end lmao
No. But I imagine I or somebody else will find it by tomorrow.
? You make the light sword with the dark one
I am working on a tanky cleric build. Mace and all. Shits gonna be cash
not being able to replay story missions until you finish the game is really dumb
>I've never played an armored core before
develop ogre break
Can you grab the dark sword multiple times to get both? I never checked if you can.
>other game did it so that makes it ok
>it's bad because I say it is
Chill from Immortal Innocence has it, so you might be able to snag it off her if you do whichever co-op fight has her in it. But I got it from
Drake from Bullet Works has Ogre Break, if that helps
Thank you kindly
I am the ultimate authority on video games
If you don't like it, eat my ass
Alright boys I have like 2 milllion credits so you know what that means, time to SHOW OFF ALL THE CYBERNETIC UPGRADE PATHS!
I think someone was asking what they all look like the other day?
on the left is taking all the upper nodes for each upgrade path, in the middle is taking the middle route wherever possible, on the right is taking the lower path wherever possible, obviously these can be mix and matched to an extent if you take the right path along the nodes.
my characters female so these might look slightly different on a dude, then again maybe not.
oh and you can colour your auged parts hence my personal colours being all over them.
The last AC game I played was the 3>SL>Nexus>LR series. Fucking loved it and is still one of my favorite games to this day. All it's clunkiness and flaws be damned. How much is Daemon x Machina like the aforementioned?
Is the donkey already dead or will I need to bring my own tools?
If anyone can help me out here, I'm struggling with some stuff.
Is there any way to turn on the flight mode without jumping? Going down to a certain height is a struggle and I'm forced to use that support attachment that gives me a downward thrust to have more control
Also, are some weapons jsut pretty weak? I'm using the ogre breaker shoulder weapon but It's so slow and doesn't do much damage
>the middle one
thank mr skeltal
btw you do not have to pay with ice cream tokens in the secret factory. The game asks you if you want to pay with money or tokens every time you develop something.
the robosamurai look is.. unique.
not like the other two leave any flesh other than a small amount of the face though, well, we could argue the one on the right leaves nothing.
How much speed do you have?
They look pretty much identical for male characters, albeit a bit less slender.
No there is nothing in the Gargoyle anymore
actually I hope there is a way to find the light sword naturally because I realized my dark sword is 3 slots, if I convert it becomes 1 back and forth
massive dumb oversight?
Damn, I want to have a cool powersuit, but I don't want to turn into a brain in a jar for it.
can you do odd combinations like aug everything except torso or only aug torso and keep the rest flesh?
Get back here you little shit
I have never actually seen anyone online with the skinny look.
>massive dumb oversight
You'd be correct. Mine is only two slots. Way too late to do anything now that I've noticed.
I imagine that they were only supposed to have one slot
like I said in my post, it's all about the path you take along the tree, the ones that visually affect you are the ones that come with a red caution about drastic changes, so you can swap over to another path during the non drastic augments
here's a pic of mixing the middle paths arms and legs with the upper paths thighs and shoulders and torso for example.
Mine only has one, which I thought was just how it was supposed to be. That is extremely stupid. You pretty much have to savecum the first time you pick it up then or it is too late.
>being so slow
That's why they give you a 20k reset option user.
the body mods really aren't essential things so really you can just pick shit for the visuals and the bonuses you get are just nice bonuses.
That's what you think
to be fair to fully aug yourself it costs something like 1.4 million.
I think my game crashing on my first attempt was a blessing lmao
but I want the light sword except now I have this 3 slot dark sword...
It's 515k per category iirc
heads a little cheaper cos it doesn't make you buy 100k+ nodes more than once or twice.
Do laser swords become weaker if you have no femto? You can still attack even without having any.
no but honestly I find laser swords to compare poorly to metal ones with the arm boost femto on.
They have a hidden stat which influences that. Essentially the higher your femto is. The more damage the swords do.
I am honestly amazed that I have not accidentally killed myself with the teleporting move yet by going straight into the map boundary.
>That mission where you are shooting down falling moon rocks for the fate of the earth
Do get massively powerful with the propellent tank?
Huh. Didn't test that. Probably. Assuming it works on a different logic than the charging of the femto forms. i'll try it out later but that might just give you a higher cap for the highest tier of damage
>Grief as an enemy in co-op mode still has his teleport, which he will gladly spam the moment anyone tries to shoot him
>he also doesn't have infinite stamina so he spends the entire fight out of stamina and stuck on the ground after the first few teleports
Are shotguns just shit in this game?
Shotguns are shit in every game because the industry insists on perpetuating this idea that shotguns are shitty spread weapons that can't hit anything further than 20 feet away.
yeah, I never had any use for them in the story or online at all.
wait the fucking secret factory requires ice cream tokens to craft? how do you get more of those?
I've been fucking using them for the fucking ice cream
I tried it once. Wasn't a fan.
Are a bunch of stats in this game a fucking meme? I tried going from the lowest melee performance arm to the highest support arm and the damage at max range with the same sword is the same.
I wish there were different configurations for the testing ground. Like if I wanted to just fight 3 sword arsenals or run an obstacle course.
Do any of you guys use the camo patterns? Navy camo looks pretty good.
Are there any red camo patterns?
All I've gotten are various woodland, desert, and snow camos.
It's almost like they're meant to blend with the environment.
No, it's just an option for payment.
rule of cool dude, rule of cool
Not sure, I know there's a reddish pink and white.
Technically red is apart of the this game's environment with Femto and all.
Is there a gold plating so that i can make a bootleg hyaku shiki?
Does anyone remember where to get Agni Flame? Preferable in a Free Mission. Also, is there any way to get slots on stuff you produce from the factory?
Any mission vs Klondike, or mission inside of facilities with Strai.
I didn't play the library defense mission yet and tried burning all the gargoyles,
Nothing there.
>using augments instead of relying on your unrivaled human abilities
Smh, tin cans.
There was gold plating in the first demo they released. I'm not sure how to get it though.
meatbag opinions don't matter
But my cute boots
>people joining rooms only to run around like an idiot and never select Ready
Make a room, I'll join.
Stupid nazi frog
He makes up for it by having an ungodly amount of health.
do you really need flamethrowers?
when you go into pilot mode after your mech dies is there anything you can do to revive it?
You technically don't but the statue takes almost no damage from anything so weapons that hit really fast are the best way to get it. I tried melee attacks and I did 15 damage to it. It has so much health that you need almost all your flamethrower ammo for it.
if you don't get enough slots on the thing don't pick it uup, and just hit exit battle and retry.
>300 stamina per second
>enemies can get knocked over if hit enough times
>there are even mods to knock over enemies faster
>enemies do not take any damage at all until they get back to their feet
How the fuck do I get upgrade slots on developed armour?
I'd hoped developing using armour with slots on would give me some, but it doesn't
this confused the fuck out of me
in retrospect, it's not the worst. you can use it to shut down problematic enemies while your ally focuses down someone else, or if you have slow firing weapons, it means an enemy with a quick-firing one doesn't inherently out DPS you
but yeah, not a huge fan
You don't, except for a select few types of armor, which come with 1 slot. All slots come from randomly getting the armor from an enemy who used it in battle.
The stamina per second scales with your bodies stamina efficiency.
The short of that is that big bodies are the only ones who really get to use it.
Ah, that's interesting, thanks user
How do blitz weapons like Graceful Lust work? Can I recall the little drones? Do they get killed by enemies?
I really wish this game had both a datalog to read up on characters/locations and some sort of description of what each stat actually does. I thought Melee Performance was just how strong your melee attacks will be with that arm but I do not think it actually changed my damage in any way.
yes and once they do they're just gone.
I just got in rank A and did the shit fight against Grief and his friends
How many ranks is there in this game ?
A is the last.
how do you recall them?
Hold the button as opposed to pressing it for a few seconds and they'll all yeet back simultaneously. From my gorilla tests it MIGHT reset their effective durability
you don't, I was just saying they can get shot down, and if your in a fight with no ammo refills they're just gone, the blitz weapons don't seem very good to me.
do you have to do the story mission to get it and not a free one?
The armor you get from Solomon really does not seem worth it. It's not even the fastest armor.
fuck if I know, I'm still repeatedly restarting the mission trying to get a 3 slot one, I am doing the story mission since I can replay them now.
Cool, thanks
it's appears to be shit, perhaps on purpose.
this makes me want to rock the whole set honestly.
what's the difference between free and offer missions
when should I start doing free ones
also what does completing the side objectives in them give me
- offer = story mode
- when you want
- more money
Is my Outer smug enough for Team Yea Forums?
This missions secondary objective was made by some sadist, I'm sure Johnny G was put in here just to make it fucking harder when he flies up and takes a bunch of enemies away from the reach of my slow ass.
side objectives also tend to give decals and titles.
i wanan fuck her so bad
Hey its activated almond!
Can you not defeat Rouge Cinderella when you're stealing that arsenal from Sky Union and running away in the tunnels with it? Its like she's stopped taking damage
You can't. I wasted all my ammo on her and she just gets stuck at like 40 health.
ayup, don't use red eyes in actuality though.
id smash for novelty
>Not going full Char
>get hecantonchier body in one of the first missions
>it's still by far the fastest body I have
the fuck
so whats battle data for exactly? it doesnt do anything in development
this game doesn't really do linear upgrades unless your talking about the fuckin' Orsa.
just for checking what blueprints you have and your battle data progress on bosses, some recipes need them.
but even bodies with faster base speed on their own dramatically lower my overall speed if I switch to them
the stats are very vague
I'd use C Silver Raven, but it has barely any slots.
Holy shit even if I do great with the AOEtimings at one point Johnny always aggros a few and fucks off into space where I can't reach and takes me 20 years to space myself for missiles to hit
Now you know why Johnny is lowest rank in Bullet Works and doesnt even have a call sign
>everyone out of ammo in the Terrors fight because one guy dc'd right away
>no one besides me has any melee weapons at all
noone thought to discard a weapon and loot one of the terrors huh?
More like everyone grabbed an armor piece and caused the bodies to despawn before running out of ammo when only 1 of them was left.
>dual smgs
that's not full char at all
I turned my arms into guns
the downside of that thing appears to be that it only goes fast while boosting, it's regular flight speed is fuckin' glacial.
>escape the exploding facility where everything looks the fucking same
I made it with 5 seconds left. You can do it, user!
I haven't gotten a shotgun yet
People move while not boosting?
you can't boost all the time, besides, you ever try flying without boosting with a claymore torso? it's basically boost speeds without the formality of holding R
>claymore torso
>flight boost speed is lower than the non-boost speed
>You cant boost all the time
You're right. Sometimes I stop to shoot things
yeah you only use boost with that to change your flight direction quickly.
That Icarus missle launcher is so absurdly large. It honestly looks like your mech should fall over backwards with it in use.
man the part I struggle with the most to decide on is actually the arms.
what's the best melee weapon
>says come to the mission unarmed
>get out of my arsenal and go to the area
they mean it quiet literally, strip all the weapons off your arsenal before you start that.
I hate that it takes up like half the screen.
the liberator arms seem to have good stats but jesus christ these pauldrons, all the other arms I like though seem to have dogshit durability.
nah fuck that
I'm gonna kill these retarded niggers
but what does the number 7 have to do with anything?
is there seven members? 7 founding members? what the fuck?
also definitely thougth this game would've let you join a group or something. but it has way too many for that to be a possibility with an individual storyline.
Is there a strategy for this?
why is it when i equip something new it still looks the same on my mech? it's like everything i've changed just looks the same. meanwhile everyone online looks fucking killer.
>Made up of all criminals trying to shave time off their sentence
Maybe their cellblock?
Are you using the Prototype paint scheme from the preorder?
oh shit, i may be. i didn't think about that lol.
go to hanger, paint, edit arsenal, make sure that is set to none
realtalk, if I hop into an online lobby, and walk over to check out your mech and see that it's named "ARSENAL" I'm going to judge you super fuckin' hard.
What if its named Core?
I will give you a tiny thumbs up for the joke.
Don't use anything other than the sword ground slam. Dash, slam, dash, slam to get rid of the turrets at the start then dash over to the first wave of enemies. I got it with about 10 seconds to spare. Good luck.
I had a guy who had Rookie as his name with the default male appearance earlier. He went for the full basic look.
For Answer is the only one that does.
>character dies
>don't care or even really remember who it is because every character is so bland and shitty due to the story requiring them all to be mercenaries with no allegiances making them all white noise characters that I don't care about
This story is so shit. I'm probably going to start skipping all these cutscenes from now on.
Why would I bother naming my loadouts?
If his ARSENAL isnt set to the Prototype scheme, he's not going far enough
name the mech itself, people can see it in the hanger dude.
Is this game overwhelming?
Some people like to personalize things.
There's a lot of buttons but not really.
I found Astral Chain way more overwhelming. I legit did not understand what the fuck I was doing for like 15 hours.
I didn't even know I could name it
Not like I play online anyway, don't have any one to play with and this is the only multiplayer game I have on the Switch I like
is this Drakengard 3 artist?
The memory requirements make these things kind of infeasible.
eh if your a double mg guy you have memory to spare.
How the fuck do I get more parts?
Seems I can only get them from Strai but even then the same arts are just circulating
How do I develop new parts?
Strais unlock parts AND development
>shitting on DxM's framerate in comparison to fucking armored core
I dunno man, I find it quite good.
Ahem op here, thanks for the healing shoulder, gun arm and blade idea
But for any development options it states I never have the necessary components.
Fuckin sick
Hey guys I'm down to do some co-op and farming in like ten minutes if I get any (You)s here, I haven't beaten the game yet but I'm an A rank and should be able to help with anything.
Anyone know a mission I can farm bazooka arms in? I need a 3 slot bazooka arm. I'm open to trying the shotgun arm but shotguns are just so unusably bad, I don't know.