Just torrented this game because it looks cool but I dont wanna support pro-Protestant devs. What am I in for?

Just torrented this game because it looks cool but I dont wanna support pro-Protestant devs. What am I in for?

Attached: 1568492149812.jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

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Just posted in this thread and it looks cool but I don't want wanna support faggot OP's. What I am in for

heathen, enjoy hell

fuck you you retarded scum just buy the goddamn fucking game if you're going to play it

god bless you

last time you made this bait thread you said "anti-christian" devs.

I thought they were anti-mormon.

Imagine being an atheist in 2019

>not Pro-testant
what a waste

Imagine being a C*tholic in 2019

Imagine believing things without proof

Imagine all the people


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i am legitimately confused; i bought this game because i just like nice pixel and it looks pretty decent gameplay-wise; is this game anti-christian? pro-christian? the memes keep me dazed

The nose of the character should be pointier.

Imagine being a religious sect worshipping a man that promotes being humble, worshipping only the good of God, and showing kindness to your fellow man, but also creating giant gaudy cathedrals, worshipping the hip bone of some random dude an old guy decided was holy, persecuting people who don't quite share your views, and condemning everyone you don't see as devout enough as heathens that should burn at the stake


Can you put on a trip so I can filter you?

>just buy the goddamn fucking game
are you implying that's esier and more conveniant than torrenting?

Actually, yes

Imagine being a religioid in 2019

This game is incredibly Christian. You can't make something like this without having respect for Christianity.

The game is actually against the corruption of Christian ideology. The protagonist is a true believer who is punishing HIMSELF rather than begging a false idol (The Miracle) to punish him. The protagonist might be the last person who actually remembers God in that entire world.

Protestanism is the only real chirstianity you know?
Orthodox and Catholic are pagans larping as chirstians.

Yeh got somethin' against Protestants you fairy cat-lick?

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shoo shoo


There's nothing more pathetic than being a contrarian.

I wonder what he'll try next.

Pretty sure that's the wrong picture for this case.


imagine being this much of a hypocrite

The IRA were Catholic you idiot

Nothing more pathetic then your post and waste of dubs

Disapointment because all of the references would fly over your head

Wait a minute.

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what fucking game is this




LOL I Just baited you so hard!

Welcome to the big leagues kid!
Don't mess with us champions, okay sport?

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>forced meme
Goodbye :)

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The bones you collect in this game seem odd to me. Are they supposed to be seen as holy relics? Because the descriptions of those people seem to more often be dirtbags rather than saints.

Explain how it is hypocritical without sounding like a retard while remembering that atheism isn't about believing there is definitely no god,but that there is no good reason to believe that any man made religions have any legitimacy.

>atheism isn't about believing there is definitely no god
you're a confused agnostic

Cucktholics arent real christians.
The pope called the lambo ceo jesus presumably because he got a free lambo. and kisses nigger feet.
Imagine being a lazy niggerloving cucktholic crook

a theism has a literal anti theist meaning

Atheism, and other strains of materialism, are dependent on a set of unprovable metaphysical principles.

No. Atheists are simply not theists. Atheism does not mean anti-theist. Just like there's a remarkable difference between asocial and anti-social behavior, but morons like you think each of these distinctions are identical.

you're mistaking gnostic and agnostic, theist and atheists are opposing

>Christianity is Europe's greatest strength
>See here, I'll just make the Bible available to pri-

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>christfag games
big no from me. meh, religion needs to fuckin' die out already it's takin' too long, toxic to the mind


Wrong ONCE AGAIN. Gnosticism refers to how much you think you know. Theism refers to how much you believe. Gnostic theists who act as though their beliefs are facts are just as insufferable as gnostic atheists who act as though their beliefs are facts. Do not open your fucking mouth about shit you know nothing about, ESL retard. Atheists do not seek to destroy theistic beliefs. Anti-theists do. How many times is this going to need to be said to you for you to listen to it?


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>but I dont wanna support pro-Protestant devs
Is this even the real world anymore?
How is this someone has said in the 21st fucking century?

Welcome to the prequel

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god i love cathedrals

it's already happening mate, can't you see trannies and fags taking over