I think I dont

Ahh... yes....home....just like I remember.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>everyone is busy spamming SM and then skipping to ZF so it’s borderline impossible to find groups for Razorfen Downs and Uldaman

>People doing groups with 4 Mages & Priest


>not playing with your guild

my friend whispered me right now and said hes been doing exactly that for 3hrs straight.

>oh no other people are doing things that have no effect on me!


My guild is a bunch of asses

I'm thinking about quitting soon. There's something about the people that I meet in this game that I genuinely can not fucking stand. It seems like it's only WoW players too because I've played other blizzard games and most people I met through those seemed like fine people and I could hang out and talk with them for years.

most of the uldaman groups i've been in have been retarded. Tanks pull mass shit like theyre in SM and get rekt or group breaks up at last boss

My friends already gave up, they don't care about the spellcleave shit the game is just not fun.

The fake niceness is palpable.

>"LF1M tank"
>shift-click name

This really is just like home

I really wish mmos would abolish the concept of tank altogether

Please read this guide, thank you.

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Like said, there’s a clear fakeness to everything. People in barrens chat keep posting the same Chuck Norris and Mankriks wife jokes in some hollow attempt to larp like they’re back in the “good ol days”.
Out in the world nobody talks or groups up unless it’s convenient for them/it’s required. It’s obvious at this point that the changes made to WoW that killed the social aspects of the game were in response in to an increasingly anti-social playerbase.

I had polarizing experiences.
Sometimes you get a good group that talks and overall interacts with each other, but sometimes you get retail folk, who dont talk at all, they just silently do the dungeon and leave without saying a word after the lass boss. Or, more commonly, after a first wipe. These people are used to doing that in retail, and not even classic can change them, thats sad.

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>2/3rds of specs useless
>hybrid tax mental gymnastic bullshit to appeal to worthless tigoles false ego; all because a paladin wrecked his shit in everquest
>every single raid extremely simplistic outside of naxx
>everything is solved; zero mystery
>pvp extremely unbalanced and gaining high ranks is literally impossible because of ladder spot jugglers and a big line
>factions extremely unbalanced because of horde bias
>one of the worst communities on the planet; 2004 version of community did not come back just as predicted
>zoomer streamer trash infecting servers with their hero worship tanking economies

WoW is garbage as a game, and Classic is doubly so.

What's so sad about it? Not everyone is a clingy loser begging for social interaction.


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yeah that sounds like how most of the players in the game are :)

>nothing new to ever look forward to

>every farm spot is saturated
>if you're not in ungoro mafia you're never gonna make decent gold
yeah i think im just gonna sell my character

im sorry!

Then you have autism.

>classic is so great because of the community it's full of soul


Except it's not. It took me and a friend a few minutes last night at 3AM to find people for a regular SM run.

Sorry if I offended you. It'll be okay I promise.

It's OK, it's not your fault you're vaccinated.


Yes...when less people are playing, when it would be harder to do find people, which further negates your argument than if I had done it at 9pm.

Now try to find a RFD or Ulda group at 3AM.

I just want to know what the fuck is wrong with the people who don't group with you on a mob kill quest. Nigga I'm in the same area as you. I literally have two other people with me. You basically got a free ride and I don't give a fuck about gatekeeping.

>being too autistic to make a group yourself
lmao that's sad

I'm on Alliance, so it would probably be easier for Uldaman.

Maybe he plays a ret pally

I've been having a heck of a lot of fun

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>be warrior
I immune to this zoomer meme, be a huntard or mage and I wont invite your stupid ass

you're having fake fun

Classic was so good because it was in 2004-2005. Putting Classic in 2019 will not resurrect your dead childhood or blizzard. You faggots should have known this would happen.

I'm a high school sub and the other day some chubby mouthy shitter sophomore screamed at the top of his lungs in the middle of class "HEY MISTER ARE YOU PLAYING WOW CLASSIC HAHA ITS WOWZA LIT"

You're living a fake life

>People already have epic mounts

How the hell do they do this? I have seen people since last week running around with epics mounts. How is it even possible to get this kind of gold already?

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Huh? Speak english.


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It doesn't help that we aren't even playing classic. We are playing the post naxx patch and pretending that it's vanilla.

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>if paladins could have been real tanks so would have to be shamans
>only if you practice them for months upon years in private servers
>where is pic related?
>make friends
>alliance has the bias in pve and tank support, which covers 2/3 battlegrounds on top of raids, population also has zero effect on battlegrounds besides maybe queue times
>that's life
>streamers are on less than five servers and you can track them

Now you SHOULD have said:
>1.12 post-Naxx class tuning patch on servers that only run Molten Core trivalizing any accomplishment you can work towards
>Lazy developers not bothering to dynamically update loot tables as phases progress leading to retarded bullshit like Thunderfury bindings dropping before BWL even releases
>Layers created massive abuse for farming materials, escaping ganks and grinding that Blizzard swept under the rug
>No skeleton piles, no The Nicker

The problem isn't with Vanilla, the problem is that Classic is straying further from Vanilla with every morsel of creative freedom that Blizzard has taken to it.

Why are un'goro and winterspring so comfy?

Here's how you do that.

1. knowledge of grind spots
2. Poopsock quality gameplay- WoW 14 hours a day
2c. luck for boe drops / good ah economy on your server.

Why won't youtube stop screaming at me to watch this chipmunk looking fuck react to things? Who the hell is he?

>play retail for years
>learn to play
>abuse aoe farming because you're not a mouthbreather like back then
Is not hard.

Forgot my pic.

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snow is always nice, but i dont find un goro comfy at all

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I have been. I keep doing it but it won't fucking stop

Literally have levelled to 60 in the first week(actually optional but being a week 2 60 is behind the farmer curve) and (this is the most important part) mastered layering """abuse""""

>Reach STV
>Realize the only Alli FP is in Booty Bay and they won't get one until TBC 2.3
>Instantly lose all interest to continue.
>Log off.
>Haven't touched the game for the last 9 days.
Home sucks.

>retards try to complete it at 38-42 levels
>when last segment is pure 45+
Going to ST today, wish me luck. Back in Elysium it was last dungeon my warrior ever tanked, i got not only assblasted, but buttfucked by packs of mobs, healer didn't even had a chance to outheal me. Going as prot paladin this time.

>guild thinks I'm an asshole because I won't help them swap layers

>people finding ways of doing things not intended by the devs.

Yeah, thats vanilla you fucking tard. I could mage farm bijous and coins from zg20 by my fucking self as a mage.

>Austistic gnome keeps spamming in gchat.
>Over and over and over.
>Check guild list.
>Just him and me online.
>Continue to ignore him.

Questing in STV sucks anyways, should have gone Desolace for easy mara access and horizon comfy

Fuck green Jews and fuck hemmet unnecessary

>There's something about the people that I meet in this game that I genuinely can not fucking stand.
Classic is literally a game made for larping zoomers, what do you expect?

>Server a "full" sized server and is 30% Alliance/ 70% Hord

You have no clue how shit this is playing Alliance on a server like this.

>Take quest and go to location to complete it
>5+ hord already there who kill you on sight
>Repeat this for every. single zone

>Say fuck it and make a huge party of the few alliance in the zone to try and quest together and fight back
>Hord just have level 60's roaming the zones gathering nodes that come in and kill you

>Find out the majority of Alliance are forced to run instances for exp to avoid getting camped
>Okay sure "LFG Hunter DPS for X Instance"
>Get no invites and constant rejections because they only accept mages or warlocks as AOE DPS
>Ah yes, just like in vanilla. I remember now.

>Forced to hop zones for hours trying to find a small spot to grind in for exp and hope you don't get jumped and ganked
>Have had to spend the latter half of the lvl 30's killing beasts in Duskwellow Marsh for hours on end
>Just hit 44 and haven't seen another Alliance member outside of the city in days

>To make things worse, Blizzard just opened up free transfers for my server to try and battle the high population
>Ends up causing many of the Alliance left to transfer off and play on the low population server further fucking up the Alliance/hord ratio

Not sure what to do at this point.

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>general chat is full of trump memes and politics

>aoe grinding didn't exist in classic

He and other big streamers like him have rejected their humanity.
They are not people anymore, they are living forced memes.

I might be an autistic girl, hold me bros I don't want to transition

i see plenty of uldaman groups but no RFD tho

>retail friend rushed to 60s really fast, abusing shit like cleaving/layering
>stopped playing right after getting lvl60

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Have they nerfed/fixed the Tank aggro yet?

does doing those cleave SM runs get you alot of money?

They hotfixed Demoralizing Shout/Roar yes

no bully but I have a hard ass time maintain AOE aggro as a warrior. Single target is a joke

what am i doing wrong? It was bugged and I was still dogshit?

>Plays a social game
>Wonders why people want to socialize.
>Socializing is considered being a loser.

Alright shut-in.

Yeah they did, it doesn't matter though, mages are the best tanks in dungeons

I dunno, i didn't even talked to him right after i saw him always doing in dungeons 24/7.
I know he was in MC once already, but thats it i guess. Probably he expected something more challenging lol.

Apparently so.

I solo quested and grinded to 40 while also saving as much money as possible. Still only at 70g at 40.

Friend is a warrior and did noting but SM grinding to 40. had over 200g.

Sounds like fun, ffs just go play something else at this point

Well for starters you don't really possess a kit for AoE aggro so instead you need to do a lot of single target but with a lot of tabbing around to spread it, and your valuable debuffs, on everything. If people are full-cocking their biggest area spells from the start though it's pretty much a lost cause for you unless you use a well-timed Challenging Shout so focus on peeling them off and securing them one at a time. Sunders and Revenge are particularly good for your single target aggro, Heroic Strike is too but because it both takes rage and denies you a white swing's worth of rage you don't want to spam it unless you're getting a lot of incoming damage from a big group of trash or a raid mob

Most of those people have no responsibilities, are not employed, and do not have social lives, thats how they did it. They literally do nothing but grind and do dungeon runs for 16+ hours a day.

That's more or less where I'm at, I'm just dogshit at tagging everything fast enough. Inevitably 1 gets lose and then I'm playing whackamole trying to get aggro back on changing targets.
Just gotta git gud i guess

You dom't socialize in classic
>Are you Mage?
>*invite in party*
>Try to talk
>"Spellcleave please"
>Are you Mage?

...yet ;)
Classic+ is the future bros. It's the future we didn't know that we needed.

how about... not playing on that server?

Start over? Losing a level 44 isn't a big deal.

>one of the worst communities on the planet; 2004 version of community did not come back just as predicted
This is really one of the biggest things that I did not expect. It's hard to overstate just how fucking awful Classic's community is.

It's like only the most mentally ill and obnoxious people from 2004 came back to play the game.

>By the utter fuckups at current era Blizzard
You literally, unironically think you want it but you don't.

Not for alliance, since it's a pain in the ass to go vendor shit, you'll be stuck with full bags for a while

>every single person should be my friend because muh social game
Ok incel.

yeah almost like you need to be mentally ill to go back to an old version of WoW you already finished or something

Horde does 100% more the money thahn Alliance in SM
Alliance don't start make money before lv 50 while Horde can get rich easy from lv 30+

Youtube algorithm knows you will enjoy the content.

Already seeing many 60s on epic mounts who only AFK in IF. What the fuck was the point in rushing to 60 if this is all you faggots are doing?

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>You need to be mentally ill to buy a NES Classic and play Mario Bros again
I don't think so. What's much more likely is that years of private server autism and HOME threads being spammed on Yea Forums daily for months attracted the absolute worst types of parasites to Classic.

How do you people not get groups?
If you want to go uldaman just
>/who 48 priest/whatever class
>whisper spam all with "Hey, wanna come Ulda? Got a good group."
>guarantee to get some high levels
Works every time, especially if you're a lock with summon.

thats not my issue. its when people dont have the fucking zone FP and were forced to wait for a guy to mount up 2-3 zones away.

i really hate time vampires and this game has a good grip of them.

Which server? I want to make an Alliance character so what would be the best NA PvP server to do so on?

Its an Aussie server user.

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post kino in-game moments

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Private servers fostered a culture of minmaxing which somehow spilled out onto people who didn't even play on private servers. It's ironic that people are taking the game way more seriously now than they did in the vanilla days even though it's now an old and solved game with little to progress towards.
I know vanilla had its share of spergs who took the game super seriously but those guys were anomalies and everyone made fun of them, with Classic it seems like everyone is either a sperg or they just don't talk at all which makes their presence pointless.

>patch isn't out for 6 weeks
>the only content that matters (Ultimate) isn't out for 8 weeks

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whats ultimate

>roll mage cause i gave up on one early during vanilla
>have fun leveling picking off mobs one by one occasionally sheeping a second or third mob
>AoE meta slowly starts to creep in
>"want to join our SM AoE group? :)" every ten minutes
>"want to join our ZF AoE group? :)" every ten minutes
>"want to join our BRD arena AoE group? :)" every ten minutes
>constantly get asked by AoEing mages in WPL why I'm questing instead of grinding
>economy is getting flooded with AoE farmed materials
>mages are the only ones able to make massive amounts of freshly injected and raw gold
Just release TBC already

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That's just how gaming culture changed in general you see it in every genre. Like how people would just play bullshit fun game modes on WC3 and DotA but now people only take it super serious and study the meta for 5 hours a day.

>Finally get into a Mauradon group, I'm at the entrance
>Open the map, see the huntard is in fucking Stormwind
>Party leader insists we wait on him


Nothing is challenging thanks to us starting on 1.12. AQ40 and Naxx will be for most though when we get up to it.

what server has the most balanced pop?

so uh, what do i do now bros? im level 60 ive killed rag and ony, ive only ever played retail but is this it? there arent even any bgs in the game...am i just supposed to go around and gank level 20s now?

I hear this a lot but what exactly are the biggest changes? Most of the patch notes document bug fixes, not nerfs or buffs.

Probably PVP ranks.
Considering we are playing nu-zoomer era game, probably PVP will also be ruined a lot by abuses, premades, etc.

Reflect on your experiences, with the game and all the weird and wacky interactions you had with different people. Then move on.

use the video blocker extension, it's the only way

TBC only reduced the amount of lucrative farm spots (and points of interest in general) to ~3.
I'd rather have more content, even if it kills the market.

>i really hate time vampires
And of all the games, you chose WoW. You're a fucking retard. People play WoW to waste their time.

i know how much time to invest. when its waiting on others who go
>wooopsie doodle im on the other side side of the world
>brb smoke break
>wife says its dinner time!
then yeah i'm gonna flip my shit and feel disrespected.

most servers are pretty close to 50/50 but it's just hard to tell sometimes.. I don't think they did layers with an even amount of alliance/horde it must just be random and that is why at times it can seem like there are more horde than alliance.. I'm 48 and have experienced it most of my levels too. Look at any surveys though most of the time no matter how many people do the survey horde/alliance is always close to 50/50.. if it gets bad enough Blizzard steps in and locks the realm so only certain faction can be made

so whats the lfg addon bros? spamming chat is getting kinda boring

>most servers are pretty close to 50/50

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is there an NA version?

Smaller servers being in a big difference is w/e
It's when bigger servers are 70/30 that it's an issue and they really aren't that way.

Level an alt


nice little cucked up server you got going on there euros

Debuff slots is a major one as well as improved talents and skills also boss nerfs.

Maybe it's just my server but I've never had any problems finding a grp for any dungeon. From RFC all the way to Mara so far, did every dungeon multiple times. There's still some zoomers that just want to AOE/cleave grps, but most people don't give a fuck about group comp from what I've seen so far.

>TFW when my server is balanced.

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>tfw horde stalaggchad
feels good

na dude im stalagg horde too and there are literally no ally in stv. Ive never seen an ally in the gurubashi arena too

shits gonna be ugly when p2 hits because youll have some 2000 horde trying to rank when there will only be a mere 200-500 alliance out in the world trying to get honor

i dropped that serv for thunderfury, was tired of the queues

The new
>Don't show videos from this channel
Actually works really well. Do it once and you never see it again. This retard only has 3 or 4 channels anyway.

Stats for Shazzrah are 40:60, but actually it feels like 20:80 desu. Most Alliance cucks are grinding dungeons and skip all world content.

>close to 50% on benediction
and man is it fun

>Alliance cucks forced into hiding because they can't PVP
Yup, sounds like vanilla to me.

top fucking kek

Oh yea baby, Sulfuras 50/50.

I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard made some chat bots to fill certain chat channels with the old memes.

Nice tinfoil nigga.

>some people have actually got good at WoW over the last 15 years

So make a group with the other casuals.

I bet less than 5% of the population are grinding dungeons to level. Like most things though you're seeing it on social media and thinking it's the norm.

>someone quits wow and gives him gold to a streamer instead of just a random person standing in stormwind

Wow, that really affects me! i dont have a 0.001% chance to randomly recieve a lot of gold off someone quitting now!!!1

by the time ive been looking for a group and finished it, the same guys in chat still spamming for spell cleave.
ive made it through with normal dungeon groups to 60.
the only annoying thing is how brd sm and zf stand for like all the spam in world chat, need to make a new channel for 60’s

such a perfect screenshot

>tfw Alliance Chad on Skeram

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anyone know if ill get banned for scripting? i made a simple one that just lets my mage stand there killing monsters while im afk

Keep doing it and never click one of their videos again or anything related.


Normal servers are the choice of intellectuals.

>fedora tippers play on normal safe space servers
Tell me something i dont know

>tfw banned for not playing the game im paying for

>playing literally half of a game
thanks, r/atheism.

>those mostly alliance servers
I wonder where the streamers are.

>faggots decline or leave in a kill a mob quest.
>faggots constantly request groups for collect items quests

I probably won't be able to start playing classic til mid october or so. Will it still be worth it?

>he fell for the WoW is hard meme
>he fell for the take your time slowly meme
I knew it SO much this'll happen that minmax autism will take over, enjoy your dumpster fire, history repeats itself. The only thing I was not right about is that this shit will die in 3 months, because it'll die within one.
apex of keks.
>he fell for the wpvp meme
Huge clown fiesta with corpse camping, which everyone abandoned who took the game even semi-seriously.
user don't let them fool you vanilla PvP is a bored antisocial fucktard 60s killing lowbies in STV, because they too retarded to make friends in an mmo, and they need to let out the angst, since there is no content for them to run. If you took PvP in any kind of serious you did BGs. Also I get shit replies for this, but the truth is if you see a high level player killing lowbies is because he got shit on in a fair fight. I guarantee you this is 100% always the case, but nobody wants to talk about this, because its some kind of taboo. If you see an UD rogue shitting on everything in redridge make sure to feel for him (or laugh at him) a little because he just got manhandled in a 5-0 Arathi and he's pissed off as fuck. But don't leash out to the horde, believe me there are a alliance players too who do this shit too.

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Nonono this can't be, it's supposed to be dead now

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Reminder. If you don't play an underdog faction, >45% faction population. You're missing out on the best experience possible for Classic. You will be tempered and forged into a pvp GOD by the time you hit 60


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of course. They are going to be adding mew stuff eventually too.

>4 million characters
So that's probably at most 1 million players. I doubt even retail is that low.

>the average level 35 wagie has 3 bank alts
the absolute cope of retailers

Why the fuck does rppvp have so many people on it still? There's no way there's that many people that are looking for legitimate rping on this game somehow even after weeks

>Alliance players prefer PVE realms while Horde prefer PVP realms
Alliance confirmed cucks.

>boomer wants to relive his teenage years and lost youth by taking it slowly
>gets overwhelmed and literally BTFO by the vigor of a bunch of zoomers
this is some fine pottery here, kek.

Yep. And the fact that people are just fucking assholes in general. Forcing socialization just doesn't work.

>h-hey sorry mate guildie is coming to group bye /kick

classicbabs in shambles in this thread
refute any of these points, i challenge you.

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Not him but even people on my friends list have multiple alts, so I wouldn't say it's that far off

lol I don't play wow since mop because it's absolute trash but you have to be retarded to assume everyone is autistically leveling 1 char to 60 asap. Most people try out different classes at low lvls and then pick one to level up. That's why they're so low lvl.

Rush syndrome
People rush games because they "enjoy" going fast and progressing quickly, only to eat up all the content they can do and they become lost. Sure there's still pre bis for them to get, but past epic mount there's not all that much unless u want rep.


i haven’t had this much fun playing a video game for actual years. I’m excited to get home from work to get on my computer to play a game. Sure, the fun meter might run low in a month or so but goddamn it’s like I’m a kid again and that’s whats important

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Who woulda thought the edgey people want to kill other people. A considerably challenging thought I'd imagine.

>Retail cucks writing small essays to try and shit on classic

go dog pile another solo player with 5 strangers from your shit faction

>everyone who hates vanilla must love retail
You sound like someone with a sub room temp iq.

>trade chat nothing but spam
>world chat nothing but spam
>general chat is dead
>nobody talks when you invite them to quest
>dungeons are too easy so no communication is required
>raiding will be too easy that no communication will be required
this is not the social game people were promised. i can find more people to talk to on retail.

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I'm sorry Yea Forumsirgin, but it's the progressive thing to do.

It's a snowball effect. Every single tryhard will roll horde and tryhard killing alliance. Alliance players will just leave and go somewhere else because you don't understand just how may horde tryhards there are. You got a bright idea to gank a guy with no resources? surprise surprise, your entire 70% population faction does this to everyone they see every time. You retards aren't good, you're just all tryhards tryharding in the same area. it's pathetic

>Pass user

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I think someone got ganked once too many

I'm not rushing, I'm not AOE grinding dungeons, I'm taking my time. I never claimed Classic's raids were harder, obviously they're mechanically simplistic. I've spoken to plenty of people, most groups I've had for dungeons have had a lot of conversation about the game and general small talk, and I didn't have much trouble finding a group if other people were running the dungeon I wanted to do.

I don't really see how point six makes sense when a lot of your class abilities are tied to class quests, and they do do a good job of fleshing out some class fantasy. If you skip them you're not only gimping yourself gameplay wise but doing yourself a major disservice for enjoyment.

Point seven seems like a point for someone who just doesn't like RPGs and thinks modern MMOs are actually MMORPGs still. Someone who doesn't understand why they're wrong about point three either.

Basically whoever wrote this has ADHD and probably can't sit and immerse themselves in any game world, let alone WoW Classic.

>read that actual thread in mmochamp
>people actually try to refute the claims
>"lmao you are totally wrong that isnt true why are you lying go back to retail"

its actually really fucking sad if you're not a fan of something to see two sides argue about which form of time wasting is better

Community certainly seems to be getting worse and worse. It's like concentrated reddit. The first week or so it's great. Now it's as if it's mostly just plebbitors racing to 60, not giving a shit about the world or anyone. Even on my rppvp server

Based post, specially on wPvP
>"What's to do in endgame?"
>"wPvP mate XD"
>wPvP is just camping a flight master until someone comes and then raping him with your friend while you're both overleveled
>or attacking a guy who's at low health and attacking some mobs
>or making a raid of 40 people and randomly killing people on the road and killing low level NPCs, because why the fuck not
People who unironically like wPvP should be castrated, but they already are since they probably got their ass completely destroyed in actual, competitive PvP like arenas.

hello gamer

Arena isn't about PvP it's about grinding gear

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>Trade chat has literally always been just spam with occasional children saying something g stupid or faggots spamming thunder fury.
>World chat is a private server thing
>I’ve literally talked to a majority of people Ive grouped with and have even added at least ten people to my friends list. Sorry you just sound like an insufferable cunt.
>Rag and Ony downed by autists and spergs who have done it literal hundreds of times over the past 10+ years so that means it’s easy for everyone else

Imagine paying $15 a month to complain on a basketweaving forum

>if paladins could have been real tanks so would have to be shamans
Shaman players have been bitching about not having a tank spec since fucking TBC

>balloon pops and makes a loud fucking noise that would startle anyone

looks like someone is out of mobs to kill because theres too many undead rogues and mages running around and is now posting on Yea Forums

>get to level 20
>get bored of class
>try another class
>get to 20
>get bored

fuck. are ANY classes fun to play?

Autism is my super power that lets me enjoy videogames, stay mad normie. Keep thinking about how you fucked up your chance to bone Stacy in highschool.

indeed you are

nope, wait for at least tbc if you want to have fun. Preferably wotlk for even more fun and cata for maximum fun.

>Arena isn't about PvP it's about grinding gear
Kek, me and friend destroyed people with much more gear pretty often because they were absolute retards.
And anyway, you're right, but once you're fully geared (takes nothing doing that, really) then the fight is balanced. Much better than getting ganked at 1 hp or by 7 people randomly around the world. People hypes this wPvP too much for what it is (absolute shit).

no. classes don't get fun until TBC. this is what everyone thought they wanted. are you telling me you actually don't want it?

just layer hop bro

>image says "unusual reaction"
>describe a usual reaction

an autist would do something completely retarded like start screeching back at the noise or curl up in a ball immediately despite any other dangers

Attached: 1486224366545.png (259x224, 12K)

Talents don't even start to become fun until level 30. Your build starts coming together at 40.

No, say thanks to "no changes" faggots.

>lmao it gets better 30 hours in dude

fuck that

yeah because wpvp is full of skill and literally has nothing to do with gear. It's a fucking mmo of course gear will always be important. In arena tho you can still destroy people if you're good.

Talents do not change your gameplay. You'll keep doing what you're doing at level 20 forever.
Es: see Warlock, Mage, Warrior.

I wounder who's behind this

god this game is ded

Holy shit, I've done that and still keep getting this retard streamer's (redundancy, I know) garbage reaction SHIT.

Do I click on reaction videos, youtube? No. Do I click on streamer videos? No.

It has come to the point, where I just click the video, leave a thumbs down, report for child pornography and call him a fucking faggot, advising him to tie himself to an end of an rope.

>33 battle.net friends
>19 of them quit already
>7 went back to retail
>4 left playing still

Attached: 1540177949793.jpg (598x662, 85K)

>mage or warrior joins my group, aka people who are only chasing the steamer meta
Time to want to kill myself again.

>Lv33 Priest
>Only have 30g
What's are good areas I can farm money at before I get my mount and shadowform?

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Seethe and cope. Also, see you soon on retail!

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you're right.....yeah this game is shit. 1 less alliance for you guys to fight. by the time phase 2 comes out it's just gonna be horde all running around on top of eachother wondering where the alliance players are to kill...and I played horde in actual vanilla/nost/ely so it's not a fanboy thing...it just sucks for the server really

Yeah but you don't go out and WPVP to farm gear, you go out only to PvP.

Most of the people that queue up in arena or BGs are just there to get gear.

Why are Alliance such cucks though? Literally hiding in instances/city all day while every questing zone is swamped by ooga booga mudhut apes?

>LF2M, must have Ravager

Wow sucks for not playing an in demand class, Mr night elf/undead rogue

It's not that simple. Its causes me physical pain and puts me into fight or flight mode. I understand you might not understand because you're half deaf but loud noises arent fun.

Bought a 1 month pass to try this out since I grew up around "wow-killers" but never had the chance to play classic wow so now was the chance. God I'm bored of this game. Level 13 human mage and level 8 dwarf paladin, nothing is "comfy" or fun about the environments. Everyone has the audacity to tell me they're a vet and been playing for 15 years, shut it little man, I don't really care it just makes me realise how much of your life you threw away lol. In terms of quests, fetch quest galore and utterly boring as fuck. Combat sucks, being a mage is just waiting for bars to load up so I switched to paladin, only slightly better but still boring. Idgaf about the story, something about orcs and humans not liking each other. Overall wow really is behind on times and I'm not surprised the player base is somewhat dropping, cities aren't nearly as populated as I thought they'd be. I won't be playing this anymore, I'm quite frankly sick of it

I try so hard to understand the mentality of the blizzard developers who looked at Retribution paladin and said "Yeah, this spec is fine, let's move to the next one". Whoever was in charge of balancing ret spec in vanilla did not earn a single penny of their paycheck.

What an atrocity. Retail is unironically a billion times better in terms of the class fantasy. I'd rather be a righteous crusader than a dress wearing faggot because Jeff Kaplan hates hybrid classes from his Everquest days.

Attached: 2b cosplay face.png (1000x996, 700K)

>post yfw you didn't fall for the Classic meme

Attached: 1562284503091.gif (230x173, 993K)

>every single quest is kill x amount of mobs or get item from x mob
>this is considered the pinnacle of wow to certain people

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Yeah and those ppl get destroyed by someone who pvps for fun. I remember during cata when some lvl 80 mage was dueling lvl 85s because he didnt have cata and was destroying them all the fucking time. At some point I even considered buying him cata so he can arena with me, because you rarely see someone as good.

I wounder who's behind this post

We've made it home.
The dishes are shattered on the floor, scattered amongst the shit cigars of various animals. The windows have been stolen and sold; the openings are letting in the smog of industry. Where there used to be a tree, now lays a hollow husk, surrounded by colorful condom wrappers.

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>1 pass poster shitting up thread
I wounder why no one likes you.

>Come home
>Find strangers squatting in your living room shitting all over the floor, smearing it on your walls

Ahh the Classic experience...

>Classicucks can't even eat while sitting

>ironforge on a 'high' pop realm
what went wrong?

Attached: WoWScrnShot_091119_150204.jpg (2560x1440, 600K)

the classic cultism literally made me quit wow, the community has become unbearable. the pining for a 15 year old experience is destroying the game.

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Sounds like autism.

My guild just gambles while we raid. Im already 87g up. Ill have my epic mount by next week.

What did you nerd expect? We all knew people are 100x better than 15 years ago and that classic 2.0 will be played in a much more hardcore and efficient way.
Thank god.

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Your character automatically sits down while eating or drinking which you can do at the same time.........

looks like you got the shit layer and are online at 3 am retard

wtf bros I thought retail was supposed to die????

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leveling a priest is so fucking boring. 20 more levels of wanding shit to death. i knew i should've rolled rogue again.

>tank dies so much his gear is completely broken when you get to the last boss

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Sold my Ravager at 40 to afford my mount.

Never regretted it.

Attached: the future.png (864x1080, 1.13M)

It's actually genious, they finally released Classic to show that classicucks were fucking delusional all along and went back to where they should stay, in retail.
Expect massive WoW retail playerbase increase very soon

Epic mount and 600g left here. No devilsaur shit needed at all.

>he doesn't realise alliance steamroll organized PVP thanks to paladins
enjoy slaughtering level 30 alliance at hillsbrad

>can't even spell genius right
retailtards, everyone.

Mods ban this faggot pass user for spamming the thread and Samefagging.

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>People linking recount in WC and talking about how I rolled a non optimal race/class

Attached: 1488802033662.jpg (844x769, 528K)

>this retard opinion
>that retarded spelling
checks out

literally the new coke/coke classic formula but reverse

retards who cares
game starts at 60, at least the part the matters aka ranking,cthun,and naxx40
retail noobs gtfo. no1 who has been playing vanilla on servers for a long time gives a shit

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>so new he thinks mods just randomly browse threads
If you want someone banned you report them not cry like a baby this isn't reddit.

Classicucks have no fucking argument, holy shit

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>blameux straight 50/50
fucking based, I got lucky

Lets cut the shit and say it out straight. PvP in WoW sucks dicks. It always was garbage in every single stage of the game. The best was at cataclysm, but even that was very mediocre.
In vanilla you got the wpvp which is high levels camping low ones and the DUDE SOUTHSHORE LMAO happened because guess what? Simply there was nothing else. Everyone and their grandparents abandoned it the very fucking moment BGs were in game. What you see now post BG era huge scale wpvp is a coordinated effort by a group of autist trying to recreate a zergfest. As for PvP as a whole you were better off doing PvE content than actually PvPing because the reward was better. Lmao what the fuck?
In TBC we got arenas which were about chasing a retard jumping around and hugging a pillar. Fucking dreadful.
Wotlk brought the biggest disappointment with Wintergrasp announced everyone who loved large scale battles was hyped. Then what you got is that you had to assemble both sides to make it work and not to be a huge fiesta. The same shit was since warsong gulch times, people still fighting in middle AFTER 15 FUCKING YEARS.
Then times fly by you got Cata which unironically was the closest to balance between classes, some shit BGs, then comes WoD.
Oh wait it sucks ass, and the same fiesta happens, which is just zerging. Then Ashran became Trashcan.
I don't even know what happened in Legion, and I don't want to know what is in BfA, which was "supposed" to make PvP, hence its about faction wars? But not really? I don't know, but I lost interest too, so whatever.

Attached: that old ass joke about hunters and rogues.jpg (950x404, 139K)

I know you won’t agree, but playing classic makes me miss retail wow so much. Not bfa shit, but good old retail, bc-mop, you might say that wotlk/cata/mop were shit, but it was the time when 10-12 mln played, it still had so much soul, but without annoying grind, raids were hard, but still not as stupid hard as wod-bfa myhic shit, clearing 25 normal with pugs was fun and then any guild could clear half the heroic bosses and then work on the last bosses. It was the time wow was mainstream, but still not cringe mainstream.
Classic feels just like bfa, people don’t play wow, they just larp that they do.

>"we are shutting down wow classic due to a lack of interest"

Where you belong

>be playing a hunter
>running rfd
>hunter whos 5 levels above me keeps shittalking
>tank kicks him
>run becomes much more bearable
thank god not all tanks are mongoloids

based retard mount collector

This is why I stopped playing as a 38 rogue on stalagg alliance. Giant groups of horde and instances are the only way to reasonably level. But they all want mage dps. Not worth my time

dont you have a millionth pig to kill or something

Look as the retard lashes out when confronted about being unable to spell simple words correctly.

>Being anywhere near as useful as shamans in PVP
Go back to your bitch ass mob farming

>classic still going strong
>announcement of tbc classic
You'll be seething forever, passie.

Legion and bfa is shit because they removed half of the skills from every class making pvp basically pve because you can only rotate the same 3 skills over and over again. Cata was truly the best time for pvp and probably why it's my favorite expansion.

Imagine not playing shaman with big dick wf crits.
Literally the only reason to play classic at all.

>classic makes me miss old wow
Yeah, that's why people wanted Classic.

Attached: 1567041783582.jpg (512x384, 27K)

>their game is shit
>they get angry but have ZERO (0) arguments to defend it, so they have to do the grammar nazis to feel better about it
Pic related is (You).
Seethe. Cope. Dilate.

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How come this Battlenet client is such a piece of shit? It takes ages to boot up, almost crashes every 3 seconds and has constant adds all over it. Before yesterday, I thought Uplay was trash.

This explains why I quit the game. Stalagg alliance is the most unfun shit ever

the reason why old school runescape was such a success was because 2007 was the peak of the game and it only got worse from there.
while vanilla was not the peak of the game, which is why it will end up being a failure.

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yeah it's fucking cancer. Just launch the games directly from their executable so you can bypass it entirely. Also make sure to kill agent.exe every time you launch a game

>all classic servers still high pop and have queues
>make some retard comment about it failing because retail hasnt died
>cant spell
absolutely based retard el goblino transmog competitor

I've been alternating between classic and retail. At least in classic you can go in general chat and say "hey there's a night elf rogue camping this quest in Ashenvale" and some people will pipe up to talk about it or even get a group together to do something about it. On retail general chat will be dead silent except for the occasional "anyone see crate" with no responses.

Fucking weebs

I tried playing as ally in stv. But I got ganked every 3 minutes and couldn't level. So I started dungeon grinding like every ally on stalagg

>Go to the zone of the dungeon
>Join world chat
>Join LFG chat
>Post your role and LFG
>Group in under 10 minutes
You're a faggot

You have zero arguments to prove that it's shit retard-kun. Where is your evidence? Where is your argument?

>Thread is slow and nice early
>Pass user spams the latest post and replies to himself
This thread is awful because 1 turbo sperg

You're right, and that's why when people searches for PvP in MMOs I always tell them "go play an actual, serious, dedicated PvP game". But they do not listen and end up ruining the game by making developers waste resources to create shit PvP content and maybe even ruining classes in PvE just to balance them for PvP.
Absolute dogshit.

just don't roll alliance, there's no point on any server

>that one chad warrior going all in
>'god damn horde'

>Classicfags are realizing that nothing will come close to the original experience just like most people who tried 2007scape already have
Face it. Nothing will ever compare and you will forever be stuck with slowly fading memories of good times.

Attached: mcfuck.jpg (320x320, 18K)

That last ally server down there wtf

Keep it on and stop pretending to be retarded

>tfw no autistic gf

Attached: (you).png (378x115, 5K)

Im stalagg horde

each shit faggot.
ally players are the scum of the earth.

>see 2 ally leveling
>1 is about to die
>felling generous after not getting ganked by near by ally
>run in and taunt the mob
>ally immediately start burning me down, ignoring the mob

And then i formed a guild the focuses exclusivly on hunting ally players. Come join the [Bullyhunters]

But I'm having good times now. Why do I need to remember old times?

One poor little orc boy chose the wrong server.

You needing all that time to post your edit is too obvious.

Let's see
1) THIS ENTIRE FUCKING THREAD. Ignoring people posting facts doesn't make them not true
2) People dropping like flies because the game is dogshit
3) People switching to the better version of your game (retail)
4) The simple fact that your game was released in 2004 and developers actually tried to IMPROVE it over the time. It's like you're pretending that raw grain is better than fucking bread. Sure, the bread can taste like shit because the baker is a fucking idiot, but it's better than fucking raw grain.
Can't wait to see me replying "n-not an argument" or "y-you're not right" without making any kind of counterargument. Like I said, Z E R O arguments.

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>tfw didn't fall for classic meme
>instead I grab myself a copy of WC3 from TPB and have a blast
Why does it feel so good when you win, bros?

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>implying horde don't do the same
Both sides do this shit.

Pve is braindead anyway so what's the point. All raids are basically don't stand in red/green/purple/whatever color is this expansions favorite and sometimes group up or spread out. Bosses are the same every time.

By being a neet loser. It’s not difficult, it just takes a lot of time. Good for them, get on with your own life and play WoW at your own pace.

its like before playing dark souls for the first time you watch speed run of it first. technically you are playing dark souls, but...

You're right, that's why everyone, including you, have cleared Mythic raids, right? :)
>"it's easy XDDD cleared only LFR btw!"
Fucking retard

>Buying a pass to shitpost WoW threads

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Servers still have consistently high pop. Where is your evidence that people are switching to retail? How is Blizzard taking most of the 'rpg' out of an MMORPG a good thing?

There were no mythic raids when I still played :^) and no lfr as well. Keep projecting.

I tried to replay WC3/TFT before Classic, but I couldn't. Half of the shit in that game is setting up your base, but that's not very fun for me.

>he didnt wait for WC3:Reforged

Start your own dungeon groups pussy. It takes like 20 minutes at most to make your own group and people are glad to because they also have been excluded from spellcleave groups.

the point is not to actually enjoy the game, but to enjoy the feeling of being 15 years in the past when the world was less shitty. this is the truth that will not be acknowledged, and instead people come up with a million bullshit reasons to explain why they prefer to play an archaic game stripped of any improvements

yeah but im on the horde so theyre fine


Blizzard tried to make some appealing PvP, but completely forgot that this is a PvE game. It'll always degrade back to Fight in the middle spamming, you can put any interesting objectives, people will do the same shit. This is especially peaked in Wotlk with a premise of very specific objectives and vechicles. The BGs on paper sound super interesting, but in reality they simply don't work. Wintergrasp is the prime example of this. I have to kill flowers in a fucking battleground? Then If we control the BG we can steamroll trough a piss weak boss content for mediocre rewards? What the fuck were they thinking?
I'm not saying I didn't have fun with it, because rarely it did happen that people gave a shit about it, then it worked. It was probably the best PvP experience in Wotlk battlegrounds if things were smooth, but in 90% of the time this wasn't the case.
Oh yeah and I remember aerial combat too, fuck you blizzard you lying pieces of shit, wotlk could have been so much better.

you dont want to be jealous of someones life whos 60 with epic mount

I mean, it's fun when you're competing against human players, but in the campaign it's just pointless busywork.

Bullshit. Every single one of my bnet friends is still playing the shit out of classic. The only retailer left quit playing retail because he is mad that there are no m+ grps going on thanks to classic

Then as an alliance player, it's fine when hordelets get HEEMED.

Got a 30 Human Lock and 21 Human Warrior and I'm tempted to re-roll Horde on a 50/50 server as my current one is unbalanced as fuck
Should I do it?

Everyone's leveling you nigger

Because it was never hard. People were just uninformed and didn't know the best farming strategies. Now they're plastered on the front page of wowhead.

>Waiting for mobile-tier chink shit

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Why would anyone who hates wow want to play reforged? You're stupid

Yeah except I enjoyed playing on private servers too. Your argument is boring and tired.

>developers actually tried to IMPROVE it over the time.
I think the keyword is TRIED not improve.

The casual changes slowly made people anti-social, not the other way around, retardo.
Going back from that is pretty much impossible at this point.

its just not the same bros

we need classic classic

That greenskin likes getting gangbanged for sure

It's going down, user. Everyone I know either quit Classic, switched to BfA, or is still playing Classic but VERY VERY slowly compared to the first days, because the game becomes a fucking chore later on.
I know my friends are not facts but I'm pretty sure, if you have a circle of friends too, can see the same pattern. And not you, but everyone in this thread too.
>How is Blizzard taking most of the 'rpg' out of an MMORPG a good thing?
Nobody is saying that retail is good, but it's surely better than the fucking bare bones game that's Classic.

Attached: trends.png (1269x873, 30K)

This. It's a fun game. That's the same argument people use against retro games, but good games remain good even if technology improves.

No. Fuck the barrens.

You can't go back 15 years. The community and playerbase changed.

>google trends
>server population
I guess since now I can play the game and I dont google news about it anymore, that ive technically quit

The retail tranny shills itt are hilarious.
Classic won.
Gamers won.
White men won.

What about isle of conquest and eye of the storm? Those bgs forced you to split up and you actually fight for objectives and not just fight in the middle. They can do some good bgs if they want the issue is that most of bgs have single path maybe 2 at best so everyone naturally converges there and you have massive fight in the middle.

I don’t even get why would people buy such cards in the end of the lifetime of consoles?
Graphics only improves when new consoles being released, all new games have same 2013y old graphics you don’t need best gpu to play.
How you should do it is to wait 3 years after new gen and buy xx70 card to play everything maxed out for 7 years.

>Nobody is saying that retail is good, but it's surely better than the fucking bare bones game that's Classic.
Don't you have lore articles to read on wowwiki? Kys

It's probably correct though. You don't google just news, but talent builds, quest info etc too. Besides, I sure hope as many retailcucks as possible go back to their shed.

Wtf was posting in another thread and post came here

I could've showed you literally anything else, user. Go check... Anything that could show current WoW Classic popularity and look if it went down or not.
Server have an high pop, sure, but not like before, It will keep going down and down until you'll notice yourself.

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>trying to be comfy in a dungeon
>casualy auto attack with my wand half the time
>eating milk and cookies doing my best to stay relaxed
>ass cunt fuck tad retail baby posts his add on dps meter showing me below the tank
>just ignor it
>he starts posting it after every pull
>I'm forced to sit up in my chair and actually cast my spells


Attached: ada.jpg (579x329, 18K)

It's really not. Endless pruning and attempts to make all classes/specs 'balanced' have killed so much class flavor and identity. Hunters don't need ammo, no one runs out of mana anymore (besides arcane mages and healers in high M+). Took all pet abilities away, exotic pets are barely exotic, sharding fucking DESTROYED all real community. I can't say that there isn't anything good about retail, because I do enjoy M+, but Classic is a new experience to me. It's more tedious and sometimes irritating, sure, but it's fun as fuck so far.

It doesn't matter where you post it. Everyone in gpu threads are massive consumerist whores who need to upgrade every year. Like hell I've seen people upgrading to the cards from the same gen like 1060 to 1070. Can you imagine being so retard that you buy 2 cards from the single gpu gen.

Sure user. So when wow classic popularity rose before the game was released, does that mean the player count actually rose?

Did anyone else think you did but you don't?

I wasted my fucking time with this shit game. Those daily shill threads told me it was like going home but it's a fucking shack.

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Don't worry comfyanon, I'd pick you over the retard who charges to the mob the second I try to pull it back.

No, I'm enjoying it

>Nobody is saying that retail is good, but it's surely better than the fucking bare bones game that's Classic.
Haha, good one.
I'll agree that vanilla/classic is rather barebones and has lots of room for improvement, but it's still better than retail. That's more a testament to how bad retail is than how good classic is, though.

>simpsons poster
good fucking riddance

Go back to Rick and Morty

back to retail yellow nigger

>tfw i was this tank

Attached: 1566707725106.jpg (540x477, 37K)

underage please leave

Well, yes?
They couldn't play back then but that was a good indication of the number of players.
All I read is "retail doesn't have this boring ass chore mechanic (like ammo, a what could've been a cool feature if it wasn't that it wasn't expanded at all, like giving ammo cool and useful effects and you had to use the same BiS bullet/arrow every single time)". Ammo and mana problems don't add anything to the game if not, "guys let's stop having fun for 3 minutes each pull, I have to recover mana" or "I have to go buy ammo, brb 15 mins".
All they took away is your "3% chance of getting a free cast of a skill" and "5% damage when being at low health" or shit like that. Talents like that are so fucking boring. At least now you have a selection of actual impactful talents you can choose from.

This. I was a homefag but now i know that i wasted my money on a subscription fee on what is basically a solved game.

Attached: 1568464612497.png (513x636, 335K)

>everquest paladins and shamans

>pay 19 g for mats
>transmute them to archanite
>sell in the ah for 24 g
>happy goblin merchant takes 1g "cut"
>have to wait 48 hours to do it again

I'm finaly starting to see that alchemy money coming in...

Attached: images (1).jpg (247x204, 12K)

>google trends
>server population
go hand in hand actually.

Attached: 1453894747825.jpg (703x498, 42K)

Get an epic drop noob

your retard logic is how they killed the game.
Constantly pruning gameplay features and making these easier for players.

That's why you sell the transmute itself. Dunno if there's a market for that yet, but it was a braindead simple way to get enough gold to cover your repair bills if you were a lazy bum like me.

Will try that from now on thanks!
What does agent.exe do?

>less options good
>more options BAD
Hybrid talents was peak wow. Needing to manage resources was peak wow. Needing to actually learn from a trainer was peak wow. Why the fuck does wow even have class/pet trainers still?

Wrath is GOAT until ToC and then dungeon finder.

I'll take a silent group with fast clear speed over a group with cringy ESL "banter" between every pack any day of the week.

tfw have my epic just from aoe farming from 58-60 with tailoring and skinning and selling over 120 runecloth bags for 2g 99s

Reminder to never break the fishing code.

Attached: fishing code.jpg (1920x1080, 726K)

>What does agent.exe do?
Blizzard's 100% legal spyware program.

Chores =/= easier game
Chores make the game a CHORE, not hard. Can you please understand that?
If you want to make the game hard you create harder bosses or challenges, or make classes hard to play.
Your retard logic is why they don't make games based around your kind anymore in 2019. Luckily.
>more options is better
So, Retail is better? Thanks for agreeing with me. I can choose every spec in the game without feeling a weight down for my team and ACTUAL talents, not "+3% damage on fire and frost spells XD see I'm hybrid???" while it counts absolutely nothing in the end, compared to activable skills.

> Ashbringer 50/50

Fuck yeah.

what class are you? farm gold, get Best in slot, Gank, level alt, but desu now your 60 your free do dont have to dedicate so much time to it, you can finaly play it for "fun"


Attached: 1567874037847.jpg (872x750, 123K)

>ammo is a chore
>customising your skills with talents
>a chore
No you are just a filthy casual retard that should never be catered to in game design or listened to.
It's idiots like you that turned wow into an interactive movie.

Vanilla simply doesn't belong in the current super sensitive era. Its not a great game, but a good one. I'm not talking about because of technology despite metasites existing, but rather that most players already jump in a pool they previously did swim in years ago, and now the challenge lies in who can be faster.
Oh boy where to even begin?
"Ally captured hangar?" Right click, leave.
"Some people have gone to workshop?" Right click, leave.
It was a fucking disaster, It was like playing LoL, the game keeps you as hostage despite everyone knowing who won within a few minutes. Absolute dogshit design, and I say this as an alliance player, and I fucking loved winning mind you.
Let me demonstrate you EoS aka WSG 1.5 now with more migraine.
Ally side:
>guys lets capture BT
>all the horde is at fucking MT, we could get it easily, or even FR
as for horde
>Lets zerg mage tower it always works lmao
>yes kek
>now 4-0, they got FR GG shit team

fuck you.

Attached: tortoise.jpg (500x397, 37K)

>I wish the abrahamic religions would stop existing
Literally the same thing you're asking for.

>then dungeon finder.
>then dungeon finder.
>then dungeon finder.
>then dungeon finder.
DF was in wotlk since day 1.

No it wasn't you fucking dumbass

>customising your skills with talents
>a chore
Why are you acting like talents do not exist on modern WoW? Are you retarded?
Now I understand why you hate current WoW so much, you didn't even fucking play it.
>not a chore
>going back to town, spending money just to being able to cast your skills is somehow not a chore

Talents dont exist in modern wow since they scrapped them you low iq fagot moron.

Literally nothing wrong with that desu fampai sounds based af as fuck stay mad

>>everyone is busy spamming SM and then skipping to ZF so it’s borderline impossible to find groups for Razorfen Downs and Uldaman
I see a lot of SM, but there's still plenty of Ulda and RFD groups.
Must be a server thing

id like to see the things mentioned in his post gone too, but if you need to ban people because theyre playing the game in a way that you dont like then the fight is already lost
metagaming is a cancer in every game these days and theres no way to change it

So what are these, you stupid faggot?
Classicucks everybody

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Not the classic talent system you absolute nigger brained tranny dumb ass retarded loser fuck.

>tfw nelf warrior
get fukt retards, I'm the tank, I do whatever the fuck i want

Holy fuck shit. Classicucks are absolute brainless apes.

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What you describes was at most like 10% of games. I feel sorry for you that you had such shitty experience. Also when I qued with my rogue friend we could single handedly take on like 7 players so the rest of players who were a bit slower and maybe a bit handicapped could handle the rest of bg.

barely choices since only 1 or 2 talent setups are viable at any point you braindead monkey

>PvP Talents
I don't play retail, is that similar to the lolPvP talent system in FFXIV?

Chores? Chores you say? You mean like daily quests? You mean like world quests? You mean running the same dungeon over and over again, and then again and again at different difficulty? You mean like sitting through the lame quest-on-rails to get your reward fanfiction cinematic? You mean like playing one dps class that is exactly the same as any other dps class in terms of gameplay? You mean like timegating, order halls, and garrisons? You mean like your class being rebalanced every patch for 15 years? You mean like going out into the world and seeing nobody at all? You mean like queueing for dungeons? Those kinds of chores, you mean?

>yellow lel nigger
You are the simpsons fag earlier arent you.
You actually think two DIFFERENT things are the same thing?
Off yourself you mentallly handicapped strawmanning dumb shit

So exactly like vanilla, where half of the specs are literally unplayable and other half are shit. At least in retail you can play all classes/specs

don't forget that they gate a shitload of actually useful talents behind pvp.
Didn't matter to me when I was playing retail because pvp server, but god damn going into a dungeon and I'm back to being gimped fucking sucks

Those are perks from call of duty, made by the same company. How coincidental

and I don't play ffxiv so I have no idea.

But you're not supposed to play specs, you're supposed to play the class

Its literally the same system they added to diablo 3 and killed that game too.
They scrapped talent trees even though they were immensely popular in diablo 2 and added to wow because casual plebbit idiots felt "stressed" making talent choices.
It was purely a downgrade to the games design to please diaper wearing morons.

So whats the point of even putting ret/prot paladin in the game if they're completely unplayable. Just call it plate priest, but even then priest can still do damage paladin can only heal.

nope each class has at least several specs that are viable for different things. Not even getting into minor differences based on preference.

You never even actually had a choice, it was always a cookie cutter what everyone who was not a low IQ retard specced in. In nuwow it was always 1 dogshit, 1 very situational, aka worthless and 1 pick this talent, while in old wow it was the same exact thing. A specific leveling talent, then respect at 60 into a specific one. Stop fucking around, talents were always shit.


They're not unplayable, you literally can play them

As someone who spends a lot of time in LFG I've still only seen this twice. And it was for a different instance.

I got 31ms latency and everything I loot is delayed , same with trade windows.
Is that part of vanilla?
Or just below private server tier, servers?

CATA was top tier for talents I think. Enough points so you could spec decently into a tree or two, but no retard tier shit like +1% damage.

There's an option in the settings to turn off UI lag

yeah and be completely useless and never get invited to any raids/dungeons unless you have friends willing to carry your useless ass.


They always should have kept the classic system and just made it more complicated with each exp.
But sadly the filthy casuals won.

oh, you're right. Still it was basically the same system since most of the work was automated for you.

Just like in classic, you dumb faggot.
I'm not the simpson faggot. How hard did he make you seethe?
I'm not saying the same thing, I'm just telling him that there are talents even in Retail, and they're BETTER. Prove me wrong.
Chores you say? Like spamming a dungeon for the BiS until you vomit and then going to raid once in a week in a piss easy raid and then quitting 'cause there's literally nothing else to fucking do?
>inb4 wPvP
Stop playing videogames if it hurts you so much playing them.
What I'm saying is that having 3-4 more skills thanks to talents its better than getting +5% damage on shadow spells or critical hits, you dumb fuck.

Btw, all this low IQ replies. Makes you really think how fucking stupid the average Classicuck is. Videogames are fucking over.

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I have always been of the opinion that release cata (specifically release) was WoW's peak for class design and dungeon difficulty.

>Its a valve fanboi nigger
Says it all.

>System>Advanced>Reduce Input lag
? Had that already turned on.

>has no argument
Thank you for proving my point.

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Why are you so upset that people are having fun? Is it because you've become such a jaded ape that you can no longer remember fun?

>healer is so shit he lets the tank die so much
>dps is so shit it take so long for the enemys to die the healer goes oom and the group wipes
pick on you faggot

i got you back hommie this faggot bouta get dabbed on

Then change specs

I'm not upset you're having fun. I'm upset you're trying to say your game is better than current WoW, while it isn't.

>b-but the +5% damage
>I rather have this spell which was part of my spells back then, but it got stripped and put into my talents.
Don't even reply back to me you absolute waste of oxygen.

It's a retail nigger and a valve nigger. It's twice as stupid as normal.
Valve fags are notorious for not having any appreciation for good game design.

So like I said half specs are unplayable. Are you okay retard?

>Nothing to do
Is that why nobody is playing retail? Because classic has nothing to do?

>Grobbulus 50/50
Fucking lit. STV is going to be so sick

use an youtube blocker addon, i tried it once and its nearly heaven, you can't imagine how much cancer comes from just a few channels

And like I said, you're playing the class, not the spec. Can you not read?

I think the talents in Cata plus glyphs were really good. You could do some fun things.
I had a Prot Warrior that was nigh unkillable thanks to the massive healing/self healing talents from arms and fury, plus I took a bunch of shit to fuck with casters, like Gag Order and every Spell reflect cooldown reduction. 6sec Spell Reflect, ranged silence on Heroic Throw, Charge+Intercept AND Heroic Leap, you were so mobile and could hit back any caster heavy hitter like Chaos Bolt and Pyroblast.
and if I did get low, it was a matter of Last Stand+Enraged Regen to heal for like 80k a tick
God it was a good time

>I rather have this spell which was part of my spells back then, but it got stripped and put into my talents.
that's not a fault of the new talent system itself, but because Blizzard are fucking lazy faggots that are getting money for doing nothing good (ex: releasing a 15 years old shit version of the game and getting money from it)

To bad people reee'd until they nerfed the dungeons. Remember doing some cata dungeons on timewalking, and being amazed when we wiped, remembering how dungeons use to be difficult even on just normal or heroic.

i see this spammed all the time in trade when i go to a major city.

So again what's the point of putting the specs if you can't even play them? It's even worse than retail.

fucking hell, when blizzard removed them they killed inscription

Cata dungeons were boring anyway, who cares that loot hallways were hard

But you can play them

tbf all tanks were pretty much unkillable. I was doing the same with prot pala tanking 10+ people like it's nothing. Holy pala was the same and with how much instant heal spells it had you couldn't even be interrupted.

>don't come into MC run talking like you know what you're doing if you don't even have a piece from rag
So yeah, HOME was always a fucking joke, these people just want to roleplay vanilla and pretend they're 13yo again

I was mad when they were removed. But when they fucking raped the corpse in Legion/BFA, I was done.

No I just want to replay a good game that was unavailable for no reason

>that's not a fault of the new talent system itself
Holy shit you are actually clinically retarded. This is peak retardation.
Blizzard made this system you absolute coconut nigger. Just stop fucking posting.

Because YOU CAN play them retard. Lots of the 'unplayable' specs are mostly bad in pve. Be a pvpchad and laugh as you chain lightning retards to death.

This thread is nothing but complaining. Really makes you think

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Are subscriptions still doing well?

so is "spellcleave" just the autistic zoomer way of saying aoe?

>that was unavailable
Yeah it's not like there weren't a metric buttload of vanilla private servers every-fucking-where

This is a video game board.

Had no problems finding a ZF yesterday. And 2bh I would probably also farm dungeons if I was a mage or warrior.

>Let's make a new talents system that's actually better than the precedent one
>with actual impactful talents and better choices, also easy to balance for us
>well we can't come up with anything let's strip classes' skills and make them talents
The system is GOOD. The rest they did is NOT.

>cata blood dks
NOT EVEN GOD CAN KILL ME. Early mastery system was fun.

You ruined WoW. Say sorry to me, to the WoW community, and to Yea Forums.

>announcement of tbc classic

>Blood DK pvp in cata
Nothing was better than tanking 10 people in WSG with full stacks and killing every single one of them. without falling below 99% due to insane bubbles.

>my mains were pala/dk/rogue
You can't imagine how much fun I had with pvp during cata. Even all classic fags combined have less fun when classic released than me during peak cata.

Probably making every pull take 3 minutes longer than it needs to because your a fat lazy piece of shit who doesn't even want to play

Go fuck yourself.

Reminder that this is pretty much the fate of every 2-faction MMO.

god i knew there was a horde bias . They keep killing all the NPCs at Astronaar on Rattlegore.

I got lucky with grey weapons and shit. Vendoring gives surprisingly good money

a good percentage of that is faggot cucks and underage wanting to use the barrens as a substitute for Yea Forums


Or I don't know, maybe there's an explanation for it beyond "some retarded streamer came up with a new term for it", but I doubt it.

LF tank
LF1M tank
LF War
LF1M tank
LF Tank
LF1M tank
LF1M tank
LF1M tank
LF Tank
LF War
LF1M tank

Attached: 1567130241283.png (500x377, 245K)

>complaining about low dps when dps have to hold back to not get aggro and die because of how shit the tank is

>that subhuman cuck who defends the state of retail

Jesus fucking Christ

That got shut down by blizzard, stupid

>the guy recruiting is a warrior

>has no ranged weapon
>doesn't know how to LOS and only facepulls

when i came back to retail after several expansions after vanilla, the game didn't feel like a game. It felt like a point and click adventure translated into a 3d world. Without any gameplay.

zug-zug! me smash enemy with big axe, me tank dungeon for you, no worry fren!

Both new and old were always bad you absolute dickmongler. It was always about how much you can minmax the very moment players got better, and there was a lot of completely unnecessary shit bloated in both versions. It was always only the illusion of choice.
>the system is good
okay retard.

Fuck off tigole your game was always shit.


Actually pre-eoc was the peak.

I just wanna know where to sell my gold. Hit 60 and i realised this game is actually boring as fuck.

Send all of it to Asmongold. Maybe he'll mention you on stream.

Good. Leave my game faggot

I play on Skeram and I see plenty of Alliance out in the world. Didn't think it was that skewed.

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I was going to play Ocarina of Time but then I realized that it will never have new content released and I won't be able to play it forever, so I just decided "fuck it". Just gonna wait for Breath of the Wild 2 instead.

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Im gonna go with no. Mostly because i play on EU servers

>I'm butthurt because I am getting pvp on a pvp server.

>constantly get asked by AoEing mages in WPL why I'm questing instead of grinding
I refuse to believe other mages would want another mage to come to their farm spot.

That graph literally shows that MOST servers are PRETTY CLOSE to 50/50 you fucking retard, learn to read data.

>tfw your server is 44/56
is my server gonna be alright, bros?

>epileptic seizures
The only real disorder in that entire picture is also not associated with autism.

>be easiest class in the game (mage)
>aoe grind runecloth
Wow so hard.

Aoe means all aoe
Spellcleave means spell aoe

No you're literally cucked by billions of horde chads.

>Talents do not change your gameplay.

>mirage raceway that high in alliance.
Neat, glad i rolled horde there.

d-delete this

>He doesn't know how to fear chain as a shadow priest.
Get good and then complain retard.

Not to mention all gold farming methods are completely solved. Classic is such a dull experience because the entire thing is mapped out to death by now by private server chads.

give me 1 (one) good reason why i should roll a warrior instead of a paladin that isn't
>muh dress

>Vendoring your main weapon to get your mount.
Are you retarded?
You get barely any gold doing that. You couldn't wait 1 more dungeon run to get it?

warriors are chads

Warriors are based. Guaranteed all future scarab lords are going to be Warrior tanks.

>Be a a lock killing and need to kill that bitch at the pumpkin patch
>Rando warrior trying to kill princess and aggros 2 other boars and mcdies
>Ask for my help, agree if he helps me kill bitch and her orbiters in the house
>Both get what we wanted
>Get a broken english thank you sentence.

It warmed my heart, that for some reason, some foreigner trying his best to thank me.

that need a healslut in order to be functional in wpvp
meanwhile, palachads are literally the knights in shining armor who come to the rescue in wpvp and can literally turn the tide of the battle with just their presence

>Join world chat
not him but world chat is password protected on my realm

paladins are not chads

>Kurinnaxx Alliance

Attached: IMG_20190820_204824.jpg (378x329, 19K)

>be a lock etc
>team up with a rogue since I guess he needs to kill the guy with the bitch? dunno
>some helpful strangers come and tag the fucking bitch before I get to do anything
>the rogue leaves since he got his quest done

this is what every warriorcuck keeps telling himself everytime he's staring at his dead character
go repair your gear, loser

Said the palacuck after bubblehsing back to Goldshire to talk shit after his glorious wpvp match.

So how does aoe farm work? How many mobs do they pull at a time in dungeons?

The problem with most of vanilla is that cloth classes are the easiest to play / least gear requirements / low repair bills while each armor class upwards has increasing difficulty and expense. Even Hunters are expensive to play properly unless you're a shitter BM who just lets their pet do all the work while you waste all your mana multishotting like a retard.
It obvious whoever was in charge of class design had a hate-boner for warrior/knight archetypes and favored spellcasters and stealth classes. Warriors are the only class that actually needs to auto-attack, yet doesn't have a single talent that gives hit/skill so most people roll Orc just for the Axe Specialization.

Its all gate-keeping design.

As many as possible. Which is funny because classic fags cried for months that aoe pulling is only a thing in retail because in vanilla you had to stun mobs and pull only small packs.

It is, if you're not a mage

>As many as possible.
How many is that? Like two packs? Three? Five?

No literally as many as you can see on the screen.

So two packs.

bitching about mages being OP is rogue deflection. Rogues are the real problem in this game

Just stealth. Stealth has always been an stain on WoW.

Alliance doesn't have any vendor near SM
The loot you get from farming SM for 3 hours all goes on the ground or left behind

Yeah if 2 packs are 20+ mobs

>tfw play on grobbulus
>my GM on alliance took over world chat and we banned every single uwu weeb shithead leftist cuckold nigger that posts.
>grob reddit and wow forum has shitters SEETHING

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literally the only quality post in this thread, unironically

I'm thinking of respeccing resto as a shaman and leveling through dungeons from 55 onwards. Gathering my pre raid bis while leveling and gaining healing experience at the same time. How good of an idea is that? Assuming the runs aren't aoe farm runs because fuck that nonsense.

Yeah, that'a good idea if you don't plan on questing anymore.

Yeah that's the plan, just pure dungeons.

banned how?

packs are a pretty terrible measurement system considering packs can be anywhere from 2-5 in SM, usually it's around 16-20 mobs each pull and if your group is good it's a clear every 12-15 minutes which would've taken a normal group 30-40 minutes, for ZF and BRD you clear the first few rooms and reset, it's usually around ~2 hours per level and compared to questing or doing dungeons at a normal speed it's insane.

>Waited this long for classic
>They still half assed the important shit
Fucks sake

And dont forget
>Cant grief with infernals anymore
Fuck you blizz

>classic rock was never good
>put classic rock music in 2019 and it will totally suck

That's why you use a warlock and lvl 40 mage so you can portal and summon back.

I've been playing in European servers and the people there are kind and and chill.

Maybe it's an Amerishart issue.

Yes, tons of silk and items drop.

This means nothing though, the vast majority of the zoomer/casual base are still leveling and barely playing enough to matter in balance

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It's definitely an american issue. They get all the streamers and twitch zoomers. Europe only has that world first lvl 60 gnome and he only became popular after everyone picked their server already.

>>Cant grief with infernals anymore
What did they do to infernals?

>world chat
You can't take over LFG chat you cuck, no one cares about your private fagboy club channels either

They instantly despawn when they go mad

Was there ever a more based skill than Mind Control in WoW?

NA servers are also infested by ironic boomers I see cuck and seethe being used on a daily basis in general chat

>55 onward
You can put 20 points into Enh and 14 points into Resto and nothing else matters. The only reason to go deeper into Resto is to be a Mana Tide bot.

What the fuck why? How is blizzard so incompetent

>Just release TBC already
>gets replaced by warlocks

Go run around the world and kill/help anyone who isnt a douche.

world chat is player created and player moderated

world chat is the most populated channel on every server