How would you do a remake of the mother trilogy?

How would you do a remake of the mother trilogy?

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The same everything but in wide screen.

Mother? I hardly knew her!

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Make it an FPS

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Tell people to play GOD Pure instead

Attached: god-pure.jpg (700x524, 81K)

Just rip off undertale so it comes full circle

make it with the graphics of links awakening remaster


unironically the artstyle for the LA remake would be perfect for a Mother trilogy remake.

the fuck is this

Yeah, because she's too busy sucking my dick

Wooooooooaaaah, I knew about G.O.D for the SNES (underrated game), but I never knew this existed. Holy crap

I think the originals are just fine, but if I had to I would follow the example of the Link's Awakening remake and have all three games made in a top-down 3D environment, and the models would closely resemble those promotional pictures they used for Earthbound.

PS1 game with religious context that takes place in a satirical representation of the modern world where you fight weird chimera enemies that have been perverted by an underlying evil. Remake of an SNES game.

Attached: gpu1.jpg (640x480, 88K)

i really need to learn japanese

outside of the intro sequence, g.o.d. is nothing like mother, though.

Yeah it's actually a good game lmao

Female Giygas, al a Morphine

oh, don't get me wrong, i really like the game (the snes version, at least, can't speak to the psx version). the mother comparisons are just overblown from people who judge off the intro and don't stick around for the rest of the game.

This could honestly work. Wouldn't require any stupid stretching or filters either .

However at this point I'm too familiar with Earthbound and Mother 3, I'd want something similar but different. I'm in the camp where I'd want a complete 3D remake . For Mother 3 I want all that lost content restored.

Make it claymation ala Kirby and the Rainbow Curse and somehow go back in time to get YBTPR era Flaming Lips to do the soundtrack.

Not play it but bitch constantly about the soullessness it has compared to the original, bitch about whatever censorship they force into it and maybe the battle system and if none of those things happen completely ignore it until I hear it flopped and then bitch that it never happened in the first place

I'm constantly on the hunt for failure to validate my bitter jaded worldview.