Death Stranding still coming to PC

>Sony referring to Death Stranding as "Console Exclusive"

>Press release where Kojima said DS will be coming to PC

>Sony removed the "Only on PlayStation" label from press releases that feature Death Stranding

>Guerrila games giving out Decima Engine to Kojima without any contractual obligations

So why should I buy the inferior version again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Gloating over being able too play fucking mailman-simulator

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New Vegas was good

tic toc Yea Forums

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Okay, I'm on the train. I'm fucking hyped. Let's just say it. This is going to be the best game of the decade. It's going to be incredible. This will redeem Mr.Hideo, and usher him and the games players into a legendary hall of fame.

yes and persona will come to switch
and red dead to pc
and nioh to xbox

what else?

this one is on you Tim ???

Ignore memefags. They're butthurt shills. The game has proved to be a lot more than that already

That actually sounds fun user.

Redeem from what? Making great MGS games?

Wtf do you mean redeem?

I can't fucking believe they managed to make the map the entire US.

>Retarded OP links articles of 3-4 years old

>the truth has a shelf life
Okay retard.

It's probably a 12 month exclusive. Once the year is up, they'll release a "revamped" version for PS5 and PC.

This was before Sony gave Kojima a Sony made engine.

Watch the fucking youtube video in the OP retard, kojima literally says that guerrila games gave him an USB stick with the engine on it even before they made a fucking contract. They literally handed him over the engine with no contractual obligations.

Your company is doomed, Takuya.

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i dont want this piece of shit game. you kojima drones are terrible

>I don't want games

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Fuck you. Go back to minecraft zoomer

Be careful, you will encounter Amazon Prime Death Squads in the region


>really thinking Kojima is using a licensed engine without any contract obligations
OMFG, you're delusional as fuck

Not only that but the united states is taken over by mailing corporations now and they use PMC now to guard their regions

Reply this to every walking simulator memefag

>tfw delivery gang wars
Reminds me of

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This needs to be updated since Papa John and Subway Boys were deemed too problematic.



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another walking simulator for pc, just what we need

Read the fucking second link. Sony was well aware of this going into it.

Who gives a fuck as long as it's good? I don't want Kojima to commit Sudoku.

That meme again

while we're at it, your favorite game is just a "insert word here" -simulator

prepare for disappointment kojimbot

just like mgsv this will be bomb and make him get fired from sony

The gameplay they’ve shown so far is pretty questionable. The combat looks very cookie cutter and doesn’t look to do anything particularly well. The guns look especially unsatisfying to use. The boss fight looked cool for a moment visually, until you realize the boss wasn’t really doing much aside from staring at the player who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop with what looked like an auto jump that accounted for comically long jumps.

Walking looks boring, world looks dead and uninteresting. It’s like you try and find one positive thing but really the whole game just comes off as a tech demo.

I'm icelandic and this looks more like home than my actual home...

Metal gear solid 6


> The boss fight looked cool for a moment visually, until you realize the boss wasn’t really doing much aside from staring at the player who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop with what looked like an auto jump that accounted for comically long jumps.
that was the worst part of the gameplay

the graphics and the aesthetics of this game are impressive but then as soon that fight began it was just "dodge and throw grenade", what a boring ass fight... even skyrim had better fighting mechanics

>fired from sony
He is in no way employed by Sony.

Kojima hacked up mgs3 with mommy shit and he’s hacking this game up with iPhone baby

so the sneaking AI is even worse in this game? such a shitty aim

Reddit loves this game

>Another shill fag who has never played MGS before
MSGV wasn't a bomb. It was a great unfinished game

not the same guy but even Kojima admitted GTA was way better than his game

This guy is such a queer lol

kek nonironically

every thread has like 500 answers there, every little pseudoscience detail that will meaning nothing in the great scheme of things


MGSV was a terrible game and I speedrun MGS2 and 3.

That doesnt mean MGS was bad. GTA was better than every game at the time

They removed the "Only on PlayStation" label this year. They also removed Death Stranding from their exclusive list this year.

MGSV was bad compared with these because the game had no dialogue not because of the gameplay

Would have sold more as an exclusive but kojima is greedy and turned down Sony’s offer

>Prime Delivery
>US Postal Service
>private mail companies (PMCs)

What faction are you going to join, user?

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No, the gameplay was terrible in V as well. Evidence: mine clearing mission 34, and Eliminate the Enemy Armored Unit mission 21, as well as repeated """""story""""" missions. What you meant to say was controls; the game controls well, like most other third person shooters today.

US mothafuckin posta service

It recently came back

msgv sucked but not because of the gameplay but because kojimbo fellatio'd his own phallus by making you play as not-big boss aka "the player" (You)

>Decima Engine
decent engine but I'm still fucking livid that Fox Engine is locked deep inside a Konami safe never to be properly utilized again

Ah si that’s who vemos snake was a metaphore

that fight with Quiet was amazing tho

Depends how long it takes to come to PC I guess. Still saves me buying another fucking playstation.

I don't think it was very fun. Even if it is a well-received mission, it's one of 3 or 4 interesting missions in the entire game: the first mission, Quiet's fight, No Russianing your own soldiers, and the last mission, which was a copy-paste of the first mission.

It didn't.

I'm disappointed that Kojima sold that game as "the story of how Big Boss became a villain" and he acts like a fucking pussy thought the entire game

Sony probably realised they will need to sell 15M copies or more to pay up Kojimas Hollywood wet dream, so they are going to publish it everywhere they can

personal mail couriers

>Kojima just destroyed a franchise that don't belong to himself anymore

So. Is it truly a walking simulator?

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No. Thats a meme on Yea Forums

>when the wagie refuses to get in the cagie

search the gameplay video on youtube

it's 50 minutes long but 43 of those 50 minutes are spent on walking and action cutscenes

creepy cultist meme

For once, actually a thread that mostly focuses on discussing the game itself. This hasn't happened in forever.
But at the same time I feel that a quarter of the people here like the "memefag" guy aren't genuine or are reddit shills.

memefags need to go

by your own standards, red dead redemption is a horse riding simulator

>43 minutes of walking
Post the link liar

MGS is a hiding simulator

I mean, what are my other mailman-simulator options? Does Germany have one of those?


and the only interesting thing in those 7 minutes of actual gameplay is an electric gun that Kojima copypasted from Dead Space

Sony execs must be sweating bullets right now

Yea Forums is full of shit as usual

yeah but at least in red dead redemption the npcs talk to you, in this game you will travel all alone like a mute autist and since it's not even a spooky horror game there's nothing to worry about while you're walking

srsly, what was kojima thinking?!

part 2 is out by the way, no English subs yet though.

Exactly. These people are the kind of idiots who hate anything that isn't 1 2 or 3.

>nothing to worry about while you're walking
Nice bait

you will receive codex calls from Dorito Pope

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Yong did a translation stream.

>releases on PC
>Yea Forums no longer calls it a boring walking simulator
We knew you were jealous the whole time faggots

Kokima should just have kept developing his horror game project with Del Taco, rename it "Quiet Mounds" and call it a day

Why the balance system? I mean, fucking why would you implement something like that in a game? it's already a fucking nuance when in an rpg you can't carry many items because it slows you down.

I actually want Nioh on Xbox. Dont go messing with my heart.

>Quiet Mounds

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I would love to play with Quiet's mounds.

Why add enemies? I mean, fucking why would you implement something like that in a game? It's already a fucking nuisance when you ride your horse off of something in an RPG and die.

Don't worry, Kojimbo has added the Very Easy mode "for RPG fans" such as yourself.

I don't get it, was Sony covering the costs so Kojima can fuck around with his idols but he went overboard so now they gotta put it on PC as well to make up the money?

Walking is not the only option

PT was a scam from the beginning, Kojima just used the money to travel to Iceland and party with his indie rock friends

No, it was simply planned to be a double dip scheme from the start. Sony probably only let him have it on pc under the condition that they trick people into thinking it's an exclusive, so it becomes a console seller.

Jesus christ, it was a simple question you fucking baby.

i fucking hate horses so im glad i can actually ride a bike in this game, so much easier too handle and they don't get tired

all these seething fags hahahaha this game is awesome

It was always coming to fucking PC. Sony went into it fully aware of this. Read the second link.

Someone can mod Norman Reedus to have a penis.

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Jesus christ, it was a simple answer you fucking baby.

Technically the bike in this game runs on batteries, so....

>why are they making the main gameplay aspect of the game deep?

how will they convert the baby soothing controls and balancing shit with pc stuffs though?

Will they force the player to use a controller?

I'm guessing you could move the mouse around or something

it will be awkward if they make a "give Norman Feetus an erection everytime he baths with the BB" mod haha

>no u!
Expected nothing less from a kojimadrone

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Said it before and I'll say it again, this game does not deserve to be succesful, kojidrones deserve the rope

>somehow my second response is a no u and the first one isn't despite both being the exact same joke
I find it funny you say "it's just a question" and then only respond to posts making fun of you and not an actual answer to your question like

>no u!
Expected nothing less from a kojima hatedrone

>A siileeent faaulty feeeling

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for death stranding to be qualified as a walking simulator it would have to:
>remove all guns
>remove all tools
>remove inventory
>remove all enemies
>remove any possibility of dying
>remove any sort of customization
>remove things like balancing mechanics
>remove difficulty settings

>there iiiiiiis no game on this disk
>only a movieeeeeeee

Yea Forums says its a walking simulator because of the huge map to explore

you guys really gotta agree on which angle you want to go at this one: either you think it sucks or you're excited for it to come to pc

wtf i love death stranding now

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Yea Forums says it's a walking simulator since they have a stick up their ass since mgsv had the biggest gameplay to cutscene ratio out of all the mgs games

Switchfags are gonna keep shilling against it though

I don't even have a seitch lmao, I just wanna see kojima crash and fall

i don't want it no thanks

it can stay on consoles and die on consoles

Well by that logic Shadow of The Colossus is a walking sim too since 90% of the game is literally walking to each bossfight.

Yeah, I don’t know why they decided to show that off. I think Kojima is a whore for graphics and technical shit in his games, but he needs somebody to rope him in and put his focus on making his games fun as well.

Sometimes Death Stranding genuinely looks really cool, but the important part, the actual gameplay has never managed to impress me.

What the fuck you want him to add to his game?

fox sucks dick

Actual gameplay lmao

>boot up game
>spend thirty minutes sitting in your room looking at norman reedus do fuuneh things
>customize my cap while i crack open a monster energy (TM)
>have norman reedus go into shower
>watch an ad for his new upcoming AMC(TM) series
>okay time to play the game
>go to terminal and get told to be careful of homosexual spirits that want to grab me
>spend another half hour customizing my cargo
>gotta make sure its balanced correctly
>okay time to play the game
>start walking outside
>keep walking
>keep walking
>balance mechanics tell me i gotta shift my weight
>keep walking
>stop to make use of piss mechanics
>keep walking
>use ladder
>a mini event spawns in
>its a motorcycle, sweet
>get on motorcycle
>drive motorcycle for ten seconds
>cant drive any further
>keep on walking
>keep on walking
>check my map
>keep on walking
>keep on walking
>get to destination
>geoff keighley hologram greets me
>quest complete return to nearest cargo station to refuel
>start walking but gotta stop by a hot spring to utilize bathing mechanics
GOTY 2019

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sounds comfy as fuck

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>not having a console AND a pc



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you can actually rule the wastelands if you bend the knee to yesman

Today is no gameplay right?

Hard to say, the game still looks so empty that it feels like the actual gimmick still hasn’t been revealed.

Like I said before. The whole thing just feels like a tech demo. I guess I’d rather it be something closer to the first trailers. Something more intense and horrifying rather than a slow paced exploration game.

Far Cry does MGSV better

Yeah just the voice actors and maybe kojima dropping info.

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No lie.

MGSV has nothing going for it


It might be hard to understand for a sony fanboy, but outside of your circle people don't behave like a herd. We have our own opinions and desires.

Imagine if you actually thought that instead of just saying it to farm (You)s

As long as it's a timed exclusive for console, we have a moment of respite before all discussion is ruined by PC poors.

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The fact these aren't in line with the previous ones pisses me off.

MGSV fags are as delusional as DMCV fags in thinking their half baked pieces of shit are good games when previous installments did it better

Don’t know why you faggots keep hating on the game that sounds great.

Also the grid is just charging the bike when you are on it, when you are off you run on battery.

I am a huge fan of Kojima but even I don't know how he will make walking around and climbing stuff remain fun after 20 hours of gameplay. I mean, even RDR 2 got EXTREMELY boring by the end where you would need to ride your horse across far locations.

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>RDR2 got boring by the end
Was your game bugged? There was always something new to find no matter how many times you went through the same area, and if not just a great view to look at while you rode.

Nope, and I was not the only one who thought that, bunch of friends who played it got burned out by the repetition. By the end I was forcing myself to finish it since I had already gotten that far.

The nevada wastelands also seem less empty than the wastelands of DS's America.

i guess those homo demons did a very good job buttfucking the earth

Every single time

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>everyone is the same person
70 IQ post.

I can't relate to your experience, but i'm not sure if Death Stranding will be a good game for you. I don't find things repetitive unless they're exactly the same like grinding an enemy over and over again in a game, in games like RDR2 or Death Stranding I can always choose to take a different path which will have a different view, or look different because of the weather, or i'll get interrupted by a challenge like BTs coming out of nowhere or bandits robbing a wagon.

>faggots fuck up civilization harder than nukes

Well, they do go around making craters, so I guess they'd be using a lot of nukes if they had them.

Sony is gonna launch their own pc store finally taking away all those jap devs from the steam monopoly

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everyone is the same person
Correct. Prove me wrong

>walking isn't repetitive
you're a god damn retard is what you are

Got it. I do have the game pre-ordered though and there is literally nothing that got me this hyped before so I will definetly try it out. Just worried about how it will be received and if the world has more to it than was shown already, probably sidequests and strange as fuck stuff going on.

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There was an user talking about some leaks that predicted that Lindsay Wagner and Dick Hardman would be in the game before they got revealed, and that after a few hours the game becomes an action horror game where you hunt down those 5 figures in the sky. Obviously, there was no source even proving that anyone on this board even posted a leak like that, but judging by the early trailers and what Kojimbo did with MGS2 I don't think some sort of early twist is entirely unlikely, but I don't think it's going to be that exactly if anything.

Either way though, if the man takes 3 whole YEARS before he even shows what he calls the basic gameplay, common sense would say that there's an absolute shit ton of other things being hidden.

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To be honest, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the subtleties and depth of Death Stranding shown so far. People like you just see walking, because you are blind to what the game is. You are presented with weapons, items, vehicles and yet your simple brain only connects directly to the picture of Sam standing on a green hill. Please learn to parse information and then come back to this board when you are smart enough to participate in the discussion.

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The other voice actors didn't even seem to know who it was that joined the story.


>Walking is repetitive
>Moving is repetitive
>Playing is repetitive

Am I the only one intrigued by the PvP potential? You can steal stuff from dead players

From what I picked up it's intentionally a secret character

They actually brought this up last TGS too so it must be somewhat important rather than just a cameo or small role

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why does he shill other video games so hard but they don't do anything in return?

Is a different type of gameplay

trust me reasoning with trannies like you is way more repetitive

Thanks Tim

anybody here who are big Kojima fan but skeptical about Death Stranding?
I liked MGS series but
Death Stranding's "gameplay" is worrying me
hope it turns out great

is the stream over or is there more stuff today?

You know what, If Tim get's console exclusives to pc, thats fine by me.

nice joke

yes walking for an hour to the next cutscene is gonna be a great experience

Is not like a MGS linear game though where you would have a chopper to get to the place you need to be. This is a open world game with a big map for exploring and transportation length is what worries people here. But combat system is fine

>But combat system is fine

the BT boss battle was a joke it literally was slowed down because you cant move fast enough for it to be any kind of a threat.

your character is made for walking around not combat so the giant tiger demon moves at a laughably slow pace otherwise itd be impossible to actually kill one of these things

You implying this look good? Walking simulator afficionado are mentally degenerated

They are PC niggers, hey take anything, even Sony 's shit, they're no different from a Sony nigger.

That'd be great news, that means it would be free.

You don't even know what a walking simulation is


You can't expect to have a easy way to deal with a monster in the game because you have no superpowers. But combat against humans is fine

For all we know, the footage was showcasing the very easy mode.

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He clearly just doesn't want gunplay to be the image of the game, even if it has it

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another empty open world by inept/lazy japanese developers. I'm so excited.

>post in death stranding thread
>select all squares with bridges


I think it's ingenious that the co-op aspects shape the world, that way it doesn't matter if it's empty and they save a lot of dev time.
Wouldn't call it lazy they just have different priorities.

Why would be I fucking excited for another walking sim?

Look at how Chad Akio Otsuka is. What a fucking chap.
I figure he and Hideo must be pretty good friends by now, they've been working together since 1997

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after mark saw what this piece of shit truly is, he stopped caring about exclusivity. this sure as hell won't be a system seller.

me on the right

>game gets released in pc
>i don't need to pay psplus to use all the online component
>can put in custom music into the game just like mgsv
>mods galore, Norman penis, nude mama, maga hat mod
Face it, this game would literally be better and superior on pc.

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>maga hat mod
I've never cringed so hard at a post. You are gay.

We already have an official monster energy drink ingame. Why not put in the dumb maga hat for full boomer meme potential?

There was no sneaking in that webm, so what AI is that?

So was the Taco Bell Chihuahua, what of it?


I already work at UPS, so my skills should transfer nicely. I'll be able to play on European Extreme right away.

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Kikuko Inoue, too. She's been there almost as long as Akio.

Also host girl is cute

>It's a walking sim

>PS exclusive walking simulator
>no longer PS exclusive
except this game's not even out yet
holy shit consolekeks are maximum seething

> Mark Cerny is the producer of the game and he only produce PS exclusive

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Hiking sim*, sorry.

Did they share any news today or just voice actor circlejerking?

ESL faggot


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>I do not know because I don't make games
Theres your response

Mentioned that Tomokazu Sugita has a part in the game as a secret character, one Kojima has kept so secret that the rest of the cast don't know who or what it is

Talked a little bit about the Super Easy mode thing.

Other than that, just VA talk.

What is the truth? That these articles exist? Well, true. Does it really mean anything now? No, PC port is still only a sweet dream.


V is going to be absolutely mad when this game turns out to be actually good. It will be so mad that Yea Forumstards will make themselves sure to hate it, because they don't play games and have a stick up their ass.
Yea Forums is like game journalists who play the games on easy with auto mode, the only difference is Yea Forums plays on youtube.

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Literal NPCs on this board

Who said this? All I see is PCkeks drooling now that they think it isnt an exclusive
Meanwhile Ill be playing 12 months early

>12 months early
Relax, it is a norm for pc now to wait additional 12 months.

His former colleagues must really like him considering they left what was probably pretty damn good jobs at Konami to open a studio with Kojango.

No you fucking spastic. Kojima and Cerny were going around various game studios looking for an engine. Kojima stated one of the reasons he chose guerrila games engine was because of how nice and trusting they were. They let him look over the engine and such almost instantly without having him sign and NDA or anything. Not that they/Sony gave him the full rights to Decima without any contract and he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it. Are fucking retarded? This is what happens when you desperately want your fanfic to be reality, you start making up dumb irrational shit.

Yeah, we'll wait for the beta test period to end and for the final release to come out
It's nice that consolekeks are so willing to shell out 60bux to playtest games before they hit the market for real.