What do you think will be the game of the generation user? Has it already come out...

What do you think will be the game of the generation user? Has it already come out, or do you think it will be one of the games coming next year before the new generation starts?

And we're talking pure quality, not overall popularity.

Attached: Best game of the generation.jpg (1280x720, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's Death Stranding. Kojima is our Shakespeare.

>2020 will probably have a game of the decade category

No joke Bloodborne is definitely up there. Lot of normals are going to say Witcher 3 obviously, nobody will mention GoW.


Any other answer is delusional

Right now it's between
-Hollow Knight
-Nex Machina
-Baba is You

But I have a feelin Dying Light 2 might be able to beat out them all. Hell maybe Doom Eternal as well

I emulated BotW and it kind of bored me eventually. Only beat two of the Divine Beasts before stopping. Those thinks were just a slog and too samey.

>pure quality

Attached: What if Dark Souls was approachable and clear.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

Completely loses steam after the grand plateau. Nope.

It's just an OP image retard

its a magic axe you retard

>less GoTYs than God of War


Attached: GoW narrative team.jpg (1477x967, 367K)

Quit talking about God of War and talk about good games instead

It's Breath of The Wild. No need to explain why, everybody just knows it.

>onions of war
kek, people have already forgotten that game exists, it's got shit combat and has nothing to do with the actual GoW franchise


Witcher 3
God of War

One of this

>generally considered to be about thirty years

Ocarina of Time or DOOM, probably

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By the critics and quality it's gonna be Breath Of The Wild.

But it'll most likely be Minecraft because people are fucking insane.

If we're talking about cultural phenomenons then it'll easily be Fortnite. If it's going by critic opinion then either Red Dead Redemption 2 or BotW. If it's going by "best-video-game-no-one-played" but technically everyone played then Dark Souls.

It deserves to be a Nintendo game.

Sony had the best selling console of the generation and not one exclusive that worth the price.

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If I had to be objective, I would say Bloodborne + ToH

For me, it's Dragon's Dogma.


this is they didnt rush the ending

Attached: deus ex md.jpg (662x372, 49K)

unironically Minecraft, as much as I don't like that game anymore, it was super fucking successful and was played more than any other game except maybe Fortnite

It's gonna be Breath.

It is going to be Fortnite or PUBG.
Basically it should be decided by the amount of active players and release year which means Valve technically cannot count, so at least it is not going to be DOTA.

Quality is very subjective, saying Dark Souls feels insincere.

About OPs pic, nobody talks about those games anymore and they were quickly forgotten.

Can you imagine if Eidos wasn't a subsidiary of Square-Enix or affected by the Mouse?
Goddamn, I miss video games.

Technically it dates to 2008, I played the alpha on a browser on a windows xp machine.
Was Mankind Divided bad? It is dirt cheap but steam reviews say it is dog crap.

I think Human Revolution was neat but the budget must had been tight, the Director's Cut commentary it is a story about how the game was almost not made and how they managed to deliver a great AAA game all the while cutting corners without them being noticeable.

I would say for me personally my top 3 are
>Nier: Automata
>Monster Hunter: World

I love all of these games. If I had to choose only one then it would probably be Bloodborne on most days.

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Yeah but it didn't fully release and become known until the early 2010's, it's easily game of the decade

>open world trash

>By the critics and quality it's gonna be Breath Of The Wild.
No that's Red Dead 2 or GoW.

Gonna go with this. Lots of good games but Bloodborne really stands out and one of those games that actually gets me to come back and play it years later.

>god of war
nintendo games are shit literally only ONE worth a damn

I feel like this exactly. Those are the top three games of this gen. But Bloodborne is slightly better than even the best.

>It deserves to be a Nintendo game.
This is your mind on Nintensoy.

Kiketendo had jack shit that could stand equal to Bloodborne, Monster Hunter World or Ace Combat 7.


Attached: splaaaa.jpg (450x350, 199K)


The first three that come to mind for me personally are Bloodborne, Spider-Man, and Breath of the Wild.

MD has 10/10 gameplay, people are downvoting it because of the single player shop and rushed ending. But, the experience during the game is great, its like 5$ on sale.

why is she wearing her watch on the outside of you sweater?

Obviously OP is referring to gaming generation, which roughly spans from 2013 to 2019.

That Bloodborne image is shit and doesn't capture the feel of the game at all, it looks like the box art for Prototype.

Bloodborne, God of War, Spider-Man to name a few

This thread is for game of the generation, Minecraft is a 7th gen game.

Dark Souls was last gen

>made best game of 7th gen and also best game of 8th gen
Is he even human? This godforsaken medium doesn't deserve him.

Attached: Miyazaki_-_04.png (802x846, 750K)

if the game of this generation is a shitty third person action game, that says everything about how far this industry has fallen

>muh first person


That is a last gen game and it's absolute trash, fucking 12yo retard.

>could be playing a god-tier game like Timesplitters 2
>would rather play with digital toy dolls
yep, you're a cuckold

>he's actually an FPS-cuck
Holy shit am I glad your kind died with CoD

Attached: baled.jpg (328x370, 18K)

Kid Icarus Uprising

the fact you think TS2 is even remotely similar to CoD tells me everything I need to know about you

>That is a last gen game and it's absolute trash
Stop being a fucking retard. GTA V was rereleased for this gen and it's still a fun game. Stop being a fucktard.

gonna cast my vote to RDR2 because no one else will

>being immersed in a game played from a first person perspective makes you a cuck
>playing games where you control onions-bearded men fucking man-jawed women doesn't

Third person action games are fun. Stop being a fucktard.

>playing a camera is "immershun"
Let me guess, you also think real life is like a FPS game right?

It's literally been the medium default since forever. It's only now you're starting to see absolute waste of sperm complain about it.

Witcher 3 the best by far. It's the only game i spend 300 hours, replayed thrice and enjoyed every second this gen

witcher 3 is disqualified for shit combat and dropping a bunch of shit 1/2 built up to

re-releases don't count or you'd get people saying Last of Us

if real life was like an FPS, why would I play one?

It's funny how it took 64 replies for someone to mention the game everyone was calling GOTYAY just a few years back.

It's funny how time can give so much perspective.

You think playing a camera is immersion which just means you're low-IQ as fuck and probably should just stick to CoD.

>hating on Timesplitters
I can smell the bull semen from here.


Attached: 1560077591873.png (231x218, 9K)

>seeing things from a first person perspective is "playing a camera"
what the fuck is wrong inside your brain

What the hell is wrong with the mods?


You're moving a camera around. That's it. You're not inside a person. Only absolute brainlets think first-person view in a video is even remotely similar to how we perceive the world. In FPS games, you see a fraction of the shit we do. It's inherently obstructive and limiting.

I'm not even the dude you're arguing with, go hate on some shit like Gaylo or Quack all day if you want, but insulting Timesplitters objectively makes you a low-T cuckold. You're missing out big time.

>look I'm hating on those popular games, am I cool now Yea Forums
Trying too hard

that is literally what you're doing by playing a third person action game

Your movie has the shittiest level of combat mechanics. I got so bored after a couple of hours, and no cinematic or graphics could make up for it.

>was rereleased for this gen

SO? it's still a las gen game you stupid fucking pile of shit, and the worse GTA. Play more games or kill yourself, dumbass.

But you're also seeing your character which allows more intricate movement and action. How the fuck would a game like Devil May Cry even work when you play as a camera? It wouldn't. First-person games inherently limit actions, especially melee actions. And yes you're still controlling a camera but atleast nobody is pretending otherwise.

>b-but I want to BE the character I play as
Only retards fall for that cheap shit. FPS games have only limited use for those ultra competitive shooters. Outside of that, FPS games are a relic of the past.

Also, the only reason CP2077 is locked to first-person is because CDPR didn't want to bother animate the character. It's the cheap way out for any dev who knows their audience consists of retards who are fine moving a camera around all game.

Did a Goldeneye chad filter you on your brother's N64 as a child or something? I don't know what your vendetta against first-person games is, I'm just telling you that you're being a faggot. Not all games are made alike. If you don't enjoy shit like Call of Duty, more power to you, but you'd probably like Timesplitters if you actually gave it a try. Go download dolphin emu and get a rom and boot that shit up. If you play it and come away without understanding the appeal of watching Elvis and a monkey get into a fist fight while a midget clown sprays them with a flame thrower, you are a lost cause my man.


>watching a character do things allows more intricate movement than having 1:1 input
lol yeah you're retarded, good night

lmao nice cope. In any game that allows switching from 1st to 3rd person view, it's always more advantageous being in 3rd person. 1st person is inherently limiting of both view and also movement and actions.

I'm not a soulsfag by any stretch of imagination, but Bloodborne is really on a league of its own. It got me again enthusiastic about action RPG's, and I'm sure I'll play it again quite few times.

I didn't like Sekiro though.

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>it's always more advantageous being in 3rd person
>this is why every third person shooter has a first person sniper scope

Attached: tenor.gif (498x249, 1.39M)

And how much of total combat is using the sniper scope? And I'd argue the sniper scope is one of the few times a 1st person view is justified. In regular combat, people will stick to 3rd person due to better awareness of the map and greater control of the character.

>dude 3rd person is always more advantageous
>dude there's only one time 1st person view is justified
Just keep moving those goalposts. 3rd person view objectively gives you a larger view of an area, that's obvious, but if you think it provides greater precision over fine movements you're thinking with your ass hole, sorry.

Why do you think PUBG has for instance separated 3rd and 1st person servers? Because anyone playing in 1st person against a 3rd person player will get his shit absolutely wrecked. Sure 1st person might provide minimal superior aim but that's nothing compared to how much you gain from seeing your character and also having a greater field of view.

And this isn't even mentioning the fact that games are more enjoyable in 3rd person than in camera perspective. And also how so many genres aren't even viable in 1st person whereas many 1st person games can work just fine in 3rd person.

How optimized is Witcher 3? Could it run on an older laptop? Had no problems with MGS 5, gta 5, newest tomb raiders, Witcher 2, but couldn't run DX mankind divided and nu Hitman and nu RE games

Not particularly optimized but if you could play Rise of Tomb Raider, then Witcher 3 should be on par with that.

I can't think of a game that does what it sets out to do even half as good as that. It is the very definition of an interactive narrative.

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>And we're talking pure quality, not overall popularity.
Ace Combat 7

[Daredevil intensifies]

Attached: Ace.webm (1066x600, 2.91M)

Ah. Replace it with Undertale or Nier: Automata then.

Bloodborne and God of War are the only candidates right now. I hope Ghost of Tsushima can join their ranks and I think FF7R will be amazing but thats only the first part.

If we're talking about quality only, I can only see hitman 1+2 and Talos Principle. Bloodborne took the souls formula one step backward, GoW is some Game award bait game despite its qualities and witcher 3 has terrrrrrible gameplay

If we're talking about normie awards, it's going to be some shit like Rdr2, GoW or W3.
So I don't really care.

>hitman 1+2 and Talos Principle
shit "games"


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>God of War
See picrelated

Attached: EDM0XydU0AIHDbH.jpg (972x1024, 155K)

God of War can compete with Breath of the Wild for the most overhyped boring game to come out this decade

general population will choose witcher 3 for its decent main story and absolutely stellar expansions
but the real winner will be bloodborne because its on another level
t. absolutely adore witcher 3

onions of war don't even come close

most overhyped are actually persona 5 and mario odyssey

>weebshit and mario game #1524

>dumbass can't comprehend basic reading comprehension

You're a moronic "person"

>And we're talking pure quality, not overall popularity.
Popularity is a quality, user. You can't ignore charisma. While I think God of War was the best-made game of the three, I'd give the title to Witcher 3 because it single-handedly revitalized Western RPGs in the eyes of gaming.

Dragon Quest XI

This game made me realize that the reason I got disillusioned with JRPGs in the last generation up until today was because it seemed that most of them were trying to run off of some stupid gimmick. This was just a truly classic style game and it made me realize that I still love JRPGs but just hate the modern era of them.

Attached: aslkfajpesp.jpg (640x320, 28K)

>I'd give the title to Witcher 3 because it single-handedly revitalized Western RPGs
Dark Souls already did that bruh. Witcher 3 is hardly an RPG.

>dark souls
lol. It's not even primarily an RPG, it's adventure

witcher 3 didn't revitalize anything, normalfags havn't given a shit about wRPGs since and won't until elder scrolls VI. Outer worlds might be the exception

Nier Automata. /Thread

Shakespeare was a man of the people who loved bawdy comedy and hate the establishment.
Kojima is a starstruck hollywoodophile who constantly brags about the celebs hes meeting and going on holiday with.

Dark Souls is definitely an RPG. You are completely free to pick a character, class and role play with different stats, armors and weapons.

you can do this in several AAA western junk food open world craft mix shit, doesn't make it an RPG. Dark souls's primary focus arn't RPG elements, it's level exploration

How many of those are you free to create a character, class, stats and equipment to the level of Dark Souls? I'd like you to name atleast some of those open-world AAAs that aren't RPGs.

Not those 3.

Draw between PUBG and fortnite

>Almost zero mention of any indies as someone's game of the generation, just about entirely AAA

Just a little disappointed in how normalfag Yea Forums's become.

Probably DS

The ending does not save its copy-pasted gameplay from the previous game. HR left a far better impression.

In all seriousness why is it not PUBG?

Massively outsold everything, easily the most influential game, more innovative than 99% of games and lasted longer than 99% of games.

MD is great if you enjoyed HR. It's basically just more of the same gameplay and level design with improved aug mechanics.
People were sour on the game because Squeenix has exceptionally bad PR, they added microtransactions and breach mode, and the game was too short and badly paced. But when you actually play the game all of those things barely matter.
If you can pick it up on sale and you enjoyed HR I don't think you'll be disappointed at all.


My ass. Gone Home is more honest a video game than 'watch my long-ass animations play out when I press X'-simulator.

>In all seriousness why is it not PUBG?
>And we're talking pure quality, not overall popularity.
Gee user I don't know

Because zoomers absolutely hate pubg.

That isn’t an argument at all.

They might not like it as much as fortnite but it’s definitely more popular with the than nearly anything else

>That isn’t an argument at all.
>but it’s definitely more popular
The fucking OP says game of the generation based on quality, not popularity

It's like lol players. They can't forgive dota for being first and are seething everytime dota is mentioned. They would rather shoot up local schools than accept pubg is superior.

Is there anything more soýboy than unironically playing indies?

The vast majority of people consider pubg the better game than everything in the op. If PUBG just had good sales you’d have a point, but it stuck around absolutely forever and is still the biggest paid game almost 3 years later. Meanwhile god of war seemed forgotten within a few weeks...

>Nugod of war
Obviously the game of the decade would be minecraft.

Attached: 8-wFoOPa_400x400.jpg (384x384, 24K)

Cyberpunk 2077.
Console Zoomer Trash need not apply.

PUBG is fucking trash that got outdone by fucking Fortnite.

Well yeah they both do that but there's also rooting tooting cowboy shooting in RDR2, even if it's so-so. You could level some valid criticism at RDR2 but comparing the gameplay to gone homo is not a good one.

First part is an opinion most disagreed with, 2nd part yeah it is less popular than fortnite, but fortnite had no influence/little innovation

Skyrim, and any answer is delusional.
Skyrim in 2011 literally set all the trends, ALL OF THE TRENDS for all of 2010's.

Attached: skyrim-facebook.jpg (1200x630, 133K)

It's depressing how terrible the taste of the industry is

skyrim is objectively the most impactful game of this decade regardless of it's quality


>And we're talking pure quality, not overall popularity.

shit shit and shit

>Skyrim in 2011 literally set all the trends, ALL OF THE TRENDS for all of 2010's.
Is that why decade sucks so much?

why are bloodborne fag so obsessed with this game? is literally just dark souls reskin fedora edition. everytime they try to explaim why the game is good, they show nothing except for muh lore or muh atmosphere and both and just a bit above the average game. at this point i belive its just a group of 10 or so samefags who are constatly spaming their shit game over and over on every Yea Forums thread, kinda like stevietrannies
>muh combat
its the fucking same as any other soul game

It’s Devil May Cry V.
Still waiting for that Vergil DLC.

Red Dead Redemption 2 or Nier Automata.

woah I can't believe the way that animation kinda snapped in a way that is entirely imperceptible unless you slow it down to literally 4x slo-mo

The combat is really fast paced and fun, the environments are stylish and awe-inspiring. The atmosphere is no joke really good. From just did a great job with DeS, DS, and BB, it's really undeniable. It's okay if you don't like it user but why are you so upset about it? It's not rational to get this worked up about something so inconsequential to your life.

Attached: 1539096530794.jpg (571x768, 57K)

>Devil May Cry V
>V instead of 5
a retard you are

Shit list and shit generation

>The combat is really fast paced and fun
every single soul game except for sekiro has slow as fuck combat user, its ok you enjoy it but this is a fucking lie
>the environments are stylish and awe-inspiring.
just because is lovecraftian set. literally fedora art style
>The atmosphere is no joke really good.
>From just did a great job with DeS, DS, and BB
those are all the same fucking game 3 times reskined
>It's okay if you don't like it user but why are you so upset about it?
because you fags are 24/7 shitpost every single thread and compare every single game to it, as if any game should become this
kys weeb ass dipshit

If we held a poll on this site BB or BOTW would win hands down

This. It half-finished souls spinoff, yet Yea Forums sucks its dick so much.

Good thing no one takes Yea Forums seriously

Yeah I guess

autoaim is bad game design


It's Dark Soul

>monster energy
>walking faster
>"even I don't know what the game is about :rainbow crab emoji:

Yeah because it got the soibonus from all those 'enlightened' critics. BotW was the better game, not to say it was the best of the decade though.

Minecraft honestly gets the reward for being the most influential and timeless game. It is a classic now.

This ace combat 7? I've never played one, and it interests me. IS 7 a good one to start with, or would the story make no sense?

GTA V, Dark Souls(because every action game describes itself as having DS combat) and Fortnite are all much more impactful.

It's a pretty straight forward arcade dogfighting game. You fly planes and shoot things. The gameplay has barely changed since the PS2 entries.
Most of the games have an independent story, even though they all take place in the same universe.