Uhh, have any other PC gamers gotten carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis? I think I'm starting to develop it, and might have to start using only controllers or something, but most of my favorite games are either vastly better without controllers or simply not compatible.
Carpal Tunnel
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Embrace the future, chop off your worthless lumps of meat and get robot hands.
95% sure I have it. Shit sucks because I can't afford getting it looked at.
> I think I'm starting to develop it
What makes you think that?
Get a trackball, a NON thumb operated one. Controllers will screw up your hands just as badly too.
>he doesn't just watch let's players and use his imagination to think that he's the one actually playing the game.
It's 2019, no one plays video games with their hands anymore
>had carpal tunnel with both hands
>got surgery done for it while still under my parent's insurance
Feels good man
Just stretch
Stretch your hands properly while gaming, dumbass.
Pretty sure stretching only helps prevent it.
Just masturbate as hard as you can using rubbing alcohol on your dick to help soothe the hand to avoid getting carpal tunnel syndrome.
Just learn to deal with it senpai
Why not paws?
Just rub some cock & ball torture oil on the affected areas to loosen up those fuckt up joints.
Our taxes are going to people like this. This will never not make me mad.
Hoo boy
How stupid do you have to be to not think this will terribly backfire? Even if he got his paws, how does he expect to function as a person?
>dry ice
Why do retards keep saying that? His hands arent frost bitten, thats necrosis setting in from the lack of blood supply.
The ultimate "it could be worse".
The lesson for op is to take an advil and ice your wrists because at least you have hands.
Seriously though, ice your wrists for 5 minutes at most once an hour, do it a couple times a day. Gently let them warm back up before doing stretches. Look into getting a brace, wear the brace for 10-15 minutes while you watch tv or stuff like that.
You're growing up OP, now that you're older, all you can do is manage the slow decay of your body. But if you follow my advice you should have a few more solid decades of decent performance.
>Our taxes are going to people like this.
You know healthcare is private, right?
cmon, that's pretty cold. I say we can afford to give him a hand
>how does he expect to function as a person?
>There is a long history and documentation of amputee fetishists using dry ice for amputations
Not talking about healthcare. This it is going to file for disability social security. That gets taken out from taxes. We're literally paying retards like this because they can't make good enough income.
Stop reposting this disgusting shit
>the surge 2
>thats necrosis setting in from the lack of blood supply
triggered by the dry ice you moron
While he still has his whole body at least there's hope he'll someday awake from his retardation and become as close to normal as he could get. If he starts mutilating himself he'll never be more than a parasite.
He does not want to function as a person, he wants to live his fetish fantasy just like any mentally ill degenerate, I knew a furry that literally wanted to cut off his ears to get canine ones even though it's fucking impossible
bro what happen details please
exactly what it looks like. Plate was loose, there's a video before that happened where two chink employees are fucking around with it. She got sucked in and it crushed her to death
pulled into moving parts and crushed to death
My acoustic guitar leaves my fretting hand hurting after just a few minutes.
I already lowered the action as much as I can without getting fret buzz and the neck is perfectly straight. Wut do?
I sometimes get this surging pain that runs up from my hand to my elbow but i don't if that counts as either. It usually only ever happen if I go full retard and play fighting games for like 12+ hours straight.
>amputee fetishists
there really is a fetish for everything...
Now post the video of chinks avoiding that part of the escalator
What do you expect, a mouse was never designed for gaming and is not gaming ergonomic
Isn't there no connection between carpal tunnel and using a keyboard?
What about that dude that sewed a dog's snout to his face?
>I knew a furry that literally wanted to cut off his ears to get canine ones even though it's fucking impossible
Oh user...so young...so naive. Let me give you a glimps of the horrid world of the furries. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Did they kill a doggo to use its parts?
It's fake, g
It was euthanized I heard. The guy bought it from a kill shelter.
Loosening up your grip a little bit can definitely help. A lot of people I know seem to forget this, but you don't have to apply that much pressure to the strings the closer your finger is to the fret.
newfags will think its real
Start lifting dumbells and stop being a wrist cuck.
No seriously start lifting dumbells and give your wirst a work out/stretch.
Is splicing becoming a reality?
Now post the Goof Troop.
>95% sure I have it.
Stop playing games or doing anything that makes it hurt. It will only get worse and cause permanent damage if you don't and you won't be able to work. I had treatment for mine. They gave me a brace for my wrist and did some treatment with an ultrasonic machine. Apparently if I'd left it any longer there would have been scar tissue that needed surgery to remove. I also got an ergonomic mouse pad and changed how I did a lot of tasks with my hands. Little things like how you hold the steering wheel when you drive or how you cook make a big difference.
It was mostly using my computer that made it bad and my computer basically bricked along with various issues the last couple of years.
I'm hoping after my move coming up that I can get in for it finally.
It's a pretty obvious photoshop. user had to post the small version for a reason.
What are the telltale signs for it?
Whenever I go to China, if I have to ride an escalator I always jump over that part. I don't care if I look like an autist, I'm not getting sucked into the Chinese people trap.
The worst was actually in Singapore though. I was in this old, decrepit mall, and the only way up was by taking their escalators which were obviously in disrepair. Fuck my life, that shit was scary. And it was like five floors high, so I had to get on them repeatedly.
>I'm not getting sucked into the Chinese people trap.
You say it like it's a common occurrence.
Carpal tunnel from gaming occurs only if youre retarded and unaware.
I stop using the mouse at the slightest sign of discomfort, and also play all my games with controller unless its an FPS.
do this right after shaving your shaft with a straight razor for maximum pleasure
we should respect his wishes to identify as a dog by putting him down
Sharp pains in your wrist, tingling (pins and needles feeling) and numbness in your hands and fingers.
>Whenever I go to China
why would you? thats like starting a sentence with "Every time I punch myself in the balls..."
My wrist hurts when I put pressure on it. I have no numbness or anything like that. I've chalked it up to me grabbing heavy boxes at work incorrectly. Am I safe?
Work sends me there about once a year.
To prevent Carpal Tunnel I've stopped playing video games and just complain about them on Yea Forums.
you can still get carpal tunnel if you're using a mouse to shitpost.
VR desktop fag, I've ascended the keyboard
the yellow thing is your hand cell nucleus
how is it legal for doctors to do this.
Doctors wouldn't allow a patient to perform an operation on themselves, so why would they go through with something like this.
I genuinely want to shoot the man that performed this surgery.
He purposefully damaged his hands enough so doctors would have no choice but to amputate them.
I don't even know what to say.
I didn't know this could get worse.
Get a brace. I got a smart glove and it helps, not a fix but it's nice. You can even toss it in the freezer for bad aches.
Also as some others have said working the arms can help, even just some light dumbbell exercises can help.
If you think you're starting a repetetive strain injury, stop what you're doing that's causing it. I had to stop stepmania because mashing the DFJK keys started to hurt my arm.
You can always lay off the mouse for a LONG while and eat healthy.
One of my hands became suddenly numb after some intense gaming.
It hasn't gone away after days of doing nothing.
It doesn't hurt. It's just numb like I sat on it for a while. Am I fucked?
If it’s the whole hand go to a doctor. I’d say it’s a pinched nerve otherwise.
Do you speak the language? I was advised by a guy I know who oversees imports from China not to learn Bugmanese because employers will want to take advantage of that and send you into that shithole.
we are reaching levels of degeneracy not even possible
No but for some reason my godamn left linky and ring finger go numbish when I play Vidya for an hour or more. It's kind of annoying I've gotten used to it but holy shit .
The average mouse is really bad for the wrist. Get a trackball which allows to keep the wrist in a resting pose.
The only problem I have is occasional slight pain in the right index finger. Anyone else gotten that from using a g502?
this, i stopped for a year and did some pushups for a week and sprained my fucking wrist for a month.
i get the pain when i use my middle finger to scroll the mouse wheel a lot over the course of a few days
oh shit the zoomers might be on to something. I wrecked my hands playing video games.
I feel that we’ve reached the cyberpunk dystopia, but the technology isn’t even close so we don’t get any of the cool shit.
>stop what you're doing
If it were my job, I'd just say hey boss I'm getting rsi, osha probably says I can screw around for a while. But stop playing video games? I don't wanna.
Underrated post
Get a Steam Controller or Dualshock 4, and adapt. Stomach the setup for the games you play, and you won't need a Kb+M. I've been using a controller exclusively for over three years now with little difference.
They only screw up your hands if you keep your wrists bent or hold them in a death grip for some stupid reason. Just keep your hands relaxed and wrists straight, and it won't be an issue.
you're retarded
>used to strain wrist pretty quickly
>got a mechanical keyboard
>got a desk that can be lowered super low
>got a chair that can be lowered super low
Not QUITE as grim. She fell to her death to the bottom of the machine pit. She wasn't ground through the escalator's mechanics. Still she died.
>for some reason my godamn left linky and ring finger go numbish
Uhm... that's a precursor to carpal tunnel or tendonitis. It's one of the nerve bundles running through the wrist being pinched or compressed and indicates your tendons or the surrounding tissue are already inflamed and swelling up.
why does it only happen with my ps4 controller though?
Because controllers can still give you carpal. Anything that involves repeated strain patterns can. Having a controller in a death-grip for an hour will still do it. You've probably over-exerted your wrist at one point, and now even holding the controller in a more relaxed way will be enough to trigger the injury.
If it's still early stages, then you might be able to fix it simply by putting the controller away for a few weeks and allowing your wrist to heal.
>center of gravity now too low. Back and feet problems incoming
i'm a manlet
Go to a doctor. My mom lost feeling in her hand then her lower arm. Turns out she got early multiple sclerosis. She went soon enough that the damage shouldn't outpace normal aging and she is still active ( more than me, in any case).
Seriously, get it checked.
I tend to get this sting of pain in my wrist while playing FPS games, what gives?
Some spots are more intense than others but it's the whole hand yeah
Well, shit. I hope not. Thanks, I will.
Dude just stick your hands in dry ice ;)
If you have good insurance just get surgery. Worst that can happen is you lose function in your fingers for life. Not a big deal.
Seriously though, it's worth considering. That is if you actually have CTS.
will I make it bros? this is how I rest my hand
Brainlet here, what is carpal tunnel syndrome and how do you prevent it?
I've developed a nerve and sinew pain on the upper part of my hand. But I believe it's grown from the nerve issue in my shoulder.
Each time I bend my hand down too far, especially with arm reached out, it's like I'm ripping the sinew out.
I've accidentally done it hard several times and the upper hand is increasingly getting numb.
Is it aids?
fucking kek
im single guys
>gaming gives you what years of warehouse work can give you too
Guess that you should've gone get a job then if the results is the same anyway
btw I've been lifting boxes and heavy stuff all my life. I have a mild carpal tunnel syndrome, where the tip of my fingers get that exporadic sensation of tingling. Doesn't bother me because I know as I age none of it maters and your body gets used to anything. Stop being a pussy
it's damage
you prevent it by not having pressure on the underside of your wrists while moving your digits
some people confuse cts and rsi, but they're different
>my wrist doesn't hurt at all but my elbow and fingers do
weird as heck
Just lower your mouse DPI and use your whole arm. Don't move from the wrist. Wrist motion is the carpal tunnel #1 cause.
You guys might be just retarded or just amorphous faggots, I've been gaming for over 10 hours a day for well over 10 years and if you've gotten anything other than slight tension in your wrists that goes away 10 minutes later you unironically need to kill yourselves.
Controllers make it worse.
Just get vertical mouse and ergonomic keyboard, setup your whole pc setup differently so its actually according to the guidelines.
If it doesn't help get surgery.
>t. 3d artist that has had 2 carpal surgeries and still suffers under that and rsi
Recently I've been having some genuinely bad foot pain on the inner side of my feet. I don't get how it even started but it got bad enough that I couldn't walk on one foot for a week. I don't do hardcore running or anything and I'm really confused.
One of the most tragic things is money being wasted like that on retards, but I don't know the solution to that problem
Feeling something like this for a month in the right arm, but no pain at all. Only stiffness in the forearm and some spasms in my biceps and elbow. Same thing started happening on the left arm too, but for no reason at all. However, the right arm is more stiff than the left one.
I'm beginning to think this is mostly psychological since I started to feel the same thing in my right leg from time to time. That and the spasms move around in my arms randomly.
I switched to using a DS4 controller with the gyro aiming instead of a keyboard and mouse, which was getting hard on my wrists. I find the DS4's gyro works just as well as a mouse for me. Which is good since I can't aim worth shit with an analog stick. I've gotten gyro aiming to work with basically every game, but sometimes it requires tricky solutions. I also stream my PC games to my hacked Vita a lot.
Ive had carpel tunnel surgery, its been 3 months post-op and I still feel a bit of tightness around the scar area. My symptoms are gone (numbess etc.) but im worried about the scar area? I massage it daily, did yours bother you this long?
I experienced it maybe a year ago. Pain is excruciating. Adjusted how I use the mouse and keyboard to stop it from happening again.
I type slower now and my mouse movement is also slower but I have never felt any pain or discomfort so I'm okay with it.
I don't even know what carpal tunnel means. At first I thought it was a tunnel for carps. Only from South Park did I learn that this is some medical condition in a hand.
What happens when you have it? Does it hurt? Does it impair your ability to move hand? Do you stop feeling upon touch? How long does it last?
You get numbness and tingling in the areas around the thumb, the index and half of the middle fingers. If not treated, it can cause muscle atrophy.
To diagnose it youd have to do a nerve conduction study. Ask your doctor about it.
demonize it instead of embracing it, like they did with faggotry and other types of degeneracy back in the day
When you get older your body gradually stops working. Enjoy while you still can
Holy shit, I thought gaming injuries were a meme. Do none of you fags take breaks while playing?
massage it and go to physical therapy. I wasnt told to do anything post op twice now.
its been like 3 months now and my scars are still very much fresh and open under the skin
>tfw got MS
>it will disable me worse because im young and male
I too wonder this. I do combat sports and recently I punched a weird way and now have trouble doing pushups.
>multiple people in family have MS
>start getting symptoms in limbs, mostly hands
>doctors can't pinpoint the issue
>finally get into MRI scan
>watch as doctor goes through my brain and neck scans super seriously
>nothing serious is found and my symptoms were caused by three unrelated non serious conditions
dodged a bullet there
on your mouse hand? try lowering your sensitivity, aim with your arm more. also use a lighter mouse, not a brick with 20 buttons on it, if you are.
if on your keyboard hand then I can only think of adjusting the angle, like putting your keyboard on your lap or getting a wrist rest or whatever those things are called. also rotate your keyboard more diagonal like pro gamers do, maybe that would help.
t. I play Quake and Counter-Strike almost daily and have never had wrist issues
i had an issue with that for years after dealing cards for like 3 hours straight
it eventually went away for the most part but its still there sometimes, have no idea what the issue was
its a sharp pain that you can feel when you do pushups, i know what you are talking about
Whatever, that money goes back into the economy when they use it to pay for shit anyway. It's hoarders that you should be mad about.
Buy some light weights, say 5-8kg, and do pic related. There are other drills you can do, search them online, this one personally helped me when I injured my wrist at the gym. Don't neglect it and talk with a doctor too.
Oh and someone will probably post that thing where you hold your thumb inside your fist and tilt hand forward dont fall for that one it's a trap. Google whatever faggots here tell you to do before doing it.
5-8 is way too heavy. 1-2kg is plenty.
You literally just let them suffer the consequences of their actions, instead of having everyone else pay for it.
5 kg seems reasonable for a man. maybe a woman should use closer to 2 kg. 1 kg isn't going to do anything, might as well just do the exercise without a weight.
I was starting to get wrist pain and all I did was just put a soft blanket beneath my mouse and the pain was gone in a day or so.
I think your desks are too fucking hard people, also don't rest your arm against the edge of the table, that is REALLY bad.
How fast is your recovery mate?
I’ve never had my index finger hurt, but that fucking rubber texture on the right side of the g502 rubs against my ring finger a lot and tends to turn the skin raw if I’m playing an FPS for long enough
no 1-2kg. you're not gaining bulk or doing high test gymfaggotry, you're doing physical therapy.
My mother has this and it's really bad for her, she said that when she wakes up she has no feeling at all in her hands.
Musician here. I developed serious tendonitis in both forearms and triceps. It got so bad that at one holding a glass of water would hurt. I thought that I would never be able to play music again.
However, after proper rehabilitation and treatment, things are much better now. The treatment I got was basically just massage, some electricity stuff, and excersies to strengthen the muscles.
That said, I really had to change my habits and learn how to take care of my body. This meas that I require proper warmup, stretching and warmdown, before and after any activity such as playing music, hand writting, some video games. I also now take care of always having good posture and making sure my body is reelaxed and not overworking some muscles.
If you cannot see a professional (preferably a physician that works with musicians and artists), then try to incorporate a warmup and stretching session. For example:
It should be easy but not effortless. Whatever weight is entirely up to op and he has nothing to prove.
Literally buy a cushioned mousepad
I have super mild carpal tunnel that only acts up when I sleep with my head on my hands, but it's always unpleasant to wake up with one hand screaming that it's dying of nerve damage and having to deal with it feeling unnatural for an hour.
>pc is the master ra-