God damn

God damn........

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It’ll never hit 101 though

fuck that's a lot of zeroes...

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100 million PS4's....
zero games....

It's lonely at the top.

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the console of women and normalfaggots. no one is surprised

Seethe more buddy

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thread theme youtu.be/RQuDAW06Og0

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>Digital sales have overtaken physical.
I care more about this than I do your recycled PC master race meme.

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>100 million PS4s
>the only worthwhile exclusive sold 3 million copies
what the fuck?

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Wow, I'm so impressed 0.014% of the population has a PS4.

Remember when people thought Sony was going bankrupt?

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>few good exclusives
>no Backwards compatibility
The fat PS3 was better in every way but only sold 88 million. Zoomers really are plebs.

>MFW I got a free one in my work's Christmas raffle last year
I was a PSX and PS2fag, and damn it felt good.

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100 Million is also the number of refugees fucking europe. Coincidence?

Normies play normie shit. Probably why Mario shit is a top seller on Switch, CoD is a top seller on the Xbox and League of Legends is a top played games on PC.

What's your point?

It's fucked up how the PS4 is almost done with its lifespan and there are so few good exclusives for it. What the fuck happened? Even the PS3 came around by the end. And the PS1 and PS2 were obviously godlike.

The PS4's library is so small and underwhelming in comparison. That image of "Holiday 2001 for PS2" trumps the entire fucking PS4 library.

Incase you actually don't know Sony consoles are FIFA machines for south Americans and mexicans

t. Amerifat
>le 60% face

>of those 3 million, only 20% actually finished the game
Jfc, that’s sad

>100 Million is also the number of refugees fucking europe.
lmao now way it's this many. That's like 1/3rd the population of the USA damn Europe is fucked

>someone actually drew this.

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>doesn't deny it

If you knew how many working computers were actually operational in the continental united states alone, you would probably shit your pants.

By comparison ALL console AND portable sales $ are an actual fucking joke. Seriously the numbers would blow your fucking minds.

But they only buy Xbox

shup up nerd

This is true of modern games in general. AAA games have gotten too big and cost tens of millions. So they don’t come out as often and are often plagued by PC bullshit. For AA and indies, they get no support from Sony or Nintendo and barely anyone buys them.

Holy shit, best Fifa and Youtube emulator ever!

Which to play?

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Fuck these faggots they wont even refund a game that's broken

Those games are like the average Sony fan. In the closet.

>denying a sourceless stat
Didn't even acknowledge it. I just found it hilarious to see some Amerifat talking about immigrants and if you're not an Amerifat, then you're either European (even more ironic) or a sand nigger muslim yourself

Either way, COPE

Well, ballpark it you faggot.

Ape Escape.


go to bed
arrest yourself