ITT: Totally evil video game villains

ITT: Totally evil video game villains

Attached: shaokahn_mk2.gif.b9e062b1d904f8ba0c8f0382553ac0f7.gif (156x230, 31K)

Attached: 92EB7AB5-BA0E-4E1B-B51D-D01B6406F6AE.png (1200x1200, 1.45M)

Solidus Snake
King Deedeedee

Attached: 1532758209196.png (503x656, 207K)

He just wanted what was best for his country.

Attached: Ffta-marche.jpg (902x985, 96K)

Ganondorf. Guy is so full of hate and rage he's brought himself back to life multiple times just to get revenge.

Attached: Masthead_WhispyWoods.17345b1513ac044897cfc243542899dce541e8dc.9afde10b.png (800x779, 103K)

>bad guy

Pick one, faggot

Attached: shmitler.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Attached: 1567311943917.png (800x1120, 104K)

guess ill post em

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>hahahaa they are white males so they are actually evil as fuck
It's getting really tiresome

>Shao Khan

Attached: 1547241675111.jpg (419x610, 39K)

Here's your (You).


Attached: Zanza.jpg (400x700, 71K)

Attached: FNV_Mr_House_Screen.png (800x500, 267K)

I know you're being a meme loving fuck, but MK11 actually >implies this buy giving Shao Kahn Trump references.


someone get this hothead outta here

God I could really go for a bowl of fruit loops right now.

Kys nigger

Attached: Drweil.jpg (2882x4400, 3.05M)

Attached: Dark_Queen_(Battletoad)s[1].png (316x252, 73K)

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Attached: 1568497854146.png (600x941, 412K)

I don't know if this is bait or not, but here is your (You) either way