Gay marriage on the Borderlands 3 credit rolls

Gay marriage on the Borderlands 3 credit rolls.

How make this you fell Yea Forums?

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What's the big deal? People being gay isn't a new phenomenon. Get over it Incel.

Fuck fags

incels be triggered

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who the fuck watches the credits?

What fags even get married?

not even in the top 1000 worst things about this game

I know that's hammerlock standing but who's the other guy?

Also don't give two shits. The game is fun and that's all that matters.

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Did you remember to spend time with your dog today, Yea Forums? They won't be around forever you know..

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Her boyfriend, you mett him on the main missions.

My dog died 5 months ago.

I love how people are wasting breath over something that doesn't matter

Didn't they say that dude was gay in 2? If so I don't care and really I still don't care anyways

Doesn't matter because I can't beat the fucking thing.

It was already established that Hammerlock liked hammercocks in BL2.
Also, still fuck Randy

but the nog loved to suck cocks

legitimately was looking for two guy names with the same last name for a second

>Giving GearBox money
>Playing ViralLands 3 enough to even get to that point
You a bitch ass nigga OP

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meanwhile his sister is fucking dead

okay i guess
you need a reaction with that?

What would you do if your son came out as gay, Yea Forums?

Aww that's hella cute ngl

>buying borderlands 3

No thanks. I don't want AIDS and besides, I'm straight.

>Buying borderlands 3
I have no idea how people can ever stand the cringe dialogue in that series

Cute, wish Axton got some gay love though

Is this another husbando thread?

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throw him off a cliff

deez nuts is on yo chin.

how make this you fell user?

Children? In 2019? Pfft

It might as well be. The only way to salvage this thread.

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I don't look like that, nigger

>Randy Pitchford's name on at the same time

haha gay boy

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If he's the pitcher nothing changes


Sounds good to me. Also is that drawfag user still around from a few threads ago? They mentioned they would try to draw some people's requests.

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I don't care as long as their not just "GAY BTW" as a personality.

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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only acceptable if they're cute.

His sister was a bitch and literally everyone hates her, him included

I'm glad we have concrete proof that people who but this game are queers.