Yea Forums unironically thinks Borderlands 3 will be cracked

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Other urls found in this thread:

>epic store
>Randy cuckford
>chink trash
basically the key to the Olympus of piracy. I'm sure ppl are working hard to be the heroes that cracked that piece of shit.

>don't want to play it
>still want to see it cracked
anyone else with this feel?

more like butt crack lol
this game stinks!

should be the other way around

uncracked means happy frog means no interest in this game means who cares about boringlands 3, is the same thing as any other boringlands, less claptrap. look up voice over drama how randy bullied the vo.

Fuck that, I'm still holding out for Handball '17.

How long do you think it'll take, Yea Forums? I'm thinking it'll be a while, probably months, but well before the Steam release hits. which'll then give Randy even more of a reason to avoid steam because it'd sell like shit there in light of a free option

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Why is such a big deal if this game will be cracked or not? Tons of games released this year have yet to be cracked, but for some reason this is the one Yea Forums got obsessed with? Just shut up and let the scene do their job, Jesus.

I care about BL3 as much as this kid cares about shitting himself.

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>wait 3 years
>buy on steam for $5 during a sale
is playing it in 2019 really worth $55 more than playing it in 2022?

Just want all that upload from my private tracker

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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I don't want to play it, I just want to see all Denuvo games cracked until someone realizes that anti-consumer cancerware might not be a great long-term solution.

It hasn't even been a week.

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yes that is correct
are there any further statements that I can help confirm

Crackers usually only crack games in demand.
So yeah, very unlikely.

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>Pretending BL3 isn't in demand


You would have to pay me to play redditlands

>Caring about memelames 3
This board is the only place i see giving a shit about this game, honestly.

Betting that it will take by friday.



To be fair, there aren't many games these days with as much gun mechanics and customization as the Borderlands series, so excuse me for liking a series that has that despite the horrid story.

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is that guy reverse crossed, the fuck

I'm not even going to touch the game altogether. You can keep your stale meme game

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Well yeah of course it's not cracked yet. It runs like shit

Who gives a shit about Borderlands 3? Where the fuck is Handball 17?

by the time we get it cracked we lillith and maya die

It is. It's from a comic series within an issue of Crossed where these comic geeks kidnap some female comic artist and make her write a comic about this hero named Reverse Cross who saves people from the Crossed universe. The rest is just feminist stuff though.

how did feminist shit ended up in crossed?

Trust me I'd like to know that too

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Enjoy paying for my copy.

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Same here. Tim's paid for your copy already anyways, might as well make sure his money wasn't wasted, right?

I never played a Borderlands game, and never plan to try one. But I want it to be cracked, just to see the shit storm.

I was going to get it until I learned that you need constant 3mbps upload just to play.
I'm not gonna let epic use my internet to give download speed to the rest of their customers.


Give then at least week. Borderlands 3 is actually a very hyped game but usually cracking game takes at least week.

>all this seething
Feels great to play the game right fucking now on my PC.

>b-but chinks
>b-but this dog face
>b-but the go on lad meme
>b-but anti consumer
All this pirate seething is amazing. They are nearly as desperate as Steamcucks who will never get games for free.

Corporate tribalism is proof of humanity's incredible flaws.


>right now
>shitposts on Yea Forums
why you lyin?

Isn't the PS4 modded?

>Epic store exclusive
I'm good thanks

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>Implying that the industry is in anyway shape or form biased against women.

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didnt gearbox say the epic money already made the game profitable?

if yes then thank you tim for gifting us the game

Is it the same guy posting this thread over and over? I've seen it yesterday.

Am I missing a patch or does this game unironically run at 15 fps

You shills are in full force advertising your shitty game. If it was free I wouldn't get it.

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Is this game tainted by Anthony Burch or no?

No. It's much worse without him.

If you don't think companies employ astroturfing paid posters, the modern world will shock you.

go to bed anthony


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>implying Yea Forums cares about boredomlands 3 the feminine peepee

Fuck you, Randy. You go to bed first, and then I will go to bed.