Capcom... please

Capcom... please....

Attached: dino_crisis.jpg (640x628, 96K)

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Please what?

only if is like REmake 1

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Nobody likes tank controls

I do.

the doujin with the dinosaurs eating her during it are kino as fuck

Tank controls are great but then again 30 year old balding gamer here.

Imagine hear raptor noises in the dark. The t-rex stomping around outside. And maybe depending on the difficulty, might make bust through the windows if it sees you.


I can't even finish this game because of an extreme phobia of dinosaurs

since DC1 is fully 3D you can have nice dynamic cameras that work well with movement relative to the camera anyway, but also tanks

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Regina's voice is 10/10
never got why some people dislike the acting of the games when it's actually good

One of the reasons RE2make is so good is because is has a usable style of control.

I can totally see an over the shoulder camera with Regina, walking down a dark hallway filled with dinos

Fuck my sister!

>One of the reasons RE2make is so good
It wasn't.

I want them to make a super remake that combines all 3 dino crisis games
1, 2, and stalker, all to make a cohesive story

They should've revived Dino Crisis as the more action focused survival horror series instead of trying to push RE6 down our throats. Dino Crisis 2 had already laid the foundations for it.

third person would work awkwardly with dinosaurs
the entire reason dino crisis 1 is actually the best horror game ever created is because of the tank controls and the non-fixed, moving camera angles

>I can totally see an over the shoulder camera with Regina, walking down a dark hallway filled with dinos
yeah, I can totally *see* it being first person too, faggot
fixed cameras are still the most kino and atmospheric these games can be and REmake 1 is the timeless proof of that, only brainlets can't get used in 5 minutes

One of the first interior hallways in DC1 is empty but one whole wall is nothing but windows looking out into pitch blackness. Occasionally you'll hear a raptor snarling. Little kid me was always wondering when the rex or raptors would come bursting through those windows.

I'm fine with non tank stuff too, I just like tank controls. I don't get why we can't have both, maybe not every game but some games do it and others don't. Re2remake was a good time but I also still enjoy remake1 with tank controls instead of 3d. Re6 has nice controls and works fine without tank. If anything capcom should keep making both as time goes on based on the game and how they want it to feel.

>yesterday was her second game's birthday
>I missed it

DC1 had good voice acting compared to other Capcom games at the time

>DC1 is atmospheric and tense, survival horror with limited ammo
>DC2 goes full action, gives you points for killing enemies and you can buy guns and ammo with said points

And yet I love both games

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it's because they're both amazing games

If they do a remake they better go full on Jurassic Park designs, the original games already did anyway. No feathers too.

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i want to rub reginas tights and wedgie her onepiece

Just use one of them AI upscalers for the backgrounds, clean up the models a bit, then dump it on Steam and i'd but it for 25 bucks

I honestly didnt like Dino Crisis much. I appreciate having another "classic style survival horror" but I just don't like it much. All of the environments are bland and grey. Every other encounter is a one hit kill. The puzzles are all keycards and overwriting them. It's a snooze.

Thinking back on it, yes. But kid me was playing the hell out of it on mute while my parents partied right behind me with their friends.

I love shitty memories.

why can't we get good dinosaur games anymore like pic related. Jurassic World Evolution was disappointing. Any other park builders is an indie mess. No shooters in years.

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