Whats the big issue?

whats the big issue?
I understand if a game drops frames, but 30FPS is fine, especially if you use an application like rivatuner to make the frames pace evenly.
I often find that 30FPS is bad for mouselook, but 99% of shooters on PC run at 60FPS or higher.
now, 60FPS on console shooters just feels weird. i knew there was something wrong with the current gen of consoles when i tried playing halo masterchief collection on xbox one, and doom4 on PS4. The aim is so slippery, and slight movements on the thumbsticks dont translate well to the outcome in player control. it almost feels like moving a turret around on ice. the game doesn't feel like it has weight.
i feel as though the "cinematic feel" BS is kinda true too. explosions and physics in grand theft auto games always look whacky at 60FPS, like the cars have no weight at all. whereas at 30, an explosion looks the way it should in real life, and a car crash doesn't feel like some whacko physics simulation tech demo.
t. person who obsesses over framerates in games, and can't stand stuttering from incorrect framepacing or inconsistent framerate / drops

Attached: 30_fps512.png (512x359, 21K)

whatever dude. If the game is good I don't give a shit.

It literally changes the feel of a game.

Old games designed to run at 30 fps feel like absolute dogshit on 60, but nothing being made in modern day should be under 60 fps.

I have a 2070 super and play at 1440p 144hz

>on console shooters
I think I see the problem

This is some pretty swanky bait, OP. Did you make it yourself?
>The aim is so slippery, and slight movements on the thumbsticks dont translate well to the outcome in player control.
>aiming with thumbsticks

Attached: gyro.png (720x450, 564K)

Frame Rate = Sampling Rate
The faster the action on-screen = the higher the frame rate needs to be to properly display motion
It's not that difficult to figure out m8. If a bullet takes less than 30ms to travel from one end of your fov to the other then a 30hz refresh will literally fail to display anything at all.

Attached: sip_2.png (2048x2048, 129K)

Depends on the genre.

>console shooters
You are fucking retard if you play these and no opinion of yours matters.

>i dont see the problem when I use this special application that fixes the problem
You don't say?

if I cared about framerate I wouldn't play consoles

pic related

Attached: 3644737171.jpg (1000x1333, 360K)

>bro, 480p works. Why should I play at 1080p?
Same logic user

Jesus christ m8 that's like saying you don't mind that there's a little bit of shit in your coffee.

Attached: 1504187684688.jpg (2665x1490, 1.02M)

unironically, PS1 and PS2 games look like dogshit at anything above 480p

the PS3 has actual lag, not just shit framerates. full on input lag. which is funny because it was the souls platform of choice for a while

also based PS3nigger

Brainwashed Based

60 fps is as bad as 30. don't @ me you filthy sub 144 plebs. i only bow down to 240 gods

not even true
you lie like a rug


Oof. Big cope. Bad bait.

PC gamers on suicide watch

It's true, mouse play is good with high frame rates. Controllers are better at 40fps due to the sensitive nature of the joystick

do you even know what frame pacing is?
i think the furthest you can go is 35, but anything over that and you start getting half a second of smooth animation and half a second of choppy animation, and your brain cant fucking process the inconsistencies every half-second.
45FPS is true hell if youve ever capped your games at it.
50FPS is ok if your monitor supports that refresh rate (australia, europe - other PAL regions)

but yeah, joysticks are WAY too sensitive. set it low and you can't turn corners or look behind you fast.
set it high, and you're teasing it like a nipple just to aim at something far off in the distance, and it takes forever
aim assist is a thing for a reason, and console games that don't allow it are fucking sadomasochistic

>Console shooters
Filthy fucking casual