Hard mode: No Patreon games
What game has the worst artstyle ever?
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Don't starve is easily the ugliest game I've ever seen, and I won't even dignify it with a pirate
Pretty much any Jeff Vogel game.
Salt and Sanctuary
damn thats a really good call
I never played it because it was so visually offensive
same with rimworld
idle space company
Fuck you, it was kino and soulful
For me, it's gotta be Fallout New Vegas. I tried it out because of how much Yea Forums circlejerks about it and it was an abomination in every way, but especially the graphics. It's the epitome of the "puke brown wasteland" archetype.
idk if they're even games but i can't stand characters from draganronpa or whatever the fuck its called
Xenoblade was 2000s anime potato face.
The comfy artstyle was one of the only good things about that game. Without it no one would give a fuck and its reputation would be even worse than Skyward Sword.
where is that foot from?
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Nidhogg 2
Blazblue. Terrible character designs and awful sprites.
ugly as sin card art
Revolution 60
Without joking Salt and Sanctuary
In this case, its not the problem is not the artist but the dev team who pick him for a game he doesnt fit
I just started playing it. Dont let me down
A girl that plays her handheld game that stands outside the convenience store.
foot source please
NV is praised for its writing and firearm-management, not because of the piss-ugly Gamebryo visuals.
SFIV had okay stuff later in its life but it was so fucking uneven, just like SFV. Monkey faces abound and Cammy even had no goddamn ass.
tf2 is ugly as sin if you don't modify the client to not have cosmetics
League of Legends is pretty terrible looking, and the fake anime character designs don't help
>le whacky man with 40 particles
why does Yea Forums praise this shit again
It's old.
dota 2 much like tf2 was ruined by XD WHACKY shit
It's her foot
Gameplay still holds up great, and not every server nor player is as insufferable as its worst examples.
A reflection of his soul
This one by far
Slay the Spire comes to mind. Could those assholes really not hire an art director or were they trying to get their 8 year old's foot in the door?
They let chinks do cosmetics and it went downhill fast
I did not like enter the gungeon, it was this weird mix of "really good pixel art, lighting, and animation" with "just fucking awful visually disjointed designs" with overwhelmingly too much face that is just 2 dots and a line
Oh christ I forgot this. What the absolute fuck were they thinking?
Came here to post this
The transition from 1 to 2 just makes me sad
i really despise WoWs artstyle with the cartoony colors and everything looking like its made out of a big chunks of stone.
and i resent it for every goddamn western fantasy game since copying its shitty style
also warhammer
I have a copy of Revolution 60 because it keeps me humble. It reminds me that there is a game about anime girls that can be so janky and ugly that even a waifufag like me will lose interest in it.
t. crybaby
and who is she?
plz help
i like warcraft's artstyle for that same reason
In contrast to what?
well that is entirely respectable because everyone has their own tastes
I miss those threads when it was just endless shitposting and hilarity, from start to finish. Every single time I saw a thread titled "WARNING: THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE, IT'S A SCREENSHOT FROM REVOLUTION 60" I cracked up. Every now and then I crack up just thinking about them.
What's wrong with this?
google DLsite black panda
WoW looks fine
shit taste
especially you
This looks sick for what it is.
That fort night game or whatever's far from the worst artstyle, but it's certainly the most bland I've ever witnessed. I wouldn't call it cartoonish, problem is, I don't know WHAT you'd call it.
But orcs in particular look great.
What games copy it? I admit I don't pay a lot of attention to western rpgs.
I came to agree with you
They are so gaudy and unaesthetic its kept me from the game for years
What the fuck
Agreed on both counts. That said, Warcraft 2 has a nice artstyle.
The new models are truly devoid of any interesting features but the old models were generally pretty neat, especially undead in goggles.
what a game
this looks great
fuck you zoomzoom
It's a good game, honestly one of the best MMOs for quest design and interactivity that being said, FUCK the GE. Just the artstyle is pretty trash.
>Tranny fetishizing the bimbo archetype
Wow, what a surprise.
It's good art, but it looks shit compared to the lovely, clean visuals of the first game.
This, clashing colours and chunky armour are just gross. It's just so "unrealistic" to me, and I'm into Warhams.
Well of Souls.
Fun fact: Those characters are directly taken from a comic he did in college about how all sorority girls are drunken whores. Brianna Wu was basically Buffalo Bill.
What a shock
pretty much every fantasy mobile game for one
LoL is probly the most egregious and obvious example
almost every diablo clone
just from looking at the fantasy tag on steam: bloodbowl, orcs must die, gloomhaven, trine, torchlight, dungeon defenders, etc
>nobody has mentioned modern pokemon games
for shame, Yea Forums
Nidhogg 2. What in God's name did they fucking do to it!?
It's really just the Warcraft 3 art direction that WoW built upon
t. Digimonfag
In regards to color, that's an edit. One shoulder is just mirrored. I guess that's why the blood looks so cheap.
thanks for reminding me that shit exists
The backgrounds are fucking amazing but to me Nidhogg was never about detail.
As for the characters, yeah they're atrocious.
Indivisible, any edge that Skullgirls had was filed off and it now looks like a run of the mill mobile game. The characters don't match the environments and mostly have bad designs.
The anime was much better you tasteless nigger.
Nowadays the games too lol
it's freaky as hell when you realize Wu had surgery to become their own shitty OC
Most of the AAA games of the week.
Was looking for this, holy shit it's so bad
I'm not just talking about that particular pic, I'm talking about how it looks in general. See where you've got a bright blue cartoony orc standing in some bright green field. Even the trees look like they're just lazily slapped in there, just sitting on top of the grass.
The one thing Warcraft never took from its early stages of being a Warhammer MMO is how Warhams still ties its various pieces together; thematically, with colouration, and just general wear and tear (to avoid that cartoony look). it's over the top yeah, but it still feels believable.
I can see where you're coming from, but I think the uncanny weirdness of Warframe's art direction is actually has really original, sci-fi flair in an old-timey way. I used to think is was heinous, but it's really grown on me. I think if you put on your thinking caps, there's a poignant design that emerges.
I'd say the first Breath of Fire
Brainlet detected.
Because it's years old. It looked good at the time and even compared to today, it's not saturated up the ass so it's not painful to look at. New areas look great, the art department is something that's always been top notch.
In what regard?
Under Night
Touhou is probably the most correct answer
Undertale is a shitstain but it's hardly worth mentioning
The artstyle is pretty bad but Undertale is great.
Wrong. It's comfy
nah, it goes full retard only when you learn their actual head is stored in their chest. the idea of remote controlled slave labor with their heads on a shelf somewhere secure would work in that setting. Keeping your head in your own body to hide it from the very people that physically abduct you if you step out of line doesn't keep it safe.
user, this is for the worst artsyle.
Even if you don't particularly like WoW's aesthetic, to say that it's the worst artstyle ever shows how much of an absolute faggot you are.
teleglitch. actually a disgusting looking game with a horrid colour palette, ascii art would have been better
its meant to be quake
It's an eye sore, but it has good gameplay.
slay the spire
>praised for it's firearm management
you're joking, right?
Kingdom hearts 3 is so obsessed with looking good graphically that it lost its artistic style. Worst of the series so far.
>kingdom hearts
>artistic style
Your comment doesnt even make sense. What you are implying is just a flat out lie.
Limiting it to commercially released games from studios employing more than 1 people, I have to give it to Star Forge. It's a survival exploration/crafting game in the Minecraft vein, except more sci-fi. That might sound kinda cool, but the game was one of the lowest rated games on Steam until the developers removed it. Because it's a broken piece of shit. Part of the reason it looks so ugly is because it was stitched together with assets bought at random from the Unity Store. It's also in part due to the poorly coded LOD system, which makes distant textures/models spaz out constantly.
But I want to highlight something in particular. Look at these hands. Just look at them. This isn't some status ailment or anything, your hands are just like that constantly. You'll be seeing this for most of the game, too. I don't know how multiple people looked at this and approved it. These are possibly the ugliest hands I've ever seen in a video game.
I can see how with that character. I haven't played much, probably 14 hours, but the first 10 or so had a really lovely art style. A weird and unique bio-punk insect crustacean style.
I also think everything looks better without the "cool" shit.
Hotline Miami and not even memeing
I don't like cel shading but JSRF was fun af
i cannot stress how much i fucking hate the hm1/2 artstyle
If you think that's ugly you have seen nothing yet. Try Salt and Sanctuary.
This was an absolute fucking mess. Not that the art style from NSMB Wii was any good, nor was the one they were working on during development, but to go and mix the two just adds the extra shit factor on the diarrhea cake. On the one hand you have HD backgrounds that try to portray as much depth as possible, with literal PNGs from 2007 as enemies in the foreground. Yep, that's right, some of the enemies were STILL images of 3D models that were held over from previous games. I'm glad they finally got it right with 3D World in Super Mario Maker 2, it only took them 15 years.
\Why draw a guide line IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FOLLOW IT
Crysis. Graphics are good but it has zero soul.
iirc the author got burned by the publisher and did it out of spite
i get it. i get that it's meant to be stylistic. and some shots of the game do look kind of cool.
but man, just on a pure level, it's like i'm trying to work out an indie dev's ridiculous attempt at doing picasso. what an eyesore.
>Graphics are good
I dunno man
you dont like cel shading?
what about ice skating or cake baking
what do you do for money making?
Citizens of Earth. I'm a sucker for Earthbound clones and even I can't play this dogshit.
>kino and soulful
It looks like a shitty flash game
How can you do that? Do you get banned for it?
Marvelling at this one dude sweatily hating on SOUL and sanctuary
Oh great the joksters are here. Ok guys,abandon thread. No one is tryna take it seriously anymore.
Yeah, WOW. Every single Monster Hunter clone REALLY fails to capture what Monster Hunter did it's hilarious. Ugly as fuck too and holy shit people were like "durrrrr its as good as monster hunter I swear :("
undertale's art is pretty gross
it's not really in the game but what the fuck were they thinking with these steam cards?
Nidhogg 2 looked like shit. I don't know why you'd stand up for the artist. You could conceivably do high resolution graphics for the game and not make them a disgusting cross between Bert of Sesame Street and Homer Simpson.
god I forgot they did that shit, fuck that game
Believe it or not, the average player doesn't have even a single particle effect item, let alone dozens all equipped at once. You have to be a spectacular faggot to do that.
Why did they put Don Knotts in a video game?
Is that Payday 2?
Oh my fucking god. That is honestly disgusting.
Melty blood.
move aside, I win the thread
t. retards
well meme'd my friend
the art is shit
the original however, is not
I really hate dreamland 3's art style.
avernum is a good game, but the skill tree pictures are ass. This game is medieval fantasy, but the cards show out of place shit like a guy with a Mohawk and tank top
are these kikes even relevant anymore? I used to see their videos all the time in my suggested videos feed or he'd be stepping in the middle of some drama to look like a bipartisan hero
Everything about it is ugly. The art style, the music, the gameplay.
cute and full of soul
Public opinion has mostly shifted against them. But they still subsist on subpar content.
Lol don't listen to the ESL poster. I'm sure he means accurate depiction of firearms/animations. Ofc new vegas has the same shitty gunplay as fallout 3.
>When experiencing a malfunction with the service rifle (or any other weapons which share its reload animation) the Courier will use proper procedure and utilize the forward assist to fully seat the bolt carrier group.
>Instead of holding the hunting shotgun by the wooden forestock on the front of the gun, the Courier holds the gun behind it, and after firing, moves their hand up onto the forearm, reloads the gun, then grips the gun back behind it again. This is because holding a pump action shotgun by the forestock can inadvertently cause it to slide back part way while firing due to the recoil, sometimes jamming the gun. Holding the firearm behind the forestock while firing prevents this while also providing a better balance while aiming.
Have you seen the remastered trailer for xenoblade user? What do you think?
Nintendo falls back on that "Storybook" style too often.
This hurts to look at. I use to love fate/type moon.
Shit fucking taste
You too. It was ugly and edgy, but it was supposed to be. That's why it had Soul
Finally an actual good answer
How did they lose so much fucking SOUL when they started with pixelart?
This is exactly what I thought when I first saw the game. To be honest, the major problem is that the first floor and the ironclad and his cardset look like SHIT. Everything else is decent
Frayed Knights: The Skull of S'makh-Daon
He said worst, not creepiest.
That Kirby looks fucking retarded
Nice floor tile textures
Nintendo knocked it out of the park with Yoshi's Island. I wish every following Yoshi game didn't repulse me.
Game is pure kino but it still looks like Deviantart and AdventureQuest had an abortion
I kind of like this.
why is bob ross a black dude
Guilty Gear
Beltanzipper, boobs and spikey hair galore.
Shit like this is why real Computer RPGs aren't more popular
It has 2. Generic 2D pixel art in game, CalArts in cutscenes.
After seeing the developers support dick-lumberjacks, I've opened my eyes and seen the flaws in what I, at one point, stupidly considered soulful.
never before have I given a shit about the bog creature until now, consider my ass chapped
Oh my fuck, I'm remembering this book from the Schoolastic book fair. picked up Spider-girl, I have found memories of those tits.
To this day, I'm still not entirely sure what this game even is
>melty blood
do you even know what melty blood is?
>same with rimworld
Trash opinion.
you cant
Get a load of this guy
An exercise in an ego trip by a delusional tranny with no talent or training using other peoples money and time.
CYberpunk 2077 is up there.
It's something of a design choice with history but it's probably out of place if you're to young to remember Dragon Magazine and the Foglios
Umineko. By far.
Do we mean just artstyle or quality of the assets?
Because there is a shitload of stuff that is fucking miserable on a pure asset level like all those shovelware $1 games.
what's the point in trying
Las Vegas actually is a puke brown wasteland irl
Tfw more money in shitty soldier loadout than in your fucking rig
I actually came here to post this. The first time I got into the game to play with some friends I couldn't even figure out what I was looking at, a wall of poorly defined brown speckled shit, the area where you first get off that bus in game 1.
My eyes really never adjusted.
Blazblue, there's no competition.
I put off playing Arkham Asylum for two years because of how unappealing it looked to me.
The game and sequels were good but the style was as if they were drawn by Rob Riefeld on steroids.
One of my friends convinced me of getting this. To its credit, it's kind of fun when you get the ball rolling with a group of friends. Too bad it is beyond ugly, also all the armor looks like it literally came out of something's asshole.
I’ve always disliked pixel games where the pixel textures manage to be even more basic than normal. Games like Celeste, which don’t even bother to give the player character a face, it’s just unappealing and looks unfinished
This. RSHD is much better.
Unironically Borderlands.
last of us, uncharted, nu-tom raider, nu-godof war
peak of souless
Death Crimson
i cant believe I ever thought this game looked good. At least I always knew it was souless
Dhux scar
almost as good as the dangerous vaults review on somethingwaful
Holy fuck that's the ugliest saturn game I've ever seen, even some of the games with really shitty battle "scenes" aren't this bad. Also the flashing is excessive.
This. The art itself is pretty ok but their faces are so motherfucking ugly, jesus...
kinda, some of the designs are killer
Warframe's a lucky dip of designs and they've been getting better ever since Minki left
all the primes are fucking nasty though
all these movie-games - you know, the sort of games that sony uses as flagships - that are just copy-pastes of reality, right down to extensive use of motion capture and, more recently, photogrammetry and materials taken straight from a commercial PBR library
zero creativity, boring gameplay, boring graphics
yeah basically
What's nuts is that if you could edit the face sprites to be blank instead of shitty Muppets but still fitting the basic shading style, you'll probably have immediately improved the graphics by a wide margin.
Salt and Sanctuary is very ugly in a 2000's edgy sort of way, but the game is pretty decent for a Souls clone.
Maybe Space Funeral, but that's kind of the point.
I know I'm going to get shit for this but Dragon's Crown. I don't get the appeal of George Kamitani's style. Who is that comic book artist that puts lots of effort into the details but the result is always just a horribly unappealing caricature of a deformed human? Anyway, whatever his name is, George Kamitani is the anime equivalent of that. I don't get it.
game's good but fucking hell it is impossible to make a good looking character. Animations are also awkward as fuck
Unironically Dragon's Dogma. It's just an ugly fucking game.
desu, this turned me down when I tried to play it
I kinda liked that look. Most of the game was just so aggressively brown and yellow that made me respect it.
But I liked the SA map the most which had this blue tint along the horizon's ridges.
Goddamn I am triggered right now
Jesus fucking Christ was this part of her plan?
Naughty Dog cinematic games, pure Hollywood boringness.
Unironically kill yourself zoomzoom
what this dude said i used to hate it but the the dark, raw industrial feeling of grineer and their mining / factory worlds with thick green mist is somehow memorable for me to this day and its been years since i played the game
>Vall-Halla devs talk endless shit about Yiik in their private discord server
I'm still laughing bros
This bait is plain sad. I'm giving out a (you) for pity.
God of War looks great once you get out of the forest you dumbfuck
Dust, An Elysian Tail.
From the first day this game came out and still to this day I cannot for the fucking life of me figure out why the fuck people obsess over this monstrous turd of a game. I have even asked friends who like/liked it why the played it and the answers I got back were basically. It's nice to play when you are watching TV, or I like chopping wood. Enjoying RuneScape is a very obvious symptom of autism. Not Asperger's but full blown Chris chan autism.
i like this Nero
>I have a copy of Revolution 60
They wanted Pewdiepie funny-man-fall-down points and it didn't pay off.
That's fucking easy.
Only nu-WoW. Old WoW was exaggerated and cartoony but still generally well thought out, nicely textured and consistent. The art-style is just le pixar meme now. Completely characterless and impossible to take seriously. Like Fortnite or something.
this is proof that coombrained waifufags in actuality are trannies
In game sprites are fine and the animations are very nice. Overall, it's definitely above average visually.
It is so ugly I wouldn't play it even if they paid me
Proof of poor hiring practises at Valve. Some of their store art has also been completely amateurish and hideous.
Yeah, it looks like puke even when compared to zero budget indies from the 90's. Gameplay is shit too.
What equality everyone in the world is on about? How can a woman write something this humorous. Link me to 1(one) such review like this one made by a woman, for the love of all that is equal.