Why is she so beautiful, bros?

Why is she so beautiful, bros?

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Looks like a fag

What did I miss, is Celeste a dude?

Should've left it ambiguous, they just filtered their own demographic.

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tranny dilate

soft-reckoned into a tranny, cause gotta get those progressive points with the lefty tweeter mobs

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>1 level out of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds is like this, and it's the second to last piece of the toughest bonus content

Do you think if i wrote a script of the average thread on Yea Forums and the average response, it would read like this?
It doesn't read like human beings write this shit anymore at this point.

of course celeste is a man, only a man could jump and move like that

I don't care about if is he or she...
I love her/his eyebrows...
And I love that he/she probably has a massive bush down there

Because she's transexual and there's nothing wrong with that.

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is not only Yea Forums, internet is too predictable not

HER name is Madeline.
Uh, or maybe SHE's an ally? Why are you so interested in HER past or HER privates? Kind of a strange thing to ponder about if you ask me.


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Have you even begun to consider the possibility that horrible people like YOU are part of the reason for your funny little picture?

laughing out loud

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not him but I'm glad of being part of it tbqh.

Tomboyish LGBT supporter takes medication for her anxiety?

>the pill bottle
that's the part that actually churns my stomach a bit, the normalizing of a chemical dependent existence

Am I the only one who thought she had some innate medical condition when seeing that pic without paying mind to it's context?
That pill bottle could be to handle any number of illnesses, up to and including a common flu.

This is the cutest boy I’ve ever seen.

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You know chronic illnesses are a thing too, you fuckwit?

Okay, are you all memeing or is this aactually a tranny game? I already hate it because of the whole “it’s a touching story about dealing with mental illness and it’s so deep so you got a love it because it’s about mental illness and overcoming mental illness did we mention mental illness?” plot.

I dunno man if I had to take 25 different sets of pills for each our of the day at that point I'd suicide myself

they retroactively made her a mtf transexual. the most shameless pandering to a microscopic demographic if i ever saw one.

No, it's soi, but not tranny in particular. The main characters are all normal/cute looking.

No need to be on medication for that user, you’re welcome to try anytime

I like how you revel in cruelty

No, I'm pretty sure irreversibly altering your physical form on what is essentially a whim of thought is what would bring someone to such a dark place that suicide is the only way out
If I chopped my hands off cause i thought I would feel cooler without them I would probably consider suicide after a few years too

u wot, there's a bunch of levels like the image

shitty. I was actually going to check this game out but forget it now. i dont wanna play as a tranny

>user is making the world a better place
Thank him for his service!

Why wait? Just do it now.

>brown boyfriend and trans
>still has 97% of positive steam reviews
seems like gamers don't care

Thread #425 of people seething over pastel rectangles.
You fucking faggots whine more than the sjws at this point.

>There's nothing wrong with the legitimization of fetishes and sexual degeneracy
i agree, wonder how long i'll take for that P̷̴͍̠̝̳̯̩̦͎̣̗̹̙̬̜͎͈̻͖̈̓̑̒̀ to be added to the alphabet of human decay, that's when blood will begin to be spilled,i can't wait!

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ok retard

Look at the picture. It's not the usual one.

So the game itself never makes any statements of the sort, it’s literally just “oh Dumbledore is totally GAAAAAAAY and that was the plan from the start”

Even fucking worse. Glad I already didn’t wanna plant because I hate games about mental illness, since that’s always an excuse to be an artsy faggot that sucks at game design baiting for positive reviews.

friendly reminder

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To be fair, that happens when you get old as well.

calm down, crohn's boy.

porn already exist

>m-muh chemical imbalances