Wait, what? Myron created and explained Jet. Why does FO4 claim it's pre-war?

Wait, what? Myron created and explained Jet. Why does FO4 claim it's pre-war?

Attached: Jet.png (1200x670, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:


not interested in discussing realism in a game with magic radiation and ghouls to be honest

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Hey all, Todd Howard here. While understand there are some inconsistencies between the original Fallout games abd the newer ones. However i think the important thing is that you shut the fuck up and buy Fallout 76

It's funny reading/watching so many Bethesda apologist lorefags using mental gymnastics to explain Jet as some pre-war thing that was co-opted by Myron. Reminds me of TES where everything has to be explained in a way that it fits the 'lore' when in reality Bethesda is just getting lazier and lazier with each game - to the point that they can't be bothered to reread their own lore to know what they can and can't do.

The last good Bethesda game was The Terminator: Future Shock. Are you really surprised?

Because Bethesda's writers had no interest in playing the original games?

it's a game with talking mutants, nerd, stop discussing continuity and shit

They probably booted it up, barely beat the trial temple, and promptly got fucked up at Klamath fighting radscorpions or the rats

I don't think Emil Pagliarulo even plays games outside of whatever his teenage son plays.

Shut up, Pete.

I cured Jet addiction.

Myrons on suicide watch.

Attached: It's Myron baby!.png (1920x6464, 2.66M)

>been almost 4 years
>still having these retarded threads

Myron lied.

There. Mystery solved.

Fuck off Pete

There is a vault in FO3 full of drugs, including Jet, that were placed there before the War.

So it isn't just FO4 that makes this claim. It's FO3 as well.

>X-01 supposedly created pre-war as an unfinished prototype
yet hundreds of suits exist scattered throughout the Commonwealth in various conditions. Enclave developed their own very similar looking yet superior armor post-war
>T-60 was supposedly created pre-war and used on a wide scale by US forces up to the brink of the great war in 2077, as seen by the Sole Survivor
Yet the T-51 is stated as being the pinnacle of power armor, and the last set released pre-war
>The BoS first emerged from their bunker in 2150 California
Yet they emerged from a bunker in Virginia in 2102
>The Enclave was formed by a cabal of politicians, military officials, and executives pre-war
Yet they began in 2102 Virginia from a group of robots

Don't question it too deeply, you'll find holes everywhere. Bethesda's ruined the lore and continuity of Fallout, it's been fucked so hard that there are gaping plotholes left and right -- and then they fuck those holes and make more.

Bethesda cares far more about TES lore than they ever did for Fallout.


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>X-01 supposedly created pre-war as an unfinished prototype
APA lore in FO2 was just that its made from advanced ceramics and that its fucking expensive to produce, production lore dates all came from the Fallout Bible which was full of stupid shit like the FEV riots. The armor being everywhere was dumb though.
>Yet they began in 2102 Virginia from a group of robots
It was like 50 people tops that were station locally and the game specifically mentions that they lost all contact with both the Presidential Oil Rig and Raven Rock, it was just another base like the one ED-E's voice logs mentions that exist in Chicago. They just assume they are all thats left because they can't contact any other Enclave outpost either.

T-60 and BoS lore a pretty fucking dumb, but at least the BoS lore tries to fit it in with the radio broadcasts that FO1 mentions Maxson did after his abandoning of the US military.


I don't even play fallout but this shit pissed me off to an unfathomable level. Such a blatant lack of respect for what he was working on.

>Fallout lore

To be fair, Pete is just a PR mouthpiece, he doesn't work on the games.
It's still insane he's allowed to have a highly visible position he fucking sucks at.

because nobody cares about Fallout """"lore"""" except boomers who dont buy games

Myron didn't actually invent Jet, easy. He merely happened to find a cache and reverse engineered it for easy cash and puss, claiming to be the inventor for status.

Yea Forums
>hurr if you don't like it don't buy it vote with your wallet
also Yea Forums

>>hurr if you don't like it don't buy it vote with your wallet
you got memed on, devs will just cater to those who do buy it. only retards think you can vote with your wallet

Alright but there were no mutant cows pre war. That's where the jet comes from.

Fallout 2 is very shit compared to Fallout, that's why redditors prefer the second game instead of the first one.
>xD comedy and references! Magic! Muh fuck up progress and linear story!

This fucking guy.
>Well, I think I can prove this guy wrong about our clear oversight for something that anyone who played the game would know
>oh, I can't prove him wrong
>not interested in discussing realism in a game with magic radiation and ghouls to be honest
Bravo, Pete

I think by 2077 some cows will definitely be mutant cows.

Fallout 2 didn't give a fuck regarding the origin of Jet so why should Bethesda?

This one

People forget that the lore was inconsistent in quite a few places even before Beth had the series. Mrs. Bishop being addicted to Jet before it even existed, the constant flip flop on what exactly caused ghoulification among other things.

Also OP, 76 actually doesnt have Jet at all, so as of now it's back to being a post-war drug. Hell its essentially Meth anyway so it shouldnt be that hard to make.

There were Deathclaws and Super Mutants pre war so I am sure they had a few Brahmin.

>Mrs Bishop was addicted to jet before Myson ever made Jet
>Jet appears in the Sierra Madre Casino in NV
Oh, so it's okay when black isle and obsidian do it

Don't forget DM stating that those matter machines were commonplace before the war, and then backpedaled in OWB when they realized the fuckup.

Pete is a vice president of the entire Bethesda, Todd is only head of Bethesda the developers. If Pete has his job because of dick suckery, it's because he's sucking dick to someone much more important than Todd.

Well, TIL.
My point stands. Guy's slobbing knob.

>Bethesda cares about TES lore
It's literally retcones: the franchise. They made a drug made out of shit pre-war instead of post-war. Boo fucking hoo falloutfags. That doesn't even come close to the atrocities they've made to TES lore so shut the fuck up

Retcons is how tes lore got interesting

Because Bethesda were too lazy to look up the lore established by the previous games and wanted everything the same so it would mean less work for them.

Based as fuck

Yeah, Oblivion was much more interesting as a lotr rip-off with the samey-looking generic medieval european cities with gothic cathedrals than the jungles with rice-based economics inhabited by romans with two distinct cultures. Same applies to nords who started to worship imperial gods instead of nordic gods all of a sudden, and became stale depressing people instead of what they use to be. Ebin retcons.

I was talking about Morrowind, you do know that was a result of the redguard retcons right

As you see tes retcon =/ good. They ruined Cyrodiil and Skyrim for me

Skyrim's portrayal was accurate to the lore. And my point was that them being interesting was a retcon to begin with, Tamriel was extremely generic in Arena and the lore was hardly there, most of the interesting tes lore started with redguard and those were retcons

> Muh Jungle
The games before and after Morrowind had Cyrodil being forest. Morrowind was a retcon and they ignored it.

Morrowid got so much wrong I don't think it canon anymore.

It started with Daggerfall, unless you think a voltron powered by a heart-crystal is generic fantasy
>The games before and after Morrowind had Cyrodil being forest
>There are a few major roads to the west, river paths to the north, and even a canopy tunnel to the Velothi Mountains, but most of Cyrodiil is a river-based society surrounded by jungle.
Pocket guide to the Empire 1st edition, released with Redguard. Also describes rice based economics

It's generic science fantasy

It's only generic science fantasy if the entire game poses as science fantasy, tes isn't science fantasy as a whole

I'm not saying the game as a whole is science fantasy, but I'm saying that robots in fantasy settings isn't that out there

It's Bethesda franchise, they can change whatever they want and you can continue to cry :^)

That also comes from the Hindu faith. A prince needed an army to fight the devas and the Asura refused to fight but told him how to get an army of constructs from somewhere else in time.

>Mystery of the Snowhawk Druids

It's been over 200 years user, a city not being there anymore isn't a retcon, that's like saying Chernobyl was retconned from real life

But Pripyat IS still there.

Why didn't he just say "Myron is unreliable and lied about inventing it"? It'd be so easy to make any statement like that.

Because he has virtually no idea about lore. He's an exec, not a designer. People should've bombarded Pagliarulo's twitter instead

You're right. That would have been the smartest play. The funny thing is that it wouldn't have even been that much of a stretch to make such a claim as Myron is already such an unlikable, pretentious prick that it wouldn't be hard to believe that he would take credit for something he didn't really do.

It's beyond a slam dunk, it's nearly autopilot. They've constantly made retcons and changed ideas in the lore, something like this should be simple for them.

>Introduce hellfire armor in 3
>ignore it in 4

Okay but did jet come before or after pipe pistols

>introduce FEV in 1
>never stop beating that horse for decades

FO2 did a pretty decent job of dealing with the idea of peaceful mutants.

not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls

Attached: tcg.png (836x806, 975K)

>Fev in 1 is the masters plan of achieving a master race
>Fev in 2 is the enclave trying to use it to create a super weapon
>Fev in 3 is just magic

What about 76.

>introduce FEV in 1
>reveal that FEV is what is used to create Super Mutants
>"Shit. We need to have Super Mutants in every game now because they have become so iconic to the series. Guess we need to find a way to awkwardly shoe them into every game, even in cases where it wouldn't have even been possible for them to come into contact with the FEV"
Part of the problem is that Bethesda clearly feels that EVERY Fallout game needs to have
>Super Mutants
>Power Armor
>Brotherhood of Steel
as those have become such iconic elements of the series.

Attached: kek.png (500x913, 470K)

In Fallout 2, there are even a line saying that Jet isn't impressive if you have high INT or Science (forgot atm), implying that anyone with some basic chemistry knowledge could create Jet, or something very similar to it.

>I think you'd be surprised about how much I know about your amateurish hallucinogenic-amphetamine hybrid. I'm not convinced a child like you didn't just STUMBLE across it, Myron.


Didnt Sawyer end up saying this anyways? I recall reading something her wrote about how Myron had his head up his own ass because of his huge ego and the people he sold drugs too were "too high" to be trusted anyways.

Probably. Based Sawyer was the last one who gave a damn about consistent Fallout lore. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to save some plotholes along the way

>What are you talking about? The recipe for Psycho has been widely known in all of Pre-War America! Everybody knows how to make Psycho! It's not like it's a top-secret military-use chem of unknown origin or anything like that!

>Broc Flower and Xander Root? Never heard of them. Must be some boring shlock only nerds know about.

Attached: Fallout 4 chems.png (1280x1440, 2.44M)

Who the fuck acts stubborn about an oversight like this. Why would you fucking double down and insult your franchise ontop of it.

I can understand "I don't like when people point out plot holes". but you don't say "well excuse our bad writing, the story isn't supposed to be good"

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That's odd, I thought that Bishop's wife was addicted to jet *before* it was created by Myron. Odd event to happen if he was the one to create it.

>yet hundreds of [X-01 Suits] exist scattered throughout the Commonwealth in various conditions.
Three suits are fixed spawns. Plus, it's not unbelievable that they were being developed pre-war before the design was fixed.
>Yet the T-51 is stated as being the pinnacle of power armor, and the last set released pre-war
Correct. The T-51 Be was the last set released Pre-war. the T-60 wasn't released as was set to be released shortly after the war, only being used on home soil during testing.
>Yet [The Brotherhood] emerged from a bunker in Virginia in 2102
A group listened to Maxon's transmissions, became a branch of the brotherhood and died before 2102 that fighting the Scorched.
>Yet [The Enclave] began in 2102 Virginia from a group of robots
They began Pre-war and one isolated branch died out and began recruiting from the local population unsustainably.


I wonder how man people at B*ethesda have even played Fallout 1 and 2. I wonder if Todd's even played them. Oh well. At least we will always have the TRUE West Coast Fallout games (1, 2, NV) and B*ethesda can never take that away from us... unless they decide to set a game on the West Coast and fuck up the lore...

>the GECK in 2 was basically a "start your own farm and water purifier kit"
>the GECK in 3 is literally a magical terraformer device that completely changes the geography around it
>for some reason, they only use it to purify a single river

>I wonder if Todd's even played them.

Don't insult Todd like that.
Guy is the reason you get autistic shit like waiting and calendars.

"I'm not convinced a child like you didn't just STUMBLE across it, Myron." - Literally said during Fallout 2

I know they didn't, I can tell because they use the BOS designs from tactics and used them as the Enclave in 3

Midwest Brotherhood Power armor has a great design


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and to think it all started in Fallout 3

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can we just say that bethesda current lead writer is never really that good at writing storytelling? I mean like, from the moment you heard the synopsis of fallout 4, you already can guess the plot surround it. find father find son lol. plus, bethesda don't take lore continuity seriously, is just a joke to them and basically creatively bankrupt at this point. because bethesda fallout games will need to have BOS, power armor, super mutant etc etc

>Ghouls are known to hibernate, and likely do so in conditions where food or water is low

Don't forget Dogmeat and Radscorpions.
What the fuck are scorpions doing in Boston?

Descendants of Emperor Scorpions, popular as pets before the Great War.

they burrow into the ground and teleport very fast so they obviously teleported there

>Everyone BUT my dear friend Todd lied

>Descendants of Emperor Scorpions, popular as pets before the Great War.
Holy shit, the writing room really phoned it in on this one. It's kind of insulting.

Good, because that's straight from Fallout 1.

>"They seem to be extremely large versions of the north American Emperor scorpion. Contrary to my medical knowledge, their poison has grown more potent, not diluted, as I would expect." -Razlo, F1

It's notable that you can easily find a large number of emperor scorpions in pet shops as of right now, so it isn't like Todd pulled it out of his ass when he later brought it up in F3.

It's just weird they bring back scorpions in F4 with a lame excuse but didn't bring the giant ants back instead.

>>xD comedy and references! Magic! Muh fuck up progress and linear story!
thats not the reason people like Fallout 2

bethesda doesn't give a shit about lore
neither does 90% of the people who buy and play the game

Technically, there was no excuse in Fallout 4, just one in Fallout 3 that can be applied to most locations in America.
Though, the lack of Giant ants is a saddening fact. Expecially when looking at the Ants added by Nuka World. They aren't even close in scale to the earlier giant ants (though, they're significantly bigger than regular ants, so I guess they're technically giant)

I guess he was just... full of bullshit

I meant the pet part dummy. Having scorpions in California made sense, but it's clear they wanted to take this iconic fallout monster to the new settings so some intern came up with a bullshit excuse to shove it in there and then took the day off early.

>so it isn't like Todd pulled it out of his ass when he later brought it up in F3.
Actually it's exactly like that. The fact that you don't immediately recognize this for what it is makes you think you have some sort of learning disability.

Myron was an unreliable source of info
never trust beta males
trust Alphas like Todd

tfw you both like and hate fo4

I know this feel.
>Like settlement building, combat, companions, crafting, modding
>Dislike story, simplified RPG elements, simplified dialogue options

Have a bump, on the house.

the story, MC voice and setting makes the game unplayable for me after beating it. A total conversion mod like fallout 4 new vegas will be the best thing to ever happen to that game for me.

>I’m too retarded to greentext or reply to posts

>tfw over 300 hours in vanilla Fallout 4 just because of the shitload of mods for building settlements
>actually downloaded modding tools to expand settlement area
>cleaned parts Commonwealth of debris and trash like a goddamn greenpeace and replaced missing models in said tools
>wander around and see my settlements prosper and rebuild the world
I should try Far Harbor, heard it's actually have a good dialogue. Haven't played it for over a year though.

Its simple. He doesn't know who Myron is.