
This game is not too hard...oh

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not hard at all

Attached: 7-c webm.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

Yea Forums does not support tranny games fuck off :)

It is hard, but I am gonna 100% it despite it all. i even ordered a Switch Pro Controller so I can use diagonals easier.

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>when the abortion game doubled down and became a tranny game

This is really bad bait

>takes maybe 10 minutes to master if you don't have Parkinson's
I take it you were the kid in elementary school who tried to brag about beating the Elite Four with a lvl 100 mon.


user, it's okay that you think Kaizo clones are good level design. Being wrong isn't illegal

Why is this a mechanic in this game? It feels like a bug that a rom hack would turn into a mechanic!

Sarcasm doesn't really work here chum.


Just use a GameCube controller


>implies gender is determined by hair length
>implies LGBT people are mentally ill
>pride flags are small and hidden away

What did the Celeste developers mean by this?

looks really hard.

This looks easy as fuck. Like your mom.

Gender is defined by the observer
That's not technically wrong, even in the nicest terms body dysmorphia is literally a mental illness (and this is from considering it from both sides)
"You know, I don't think enough people will pay attention to buy more copies of my game when this update comes out, lemme cause a shitstorm!"

how does anyone think this looks easy?!

Because compared to Chapter 9 it is

none of that.

I see people are still reposting my webm

you're pretty good user, how long did it take you to do this

I want to go back to play chapter 9 but I haven't played in like 3 months so I'm rusty and still need to complete the other c-sides

>asexual pride
>cis female gay pride
>cis male gay pride
>bi pride
>trans pride
>basically proud to be anything that can't yield offspring

Attached: 1358114783284.jpg (640x480, 111K)

Nothing to be proud about, kind of sad really.

A couple hours to actually learn 7-C because it's a deceptionally tricky stage that requires you to be in certain pixel-perfect places to reach the next drop or you won't be able to clear it and you'll die. The double jump up from 0:02-0:04 is one such place, too far left and you won't be able to clear the jump. The jump from 0:21-22 is another, there you HAVE to be as far left as you can so you won't dash right into the spikes and can clear the gap down. I've died countless times on the latter one.

Getting the perfect golden strawberry run took like half an hour though, and it's my second webm of it, because after I made the first webm I somehow fucked up collecting the crystal heart at the end and died, making the webm disingenuous and infuriating the hell out of me. So I did it again and made sure not to fuck up that time.

Very impressive user

Thanks. I'd like to get more golden strawberries, but some of the levels are absolute hell to perfect. Guess I need more practice.

What are some games you think are hard, user?

Crash Bandicoot 1
Ghost and goblins

holy fucking shit, and i thought path of pain was bullshit

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Honestly, I feel the golden strawberries are a chore. Some of the levels are just so long, it doesn't even feel worth it to do deathless.

I know. Celestial Resort is a bitch and the bane of my existence. I'll get it eventually though. I'm just terrible with cycles.

nailed it

Attached: discord trannies.jpg (4800x4800, 1.57M)

Even as far as trial and error goes I can't see someone taking more then 50 attempts unless they're really bad at platformers
>you can dash 1 of 8 directions
>the spikes make it really clear what directions you need to dash
>you're limited to 2 dashes which is still easy as the launchpads further point out using a dash to get to them to reset.
>the only thing that gets mixed up is landing on the cloud, but even then it's obvious and easy what to do afterwards and isn't used again in a more difficult matter
I'm not saying the gameplay is bad, but it's too straight forward in design to be considered insanely hard. Just not braindead piss easy.

>corrupting kids is fun too :)
What is wrong with these people?

Attached: Fazbear & Friends 1-27 screenshot.png (1280x720, 578K)

looks really simple to be honest with you

What are some games you think are hard, user?

what does dilate mean? i see it posted on this website alot

are you blind?
is a offensive slang for blind peoples.

F-zero GX

Ok, Jannies

Not really. Chapter 9 only has two rooms that are as long and neither are as precise and one is optional.

Not being able to have offspring is an inherently shameful state of being. Pride is a way to compensate.

You won't 100% it. You might clear all the chapters, but you won't 100% it. There are only handful of players capable of 100% Celeste on PC and even less on Switch. For an average gamer, it would probably take thousands of hours.

You got to love the growing disparity between art pieces and the people who make them. This game is made transvestites who get offended by anything and everything. But the trans character in the game? Yeah, if I saw a maze of deadly spikes, I would double-jump boost through them, and the sheer power of my jumps would cause shock-waves. This sort of disparity was retardly wide ever since the 60's, but it still hasn't stopped.

What in the FUCK are you babbling on about?

You're the one who sounds offended.

is this supposed to be hard?
is it possible to lose here?


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Yes. But he's not doing a wall dash. That's even harder.

Beat the final chapter today + moonberry. Feels good man. Honestly the best platformer I've played in a long time, especially the music.

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This looks like a run of the mill itch.io game. How is this impressive?

casuals think it's awesome for some reason

it can't be Yea Forumsros...

Attached: Madeline_in_Vancouver.jpg (1080x1080, 91K)

Not true, there is exactly one walldash in 7-C-3. And 7-C-1 is only walldashes. But 7-C-1 is super forgiving, while there are other C-sides that have trickier walldashes.

You're forgetting that you need to virtue signal how special you are for being [insert marginalized group]

>best platformer I've played in a long time
so your first platformer

someone convince Chris Chan to play this shit


Not even close. Picture related.

Attached: Psychic World.jpg (800x915, 216K)

It's just Super Meat Boy for late zoomers.

Attached: image.png (1920x1080, 453K)

Should I get this for 10? How's the assist mode (if needed)?

>accepting a twitter trannies headcanon
It's medication for anxiety/depression and a photo of a parent?
>Girls can't have short hair ever
Good bait but cmon

yes, I haven't used assist mode but apparently it's very configurable

>I am gonna 100% it

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10/10 level design, gotyay
fucking kek

The game is good and I definitely recommend it. Assist mode is outright cheating and I advice against it, we're talking infinite dashing and invincibility.
However, don't let that intimidate you. The game has a very nice difficulty curve and unlike other precision platformers such as Super Meat Boy and Wings of Vi it never felt frustrating.

I gave up on 7-C.
Chapter 9 I beta in a few hours.

doesn't explain the trans and gay flags


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>done in a modern indie era
>done in the 80's

It kinda pissed me off how you could still get achievements with the cheats on. It's like, well, there's no reason to try for the achievements anymore. So I just stopped playing the game after I beat it.

>Crash Bandicoot 1
This is a joke right? Did you only play the shitty remake with fucked physics or something?

I'm watching some gameplay videos of this super meat boy
is it raw meat?
why choose something so disgusting to be a character?
why not rubber boy
is there a way to remove the red trace?

Why do you care about achievements in a single player game anyway, its not like a mark on your save is gonna make perfecting everything more satisfying

It's proof that I'm better than other gamers. But it doesn't work as proof if everyone can get it. The bigger question is why do you think it's ok for achievements to be meaningless?

Not him, but they were clearly put there because of the devs/artist stance, not the character. The character doesn't suddenly become a nigger just because there's a KFC bucket on a table.
They COULD have easily made her a tranny if they wanted to by adding fitting dialog which would go hand in hand with her depression, but none of that exists.

>not good enough to beat a course of a video game
>compose an ms paint image to help your ego heal
if other people can complete it and you can't, that's your own fault
you're bad at video games, and factually worse at video games than trannies

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Seeing blue and pink is like a red rag to a bull for you.
We need a separate "/vpol/ - Ethics in Games Journalism" board.

Bait. The dev even said he specifically wanted to avoid that.
5:59 - 6:37

Because there are a lot of very hardcore pro gamers on Yea Forums!

Yeah that's fucking retarded. I was wondering why so many cleared all the C-sides, like 15% or something. Probably like 13% had assist mode on.

you get 2 dashes in that level, you only get one in most others. turns out the all available dashes are necessary (you get a dash reset from a crystal / spring / cloud)
it's not just infinite dash

>Proof that Im better than other gamers

Prove to me that this Has meaning, first of all, in the context of a single player game

7-c is kind of a meme level, not at all very good design compared to most other stuff in the game
it's just there to be a penultimate kind of bonus challenge
there are many, many levels in the game that are far better (and less precise)

I don't know how some people can consider Dark Souls games the pinnacles of difficulty when pure platformers like this exist that cannot be cheesed in the millions of ways Souls games can. You can't overlevel your stats, equip specific broken gear or ask your friends to carry you through the levels in co-op. It's all on you.

OP didn't you hear, the good game is now bad because of flag!


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i never got this. like who gives a single shit. jesus. as if people don't cheat this stuff in every other game to begin with.
if you did it without cheating, you already have a wealth of empirical evidence from the internet to tell you that you are better than most gamers. the presence of an uncited percentage should be negligible in the face of overwhelming evidence.


People think that, because the punishment is relatively weak compared to older platformers, that the challenge somehow doesnt exist.

Personally I think that Celeste does losing fine, punishments for losing have never been more than wasting time because they cant be fair if they do more than that, so shortening the time just makes it more efficient and easier to play for longer

Lol, and they say super meat boy was good. What a turd.

You can make this dumb argument about anything. All it does is make you sound like an envious casual that's coping.

it's designed to work tho
the path is there, clear


Are you literally 12?

Its common sense, theyre bragging rights, they don't need to exist at all because theyre not indicators of skill

Well, I'm not just talking about Celeste in particular, but of challenging platformers in general, like Super Meat Boy or Dust Force DX. I don't know how someone can consider games like Dark Souls that give you so many tools to destroy or even trivialize the challenges can be objectively harder than games that give you no cheese tools like those platformers.

I've seen people that destroy platformers get absolutely cucked by souls.

t. absolute shitter

Never played Celeste. Why is dash jumping done by moving an analog stick? Isn't that clunky?

In games like Megaman X4 dash jumping is done by first jumping (pressing X and holding the analog stick in a specific direction) and pressing dash while in the air.

t. absolute chad

no, it's very natural

I can't wait until me and my husband have children that genetically belong to both of us
Get fucked, luddite

in megaman you only dash forward

This is why you don't smoke weed and browse /pol/

Dark Souls challenge comes from Optimization and Knowledge.
Any Shmuck can beat Dark souls with artificial stat gains and weapons, but true mastery of the game requires knowledge of every small part of it.
Or at least It would be if it wasnt completely broken

In celeste you dash by holding the control stick in a direction and pushing the dash button

how the fuck do you think you dash???

I certainly hope no one is using analog sticks, that's just the input icon for that version of the game. The thing the bird tries to teach you is an advanced form of dash jumping where you dash UP just next to a wall and use the jump button precisely when you are perpendicular to the wall to receive a big speed/jump boost. It's only used for optional content and speedrunning.

this isn't /pol/ but you should go back there

>Let's get rid of all the quality aspects of platformers: combat, smooth game flow, a varied creative world to explore, player freedom
>Let's make it really easy to die but you've got unlimited continues so it's never a punishment to die
>Let's make a super serious story about being a tranny and woke shit

Congrats you've regressed platformers. Only Speedrunner autists could like such a garbage game. I'd rather play Pitfall.

>I certainly hope no one is using analog sticks
yeah... who would do that h-haha
I already got the muscle memory for it so whatever, it's nice for feathers

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Ok retard.

Platformers and 3D platformers have always been different things you numbskull

Dilate tranny.

>some faggot tranny indie game is more popular than my boy commander video's games


imagine being this elitist about a crappy SJW pandering indie game

It was advertised everywhere for months building up to its release. Repeated exposure is all it takes to get people to buy your shit.

>>implies LGBT people are mentally ill
Not trying to be an ass here, but if they weren't they wouldn't need hormone therapy to adjust would they? Isn't that like the entire idea? To correct the "ill"?

You can at least accept that you're mentally ill if you want others to accept you for being mentally ill.

When did I mention 3D Platformers? Hallmarks of the Platformer genre were made by Sega and Nintendo during the 5th Generation.

Indie garbage like Celeste is a minimalist abomination.

>It's only used for optional content and speedrunning.
it's the only way to reach certain areas so that's not advanced at all. it's the only way. one move. to reach. retard

I love how this image is a perfect representation of the level in the webm above it.

Trannies believe they actually born in the wrong body. They refuse to accept that their body is connected to their mind & vice versa.

>muh game has to be like it was in the 80s!
Whatever helps you cope with life bucko.

it's LITERALLY this post stop playing tranny games

Well the connection between mind and body is actually a lot more complex than most people would have you believe

b-but the ultimate difficulty!

resetera told me!

Then what the fuck is this garbage?

Except it clearly isn't, you can't even pass it off as a meme because it isnt true for anyone that does even the slightest bit of research.

Literally every level has a great gimmick to learn that makes it unique from the others

Platformers from the 80s are the best.

t. rectum

Attached: 1 freud.jpg (1130x1600, 601K)

Why do people reference Freud the Motherfucker when Carl Jung makes a lot more sense

>Literally every level has a great gimmick to learn that makes it unique from the others
Lol no it doesn't. This isn't Earthworm Jim or Battletoads, it's another shitty flash game tier indie platformer.

only the extra retarded ones high on wokeness think that. the "normal" trannies (as much as such a thing exists) know their sex doesn't change, but are still more comfortable making changes to their body because it alleviates their distress

Whatever dude, anyone who isn't a damn sheep that takes every post at surface value will do a simple google search and see that I'm right.

it was just his expression of disapoint desu
reading that
fresh from inside yous ass was kind of impressive for a satuday night

gut brain connection is super fascinating stuff and I think in the next 5-10 years we're going to find out just how badly mass produced food has fucked us up

>Trannies believe they actually born in the wrong body.
Well yes. But the brain is a part of that body.
Like gender dysphoria is most deficiently a thing. You've got the chromosomes. Hormones. And ultimately your sexual orientation. And there can surely be mismatches between any given one of these or all of them.
But if you need to take hormone pills then you can't exactly claim that everything is right. If you need to take pills then you're ill. You can't really have it both ways. Either you're healthy and don't need the pills, or you need the pills and you're ill.

>no evidence
That's what I thought.

>argumentum ad google-it

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Starting to think these threads are /pol/ bait to keep them out of other threads. There is no way it merits this much discussion.

If the spikes were all removed this level would not function, unlike the ms paint image. The point the MS paint image was making was that the level is not meaningfully improved by spikes, rather it simply reduces a margin for error. Here, the spikes are used to force a path through the level that has you interact with things like trampolines and dash crystals in a precise way. If all of the spikes were gone, you would simply be taking the fastest/easiest path between springs and dash crystals.
All that said, I would actually agree that Celeste is at its worst at parts like this. The section shown tests your mastery of the game's core mechanics but it does so in a way that's not nearly as interesting as other sections.

Why do people pretend this kind of design is conceptually bad by definition or something?

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there are a lot of unique levels in Celeste with interesting puzzles while still offering good platform challenges (Mirror Temple is really good) but literally all of the B-sides and C-sides past like chapter 3 devolve into pic related.

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you need to be engaged in the LGBTQP++ universe user

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What do you think I mean by "optional content"? Let me spell it out for you: Content you don't have to do to finish the game such as B & C sides. The game doesn't even teach you the technique until Chapter 7 B-Side.

t. I never play games guise I'm here to shill the tranny agenda


You will never be a woman.

>Let's get rid of all the quality aspects of platformers: combat, smooth game flow, a varied creative world to explore, player freedom
please name me any platformer that has all 4 of these things (even "player freedom" whatever the fuck that means).

Every level in the game has two unlockable harder versions
Those require advanced tech
None of them are needed to beat the game
None of the side-areas in main levels need advanced tech
Quit your bitching

I know, i have a pee pee. What about you, are you a member of the LGQBT+ community user?

Castlevania 3
Earthworm Jim
Mega Man

>>Let's make a super serious story about being a tranny and woke shit
Why do you have 3 (You)s

They have to know they don't pass right? They have to know that fact is that no one will ever treat them like an actual woman because its instantly obvious with a glance they're not. And if not with a glance, just wait until you hear them speak.

What is "smooth game flow" in as much detail as possible

It is because you're asking a player to memorize a set of button sequences instead of actually expecting a player to learn the mechanics of the game and apply them in a difficult environment.
If you need an example, you literally only need to look at Mario maker for the OCEAN of garbage levels that some talentless faggot made by onion skinning out jumps, and filling the rest with spikes.
Or you could go back further to Lunar Magic and SMW, where the idea was to be annoying.

Good luck getting the golden strawberry on chapter 9.

half of the gameplay in this style of platformer is figuring out the exact sequence of jumps, the other half is execution. it has a puzzley feel, and then you apply your technical skill.

Super Mario World
You can jump on enemies, you can hit them with fireballs, you can eat them with Yoshi, you can run thru them with a starman, lots of combat. And don't claim that's just apart of the platforming, each Koopaling Battle is a 1v1 fight with an AI.
>Smooth gameflow
The way you have control over Mario feels right, you have a lot of player options, the levels up to the advanced stages are always made to give you some breathing room
>Varied creative world
You have ghost houses, tropical stages, deserts, forests, ships, etc
>Player freedom
The game is large and inviting, and it allows the player to play to their style. You can be slow and methodical, you can be fast, you can almost always insist on riding Yoshi or you can just run on foot, the options are yours. It makes for a enjoyable massively replayable game.

Not sure I follow you. I'm not shitting on analog sticks because I'm some kind of elitist D-Padist. It's because I imagine using a analog stick for the later parts of the game where you have to use precise inputs would be very hard. For example wavedashing in sequence on falling platforms. Hell I find it hard on a D-Pad, if I knew what was required when I started the game I would have used my keyboard.

yeah most trannies are low effort to look like a woman

only celebrities put effort because there is money on it

Gameplay that isn't based around dying and being set back to a single screen over and over infinitely until you do the precise sequence correctly.

Attached: Sonic 1 spike balls.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

What are the factors that make a quarterback a "game winner" in as much detail as possible. Those regularly referred to as "intangibles"

I'll wait

99.999% of the people complaining about this are not skilled enough to see this screen on their own merits.

Ah ok
I was genuinely confused what you meant by that

what beating the game has to do with one move to reach an optional area

it's one move, one way of doing it
it's not advanced. it's the only way of doing it.

the move is wholly optional for progression

the one at the end of the table on the right side and the second from rightmost blend in well enough, even if they don't pass. obviously they're not pretty, but I could see people calling them ma'am.

Retards that are too bad at platformers complain about Celeste because the creator is on the other side of the political compass, thread #987

why isn't benjamin franklin cosplayer with them?

did he suicide?


piss off to resetera loser
game is crap

Attached: 1531153840493.jpg (564x500, 64K)

Indie style platformers aren't hard.

Attached: Battletoads Rat Race.webm (640x480, 2.91M)

t. falseflagging tranny

bro that's not hard, you just need to use muscle memory


You sound just like those steam users who beg and moan to developers to add steam achievements to their game. So you need achievements for a game to be fun? I prefer no achievements as they distract from gameplay.

t. colossal shitter
have sex

Is the joke that statement applies way more to indie platformers than Battletoads?

>Believing a single image that has no sustaining evidence other than it feeds your personal bias.

Celeste has double jumping and dash moves, with in-air refills for them which makes for some interesting gameplay. I like Super Meat boy but Celeste plays a lot differently, and it's much easier honestly (Unless you're playing the optional C-sides)

no one is forcing you to play the c-sides. they're there for people who want the extra challenge.

also there are literally baby-mode settings that slow the game down for people who can't handle it at normal speed

>a single image
The only gameplay webm matches up to the image perfectly, you could always present evidence on the contrary.

Retards. celestegame.fandom.com/wiki/Objects

>literally just platforms and spikes

Why did trannies deliberately take colour combinations that have traditionally been childish? What did they mean by this?

Well you see, just imagine the flow of the gameplay is as smooth as your grey matter. That's smooth game flow.

oh no no no

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If anything, is what trans WISH they could look like or be like.
Reality is either they end themselves, become prostitutes, or just die and live a lonely and shitty life full of regret.
Overall, just live and let die, they will eventually pay the toll of their deeds.

As opposed to what? Super meat boy with platforms and spikes and blades?

neon colors are childish to you now?

Attached: H2x1_NSwitchDS_KatanaZero_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 317K)

>80 different types of platforms and obstacles that you interact and activate in different in unique ways
>b-but they're still just platforms!
you realize it's a platforming game right?

Sonic is absolutely full of utterly mindless trial and error though.
>2+ paths
>one is bound to be better than the other
>absolutely no idea beforehand of knowing which path is better
>repeat 1-5+~ times a level
>just retry the entire game over and over until you've learnt which paths were the best
I'd take crap like any day over this Sonic type garbage.

Meat Boy is the same kind of shit. Good platformers have actual enemies.
>you realize it's a platforming game right?
You realize platformers are supposed to have more than just platforms and spikes right?

no but they are more interesting than running back and forth over and over

>absolutely no idea beforehand of knowing which path is better
It's always the top path which is always the hardest to stay in.

Whatever you say mario baby.
Bing bing wahoo!

it is a pure platformer, not Mario, what else were you expecting?

Mario is a pure platformer, it's the inventor of the genre. Celeste is flash game shit.


Attached: 1320386922727.jpg (342x765, 64K)

No, they aren't.

Rainbows and the baby blue/light pink of candyfloss are inherently childish colours.

Meat boy's actually just skinless. He loves Bandage Girl because he needs her to survive.

5:59 and forwards.
Now, here is the tricky thing. The developer on the video showed that he knows how to create levels, but you have your biases and i have mine, so unless we ask the developer why he made that particular level like that, we won't know the truth.

This game looks like I Wanna Be The Guy but without all the fun and silliness that game had.

Attached: 1527151998782.gif (226x211, 539K)

The later levels are certainly more restrictive but you'd be surprised how many different ways you can tackle a room. After I finished chapter 9 I started watching others play through it and it was not uncommon to see they do certain parts completely different than I did.
For example here: youtube.com/watch?v=Pw-ywq9czjw
You're supposed to throw the jellyfish on the spiked wall, let it bounce and then dash up to it and grab hold to receive big boost upwards. But he doesn't even use the walls. That was just one example off the top of my head.

>trannie thinks his game is hard

Attached: 1567628645414.jpg (210x210, 19K)

Mario is a platformer.
Pure platformer means there's only platforms, dingus

Well it's not actually that straightforward, even with two dashes limited to 8 directions, you have a lot of room to fuck it up because not everything is aligned perfectly for your convenience and you'll probably die a good 200 times on this screen before you actually figure out the right positioning/timing, especially in that spike maze at the end.

>Pure platformer means there's only platforms
I got a better name for that: garbage.

it's the equivalent of convincing someone with schizophrenia that their hallucinations are real. it doesn't help them. trannies never heal and will never be satisfied using hormone treatment or therapy. they need to realize they are not what their minds perceive them to be. it's both helpful to them and to society. trannies are a public nuisance

Ah another week, another game that triggers censorship-loving /pol/tards.

Back in my time, we had some real meaningful achievements

Attached: SS club.png (929x99, 13K)

>You realize platformers are supposed to have more than just platforms and spikes right?
Have you even played the game?

Both EJ and Battletoads (NES and Arcade) play like complete ass, and I really doubt you've played Celeste.

Doesn't look that hard when they give infinite boosts.

>Both EJ and Battletoads (NES and Arcade) play like complete ass
What not enough wall jumping and air dashing? Too much variety and challenge?

>ctrl+F trann
>22 results
Get your obsession with dicks outside of Yea Forums, please. We're talking about video games here.

So what you're saying is, you haven't even played Celeste. Good to know.

Why do so few platformers get popular if they all do this

Nah they just blow ass. Sorry dude, rented them from Blockbuster when I was a wee lad. Never beat Battletoads but I wasn't exactly missing much. EJ is completely overrated because of the character designs and art style, the game falls apart the further it goes.

Be honest, have you beaten Celeste?

yeah, there should be zero boosts if they wanted a real challenge

Good job user, same here though I had to go back and get the berry since I beat Farewell without it. I could've gotten it under 2 hours if it wasn't for this:
>at the electric field part with the springs
>kept trying to throw the jelly to the top right set of springs
>it would either miss or get stuck right under it
>say fuck it and look up a playthrough
>there was a set of springs to my left the whole time
>the whole fucking time i didn't notice this most likely due to the electric slightly concealing it
Still got it atleast

Attached: fucking moonberry.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

>shitter that couldn't beat Battletoads or EWJ thinks his opinion is relevant

I beat Earthworm Jim though. I like that you're making it very obvious you haven't beaten Celeste, though.

Jesus that's trash. Retards actually defend this game

I think you forgot a few details

Attached: fixed.png (1367x841, 67K)

you see blue spikes in the two pictures and you automatically think they're the same thing


Summit themed levels are the only levels like that though.

Attached: 8c.webm (722x406, 2.96M)

muh sjw devs
muh tranny libtards

Remember when all these retards wanted to fuck the composer when she showed up at the TGA's until she opened her mouth and talked?

I got it back in January through Games with Gold, it was the last time I played it as well. Tried it out again today, beat level 5. Didn't even remember you could wall hug, so I went through a few screens without it. Got 13/31 berries and total 85 or so. Only about 4% on the XBOX have gotten 80 berries and unlocked the achievement. I guess it makes sense when less than 10% have beaten the main game.

You're acting like souls games are greater than they truly are.

Indie Double-jumper #100000000000000

pls gib money, need for dick cut off

>Bait. The dev even said he specifically wanted to avoid that.

Then hes an fucking idiot since thats exactly how the leverls are, pretty much all of them

Blatantly false though. You haven't played the game.

based despiser of video games


cool opinion now go actually play the game

Why is laughing at trannies so fun bros

you're not arguing with trannies though, you're arguing with people who are sick of your constant tranny spam shitting up the board

>i play games for le fun
achieve goals

my goal is to have fun

im at double your deaths and im still missing 4 c-sides lel

What's worse is that the game would be easier without the screen shaking, often you can't react in time

I'm not arguing at all, silly tranny. I just entered this tranny thread for a good laugh, and it provided.

i remember when i was pre pubescent

you know you can turn off the screen shaking right

>retarded tranny cant even read properly
thanks for another laugh fag

you can turn off your testosterone too

Congratulations? You want a medal for not having alzheimers yet?

turn on baby mode settings, if you suck you can slow the game down

aw the little kid got triggered, how cute

Well I didn't and I finished that shitty game, didn't even bother with getting all the strawberries or do the extra levels

>trannies trying to coddle children again

Attached: Gt+implying+it+was+a+russian+because+only+russians+drink+vodka+_c6c0753769001a9a7e792e91c96cb993.jpg (188x200, 9K)

celeste is fun, I have like 80 hours so far and I got all the golden strawberries for 1-3 A/B/Csides
fuck doing the rest of them though

imagine posting in a thread about thing you dislike instead of posting in threads about thing you like

Fuck jannies, fuck trannies. Go dilate and keep playing your shitty game.

Attached: pathetic.png (672x787, 1M)

>21/20 Strawberry
what bullshit is this?

Why are you roleplaying? You haven't beaten Celeste and I'd be shocked if you owned it.

he cute

Yeah, it's not all of the game with wall to wall spikes, just most of it.



uuumm all you seething white male nazis are just mad that you can't beat this really hard game ^-^

>You haven't beaten Celeste
> I'd be shocked if you owned it.
lol, imagine you are so stupid to think that you buy things before you know that you like them.
now that all this tranny bullshit comes out im glad i just pirated it

These people are unironically obsessed with trannies. Who do you think made this thread? They derail unrelated threads to whine about trannies and they intentionally make Celeste and A Hat in Time threads specifically to whine about trannies even more. That's why this board is going to shit, you can't have a rational conversation with these people without it devolving into a long tirade about some great tranny conspiracy to ruin their vidya. They are even more mentally ill than they accuse trannies of being.

Stages like this feel artificially difficult more than truly difficult
I assume the devs expect you to play it over and over again until you have memorized the layout of the level and the sequence of movements
Something where you have the time to process what's going on but it is still difficult to progress is really the best

I think its more like they're just upset its popular and a financial success.

So you haven't played it at all, lmao dude. Trannies just living in your head.

Here's a solution. Stop putting trannies in games and if you're a tranny stay out of Yea Forums.


>Stop putting trannies in games
Gotta love the pro-censorship crowd.

You guys are triggered by a fucking flag at the end of a game you never played.

I don't play tranny games so I don't care

>So you haven't played it at all,
>trannies have no reading comprehention, lmao
go dilate

Stop putting trannies in games, you faggot. They're sterile, disgusting subhumans who don't belong anywhere and only want to groom children to make more of themselves. Dilate.

Threads like these are why Yea Forums needs ID's. It's pretty obvious the devs are just constantly bumping this thread.

>I am fed up with not being able to discuss tranny games on Yea Forums!
>*is offered a solution*

A fag enabler as the main character is a reason why I have 2,000 deaths already.

Not only have you not played the game, you haven't even watched the video you linked to

r e n t f r e e


Nigga, they were triggered way before the game had that, for them it was a pro-abortion game before that and now it's a tranny game, gotta love the agenda of those people.
Really makes you wonder who could be behind these posts.

You guys are legitimately pathetic. Play a video game sometime, stop freaking out about trannies you censorship-loving freaks.

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What the fuck does Celeste have to do with abortion?

this is a C-side for a lategame level, most levels in the game have more standard leniency for obstacles but at least there's no pixel perfect jumps needed at any point
here's an example of a main story level

>I don't want to buy your game

What was the pro-abortion shit anyways? Some /pol/tard talking point? For people who cry white genocide you think they would be pro-abortion since otherwise they're going to get outbred for sure.

>be resetera tranny
>come to Yea Forums
>get laughed at and offended
>tell Yea Forums that they are triggered
I don't understand tranny logic

So was this CONFIRMED BY DEVELOPERS to be ghey/trans propaganda, or what?
Also, this is the second time in the video gaming history's entire timeline of existence when entire world was Bridget'd once again, it seems. Not very common occasion.

You're whining about people not liking the game. We're not saying the game shouldn't exist, we're just saying that its politics are retarded. I guess a retarded tranny like you wouldn't understand that, though.

Attached: golem NPC.jpg (383x420, 34K)

>you absoulutely HAVE to eat up our shitty games or else you are [lefty bullshit]
go fuck yourself

Says the faggot tranny lover that supports censorship so long as it's things the faggot tranny lover agrees with.

Seems the same for you.
All sections with berries are full of spikes.



>be a tranny obsessed retard
>annoy the entire board by ranting about trannies every day
>get offended when people call you out on your obsession
>tell the entire board that they are trannies
I don't understand tranny-obsessed logic

>npc image
lol this is an auto-lose

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Yet again you reaffirm you haven't played the game. The berries are extras, you don't have to (and aren't expected to) collect them all. They're extra content for people who want a greater challenge.

I'm so glad I don't play fucking platformers

meant for

What politics?
A small innocent flag in a cutscene as a sign of support to some people?
>but it triggers meeeee
Yeah, fuck off

>Indie platformer
>Its about depression
>You can turn off the challenge

Wow Im so surprised

You seem awfully preoccupied with a game you despise. Don't you have anything better to do?


Answer my question , faggots.

>what politics?
>THESE politics?
Yes, those politics you fucking retarded ape.

>people I don't like aren't even human
Grow up.

>skip through the video
>barely see any spike
>the last 7-8 minutes don't even have any

>grey pride
Oh he made a grey-asexuality pride shirt, how nice.

>/pol/tards and skillets still seething over this game, pretending it's pixel perfect
>Everyone knows it's not, and yet they try anyway
>They get humiliated

Attached: dab on you.gif (554x400, 120K)

So what, it should be censored? Who the fuck cares? You don't even own the game.

So sorry for intruding on your safe space, I didn't know the existence of a blue and pink flag in a game you had no intention of ever playing triggered you so much.

Yes, i disagree with those politics so it should be censored.
Isn't that the way the world works sweaty? Or does that only apply if you're a leftist?

>dude yeah I want to be a SJW
Okay thanks for sharing

this only happens inside your mind

Berries are as much of the game as anything else, or they wouldn't make up half of the screens.

screens you can simply skip if you aren't up to the task.

Cesar Borgia, do I have to point out the spikes for you?


Actually watch the video or play the game, faggot.

>games have obstacles
What the fuck I want to just walk through the game without any challenge REEEEEEEEE

But still part of the game and make up a large chunk, same with tapes, hearts, and everything.

Why is this tranny pixelshit shilled so hard?

So the faggot now admits there are spikes all over the place and this is accurate

every good platformer has no hazards

Nah I'd say this is more accurate

Attached: fixed.png (1367x841, 57K)

I'm actually a muslim and homosexual degeneracy is not a part of my culture.
Respect my fucking culture you bigot. You're not an islamophobe are you?

Why can't redditera fags ever come up with their own memes?


because the shill threads double as a very funny joke, and they people laugh at them, it makes trannies crawl out of the woodwork and start lashing out


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I actually played that game unlike you who only watched 2 minutes of it to prove a point, that's how I know it isn't full of spikes outside of summit and some segments of temple and reflection
Plus, from to a couple of spikes in a corner, we're moving the goalpost a bit, don't you think?

Is it only getting more recent attention because of the update?

Attached: 1554452267555.png (500x498, 88K)

Why are OCD tranny obsessed dipshits convinced that everyone who calls them out on their mentally ill preoccupation is from resetera or discord?

Watch the video and the sections I pointed out
Or ignore it and continue dilating and planning your suicide.

>11k people
>11k Australian people
Kek. How desperate you fags are.

>But the findings don’t mean that everyone who opposes rights for same-sex couples is unintelligent.
BTFO faggot nigger.

Kek Ironically I just did. Now post a picture yourself so we can laugh at how you'll never be a woman

Attached: 1568479719175.png (705x767, 564K)

Where else do the mentally ill convene?

it's a game people like that got new content

New content gives it more attention, the gay pride flag gives it a much larger spotlight on Yea Forums than elsewhere on the internet

I thought the libtards were the easily triggered ones.

im literly retarded. not an autism person but actually retard. cleeset wasnt had

I'd rather not give free advertising to trannyshit, so I'll continue to not bump this thread

based internet sex haver

Why would you say this unless you were an actual libtard?

>ur either with me or the enemy
yup you're a SJW

Celeste and A Hat in Time threads, so they post endlessly about their mentally ill fixation on trannies

it makes the posters who care more about discussing politics than video games on Yea Forums angry so it's alright in my book

So you're with the trannies?

>dude you're not tardraging about a flag are you with the trannies?!!?!
Have you even played Celeste?

why does Yea Forums hate platformers so much?

And here I thought we'd actually have a thread about the gameplay for once.

Ok, but why are you avoiding my question? Are you on the trannies side or not?

I think it doesn't matter what I say dude, you've got your mind made up and are probably imagining a dilation right now.

Attached: 1550197209599.jpg (267x342, 39K)

>tumblrcore game gets pride flags
>retards are still surprised and outraged

Ok so you're on their side.
Just know traitors get the bullet first on tdor.

Huh, idk.... maybe because this game is literally developed by and for trannies and fags? And where do these people congregate??
Surely those anti-androgens aren't affecting the use of your brain

We want pure gameplay, not stories of fags and dilating.
There is a reason why Mario games are still the best platformers, even after decades of the same story of Peach getting kidnapped.

did anyone manage to do b and c sides with a controller? I feel like side dashes need keyboard keys to do them precisely.

Can someone please explain how these fucking fish work in Chapter 9 I'm only 4 screens in and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong

okay buddy

Attached: 1528904248983.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

Thank you for finally revealing your true colours.

Most people here don't even think about trannies, we just want to talk about games. Which we can't anymore because you retards derail threads by shoehorning your tranny hate into every discussion.

I have the switch version and the game only does 8 way dashes, you don't have to be terribly precise

This is harder than 99% of NES platformers.

play more than just mario 1-3 and then get back to me with your revised opinion

I'll take a guess and assume he's just a normal person whose entire life doesn't revolves around picking fights with internet people for meaningless reasons, and passing it as "politics" just to feel important.

It's very doable, I've played the entire game using the sticks on a xbone controller and got most golden strawberries.

Bump into them to move them in the direction you want, bump into them again to make them explode, giving you a huge boost in the opposite direction.

eg the north-east dash would be easy if you had to press w+d+ jump. But on a analog stick (controller) you can fuck it up and do vertical or horizontal dash.

Yeah I'm not a /pol/tard who gets triggered by a flag, that makes me a tranny I guess.

Attached: 1531320109279.jpg (3319x3022, 810K)

Maybe if they didn't do fag shit like this we wouldn't complain.

Looks really unfun and autistic desu

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>make character that has a outfit consisting of a blue jacket and a pink skirt

>trannies call her a trans icon even though the character is not trans

Im sick of this

You're not fooling anybody shlomo.

Attached: fellow gamer.jpg (594x479, 84K)

Why should I give a shit if the dev supports trannies? People have different political opinions than me. Accepting that is part of growing up. I've enjoyed the games and movies of many authors I disagree with

Because if it weren't for the constant and blatant shilling this game would disappear into nothing with the rest of pixeltrash

wow... /pol/ is really diverse and friendly looking... Maybe they're not such bad guys

>This game is not too hard...oh
Yeah this thread was definitely made by a shill and not a tranny hating politics obsessed individual

Honestly any platformer worth its salt has at least 3 of these things I dont believe you need combat for a platformer to be good. Combat mostly serves the purpose of being an obstacle that requires different sets of skills, games like Meat Boy, Celeste, and End is Nigh use gimmicks to do the same. Basically reducing it down to personal preference. Now the other 3 I do agree are completely essential if you want a good platformer though, but to be fair those 3 points pretty much apply to any game.

So do I, but I don't give them money.
If my pirating kills any future projects, I could easily do without them.

>the same one or two idiots obsessed with normalizing mental illness
Get out already.

You don't give them your money yet you give them free advertising by creating Celeste threads to shitpost in all day

I wouldn't even know about this game if I didn't see all the threads complaining about it.

Looks kinda fun but too bad it's western SJW, tranny propaganda riddled trash, I would insta buy this if it was Japanese but too bad

>Not skipping cutscenes

Bad publicity actually isn't publicity, as many say otherwise. Wolfenstein TNC says hi.

>bad publicity
I don't know how out of touch you are that you think tranny threads on Yea Forums are going to sink Celeste. The game has been out for a fair bit, user.

>Implying Yea Forums isn't full of pirates


If I had to guess, it's an attempt to reclaim childish feelings that the afflicted individuals feel were "stolen" from them, i.e. a part of their mental ritual to facilitate their rebirth. It's the best they can do, short of returning to the womb.

i'm glad that they are completely optional and don't even give you an achievement, though.
It's like one bonus thing you can do when there is nothing left

Golden strawberries are optional extra challenges where you grab it at the beginning and complete the stage deathless to earn it.
They go above the counter, since they don't count as regular strawberries

You can unlock additional characters down the line.
There are retro skins and one of them leaves a gray trail if that is better.

Doesn't look fun at all

Completed all normal stages up to gold on double S, but i gave up on the second red key stage after "perfect clearing" it three times but always missing some arbitrary piece of dust i couldn't find

People took some dialogue out of context and started to shitpost an agenda about how it's an abortion game because she wants to get rid of that "part of me", which they tried to frame as abortion propaganda for the lulz, while she was actually talking about her depression manifested as badleine

Joeseph Anderson having an autistic meltdown at this tutorial for a fucking hour live on stream was pretty funny

You only need to SS Giga Difficult to get the achievement, that's because it was the actual final level in the original version of the game before the other difficult stages were added and now yotta is the last and only about 200 players managed to SS it.

It's hilarious how he loved everything about the game up until that point, and when couldn't figure out the wall dash, he started trashing it. He's not wrong about the fact that it's not well explained but come on.

It's one of the best examples of his terrible mindset of "I misunderstood something but instead just admitting I was mistaken and moving on or trying something else I'm going to keep slamming my square peg into this round hole and say the hole is badly designed"

OK should this game be played with analog stick or dpad? I feel like both have problems, I can't change directions fast enough with a dpad. The analog feels to wonky for the precision jumps. I think this game filtered me.

Anything works, I played it entirely with the analog sticks and never had issues but optimally, you probably want to play it on a keyboard.

I did that webm and the entirety of the rest of the game with analog sticks.

*has path of pain flashbacks*

Attached: IMG_20190915_112929.jpg (464x256, 19K)

Whatever you're more comfortable with, people speedrun this game on a keyboard. It's normal to die a few thousand times and at least a dozen of those are probably going to be because of a bad input. I only used the dpad a few times for really precise inputs I was consisently having trouble with or felt awkward on the stick (the reverse wavedash in Chapter 9 comes to mind). Like you said though dpad is slower, I almost never did a whole screen with it and definitely wouldn't be comfortable doing a whole C-side.
Stick is absolutely mandatory for the feathers though

I'm on Switch so I will stick with pro controller for now. I feel the game was designed for the stick, but it's one of the harder platformers I have played. But it's really a good game.

I'm surprised modern journos are raving about this game considering they're so trash at video games on average.

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It comes with cheat codes

That's some gay ass shit

>there's another screen at the end of farewell if you have the golden strawberry

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