Why is he making shill threads against Final Fantasy VII remake?

Why is he making shill threads against Final Fantasy VII remake?

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Because people said it looked better than FFXV and because Nomura is directing it.

Can I get a rundown on Barry? I didn't play FF15.

Remakes are pointless, regardless of how you put it ff7 is already released and working, remaking it to milk zoom zoomies and nostalgiafaggots is just a shitty corporate move and the death of creativity as a whole.

Fuck this remake
Based barry for shitting up corporate shills threads

And fuck nomura AND square enix. company went downhill when it stopped being squaresoft.

>shitty corporate move
its a company trying to make money you fucking idiot. Thats all any of this is. its a business.

Do you wonder if Barry worked on FFXV and is just really passionate about it or that he's just a weird retard who is autistic about his favorite game who will one day shoot up a local shopping mall?

Pathetic cretin who became obsessed with Versus XIII, to the extent that when Nomura left and Tabata replaced him as director, and the project became Final Fantasy XV, he completely heel-turned on Versus XIII, saying that Nomura was ruining the project and Tabata was salvaging it and making it a masterpiece

Any game that threatens the public perception of XV, including but not limited to
>Kingdom Hearts
>NieR Automata
>Dragon Quest
>Devil May Cry
He will shitpost about at any opportunity
A while back he even tried falseflagging to make the KH and DMC fanbases fight each other, for some reason

At any rate, he's beyond autism, completely deranged and losing what few shreds of sanity he has left by the day
Just a matter of time before he finally necks himself

No fucking shit sherlock, they are so money hungry they need to dig up old games instead of making new ones.

Theres nothing shitty about it. All this industry is about is making money, all it ever will be about is making money. This is the move that makes them the most.

money hungry, yeah like every company on the planet.

Idk or care who that is, ill play the remake regardless of Yea Forums or anyone else

It's easier to just say he's the ACfag of Final Fantasy XV.

>FFVII fans have been asking for a remake since the PS3 tech demo over a decade ago
>What the fuck! How dare they remake this game?! What a bunch of money-grubbing corporate fucks!
OK autismo, I think it's time you had your nap

Why are you the sort of teenaged girl who enjoys engaging in the drama enough to make this thread? Don't bother replying, I won't be here to read it.

To be honest with you the only thing I know about ACfag is his name.
To this day I don't think I've actually encountered him

He has fits in Metroid threads about how Zero Suit Samus has ruined the series and Other M is a plight on the world, years ago he used to try to falseflag 2D vs. 3D Metroid threads, and wants Samus to be a Robot that plays like DOOM.

Basically he's a crazy asshole that doesn't want Metroid to be Metroid, but then complains about how Other M isn't Metroid and doesn't understand anything about the series at all.

>Theres nothing shitty about it.
A glorified resking of an existing videogame is shitty, retarded and the death of creativity.

>FFVII fans have been asking for a remake since the PS3 tech demo over a decade ago
prove it.

>prove it
user, fans have been throwing a fit for years, just like Zelda fans have been clamoring for Space World Zelda for years.

Barry is an autistic aussie who followed the development of FF13Versus. Was a huge Nomura fag said it was going to be the greatest shit ever, because he's autistic it became his obsession and convinced himself that there is nothing wrong with the game even though development troubles were obvious to everyone, when Tabata took over he very quickly changed his tune , many of his opinions did a 180 and he soon became a huge tabata-fag and tried to put the blame on anything that was wrong with FF13Versus and FF15 to Nomura. "Clearly Tabata would deliver on everything and this would be the greatest game ever" he convinced himself. When the game came out and people had problems he would say that those weren't real and would lie through his teeth with any and all problems people brought up. When tabata left the company he somehow convinced himself this was a good thing even though before he was convinced that FF15 would lead to Tabata developing more AAA titles for SquareEnix, Tabata is now working in the Mobile mines. Barry/XV-kun is also convinced that several different people are against him but that they are all somehow the same person. He has a list of names he calls people out on and is convinced are samefagging and following him in every single thread he's in. He's been doing this since about 2013 at earliest recording

I'm still amazed both of these assholes have been here for this many years and still continue this crap, it's honestly amazing that neither of them have just moved on. They're like the living embodiment of Yea Forums's baneposting.

>genuinely enjoyed FFXV
>probably my favorite game of 2016, but to be fair that year was pretty disappointing
>any time I bring this up, Yea Forumsirgins accuse me of being some namefag because *surely* *nobody* liked that game, and because these idiots so desperately want Quentin to come back so they conjur up another version of him

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user I liked FFXV for what it was, but Barry is an actual dude who constantly does this stuff, and just like Quentin, ACfag, LancedJack, etc, he's never funny.

First off, I don't doubt he was an obsessed fan boy.
Secondly, I sincerely doubt that he still posts here. IF he does, the chances of *every* pro-FFXV post being his are astronomically low.
Third, using some random namefag as a mechanism to avoid all discussion about that game and to hand-wave away any positive posts as "hurr Barry xD" is legit Reddit-tier faggotry, and just pisses people off. Yea Forums pulled this same shit with DmC, because how dare some people actually enjoy things?

He does still post here crazy enough, and I do agree with you, but this is also Yea Forums we're talking about, it's nothing new and expecting any actual discussion here except once in a blue moon is another side of crazy.

He's a hitman that accidentally became an actor. II actually really like it Yea Forums might think it's for zoomers though

I want a FF7 remake because it's my defining childhood game and so do millions of others

>hurr durr nostalgiafag

So what if I am? We're still a massive viabl market and them making games for us that we want is no different to them making games for any other market. You literally have no argument. I bet you don't complain about Nintendo making the billionth mario or Zelda but God forbid FF7 fans get a remake of a game we love

because it's a million times better than ffxv and it's another nomura masterpiece.

>I sincerely doubt that he still posts here.
I can guarantee you he does