It's the third best Halo's birthday! Say something nice about Reach to celebrate

It's the third best Halo's birthday! Say something nice about Reach to celebrate.

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>armor lock
>noob tube
>DMR spread
>retconed the best book

throw yourself of a fucking bridge OP. Christ's sake, terrible as so many parts of it were, halo 5 at least had the decency to try to go for even starts and arena combat where this shit started the slow decline with HEY LETS BE LIKE CAWWADOOTY and a dev team that did not give a shit for what the community wanted

fpbp, /thread

Reach was the best by far. Redit will disagree bc nostalgia

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I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh shoots aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.

its my second favorite Halo. Ruined Griffball by making it a playlist. It was better as a double XP weekend event. Covie Slayer was the best. Armor Lock and Plasma nade spam was a blast

Reminder that the gauss hog is for fags and people named mike

A dev team that didn't give a shit in general. Their focus was shifted to Destiny years ago. This poster was changed in the MCC which all but confirms that this wasn't a coincidence.

Reach was released as a contractual obligation, nothing more.

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Spotted the person who tried to melee armor lock every time.

Armor lock was literally the onions ability

>O-oh no the big bad man is going to k-k-kill me! PLEASE SAVE ME TEAM

Just slowed the game down by making you wait. Fucking stupid

Remember Halo 3? When everyone pointed out the BR spread as being idiotic and anti-skill and they made the title of their site "Home of the BR spread!"

343 has fucked a lot of things up but they were never that fucking flippant. Bungie smoked what they sold and got drunk off of praise, and now they've got what they deserved. They've ended up as the obscure second-rate devs of a third-rate game series.

PC release when?

>literally a free kill if you're not retarded
>reeeeee why does the car keep exploding every time I try to run them over! I'm gonna do it again!
Sorry you're not good enough get past the casual filter.

It allows bad players more time for their team to come and save them. Beyond that it's literally pointless, meaning that it SHOULDN'T BE IN THE GAME.

Honestly if melee could break the armor lock, that would be a cool feature. No other physical damage though, so vehicles would still get fucked by it.

Next flight is slated for Xbone only and is to focus on PvP. They can take as long as they want so long as the launch isn't bungled like it was on console.

Yeah, they "accidentally" deleted the one thread you were allowed to discuss it in and then mocked the OP for being pissed off about it. They were insufferably smug, too. I'm not lionizing Bungie because the Destiny debacle just goes to show you that they never were this beleaguered developer who would release perfection if only mean old Microsoft would give them the resources to do it.

Reach wasn't my favorite mostly because of the divisive choice of adding loadouts and spawning with armor abilities.
The multiplayer was mostly weak though. Weapons, maps, a lot was lacking.
But the story was interesting, and managed to make a good campaign regardless of not being centered around the Chief.
Not among my favorites, but still fun to revisit.
The Fall of Reach is a good novel too if you really like the story.

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I really want to get comfy with my buddies and play through MCC on legendary like the good ol' days. Sadly there isn't nothing to fill the void but gears 5 campaign and escape mode has been fun with my friends so far. I wish more games would focus on good co-op campaigns.

why do you do this every time armor lock is brought up? everyone knew how to deal with it but that doesn't make it good gameplay. that free kill you have to wait for kills the pace of the game.

Based atmosphere, based music, god tier armor (that only looked overdesigned or edgy if you chose to make it so) meh story, good forge but endless grey got bland, Multiplayer maps are meh because they're the same as campaign and there's only 9

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>throw grenade halfway through lock
>team and locker are dead
Not the games fault you lack skill

Amour locks biggest weakness is the immobility and that unless your opponent is retarded then they get to decide how they execute you.

>having to wait a few seconds kills the pace
Your "punched armor because too impatient" is showing. Armor lock had plenty of tactical uses, from deterring vehicles to holding back enemy advances. One of the most clever ways of making a tank class in an arena shooter.

It's actually quite depressing how many games, especially 8th gen console games, lack local co-op.
It's been more or less the norm on PC, but on console when I was growing up, gen 5-7, split screen and couch co-op was normal up until around 2010.
I didn't realize it until I went to play PS4 with my friend at his house and we pretty much just had to switch off playing.
Diablo 3 is really the only couch co-op game I can think of for it. I'm sure there are more, but it is rare.

>Your "punched armor because too impatient" is showing
no. nothing kills the flow of the game like having to stop mid-fight and wait to finish. I wouldn't mind as much if armor abilities had been map pickups like originally planned, but having to go through that shit in every single fight is insufferable.

>not taking that time to teabag or do literally anything
This is how I know you got filtered by it every time.

>Amour locks biggest weakness is the immobility and that unless your opponent is retarded then they get to decide how they execute you.

This assumes that their teammates are paste-eating mongoloids who won't respond to someone desperately calling for help.

Diablo 3 split screen was quite fun indeed. I remember Sony having a concept tv that emitted a different screen for each player when paired with a set of glasses, so there wouldn't be any screen peeking. Disappointed that the tech never caught on.

it still ruins the flow

I didn't know about that. It would've been cool.
I mostly feel bad for the zoomers who might miss out on awesome gaming sessions.
I used to hang out with my high school friends every weekend playing various games, doing system link. But not every single person had a console. So with 3-4 consoles we could do fairly large matches. Usually shit like Halo or COD.
Some of us would meet up with PCs as well, but of course that circle was smaller since it required each person to have a PC.

I thought Reach was a better game than Destiny in just about every single way. Though ODST was Bungie's last game that really had soul

>he doesn't toss a grenade in any situation where back up could arrive
In any case your example is something that can be achieved better by just running away.

>I wouldn't mind as much if armor abilities had been map pickups like originally planned
THIS. If you had to control armor abilities like power weapons they would have been absolutely based. Nabbing the armor lock to smash a warthog, sprint to catch a flag carrier or jetpack to reach higher ground and kill a pesky sniper would have been fucking awesome. It baffles me that Bungie thought it was instead a better idea to have them available to everyone all the time.

That's always a good idea, but if you have to take your eyes off the armor lock user to fight off the backup, any player with an even number of chromosomes would prematurely deactivate armor lock and just team shot you to shit. In a game with a five shot kill, easy to use weapon you receive on spawn, it doesn't matter if they only get one shot off on you before you cleaned up the kill. You're now fighting an uphill battle with the remaining player and hoping to God they get a thumb cramp or something.

>only 3,000 players on its birthday

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Only retards had trouble with armor lock. And only retards used it as anything other than a melee scrumming or nuclear grenade avoidance tool

If five seconds of immobile invincibility totally destroyed the game for you, you're probably doing yourself some disservices by continuing to breate

shitpost all you want, it still ruins the flow

What does that even mean? Enemy flying away with jetpack or running away with sprint was just as frustrating and flow breaking as somebody turtling up. Armor lock was only bad if your situational awareness was shit.

yes armor abilities in general fucking sucked and hurt the pace of the game



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Shit parents. My parents spoke directly to the other kids parents and got them to come to mine.

Then why are you bitching so much about armor lock when it was the most tactical combat power, baiting out grenades and power weapons, distracting opponents, and letting you wade into close combat; while jetpack was mostly just good for finding camping spots or dropping in from odd angles and sprint was mostly just good for rushing hallways and running like a bitch

1. Equipment was totally inconsequential. No one ever really utilized anything except the bubble shield and regenerator to the point where they actually made armor abilities a spawn item in Reach as opposed to the powerups you were going to fight for.
2. Heavy weapons are total dog shit. They work well for fun custom games where the goal isn't necessarily balance, but they're worthless in the base game.
3. Dual wielding singlehandedly fucked up the weapon sandbox. The consequence of ensuring that dual wielded weapons were still fair was making single wielding terrible. I could choose to have a four shot kill weapon which can head shot as well as maintain my ability to throw grenades and melee, or I could dual wield and hope I can get close enough to kill before that guy mows me down with a br.
4. Vehicle boarding is a good idea in theory, but to encourage players to do it vehicles became absolute tanky monstrosities. You could plink away at vehicles in CE with small arms and eventually get the kill. You're just wasting your ammo if you try that in any other game besides 3 where the wonky physics let you tip a warthog with a br.

Halo after CE was fun despite its best efforts, and then not fun at all. 5 was a step in the right direction in many ways but a step back in many others.

You completely missed the point of the image

My post wasn't necessarily directed at that image or the message it's sending. Just posting my own opinions on the matter because Yea Forums is my personal blog.

Ok and my point was that halo works best when it's features are a sandbox, not new base mechanics glued to the player.

You should have to go into the map and find the new feature to use it, not spawn and have it literally attached onto your armor with a dedicated controller button.

because the discussion was about armor lock you retard

What do you like about the Sangheili anatomy?

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You mean second worst

>Third best
2 > 1 = 3 > powergap > garbage > the rest of this shit series

Hey Vien why aren't you playing reach it's the anniversary

I played through 1 last weekend and started 2 today, is it just me or is 2 normal easier than 1 normal? Elites go down a lot easier and the AI is a lot worse at dodging grenades.

2 is easied on everything but legendary which is ridiculously harder

I disagree. Two forces much more defensive play than its predecessor, which could be construed as higher difficulty.

Its campaign is too weak for it be considered the third best, but maybe it ties for third with 3/ODST?

For something nice, I liked how many enemy units behaved, been a long time since I played it but I remember Elites being very slippery. The maps were pretty, even if much of them felt unused and they weren't really made with good pacing in mind. Also the aesthetics were nice

>noob tube
spotted the COD fag

That makes sense, though it's still weird after emptying full clips into Elites and getting rocket-flooded.


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