7 devs

>7 devs
>$90k a year each
>"free as of now"
>minuscule updates every few months
How do they get away with it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Incest vs no-incest?

Could be worse
>No updates since February

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Stop wasting money retards

they ask for money while offering next to no guarantee
and people pay them
people are dumb

Any good h-games that let you play as a futa?
asking for a friend

>porn vn
>third person protag


>people are dumb
The only truth condensed into three words.

>h-games that let you play as a futa
There are a lot of them out-

you will die

patreon rewards them for doing the bare minimum. The faster they finish the game, or add content to a point it feels feature complete, the faster people stop paying into it/caring.
See:CEMU. 50k a month before they got botw working to under 7000 now.

i Will fap

Patreon is not a store so it's easy to use it run scams on guilible idiots.

Fuju Hime / Cursed Futana - Ring is probably the best one. I can think of like 2 or 3 more but nothing that even remotely qualifies as good.

So will you and I, let's all do our best until then

>savin making $15k a month on his furfag text flash game
>flash dying in 2020
>will most likely milk it till then and probably an hero afterwards

>>$90k a year each
what the fuck

Never underestimate the power of porn

>Make a game with substandard art, animation, and story
>Be sure to include a niche, but still generally well received fetish with a large group of followers like furry or incest as the core theme of the game
>By the way your game is required to be a porn game
>Launch with a half baked free demo
>Collect fat stacks of cash from retards for months on end as long as you push out an update every month or so
>Never stop development so the cash never dries up
If you're an indie game developer just make a low effort porno with the dating sim engine or a text engine or unity to rake in fat gobs of cash

>probably an hero afterwards
why would he kill himself after making so much money?

Sunk cost fallacy

Inability to see that paying monthly adds up.

Forgotten you've been donating or too lazy to stop subscribing.

Its these reasons why so many big companies want to start up subscription services.

The game made near $300k last year.

c*mbrains are retarded

the mom route was okay, that's all I gotta say about the game

People can waste all the money they want on patreon porn games as long as F95 keeps releasing them free.

Wild life is one to look at.

coomer games belong on /aco/ and /h/

No lolis.

>ywn make a porn game because you're lazy as fuck to learn to program/draw
i want those those porn bux

Incest is as good and less taboo.

how many times have they changed game engine now?

I'm already dead user. DEAD!

a man can dream.

>implying this is a factor
reminder that this shit crowdfunded TEN FUCKING GRAND.

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flash was dying every single year for the last decade, it won't ever be gone. There's way too much garbage on way too many sites that still rely heavily on flash (namely every single site in east asia) that removal of flash would cripple massive company infrastructure.

The internet is filled with coomers, that’s why

Flash will die and instantly be replaced by NotFlash™ which will run the same files.

The format itself will never disappear, obviously, but I mean everyone acting like browsers will just suddenly end support for it is beyond fucking retarded. The world is not the US and western europe. even then there's intranet on many hospital websites that still rely on flash for features. It's hilarious how bad removing support for it would fuck these businesses. At the absolute worst they make it a slight hassle by forcing you to go into the browser settings to set it up.

I used to weirdly think loli was a common fetish
but then you see the little boy equivalent getting dogged and it seems weird
I understand the aversion

>Discovered that game recently
>Downloaded it for free
>No donations or anything
>Kind of good for a fap or two

not my proudest one, I admit though. Still didn't pay a cent.

Taffy Tales is better

>That scene where the step mom and her friend start feeling his boner up under the table, while the step-sister sees it as well.

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>ANOTHER shittertime saga thread
Fuck me guys it's awful and the dev is clearly a lazy Jew why do you keep going to it?

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If you look at it as a product that you are paying a subscription for it's pretty fucked. If you look at it as patronage where you're giving somebody money that you happen to be a fan of so they can do what they want to do, it's a lot more reasonable. People who spend like $200 a month on random creators for early access to stuff are absolutely retarded. Spend a reasonable amount of money only on devs you REALLY like.

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Thinking about reinstalling this shit, goddammit I hate being so weak. Anyone got the patch at hand? Help a nigga.

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Look it up on incest games and it's preinstalled

Absolutely based, thanks user.

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Nearly 60K a month for a game that looks like that?

God,people are idiots.

>taffy tales
never heard of it before. thanks, user.

This. Beforehand someone, whether a founder, owner, executive, bank, someone with power, financed a game. It paid for the devs but still burdened them with releasing something to pay back that debt. If they didn't they were fired in the case of a larger company, went bankrupt or publisher dropped them for something like an indie dev.

Meanwhile nowadays everyone involved gets paid and no one has lost anything except the consumers who the majority just will write off the loss or are endless white knights for it, leaving the minority who want some recompensation to just plain have no power over the devs.

Well the art looks like shit, so clearly their fans have no standards.