Attached: replytothispostoryourmomwilldieinhersleep(2).jpg (960x544, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Jokes on you mine died from cancer last month.


Rean's mother is already fucking dead, don't torment the poor soul any further my man.


how do i get a gf like that anons?

lvard when?

Attached: calvard when.png (405x646, 21K)

Be Rean

/fg/ is out of control

It's only going to get worse the closer CS3 is to releasing. Rean can't be stopped anyways.

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I love Japan

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Is Joshua stupid? You are supposed to steal a kiss if they close their eyes.

Japan is, indeed, very cute and funny.

That's Rean's job; limp dick Hamel bois were never that good at romance, you know.

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semenskull pedophile

I want to suck on Fie's stomach.

artist name?

What game is this

>the Bracer who was cucked to death

lol renne got rekt.

Attached: rekt.jpg (960x1088, 492K)

And now she's even in love.

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I'm 29 years old and have never kissed a girl. What's it like?

With me.


Really, man? Hasn't anyone ever told you that when things look like they could get spicy with the ladies, you need to just stop holding yourself back despite your perceived fears and insecurities? You poor fuck.

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New art bad, old art good.

More like /fg/ stopped holding back


Reminder that Kondo thinks this relationship was a mistake and Rean is the best character.

this is called assault

>beat CS2
>realize that while I liked most class VII, there's basically nothing to them
>almost none of them have an arc or have anything interesting happen to them, they're just always around doing the same things because they need to be there for bonding
>some of their personalities can be summarized in one sentence, or one word
>elliot = "music or military"
>machias = "books and chess"
>gaius = "thank the winds and the goddess"
>pic related has more of an arc than any of them
Is this what the series is gonna be from now on? Butchered characters just so that the player can choose between any of their poorly fleshed out romance/relationships too go with the bland overpowered special snowflake self-insert main character?

Attached: 320[1].png (320x320, 90K)

>Is this what the series is gonna be from now on?

This series looks like the most generic of all generic JRPGS

Haha not when based daddy Rean does it

I dont care, its the only game im looking forward too since a whole fucking year.
No, with me.

I wish I had that kind of familial bond growing up. My siblings were all dicks/cunts and I have vague memories that make me think my sister molested me at some point.

Nu-trails does, however.. old trails is the complete opposite of generic


YES, this is what ALL jrpgs are gonna be from now on. Non existent male character, harem fagboy protag., and a ridiculous amount of romanceable waifus for the sake of waifus.

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>Non existent male character
At least Cold Steel has Jusis though, he's one of the few characters who had interesting stuff going on in 2. Pretty much all the other guys may as well not even exist though. All of the female characters had WAY more interesting backstories and connections to the world, but even then, they just don't get enough to do in the games to really shine as characters.

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Saddest part is that the only highlighted male character in cold steel is not even 1/8 of this character

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Randy is my bro

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Will it actually sell well?

Definitely not as well as 1 and 2 since it's not on PC


Fuck you


Is there any hope of the Calvard arc being good

>anything after Cold Steel having a chance of being good

No you.