Will it be better than Dream Daddy?
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Doubt it, Dream Daddy's launch was a fucking disaster after countless delays and that was a mere VN with shit minigames
but it broke new ground by being the first video game to feature gay people or something
I'm betting it will be a functional game that's almost wholly carried by the humor/style.
Have you remembered to thank Dream Daddy for inventing gay people today, user?
i pray to the holy one each day. if only i could be as good as he is
I pray this is Oney's attempt at a Heart of Darkness clone.
its vaporware
Will never be finished
I'm hoping Chris realizes that all of the things he has Tisms about in video games are more often than not crucial to storytelling and entertainment, and he learns a lesson
>suppose to be physics based platformer
>made by literal whos in terms of coding skill
it's dead jim
zach better voice that witch bitch
thats a genre of music retard
How do I become funny like that goblin Zach? He makes every joke with my friends seem lame by comparison
Absolute confidence and a solid deadpan.
It's yet another e-celeb scam. Only a fool would give them money.
for a "gay" game they really back out on the pornographic pics
why would anyone pay for a video game?
Oney is like the singular genuine content creator I can think of.
how old are you?
Old enough, big boy
I like him but Oneyplays was designed for the Youtube Algorithm
tomar and lyle are so boring to listen to. tomar just talks about him being jewish and lyle talks about normalfag shit that aren't even interesting. oney and cory work so great
i dont like the new oney hosts. they all talk over eachother and its impossible to follow their conversations.
Nobody will cover this meme if it ever gets finished knowing it's made by ignorant bigots.
Zach is the best member but he's so talented that he doesn't have enough free time for Oneyplays. That's why I think Ding Dong and Julian fit so well, they were funny but were still losers, so they didn't have busy schedules. All we have left are Oney's boring friends that couldn't get their feet animation door
Moments like Carl the Braincel and Herculad show they still care about being funny.
Corey is great, Jeff is okay cause he's way more laid back, but that Dave guy is a bit weird, I swear he was just making up stories on the latest wind waker ep
that was like two years ago
Tom and Jerry with Zach and Micheal Cusak was brilliant
>models will be decent
>Music will probably be decent
>animation might be decent
>probably focus on controls
>sound effects will be immaculate
>humor will be decent with some hits or misses
>story will be garbage
I'm gonna say its an 8/10, it will be treated as the second coming of christ and Yea Forums will hate it.
>humor will be decent with some hits or misses
video games cant be intentionally funny btw. atleast no games ever made has managed to anyways.
Oney taught himself modeling, animation, and music. I don't doubt that he could teach himself how to code if he really wants to.
The editing alone puts the channel above everyone else.
I'm not even saying its funny editing, they just cut out all the boring shit.
The most genuine content creator does it purely out of the joy of creating, not because it will pay their bills
that's a bold statement. whats a game that you consider almost funny, but not funny enough?
>make it through every level, challenge after challenge
>the witch doesn’t say a single thing & just stares at you the closer you get to her endgame
>finally get to the final level where Bowlbo busts the door to the witch’s shack down
>she stares Bowlbo dead in the face
>”Oh hey it’s you.”
>The most genuine content creator does it purely out of the joy of creating
the most "genuine content creators" only upload once every 3 years because they have a life they need to balance.
i think the only jokes that work in games are meta ones. like in max payne
The most genuine content creators have autism
Yeah but what are you going to do, YouTube fucked over animators and Oney's brand of comedy isn't exactly advertiser friendly either. At least he hasn't given up on his main joy and is attempting to turn it into a game unlike a certain someone though
So you only laugh at things that are so bad they're funny?
Whats some funny things outside of video games that you've laughed at?
as sad as it sound, it's true. zach is a good addition but is understandable why he isn't always available, i think cory also works too. in their sleepycast having these three together made the episodes so great and a plus with stamper being the one to calm their autism but knowing his situation is obvious he will never be in an oneyplay vid. julian and DD were a good replacement because they manage to work around chris' conversation to keep the flow but they move out which is a shame because now oney has all his other failure friends to be in it
your posture
Made me think
What are Dingus and Joolian even doing now? Ding Dong used to stream regularly after leaving Oneyplays, but I haven’t seen him do it in a while.
the real question is who's the top and who's the bottom in that relationship.
dong is obviously the bottom
i don't know, in some videos he implied the opposite
learn to read retard
Will it feature Stamper's narration?
Lyle's my favorite guest, please don't hate me.
the real question is who fucking cares
I just realized he took all those videos down.
bottom detected
Judging by how much video games Oney is exposed to, I would hope he takes everything he critiques into consideration for his own game
People who watch Oneyplays seem like that furry/tranny community who think they're part of the group because they get the "Top 5 percent" of the jokes. When a niche channel like MechaGodzilla makes fun of you (like Anita) you aren't in some minority and instead part of some stupid mass.
I just like watching them every once in a while and using them as background noise while I work honestly.
no one watches a channel with 700 thousand subscribers and thinks they found a small channel you retard
I just watch because I think Zach and Chris are funny.
>furry/tranny community
i highly doubt that, oney made fun of the pronoun bio people so discard the tranny and wherever the tranny cries the furfags follow so either group are not the community that follow him. oney is one of the very few people who don't fall for the sjw thought policing
I hear that whenever someone tries to leak Bowlbo information Bulbina is sent to their homes.
he has done and will not do any coding, he is doing models, animations, and music. he hired others, aka nobodies, to do the coding.
Chris could and should have designed a better character. Bowlbo looks unmarketable.
I like Lyle. He's an autismo who pretends to be normal and somehow gets away with it.
I may be biased since I've watched his shit since like 2008.
>he's still trying this
Just post your copypastas already, faggo.
Well Bowlbo seems to be an actual game so...
>pleb whose never played "My ex the space tyrant"
I'm fine with Lyle, but Tomar has definitely overstayed his welcome. His voice becomes very grating after listening to him for awhile. Ding Dong and Julian also just meshed incredibly well with Chris, and they never ran out of interesting topics to talk about. It helps that they generally knew stuff about video games, animations, and movies that weren't just normalfag topics.
Sam & Max: Hit the Road
The Three Kings Tier
>Chris, Zach, Corey
Those who shall not be named tier
>the gay lovers who look back at OP as something bad in their lives
Meh tier
Everyone else Tier
>everyone else
Tranny cum dump Tier
>that tranny that comes on every now and then
>v will hate it
So it will be an 8 at minimum
No, they send Zach.
>has never played Lisa blind
stamper is homeless
can somebody give me a quick rundown?
>video games, animations, and movies
this is what makes all conversation in oneyplays good. if the people in it don't talk about any of these stuff its always some boring story. you can listen how oney gets excited talking about animation and videogames almost feeling his autism overloads and works when other people follow. in the sonic adventure 2 when chris and corey talked about sonic lore it was completely ruined because the third wheel broke the momentum
He doesn't like Waffles
I'm warming up to Lyle, he's trying so hard to be normie and hide his autism it's endearing.
Tomar is great when he's around to be tortured by Zach and Chris.
Chris, Zach and Corey needs straight guys to keep them in check otherwise the stream will ONLY be a bunch of incoherent screaming about Nostalgia Critic and voice mimicking.
Tranny cum dump Tier is not a bad tier by any means
it's just a tier that tranns who are kept around just to be cummed in and on are within.
I went to highschool with a kid who has the same disease as this guy and he acts exactly like that, always trying to fight people
Living at his brothers house I think
alcoholism and general issues, adhd, can't keep a job
>Jeff made fun of LPers on SleepyCabin
>Now he occasionally shows up on OneyPlays
I just wished they wouldn't circlejerk the fuck out of themselves so often.
>"Oh but you're parodying LPers, it's different!"
Would in prison
Why are they gone? I understand the one with the naked laptop girl but why would he remove the rest?
holds up spork
What is a king to a god tier
you think Chris secretly nutted inside that?
What happened to stamper??
Yeah. If I had short man disease myself, I'd off myself years ago. Thank God I'm 6'2.
drugs and shady people
they dated for a little bit
why do you come on and tell lies
Best playthrough?
Visage is a great one
It ain't gay to nut. It's if Chris decides to suck is when there's questions.
is that a guy?
Tomar ans Swain helped with some programming
No, but I did.
After 10 beers I would too
got involved with drug dealers, invited some crackwhore to stay at his place which lured drug dealers so he ran away to texas which he is doing fine at least
>writing fanfic about real people
Tell me.
>they didn't see the discord dms
lmao, way to be out of the loop. they dated for 4 months, it started after they hooked up post a night of drinking. It ended mutually.
There's a reason why chris doesn't poke fun at trannies anymore.
proof, nigga, proof
you're a retard
The Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are both the crown jewsls of the channel but I love almost every zach series too
That's a bludge...right?
So are the two gay guys going to come crawling back to Chris once they decide to give up on their game again?
no, it's a bulge. Completely different.
and then they egged susie's house and left a lote sating "eeck -jon". that night the played 4 minutes of crash 2 and then fugged before Veronica got back from her late night working at a daycare
>this is your brain on wattpad
For me it's the Pokemon Red LP
died 3 years ago. they continue the farce that she is still alive as to not bring anyone down. rumors are zach got drunk one night and accidentally pushed her too hard, she fell and hit her head on the corner of a counter.
yes and it's gonna be good
Why doesn't Chris bring Matt on more often?
They're not friends anymore apparently.
who's matt?
>There's a reason why chris doesn't poke fun at trannies anymore.
chris made fun of the pronoun people. and also you probably are confusing chris with cory, now that guy fucks trannies and gives no fucks about it. what a man
probably not since chris and DD hate each other. DD has only ever said negative things about him since leaving oneyplays.
julian might come back, but probably not since the bad blood with DD will keep him from coming by
rumors are julian and DD are in a bad spot in their relationship, fueled by DD's rising medical bills/troubles.
What about the gaaaameplay?
matt from supermega but they aren't friends anymore because supermega pick arin's side
Supermega are done editing for other channels now and are doing their own thing. They just got an office for themselves. I'm glad for them, they are definitly way less offesive than Oneyplays so they get labelled normies but they are far more genuine than GG. The Japan Vlogs they just did are fantastic
Oh yeah, that bites. I like Supermega but you can tell living in LA's gotten to them a little bit.
I know I'm not allowed to have this opinion on Yea Forums but Oney's shtick is getting kind of old
didnt waffle recently turn 18 just this year...?
I figure they'll put a lot of work into the control.
but I honestly have no idea if oney has any experience with level design or gameplay in general. This could likely be the weak point.
All shticks get old, that's why you shouldn't watch anything for too long. orbit between other channels
Oneyplays still has a sizable furry fanbase from ding dong and julian being literal gay/bi furry porn artists. Even after the twitter stuff.
God I hope
actual fanfiction
I'm kinda tired of him having the same conversations with different guests. How many times are those guys gonna talk about Doug Walker?
Nigga what?
I like Oneyplays because he's newgrounds alumni along with the other SleepyCabin boys.
no, last year.
she dated chris when she was 16.
and yes, they did fug. chris blasted in that boi hole many a time
Thia man has taste.
LA it's so weird. it's mostly filled with mexican and ntw the good kind but the cholo and the muh aztlan kind, homeless and niggers. it has its good places though but expensive to be nearby them. idk what does LA do to turn you into some progressive nutjob to be offended at anything because i had friends who turned out that way. im impressed oney wasn't brainwashed having living there for years now meanwhile arin is now close to come out as a tranny at any moment.
then it won't be for long until they start to avoid chris because some popufur will tell them not to because of this "problematic" tweets from years ago.
was this before or after that incident where julian stood outside matt's house with a boombox over his head trying one last time to woo him, which got him deported to chicago? that was really weird
this didn't happen
>still no proof
I know you think that's funny but a big reason why Matt doesn't come around anymore is that he is still spooked from julian's behavior. any time matt came over julian would drink heavily and make suggestive comments to matt. getting handsy with him. stuff like that. it really creeped him out, especially since DD seemed to egg julian on.
>discord dms
>not accepting a blowjob from a guy
fag, you don't have to kiss him after
apparently julian's behavior/flirts suggested something more along the lines of ripping his asshole open while DD watches and cums on matts face
according to Neil in a podcast he did.
>Not wanting your bowels rearranged by a heaving mexican while his tuba-sexual boyfriend watches on
Wow, Matt is a faggot
Who the fuck is Neil
niall, phone autocorrected it
seriously take your bigotry out of here. you are the reason why waffle doesn't feel comfortable coming over to do letsplays anymore. because of hateful people like you making her feel like shit just for being who she truly is.
Good. Fuck that unfunny tranny freak
does waffle even identify as a woman?
I thought waffles twitter said "boy"
He is a tranny now.
user, please. Waffles isn't even funny. Just like women aren't funny
>unfunny tranny freak
Whoa okay that's a rude thing to say about Niall
just wow
I can't believe how hateful and toxic this place can be to those just trying to express themselves.
>Tfw can't tell if people are being actual tranny sympathizers now or if it just a big josh
>Fuck that unfunny tranny freak
But I implied Waffles was a woman because she's not funny
He'll die by the time he hits 30-35
as if being sexist is any better
you fucking incel gamergater
You know the one thing that really grinds my gears about this pick? The nail polish. Either wear it or don't, none of this chipped shitty looking crap
Just like the rest of us on this bitch of an earth
"Chipped shitty black nail polish" is its own aesthetic that edgy girls and trannies think makes them look "damaged" and sympathetic.
It's fuckin nasty looking.
chipped nail polish is just a lazy girl thing, ive known plenty
preach, sister
>that edgy girls and trannies think makes them look "damaged" and sympathetic
nigga it's just an alt look, don't look retardedly deep into it.
tomar’s and lyle’s function are to be the straight men for oney and a third person
Some of these images don't show up in reverse image search.
Why of all places would a tranny come here to show off then 2 out of 10 mental illness riden body's
Lyle and Tomar aren't a good pair.
They are both "straight men" at best. Lyle tries to be cool and wacky but he is just so fucking grating and obsessed with social status.
Just watch lots and lots of comedy
>that little bit of tummy pudge
just imagine gripping it as you sink your dick deeper and deeper into her neg boi hole
I bet she'd loved to get pozed
It's because they're two straight men trying to be funny.
>made by literal whos in terms of coding skill
Literally every fucking game, what is your point with this
And wrong about everything. At least Zach lies.
Because she's hot.
I just wish my voice sounded funnier
I think they're pulled from waffles tumblr
yes and?
Sick fuck doesent even pass the glance test.
It will probably try and succeed at eating a bullet by age 25
I see these threads all the time, and I've yet to see a single screenshot or piece of gameplay besides that initial cinematic trailer. Where is the game? How can i like something that doesnt fucking exist?
tomar and lyle would work better with supermega since their topics are as boring as theirs
It's from Waffle's twitter
>t. follows her on Twitter for qt tranny pics
Hey, Matt can be funny.
Oney doesn't even know how to model past the sculpting phase. He knows fuck all about UVs, retopology, and texturing.
Blender is shit, BTW.
Are you actually accusing oney of gay pedophilia?
That's actually the way you do it. Animators and all forms of artists cost way too much for too little and do things that are extremely easy to learn with only a little dedication. Programming has the highest learning curve and requires the most amount of studying and practice to become even remotely competent with, and it doesn't offer a great deal of satisfaction compared to the payoff of those other fields.
Learn how to do everything else, generate interest through artwork and use it to hire on some literal who programmers from some forum to kick out a functioning product. If it gains a lot of attention then you can get away with updating it and fixing shit later. This is the exact same concept behind any form of planned goal; you do everything as cheaply as possible until it justifies the expenses.
It also has the benefits of having a greater degree of creative control, since it can be hard to get what you want perfectly from someone else. The more things you can rely on yourself for, the better. Programming doesn't have that problem, all you have to do is tell them specifically what you want and there's not a great deal of room for variance from different perspectives.
When is Yea Forums going to stop jerking off over e-celebs?
Oney has shit on trannies and leftists on many occasions whereas Mechagamezilla has bitched many times about trump and people being mean to zoe quinn
>He knows fuck all about UVs, retopology, and texturing
UV mapping isn't that complicated.
>Blender is shit, BTW.
2.8 makes that argument moot.
>UV mapping isn't that complicated.
I never said it wasn't, but I can guarantee that oney hasn't learned it yet because of blender's complicated as fuck keyboard shortcut system.
Ideal way to "watch" let's plays.
no, Niall did.
he spilled the beans on a lot of oneyplays/sleepycast secrets when drunk on a popcast.
christ, 100%, fucked waffle when she was 16, possibly 17 at the latest.
good chance they still occasionally hook up.
even worse apparently Zach tried to get with waffle but she refused.
>hasn't learned it yet because of blender's complicated as fuck keyboard shortcut system.
I would be genuinely surprised if he got this far without UV mapping in his game.
in fact he works on a bunch of game jams and models for them.
Oney's not that new to modelling, his Captain Neckbeard work was good for a 72-hour Game Jam project, and his work on that clay model from JonTron's intro is pretty good.
Like I said oney only knows how to sculpt, and the models are crude at best. Those game jams had other people who are actually in the game industry do the hard shit for him.
>Those game jams had other people who are actually in the game industry do the hard shit for him.
but he did the UV mapping
is Bowlbi a solo project?
I also think Chris is no where near finished, and he just made the trailer to hype himself up to work harder.
Don't fucking care. Where's hellbenders and leo and satan?
Provide some fucking proof or stop headcanoning bullshit
Leo and Satan is dead because chris and the guy who voiced satan clashed creatively and the studio chris paid to animate the pilot scammed him hard.
Hellbenders is dead because Chris and Zach completely fucking botched the show pitch and Adult Swim thought they already had too many hell-themed shows on the network already.
when he talks about his many trips to japan like some suburban white boy?