Do you play your games in public Yea Forums?

Do you play your games in public Yea Forums?

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The only thing I play in public are phone games. I'm not some fucking child.

I fap in public

Hell no, and that guy is asking to get fucked with.

>that guy is asking to get fucked with
I can't imagine anyone messing with him unless there's a roving band of nogs nearby.


>phone games
>not some fucking child

That's a 60 year old boomer with a fucking TC. The only thing he's going to get is stares and "wtf"s

I hang out in public spaces too little to consider gaming in public. I use my phone or read a book more than play games. The only time I find myself gaming more is on a plane/bus/train though.


Niggers and shitskins would gladly jack his shit

Dudes at an Arbys, no one goes to Arbys.


I play my DS in public on the way home from work
Going through Golden Sun right now.

Whenever I'm in public, I'm never in a situation where I can play games. I'm there to get shit done and fuck off home where I can play in privacy.

i used to have some good times on my 3ds in public, but that was when i was a wee lad

>wee lad

based boomer

He probably has a gun.

Yeah, i sometimes play my 3ds when waiting in line or other shit that takes my time that i don't want to be doing

The fuck?? How old were you when the 3DS came out

Oh my god.
They found him.
They found The user.

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Is he playing dark souls?

My brother in law caught me playing kotor while on vacation. I’d never been so embarrassed. Th fucker even offered to lend me his switch while we were driving to the second stop in thand vacation. What a super cool guy.

How fucking old are you?

demon' souls

Demon Souls

How fucking young are you?

3DS came out 8 years ago, aka almost a decade, you fellow boomer

>this user is underage

3ds came out when I was 11, am almost double that age now, shit's wild


Why was he sculpting a man's butt?

he gay


I'm not a fucking boomer kiddo, jesus christ a GB Color was my first handeld

once I was emulating pokemon emerald on my phone on a bus and this asian man next to me was losing his shit glancing over my shoulder at it

I saw a guy playing some FPS at the public library, noon, on a Thursday, this week.
I managed to resist laughing out loud, but I grinned like a retard.

he a fag

I used to carry my GBA, then DS all over the place when I was a kid. Used to have one of those big ass carry bags for my DS that could hold nearly every game they ever made.

I don't anymore though. The only thing I might drag along is my 3ds and a game or 2 if I'm going to be a passenger on a long trip and I don't want to kill my phone.

I'll stick your head in the toilet squirt

If you play Demon's Souls you are based from the get go, even if you play that shit in public.

No, I just look at traps on my phone.

what game is that?

>based boomer wants to kill himself

user pls

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I used to get to work 1+ hours before start of shift due to the bus schedule. I would go to a building at work where I was unlikely to see any co-workers and play GBA to waste time.

>shit's wild
your brain yes

A Souls game.

Imagine being a this insecure

>Arby’s advertises to gamers
>Weird gamers start coming to their restaurants and doing weird shit in them

This is what happens

So do I, does that mean I'm cool too?

My first console was PS4, I was 13 and now I'm 18

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>implying i have brain
making a lot of assumptions here

Especially if you play it in public

Last time I was inside one which was maybe early this year or last year, they advertised toys for fucking Rabbids.

Did the guy say what the actual fuck he lives off of?

>ball cap and sunglasses at night
>functional plaid button-down
>dad shorts
>probably wearing sandals with socks
This is a man who has had enough of literally everyone's shit. Fucking with him would be the worst idea someone could possibly have.

At my work there is a guy who plays his switch on his lunch breaks. Nice enough person. I used to play gameboy in public when I was a teenager but now I dont even have a portable system

Not really, just because I like to zone out everything around me when I'm playing games and really focus on the game.
Also there aren't many chances I have to do this. I would just rather wait until I get home.
When I was younger I took my GBC everywhere with me.

When I moved to my new apartment I would go to McDonald’s and play league of legends on my laptop until they finished setting up my internet

The Target I shop at used to have the same fucking guy set up his whole gamer laptop and glowing headset in the fucking food court to play God knows what, he’d be there for hours. The Target food court. With the popcorn.

No one says shit half the time when you do this, but if you’re weird enough they watch, and they remember.

What a pathetic existence

Honestly? I've tried but I'm never physically comfortable and I just can't get comfortable. It really sucks when I'm bored.

>on a bus
motion of the car plus motion of the screen makes my head hurt.

>In a line
Feels weird playing and standing

>Seated at a restaurant and waiting
Seats are normally too hard.

I think it's largely a psychological thing on my part. I just don't really feel like I can unwind and enjoy unless I'm in a space I feel is my own, and settling into a space usually takes about twelve hours. I can't even play shit while on an airplane.

On a long bus trip occasionally I'll try to play something on an emulator on my phone.
Most often I don't feel like there's enough time to bother even playing anything. Even as a kid I never really brought my GBC or GBA anywhere outside my house, besides my friends homes rarely. I just suffer the boredom.
I could see myself doing what that guys doing if I was maybe a trucker or something on a laptop possibly, but I also just hate drawing attention so it would take some willpower to start. Or just being in a soul crushing enough job/situation to not give a shit anymore.
I'm also paranoid about making myself a theft/mugging target but that depends where you are and self awareness anyway.

Got mugged once. Fucking worst experience. Lost a wallet my brother gave me and I'm pretty sure it contributed to making me a shut-in. At least I managed to keep my phone and Vita by acting like a retard.

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>At least I managed to keep my phone and Vita by acting like a retard.
What did you do? This could be very helpful information.

holy shit, I have that same shirt.

Well maybe I just got lucky and they were shit muggers but they tried to push me into giving the password/access to the phone since it was worthless without a password, and I just kept saying "I don't know" pretending that I was cracking under the pressure and dazed so they just pushed me away and let me keep it and left with the wallet so I got to get away with the phone/vita.

That stinks. Why do you think you got targeted? Alone somewhere, whipped the vita out, anything like that? I'm curious how you reacted, too. I'm afraid I'd try to be tough or clever and end up dead for it.
Becoming more of a paranoid shut-in sounds like a normal response.

I travel a lot on business, so I have a Laptop that I mainly run PS2 emus on when I'm waiting for a plane or something.

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dude's playing Demon's souls at Arby's. I wish I could have my own setup to coop with this based man.

>Playing Fightcade in the cafeteria
>Other fiends start showing up and we start playing matches
There's no better feeling

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That sounds fucking comfy. I'm the PS2 emu user, I also run Fightcade a good bit, but it's not the kind of environment something like that'd happen.

only women and beta white knights who want to impress the women do that anti-social garbage

If I were there, I would do the opposite, hang out with him to see how's he's playing the game, if he's on new game+, etc. and also other games he likes. And judging by the game he's playing, he has decent tastes (or atleast its not normalfaggot tier games like BOTW or Halo)

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I probably got targeted since I was alone and just on the phone. They walked up to me while I was talking on the phone and tried to have a conversation with me, and I got out pronto trying to pretend to be friendly, even shook the fuckers hand. Turns out they followed me while I was skateboarding and then mugged me.
Kept saying they had a gun but despite me not seeing it or any proof of a gun I didn't want to take a chance since, you know, I'm not bulletproof.
Trust me, I wouldn't tried to be tough if it wasn't 2-on-1 too, genuinely thought of smashing them with my skateboard and taking a chance but they could have fucked me up, and anything clever was out of the question, so I went with the "pretend to be retarded" approach and got away.
Thought I maybe misjudged them for a sec, was the first time I left the house properly in months so I thought I was just being overly paranoid. Brother gave me that wallet before he moved too so that sucks.

I beat SotN on Vita while I was taking a shinkansen from Kyoto to Tokyo.
Felt good, man.

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>I wouldn't tried to be tough if it wasn't 2-on-1
I WOULD HAVE tried to be tough if it wasn't 2-on-1, fuck I'm an idiot.

That sounds like the best way to have handled it, really. At least you kept some of your stuff but everything in the wallet and the wallet itself being a keepsake still blows.
Hopefully they OD'd or got shot within the week.

I hope they got fucked in some way, won't hold my breath on it though.
Best I can do is forget it and hope that if I see them again it's in the back of a police car or working a soul-crushing McDonald's job.