legit laugh
There were more polygons than just cubes in the 90s.
the whole twitter maymay format is pretty shit but this one always gets a laugh out of me
Why can't we use emojis on 4channel?
I thought Goldeneye 64 looked pretty realistic back in the day.
you weren't here on april fools
if you think thats funny you should see WoW now.
Can't believe I lost
>Praising this over street fighter 3's graphics.
it looks very realistic, the tiger looks funny tho
The new models are fine but some of them haven't been update and are 15 years old like the boar and lion, it's embarassing
Emojis are just more restrictive reaction images
Is that a Minecraft tiger?
The same reason why there aren't a million different fonts, or a board style for every color imaginable. They're unnecessary shit only an underage faggot would wan't
I would stop coming here if I had to see zoomers and political boomers using emojis instead of words
is that still a thing
Only incels don't want to emoji post
thank god emoijs are cancer and they are called emoticons u fucknugget
The difference is, SF3 was a 2D game that only needed to draw a tiny ass screen and somehow still ran like shit on everything that wasn't the dreamcast (SF3 was laggy as fuck until 3S when they came out with CPS3 hardware). Whereas unreal was rendering the largest open 3D worlds of it's time.
go back to ur gay social media fag box
>actually wanting emojis unironcally
>actually using incel
u have to go back
teh day they start adding emojis is the day the site dies and is and going to be flooded with social media annoying normalfags and every board will be /soc/ tier
fuck off
differemt fonts and each board having its own style would be kewl and being able to use a different colour text besides green would be nice
but emojios fuck no
And SF3 was just well-drawn, not in any way a technical achievement. That's like praising unreal for having pretty textures. That's not what it's about.
>That's like praising unreal for having pretty textures. That's not what it's about.
UE1 invented the technology that allows surfaces to display different textures depending on the distance they are viewed from. Letting you get away with ridiculously detailed textures.
>t. verifiedlet
Unreal legit looks better than SF3, sorry fag
Get your eyes checked.
Emoticons are faces drawn with existing characters.
Emoji are unicode characters.
is that real???
yeah, zoos are incredibly inhumane, the cages are way smaller than most animals' natural habitats and it makes them grow up weird
Because retarded fucking faggots like me abused them for ironic shitposting.
Fuuuck that takes me back. Shit opinion btw, emojis were tolerated in the old days--something you newfag tryhards wouldn't understand. :)
I have aids and cancer now
golly deserved better
>He doesɴt kɴow
because reaction images exist? you want to degrade the culture of this place so much that people don't even put in enough effort to have a basic reaction image folder anymore?
it's already bad enough with all of the phoneposters and wojack spammers
Funnier than wojak
Emoticons > emojis, you degenerate zoomer twat.
because they're gay as fuck you retarded faggot
emoticons are objectively a different thing