Which is, by far, Yea Forums's best meme?

Which is, by far, Yea Forums's best meme?

Attached: Bowsette-e1547284359762.jpg (895x495, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:



this is a board for people who like and play video games

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Yea Forums‘s literally never made a meme, they just hijack others. Maybe the funniest one we have is the one where everyone pretends to break rule 2 and talks about smash.

meme this
*unzips dick*


X but with HL SFX

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Yea Forums the musical

That's a shitty /fit/ meme newfag

>babby's first rule 63
>good meme

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ironic reddit styled counter culture. its like we are really on reddit, but its all just an ironic meme ironically killing Yea Forums(nel)

wtf are you talking about it's bowsette

Yea Forums doesn't make memes, just leeches them from Yea Forums and twitter.



Attached: fc8.png (680x371, 180K)

Last gen when PS3 NO GAME RICKY BOBBY, Master Chief, Wii and Chad Warden

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Probably mario 64 paralel universe or you fucked up my face



you mean yet another low effort insult?
by this meqsurement faggot is the best meme

when was the last time Yea Forums even made a meme
every single popular meme is from some other board
was it like 2 gens ago with PS3 NO GAEM?
back before the wojakposters showed up

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He said Yea Forums's not /pol/'s and best not worst.

This picture never fails to make me laugh

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Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

For me, it's Vivian James.

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Parallel universes originated on Yea Forums and brought a huge wave of OC with it

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So Yea Forums truly is Reddit.

did we do that i thought that started offsite
it sucks what happened to him though, but at least he's still progressing

>”cvmbrain” spammers desperately trying to bring their shit meme back after being BTFO in every way possible

More like Yea Forums forcefully injects their garbage memes into Yea Forums.

>tfw saw the sticky
lmao fat fingered jannie

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Zoe Quinn-chan!


jesus, this whole place reeks of trannies
i have to leave Yea Forums soon

It's not a pol meme its a fit meme you fucktard

good get out

I went there for the first time this year. Some small subs were fine for information, but holy fuck everything else is awful. It's like everyone is a tiny ebaum's reposting for fake internet points.

I've never seen such a terrible, poorly forced meme honestly
It's got near zero traction outside of the daily repost of the same shot and the same word by the same person. It's kind of sad cause to whoevers posting it they must think its funny enough to be worth the effort but its wasted time on something thats not even meaningful enough that i can call it trash. Its just purely nothing.

Not anymore, it isn't.

>did we do that

Yeah, we definitely did. Somebody posted the Youtube video at a good time and the thread hit bump limit, and then it was everywhere after that.

I actually worked on that image in one of the early threads, some other guy put the Mario hat and the 12 hours part on there, but I added the scuttlebug and the star and the Henry quote

I don't even understand this one but I have a strong feeling it's pretty based and I do enjoy seeing a random ampharos every few threads.


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reddit's only valid use was for game communities that are too small to exist in a concentrated way otherwise
even that value was lost when discord became a thing so there's literally no reason to use the site at all

>this nigga doesn't know where the artsyle comes from

Also Light Up the Night
and protoposting in general

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based ampharos

I mean it isn't a /fit/ meme anymore.


seething tranny


fake smash leaks are my scene. the grinch leak was notorious but the MEMES that came out of it god damn.

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It's pretty good for porn. There's a sub for just about anything specific you're looking for.



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Worked at a game store and when this was big I put 'Light Up the Night' on the store music playlist. Fun times.

Cartridge tilting.

as retarded as rosterfags get sometimes the steve shit was pretty entertaining for a while before getting killed by banjo

What sticky?


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The mods are legitimately shook because they've been pegged along with the rest of you cringey fucks who make your entire identity UNNHHNNN SEX SEX SEX

The correct use of the Ampharos meme is to post Ampharos when a thread is particularly shitty early on, in order to "save" the thread. It's basically a new more audible way to sage a thread.

>The mods are legitimately shook

Unteralterbach was unbelievably good for what it is. I didn't expect the writing to be as funny as it was despite being translated from German.
The memes are really good but I think they slightly overshadow how great it actually is, cunny aside.

reddit just replaced small internet forums. so now instead of going to the website of that podcast you listen to, you just go to the subreddit. it's more convenient, but also you get gay cross contamination

Her anniversary is soon!

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Yeah and maybe that means that’s what the website is all about which means you don’t belong here? That’s like me posting furry porn on SomethingAwful and rallying up with other retards to fight the mods claiming it now shall allow yiff

I like Yoshi hahaposting.

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I could be wrong, but didn't Pacha edits start here?

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seeing as it's certainly the most widespread it's probably the "best"
I feel like at least for specifically Yea Forums-created memes that and the half a press stuff are the only ones that got major traction in recent years

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Toddposting will always have a special place in my heart.

I prefer her daughter, Bowsette Jr!

the best Yea Forums meme is clearly Yea Forums himself silly

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Only post that answered op correctly

90% sure its from Yea Forums




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Bowsette is a Twitter meme.

Toddposting, at least before it became more widespread.

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Retarded troll faces.

These were all made on Yea Forums in ~2011

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>Yea Forums himself

Attached: 1.png (1356x934, 76K)

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Other way around, redditor. Yea Forums got tired of being invaded by other boards and out of site people, what's going on there right now is pure revolt and chaos.

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the best meme is that Yea Forums is for videogames

It literally stated on a Yea Forums thread though, with a Yea Forums drawfag.
They did have a twitter they posted it to though.

there was a sticky with Uo Denim's tits for like 2 minutes 3 years ago
makes the pepe edits with the pin even lamer because it hasn't happened to then

Thanks doc

When moot put dongcopter pirate youtube.com/watch?v=s7ALdl0gkaY

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Not sure but I'll post some shit I had saved from an old hdd in '09

Attached: AHTITS.png (1324x1171, 186K)

doc i need a stronger dose

I've saw Yea Forums threads of just dedicated pacha editing, but considering the source, yeah I would say Yea Forums

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Sonic comic edits
Though Grotesque Steve was pretty damn good for nu-Yea Forums.

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thanks doc

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I still don't know what the fuck a mini is.

Sorry, all we have is generic left.

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Yea Forums is pretty based

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post more

I found this guy on twitter a few months ago.
I twas kind of heart-warming, that he's still going on today and still loves giant tits.

its just not the same doc

>he's still going on today and still loves giant tits.
What a good lad

janny took down her sticky like it was nothing
all you had to do was suck her nipples, janny, why didn't you listen?

Attached: didntsucknipples.png (347x427, 253K)


So many fucking newfags here. I bet all of you joined after 2013

and BTW, Yea Forums has been shit since 2010


until they get banned that is

but was like late 08 or something


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Has it almost been a year already? What the fuck?

>since 2010
cancerfags gtfo


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2006. Used to go to SA a lot. Kill me.

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Anyone have that video of minecraft steve mining banjo's hole?

I honestly like the 'draw your gamer pose' threads. Not memes but OC. Most fun I have now on this board when people do shit collabs there.

>Most fun I have now on this board when people do shit collabs there.

it always brings out the best in everyone every fucking thread you will see something that will make you jesus christ that's genius

was this really Yea Forums meme or a twitter meme? i couldn't tell because how Yea Forums like to outsource shit like 9gag

I have one full of Yea Forums images from 2008 to 2011 approximately, mostly from Yea Forums. Maybe I should upload it all somewhere, just in case.

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I've been here since 2010 but have no objective way to prove that, so here's objective proof I was here at least from 2012.

It all started the moment the NSMBUD trailer was announced, with people asking "what if you put the crown on X" in Yea Forums. Then someone requested it with Bowser in a Yea Forums drawthread, the author later uploaded it to his Twitter account and you know the rest.

Do they kill interesting threads over inane bullshit like mentioning other websites or using certain types of reaction images? Do smashfags over there talk about anything other than the roster over there? Does their traffic get clogged up by porn threads where there dont need to be?

After the trailer came out some drawfag made this in a thread and then later put it on his art twitter.

Attached: Original super_crown_by_ayyk92-dcn900k.png (659x1534, 615K)

how is this possible every time?

I wonder how it feels to spawn such a widespread thing. I feel weird seeing people repost dumb images I make here. Can't imagine how it feels to have the whole internet go full retard over your idea.

i think he took it well enough.
Niconico actually sent him a plaque or something for how many searches it got, or some other big site. Pretty sure it was nico.

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Thanks doc

*takes off usual "gotta make it funny" redditing mask*

Under most circumstances, I wouldn't bother coming here to post anything, but given how foundational Ronnie was to the old guard of the Game Theory I loved (especially now that I know now how far back his work reaches), this was the exception. Ronnie was, through Digressing and Sidequesting, what got me interested in game design in the first place. I myself struggle with depression, but I imagine that's not out of the ordinary nowadays. It just slowly but surely whittled away at my self-confidence, and pushed me away from doing what I love, from doing what was right, and from fixing the broken mirror I saw myself through. Usually, I just feel nothing, but it's days like this that weigh me down the worst. Even typing this out feels like I'm in a bomb disposal suit.

To anyone else in Ronnie's or my situation, please, don't be afraid to get help. I don't mean to go to a suicide hotline (unless it's really that serious) or anything overdone like that. If you can't afford one (which is really unlikely if you're on Reddit, but I'm not throwing it out immediately), I'm not even asking you to go find a therapist. Despite Reddit being one of many things that could have pushed Ronnie, there's a bevy of resources on this site dedicated to coping with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, and not in the joking way we do all too often nowadays. Please, go check them out.

Anyway, I better get going now.

*picks up the mask*

*sigh* Should I even bother putting it back on?

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>Niconico actually sent him a plaque or something
damn now thats some hardcore weeb cred to own

It's just more wojak shit because you niggers can't even make legitimate OC, at the very goddamn least you could make an original image to show that you're trying

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god damn i miss the niconico galosegan days

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Ever wondered how Matt Furie feels about what the internet did to Pepe?

It's something from an April fool's thing.


Thinking about it it probably makes more sense for it to be a plaque from pixiv, but I know he got it from someone.
It's nice.

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That would be a whole new awful feeling. I thought he killed the frog though.

As forced as it gets. Fuck off furfag.


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Correct answer
also thanks for that dose doc

>Normalfags start using pepe so people start making poopoopeepee stuff to scare them off
>It (mostly) works but then attracts all the slightly less normalfags who just like edgy shit
>Has devolved entirely to the point where some normalfags treat it like a swastika but even most people here hate it
I miss when I could just use feelsgoodman or sadfrog

why wojak edits for flavor of the month straw men of course.

People killed Pepe WAY before he did.

anything JC related

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He did but it didn't mean anything



Nah, I'd say these half life dubs are a hell of a lot more enjoyable


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Can't kill pepe, he has a life of his own at this point. He'll only die when and if everyone gets tired of him.

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Yes i am the best meme, how did you know?

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>hey guys, remember when bowsette DESTROYED pepe and wojak? This'll show those /pol/tards!

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This is actually a decent answer
I don't think I've ever seen anyone get mad at Chad memes, they're just too good

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It's funny because the "le ebin bowsette vs pepe" war was the most manufactured and forced thing. Probably pushed by butthurt retards that wanted an excuse to cause chaos and resentment towards it.

have sex

only oldfags remember this one.

Attached: crab.jpg (3260x1370, 2.14M)

fucking boring is what they are.

memes that are (usually) used to aagrandize yourself instead of shit on other people are usually better
it's why most people liked boomer compared to the other 500 random wojak edits, and why wojak used to be used in the first place

At one point Chad posting was literally just shitposting, like coomposting is now.

I remember Bowsette was going strong and Pepe posters felt threatened and they started spamming Pepe and how Bowsette was a tranny in the threads

Didn't radiation make the song or am I confusing it with someone else

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Hell yeah, Crab Nicholson!

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It's because at its core it's a "positive" meme. Even if it's ironic, it's still uses a positive context. Much better and more enjoyable than "this is you and that's bad!!!" meme #4123

i dunno, but i found this: youtube.com/watch?v=vECHOv0NL88

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Crab Nichelson sleepover adventure was some wierd shit

This was actually the best meme to come out in recent years

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Pretty much every meme is shitposting, it's near-inherent to what a meme is.
have it right though, part of the new reason the past few years have been so shit is that it's just random retards slapping on a hat in ms paint and saying "YOU ARE SILLY!!!!"
at least people used to have to put effort into their shitposting

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