
This game is coming out soon and it shamelessly rips off the aestetic and overall art direction of Darkest Dungeon.
But it's for weebs this time.


My question is: legally speaking, are they in the right to copy another game THIS much, visually?
I'm honestly asking, could the DD devs sue them for this, or is this different enough that it doesn't count?

Attached: NSwitchDS_Mistover_03.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

But can i mod the characters to have big tiddy

styles and ideas can't be copywritten, only implementation. The DD devs would only have a case if these weebs traced art or stole code.

So you can legally make a game that looks 99% like another game, but as long as it's not EXACTLY the other game in the sense that it has chunks of stolen art or code, you're completely fine?

you must be new to the whole "internet" thing, huh

Making a mainstream, high profile product isn't the same shit as copying someone's OC over the internet, nigga.
We're talking shit that you can make millions on.

there's several DD clones coming out, idk why it's taking so long because DD is great

DD ripped off the Hellboy artstyle so who cares

>So you can legally make a game that looks 99% like another game
Have you never seen what "games" exist on mobile?
Have a look.

Nigga It looks more like a mytery dungeon game than Darkest. Stop being a fag.

Are you guys literally 15 years old? Like seriously?

Also DD didn’t even invent that art style nor the combat system.

art styles can't be subject to copyright idiot. If it uses no art and no code from Darkest Dungeon then it doesn't matter if it's similar.

Unless they are using straight up ripped assets from Darkest Dungeon, then they are in the right to use the style.

You see tons of games use art styles from other games and forms of media all the time. Should Studio Ghibli sue Nintendo and Namco Bandai because BotW and Tales of Vesperia copy their colorful bright art style? Should Nintendo sue every indie devs who make obviously inspired Earthbound and Paper Mario clones? See how retarded that would be?

Attached: 1555274123898.jpg (184x184, 7K)

Its not even the same combat system. OP is a fag.

Attached: 1536057027010.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

This has to be the stupidest question asked on on Yea Forums this month that was a legitimate question.

Darkest Dungeon was trash so maybe a game can take the only good part of DD and make something playable.

Why is the priest so best?

Attached: Mistover Priest.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>Rips off the aesthetic and art direction of darkest dungeon
Yeah, because if I show someone this picture then everyone will say it looks like darkest dungeon right?

Attached: 2f4309735f324a432cb4bfd3ba887108.png (71x73, 16K)

DDs artist completely rips off mignola's artstyle

I mean, his designs are pretty good on their on, but the style it's a total copy

Attached: HBY25YC_HBYICM_FC_FNL.0.jpg (1200x675, 145K)

She just is.

Not really Hellboy actually but another comic. They talked about it during the development streams for DD