Monster Hunter Iceborne

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for endless Offensive Guard+Stealth Lv4 decos


I want Prowlers back
And fuck GU for nerfing the shit out of them for god-knows-what reason

mfw bgm during mountain zingore

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PC cuck waiting for Iceborne here. How is GL?

I only main GS. I wanna try a ranged weapon. What should I use?

Post your cute huntresses!

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Use Crit Beast Prowlers, it works well

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Capcom better release the PC version in December or I'm torching their offices

My first weapon after GS was bow. You might like that. Now I also do Hammer, Longsword, and Charge Blade. GS will always be my baby though.

It looks like Dante had his head swapped with a hot chick.

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Bow has a similar charge mechanic, HBG is similar in being heavy and hard-hitting

>encounter first scarred garuga
>its also tempered
is that meant to happen

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6 hours into IB and i still haven't beaten barioth.
Anja won't drop a mantle for a fire weapon.

Scarred only comes in the tempered variety senpai.

Let's see some tastes
>What weapon you main
>What's your favorite game that lets you mimic said main

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>No one has updated it to show which weapons certain monsters don't have
Almost as lazy as capcom desu senpai

i cant play anything other than GS but i really want to try something else. i enjoyed the gunners, lbg and hbg but i know nothing of what i should build for there. could i get some help and recommendations?

Fuck nergisue

yes we all know you do for the 132534th time

MHFU, The full rajang set with focus, critical draw and sharpness +1 with the blos GS was literally the only GS set people used online.
Absolutely godly

You need to fix this and grey out the boxes for monsters that don’t have certain weapons. The way this chart was done implies that every monster has a weapon of every type and uses that to skew the results, when that is incorrect.

>my fucking face when soloing MR Kirin
I knew it would be tense but holy fuck. I had god tier defences and still got tossed around like a goddamn ragdoll. Fuck. And then Savage Jho showed up and he kept getting paralyzed over and over and over, which just make him go ballistic, which in turn just pissed Kirin off and it would smack Jho around until it got bored and left. Jho of course can't leave well enough alone so he lept coming back for more. Kirin didn't win because Jho and I ganged up on him and got him limping, and after he went to go to sleep it still took another 6 minutes of being ragdolled before I finally got him. That entire fight was terrifying from beggining to end. I think I'd rather fight Ruiner Nerg and Savage Jho at the same time than do that again. Right after that just now I soloed that tempered Nightshade Paolumu & Rathian quest and it was piss easy in comparison.

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It's deliberate to make it look so red when in fact its a 50/50 ratio

Yes, he’s only Tempered because it’s meant to be a specific individual Garuga. Kinda like a deviant but without the name.

>Need MR kirin parts for that sweet gear
>Only investigations I have are either 1 faint or 20 minute time limit
The fight is hilariously ridiculous though, despite the fact that all his attacks are completely retarded in MR being able to soften the torso with the CC makes it 10x more bearable

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>Get to Nuclear Bazzel
>Like the armor set, want a weapon to match
>Oly play heavier weapons, decide to go for the HH since it's Unique
>Never played HH before but still kinda love it
How do I make sure I'm not a shit HH? I want to bang the drums.

Ah shit I wish I had thought to do that. When he's pissed even white sharpness bounces of of him. Is there a tempered MR Kirin? God I hope not.

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any monster that didn't get a variant also gets a tempered version so yes

*starts walking back and forth*

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Both Velkhana and Namielle have grown on me considerably. They’re now easily my favourite ‘normal’ (ie not Sieges or xboxhueg) Elder Dragons in the series and easily in my top 10 monsters overall. What madlads I love them.
Bazel HH

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Can't say for Velk design-wise, but Namiella is a definite top 5.

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What monster makes your peepee hard?

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Is there a Tempered Legiana in MR due to Shrieking Legiana in that case? Or is he exclusive to HR?

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>just spent 20 minutes trying to break Monoblos' horn in 4U
probably the most unfun thing I did in this game

If its got Attack up L its useable

Who else plays the best weapon, SnS?

Legiana. Kulve. Nergigante, in a kinda weird way.

Imagine being gay enough to play as a female character in any video game

There's tempered MR Legiana

Sword and Shield
Nothing I can think comes close to how Sword and Shield feels, looking for suggestions.

For me it's Nicaragua

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With what? Rocks? When he turns arround his dumb head is super exposed, just like with diablos, HGE is super usefull for them

There is no tempered legiana since shrieking legiana exists. Tempered monsters in general gets a new move

Yeah but HOW do I use it? Just keep all of my buffs up while smacking shit?

That's because it was made by listfag and is intentionally misleading. Why else do you think it's getting spammed over and over again?


Dragon's Dogma

>There are people that exist that aren't currently using the greatest weapon in the game, the LEGENDARY BANG
SnS feels great in IB compared to base World, I can actually get decent clear times without having to resort to the unga bunga backslash slam method

Dragon's Dogma comes close, sword and shield in that game is pretty satisfying

Yep, if you're not beating the shit out of the monster while playing the music you're doing it wrong

Don't namedrop him, we dont want trouble

That was the first Monoblos encounter in HR and I'm still in LR gear. The problem wasn't even hitting it, just the fact it's a major shitzone.

He's already here so it doesn't matter. Just don't reply to him.

What do you do in IB different, just always be Perfect Rushing?

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I should look into Dragon's Dogma. Initially I was going to say something like PS2 engine Ys games.

Yeah Velkhana’s design isn’t amazing, but I like it more than I did at first. His fight is great though, I fucking despised it in the beta but during the final slay quest for him in the full game something about the fight clicked and all of a sudden I was having a fucking blast. Namielle on the other hand was cool from the start. The fight was relatively simple for an ED but it moves at its own pace and forces you to match it if you wanna kill it in a timely manner, and it does it in a much more satisfying way than most other monsters that are designed to force a particular play style on you. And right from the beginning I think we could all agree that Namielle’s design was excellent.

Also is it just me or is the sound at the end of Namielle’s roar also a sound effect for a spell in Heroes of Might and Magic 3?

Why not color the spaces with no weapons orange then? No weapon is almost as bad as a boned weapon.

He is really tame compares to W. Monoblos, just take it ez, member to use both shock and pitfall traps

>hammer main
>finally get to the velkhana slaying quest

Good God, who designed this fucking shitmon
This may be the least fun I've ever had in mhw, almost in all of mh

What's the best lance? people keep saying Shara but I had to get 4 handicraft to reach purple. Anything better?

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Just stack massive elemental damage and focus on weak points
If you can't reach weak points then make them with the CC
You can also knock monsters out with certain slinger ammo's slinger bursts, slinger thorns in particular are basically 2 guaranteed KOs in a solo hunt, then you can perfect rush that ass when they're down

Haven't got to him yet but I don't think I will find a monster I dislike more than Kushala or Azure Los.

Because the imagine was created for shitposting purposes
You wanted an accurate graph? too badd

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So Elemental Damage over raw for it?

>35 min hunt

I'm glad it's over

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Velk lance is what I use for anything remotely weak to ice. Pretty much anything else as long as its not ice resistant. The Glav lance also works good on things weak to fire.

Babel and luna are good too, jho is good as well but looks bad

Isn't Rath lance better?

Maining weapons is for faggots. That said, dauntless dual blades were fun

I just got through my first G rank hunts in GU(solo). Tetsucabra took the most adjustment since he's always so fucking angry.

Definitely, elemental is king in Iceborne for quite a lot of weapons
Sure it's a pain in the ass having a particular set for every weakness but the damage difference compared to high raw is insane on fast hitting weapons like the SnS

Do you like iceblight? Because you're going to spend the entire fight in iceblight

if i want to get into hbg, what skills do i need? im late mr already. i just know nothing about hbg. and which hbg should i go for

Probably, I go out of my way to not fight rath so I havent made it yet. Been leaning a little away from lance due to Velkhana and Shara laser moves that I cant easily evade out of the way and I don't run guard 5 to fully block them so its been carting my ass more than i wanna say.

for Velk, guard 3 is fine. For shara, NEVER GUARD AT ALL. It'll kill you quick no matter what

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i love it when the large monsters just casually do their thing and ignore you unless you fuck with them.

Slap evade extender/window on for fights against shara, guarding is basically a death wish for a lot of its attacks

Use the Iceproof Mantle or ice resist decos if the Iceblight gives you that much trouble.

It's what I feel warrior was meant to be in Dragon's Dogma. They both have the meaty swings, the satisfying connect, the constant yet irreplaceable struggle. If DD2 is ever made, I unironically hope they add a warrior with mh's GS moveset.

>people use Memelance unironically

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>get resuscitate
>iceblight is now literally a slight buff to my stamina

Poor thing, my mr kirin is 5 deaths, 4 people, and 50 minutes

You fool, that IS iceborne

>What weapon you main
>What's your favorite game that lets you mimic said main
FU, GU guild style, or World but power charge + sliding is annoying

Get resuscitate you moron.

Its definitely getting past my guard, is it only blocking if you do the super guard? Velks laser is straight up too wide to side hop and it infuriates me. Guess I need to do evade for that like said. That being said, guard lance has never been more fun in Iceborne. Hunts may take a bit but offensive guard and the clutch counter are fantastic additions

DD2 is probably in the works currently, Itsuno teased it a lot during DMC5 press. Also there was that interview with Dante’s VA who claimed that Itsuno handed in his resignation after finishing up work on Dark Arisen and producing DmC, and the heads at Capcom we’re desperate for him to stay so he demanded he got to make DMC5 and several other projects (Dragon’s Dogma 2 being the second one) with complete creative and production control, which surprisingly they gave him. So it’s highly likely that ever since work on DMC5 wrapped up that development on Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been going on, and Itsuno gets complete control over it this time so it doesn’t get hard cucked by the suits like the first game was.

Viper Tobi doesn't get enough cuteness cred, it's never actually hostile unless you attack it and just does its own thing around you
Much better than dodogama who's just an aggressive piece of shit that fires explosive rocks at you and interrupts your hunts

I do

how do i fix monhun world launching with a black screen for 3 minutes on pc? ive already tried playing it borderless which didnt work

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big snek when

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>People play anything other than GreatSword

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removing the nonexistent weapons would still show like half of the chart being red man
And it's not like its trying to start shit, it's almost universal that bone/metal models are worse than unique ones

Posted by a guy with a save editor -
>Group A Mods
>Kulu-Ya-Ku -- 1% affinity
>Jyuratodus -- +10 to element or status
>Tzitzi-Ya-Ku -- +1 to raw
>Hornetaur -- +10 defense
>Group B Mods
>Tobi-Kadachi -- 1% affinity
>Beotodus -- +10 defense
>Banbaro -- +1 to raw
>Anjanath -- +10 to element or status
>Group C Mods
>Viper Tobi-Kadachi -- +10 to element or status
>Odogaron -- 1% affinity
>Diablos -- +1 to raw
>Lavasioth -- +10 defense
>Group D Mods
>Nargacuga -- 1% affinity
>Tigrex -- +1 to raw
>Fulgur Anjanath -- +10 to element or status
>Black Diablos -- +10 defense
>Group E Mods
>Brute Tigrex -- 1% affinity
>Zorah Magdaros -- +10 to element or status
>Nergigante -- +1 to raw
>I checked, and there does not seem to be any bonuses for sticking to one thing or another. So essentially you can mix-match, or you can stick to a single type for the following:
>+5% affinity
>+5 raw
>+50 to element or status
>+40 defense (plus one more mod)

Post pictures vaguely related to your favorite monster and have others guess.

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>og silver rathalos armor never ever
Kill me

Nobody fucking cares about stats, we wants IMAGES of the fully augmented weapon to see if it looks better

Warrior got shafted so hard in comparison to other vocations that it isn't even fair. It really should've been able to equip 6 skills and maybe given Roll or some more tankiness. Fortunately though, it's saving grace is having the single biggest dick attack in vidya history.

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>he thinks it's anything other than brute tigrex or zorah, or nerg bits slapped on

but what happens if you do it on the weapons of the same monster (IE Tigrex+Tigrex mods)?

It's clearly made to start shit otherwise that faggot wouldn't be spamming it everywhere. Having grayed out boxes for weapons that don't have anything in that monster provides a more accurate representation of content.
As it is the picture is misleading because it wants you to see a big red box.

Holy shit I lost this gif fucking ages ago and I've been trying to find it ever since, thank you based user

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fuck you

Meme raths are in the game?
I only started playing 2 days ago and avoided monhun threads.

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Is there a single G game that Silver and Gold haven't been in user?

They are, and apparently are a fucking pain. I'm a pcfag so I don't know exactly. All I wanted was the OG silver los armor, that shit was so beautiful

That's something I love about world. I could be dicking around a tigrex and it wont do shit unless I attack it. The old games the monsters lost their fucking minds the moment it saw you.

Non-MH game, right?, I’d say playing DMC 5 with Nero and Gerbera arm equipped.

Fuck I forgot I had the mant

so when gameinformer was talking about that "blind bat" monster that fans love, wtf was it? it couldn't be barioth since he was revealed, and viper tobi doesn't resemble a bat at all

Yian Garuga?

Weren't they literally just referring to how Khezu/Gigginox lived in ice caves and how you'd expect to see them in those sorts of locales in previous games?
Everyone looked into that throwaway statement far too much

There's a quest to hunt both again, too.

How do I unlock Scarred Garuga?

lvl 6 forest

Give him another fifteen years.

What are your own personal walls?

Teostra and Lunastra absolutely savage me. I don't get it. Im a solid Lance main, I can wreck every other monster in the game with relative ease, but those two elders just shit on me.

It was probably just Brown Kadachi they were talking about, he has skin wings, flies about a bit, is furry and has fangs so an idiot could draw that conclusion.

Well you shouldn't be complaining then. It only benefits you.

punished garuga

To the people who want to fuck or get fucked by Nergigante, can you explain the logistics on avoiding the spikes

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Get guard up skills and anti blast/fire brainlet

Should I sell off my high rank armour? No need to hold onto them?

Elder dragons in general. I hate Kushala. Really fucking hate Kushala. Nergi isn't kind to me either.

There are no spikes on the belly. As long as I avoid being behind her everything will be fine.

It's a fantasy you dip. There are people that want to fuck their calculators.

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>fight AT Kushala
>tornadoes for days with their accompanying flight stage so you're fucked if you're melee
>wind aura also pushes you back if you have too good a time attacking
>as a cherry on top, he can roar every five seconds to one shot you while you're stunned
Fun fight.

Luna and Jho, probably Rajang too when he gets in

Is it the goal of the MH team to make every Piscine Wyvern the most obnoxious piece of shit they possibly can. If I ever met the person who designed Beotuds I'd punch in him in the throat.

I can get lunastra because she sucks with any melee weapon, but teostra is so easy on lance if you abuse counters and just hug his face
Just whack a fireproof mantle on and you're good to go

The only time I legit ate my carts was tigrex. He's a spastic retard in world and I love him.

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So is Master Rank going to be MHW's equivalent of G rank?

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Do Lv4 decos come in any possible combination or are they set in stone?
I got a Quick Sheathe and a Marathon Runner that shared Constitution as a secondary skill.

Shhhh... you'll make Ryozo mad.

It's literally G rank

Big sip

There's a set limit of how many combinations there are.

If you ever want to retry a HR quest you might want gear that doesn't curbstomp it.


I didn't have any of those and Teostra is a very easy fight with Lance. The only thing that sucks is the health drain aura.

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Tigrex in the beta made me switch mains
I didn’t really triple-cart in IB until ruiner nerg

Which means? Is it like 3U where there's a set table with how many of the total possible combinations you'll be able to get? A hidden combination limit that is counted against the ones in your possession after which they'll always repeat?

i know normally raw is usually great with GS. but what if the monster is weak to an element and that gs uses that element, would that be better than full raw?

I got so beyond angry at Kushala I achieved a zen like state and now I can deal with him in absolute serenity.

Negate Wind Pressure, Earplugs 5 and Mind's Eye, get a weapon with reach and just hit his head over and over again. Carry a fuck ton of Pills and Powders and just use the time he spends jerking off in the air to buff yourself, tell your cat to do horn buffs, sharpen etc. instead of wasting time and effort trying to catch him or get him down.
That's all it takes, if you decide the pace of the fight then the fight is always 100% in your favour.

Maybe murderchicken?

How would you make him fun to fight?

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Can't play anything but DBs, everything is so fucking fast!

>Sent Hunting Horn playing a thank you message and tell him he saved our asses
>Says the message made his day
You horn blowers are a godsend.

I started mhw 6 or 7 weeks ago and I’ve been pulling all-nighters to play ~7 hours a day. Finished IB story mode today but I’m feeling burned out. Perhaps I just need a break?

I thought we could have had a monhun free from the taint of rath recolors.

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The way element is calculated, it's unlikely that making a specialised elemental build for one weapon and one element would actually show any meaningful difference to just having a standard Raw Physical that can be applied to every situation.

It's only in Bows and DBs that Element is noticeably stronger.

We already had pink and blue retard. Your hope was dead in Jan 2018.

Even in GU they are easy as fuck baby mode. Almost as easy as things in World.

Complete rework is pretty much the only option

Any tips for SA? I don't know if I have to keep the axe buff or go sword mode anyway
>inb4 "switch to X"

larger hitboxes

>Need to hunt HR rathian for spikes so I can get MR rathian weapon
>Keep getting fucking plates and not spikes

is three the maximum number of botanical cultivation slots?

What is that boid doing?

Full rework like beotodus but with standing up as its default stance instead of swimming

Also make him a bit shorter

Yes, they said that back when it was announced. It’s literally just G Rank renamed so it makes sense to non Jap and English players too.

Best way to get Rath Spikes is get a Partbreaker build and just cut the tail off, carve it, then leave. The tail has a big percentage for rath spikes.

Also I could have sworn that you can meld them with Steel Prints, but maybe it's some other useless material.

>hunting Odogaron for maximum edge Armor
>cut off the tail and go for a carve when he disengages
>it's a mantle
Do Ebony Odogaron ask for regular Odo mats for their stuff or can I splurge as much as I want?

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>Any Kirby game with Copy Abilities
Hammer has been there since day one of his list of Copy Abilities, has only been excluded from a game once and that was 64.

Have we gotten back to the hell that is tail runs?

Someone tell me why pubs are so fucking bad?

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Try to attack the monster in patterns that fill up your song list with 4 note songs, so you can slam a recital and encore down on them when you get an opening. Horns usually have 2 or 3 of those, so just see which direction loops best (does the first song end in a note that the second song starts with? etc.) and keep that loop going so you always have 1 or 2 big recitals you can use.

That's just basic advice carried over from pre-Iceborne, now with the expansion you have Echo Wave attacks, where you do any normal attack move, and then hit L2 and your hunter will plant the horn in the ground handle first and spin it. If you do this on a monster's head it hits them like 5 times during the spin. Then the horn will get a song depending on what move you do after the echo wave.

There's some horns that have an "Impact Echo Wave," this causes a big sound burst to happen when you play it that deals pretty heavy damage, and you can stack 3 of these Impact Echo Wave songs in a row, play all 3 of them back to back, and then when you do the Encore it only does one impact echo wave, but it inflicts the damage of all 3 at once. This routine might become a new meta? I'm not sure, it's going to take time for people with more dedication to hunting horn than I have to figure it out. Like what armor skills are applied to these impact echo waves and such, it appears they can crit, so time will tell.
Until then just follow my Vanilla MHW advice, keep some big songs queued up at all times, and do one of those with an encore when you get an opening. You can do a recital in 4 directions by pushing the R2 and a direction at the same time, as well the encores can be played in 4 different directions, try them all out in the training area.

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Very late reply from last thread, but fuck it.

>But does the para from his hammer gives more dps than a higher raw hammer?
You talkin’ about A. Glav’s hammer?, then yes. There’s literally no higher raw hammer, not even Diablos’ hammer goes higher.

>I'm all in for a para+slugger+stamina thief build, but I just want the knowledge.
Then know that you have to pick between slugger secret (slugger lvl5) and stamina thief secret. One requires three blos armor pieces and the other 3 S. Jho pieces. I would go for Slugger if possible, but both are good. What you go for should depend on what you can build with the slots they provide, that is, if you can get free element, para attack, and either stamina drain / slugger, whichever you don’t have. Also protective polish is basically mandatory if you want to use A. Glavenus’ hammer, so you gotta farm that deco.

>hard time fighting Barioth
Target dem arms first thing. I break one even before targetting the head. I also like luring barioth to cramped areas because it limits its movility. The best spot imho is its nest. It can jump on walls there, but it won’t be able to if its arms are broken and it won’t be able to run away either.

>have to fight Narga next,
>bleed resistance build conflicts with my build
See, you can either tune your build to either counter a monster’s bullshit (bleed, fire and etc), or you can build to pull off your own bullshit. It’s hard to properly build for both things because then you are creating a diluted version of either build. The full para/slugger/stamina drain build certainly falls in the “pull off your own bullshit” category and thus your best answer to whatever the monster is trying to do is to get the KO / para fest rolling as soon as possible to get the upper hand and then just adapt to dealing with the monster’s status/elemental moves without building around them.

If you are ever around /mhg/ at europe hours remember that your pal Josuke lent you a hand.

Ebony Odo has its own mantles, I believe.

If you ever want Velkhana armour down the line then the Legs need an Odogaron Mantle, so keep that in mind.

No Idea. Japanese crows are weirdos.

Does this Josuke carry a proud pompadour?

Ebony has his own mantle for some reason, but you need a normal Odo mantle for velkhana armor

but i'm trans????

But that doesn't make sense since he also said it was in monster hunter stories

>Alpha Baan Armor looks cool as hell, and the shiny mineral body looks quite interesting when set to white
>it has horrible skills and slots
Why must you torture me so?

How do you feel about Artian Head & Gloves? Free Element on both and they provide Critical Status.

No excuses, you have the gay.

They technically never left, it was just not really necessary for anything that wasn't a break exclusive reward or monsters that weren't massive health sponges

Teo + Velk or 4 set Namielle for elemental dbs?

What do you want to know?

is there blood in game yet

One benefits Hidden Element without the need for the skill investment, and the other does not. Your choice. Teo & Nami 2-piece is also an option for HE weapons.

Sol with Razor Sharp Charm might be better than both, it depends.

Charge up Sword mode, clutch claw to face and spam Zero-Sum. EZ

Are there any other games with deep/fun character gearing & customization like mhw? Aside from other MH games. I love how this game has the feel of a dense tabletop game before each hunt

Who here /fullTeo/?

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> Beachy LBG has rapid fire sticky
>IG has a dive attack
What other fun shit have you guys been holding out on


pic related or

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Fuck meant brachydios
I mean, it's no valor counter but it'll have to do. Been getting my ass kicked in buttery smooth 12fps though, PC has fucking spoiled me.

There's a fourth in iceborne.

Let's say I have 1500 raw weapon, and a 1300 raw 200 elem weapon. Would the 1500 raw outdamage the elem one against a monster weak to that element?

That was quite informative, thank you very much.
Is there a best way to farming Lv4 decos?

How do you unlock it?

>didn't lose any health

>so you can slam a recital and encore down on them when you get an opening.
What exactly are these? I've heard them before but I'm too stupid to see how they work and the training room didn't help as much. I figured out the Echo Wave attack and I tend to open up with Self-Improvement x2 with Attack Up followed by Attack Up XL/Faster Recovery/Extended Recovery

>IG has a dive attack
Tell me more. Is it actually useful offensively or more of a "get to the ground fast" move?

Looking for that Glimmer MR 2 optional quest

iframes on the dash attack.

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of course

I don’t quite recall the skills or slots on those pieces, but it could very much be worth it to include if it is a 2 piece set bonus that you can run alongside Diablos’ or Jho’s set bonus. Double set bonus builds are often really cool, unique and vwry good at what they do, even if they are not quite meta. Of course if you are running Crit status though you are probably looking at Girros’ hammer as your go-to because of the high affinity, which means you don’t want free element anymore. However, if you can also work critical eye and weakness exploit into your build you can start thinking about using other hammers that do require free element and are stronger, but that’d be a very deco-heavy build, so you might not be able to pull it off, at least for now.

I recommend you pick ‘key’ armor pieces first. Go for the ones that naturally give you very important key skills naturally AND also give you a lot of deco slots. A good example of such an armor piece (for building peak performance builds in particular) would be the Blackveil Val Hazak helm, which gives you two levels in PP and great slots and also counts towards superrecovery.

In short, you want to look for the sweetest armor piece you want to build around (the best blos or jho armor piece in your case), then go from there. Thus, step one shoukd be picking the best 3 jho / blos pueces for the set bonus then find other pieces that can round out your build the way you wish.

I did something akin to that building around Nerg Y pieces, healing kinsects and Luna chest as the main key piece in HR and the set turned out so good it carried me straight to MR 5 without one single failed quest. I can assure you my method is foolproof.

Honestly I don't know the exact numbers, I just know it depends on Motion Values and how they differ per weapon.

The main issue is that Crit Element is very important for elemental builds which highly limits builds to running potentially sub-par armor pieces, whilst physical builds have way more flexibility or just straight up better sets and set bonuses to work with.

>Would the 1500 raw outdamage the elem one against a monster weak to that element?

Monsters have hitzone values for weapon type and elements, so it's specific to each monster which makes things fucky.

An optional quest. There's like 2 to make your farm box bigger first, then the one that gives you a new slot.

if it's light bowgun, look at the ammo types. some will have orange arrows next to them. build around those ammo types. so if there are orange arrows next to ice ammo, get ice damage.
once you do that, you'll typically want to either reduce the recoil or increase reload speed. you can do that by modifying them.

don't mind us, we're just gonna buzz a little closer, go ahead and mine your ores

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I haven't played with it much but it auto starts a ground combo upon landing and sends your kinsect out to attack aswell. Some IG main would know better

>hammer and greatsword
>Dragon's Dogma warrior

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>There are still people using Drachen garbage on MR and carting on 2 hits

Fucking japs

is Zinogre only in Guiding Lands?

>knock the lights out of a Tigrex
>as I begin to Big Bang his dumb head a Vespoid sneaks up on me from behind and paradoxes me for the whole stun duration

I purposely let my huntress get stunned by these so i can watch her spaz out
I kick toads too

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I'm still lurking. Thank you, kind soul.

First meet him in coral highlands hunting a Nargacuga. Don't even have the main quest for him yet.

I had one of these assholes paralyse me whilst i'm trying to take photos of a Gajalaka Fire Bomb.

I never had issues with this assholes in the base game, did they change their AI to make them hate you?

Not him, but as a fervent IG zealot it’s the literal canned shitballs. It’s one pf your most damaging moves, THE most damaging while in midair, marks the monster for some kinsect action and combos into your other strongest move, tornado slash.

So yeah, the new dive move is an absolute game changer for IG. Now the weapon can get much faster times too if you are into TAutism.

>Huh, check it out, that hunter's sharpening
>Heh awww yeh heh I'm gonna... I'm gonna poke 'em
>Uh huh huh huh cool huh huh huh... hunters suck

Isn't there a Crit Boost + Deco?

when you play a song, you can hit the play button again to do a second, very strong attack which plays an improved version of the song. You can also roll out of the encore if you don't actually need the new song, which saves time. Encore does good damage so it's worth playing songs + encore even if you don't need any songs at all just for the damage

encore also lets you reposition when you play it since you'll sort of move in the direction you press when you play it

what's the most fun fight in iceborne?

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Capcom aren't clueless, neither CB or WEX get + Decos.

The only equivalent is Handicraft 2

Fighting nargacuga makes my heart pound

I liked acid glav

Velkhana would be pretty fun with less ledges

Always willing to lend a hand m8.

Not him, but I honestly feel that I need Brace 3 for some fights when it comes to using songs/encores, am I in the wrong for thinking so? Especially in multiplayer.

As a Frenchman, Velkhana.

>still deciding but I'm tied with ls and lance
>what weapon would let me mimic Dante from dmc? I'm thinking charge blade

As an IG player I just love dunking on Velkhana with extreme prejudice.

I would say Namielle but I find her quite a bit harder to dunk on.

Okay, I think I'm getting it now. How does Encore improve the songs? Longer durations?

how the fuck do I make layered armor?

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My hopping negroes.

Namielle whenever he doesn't do his supernova that only kills me

Some encores add completely new buffs (Self Improvement), some encores increase the buff strength, and some encores increase duration

It depends on the song.

Wait for events. As of right now there is only a single set of layered armor that you can get normally, being the Thermal Set. The glasses are also there for some reason.


Are PC hunters just bad? Triple cart under 4 minutes against AT Xeno. It's like they literally have no idea how to avoid attacks.


I heard in either Arekkz or Team Darkside’s channel that those do exist though, but that they are extremely rare.

Think what you will about them, but they almost never say something that isn’t accurate.

Nargacuga is for fucking, not fighting

Fucking Nargacuga makes my heart pound.

You run into shit players just as much on ps4

I finished a request but the text bubble next to it is still there. Is that a bug?

My experiences with weapons in Master rank:
Most consistent. Draw attacks are now the meta because monsters are too fast for anything else unless they're panting/downed/paralyzed. Becomes fucking useless on faster monsters.
Jesus fucking christ almost unusable unless you somehow have the true Mind's Eye and can instinctually guard point the non-stop attacks.
Invincible against most monsters. Offensive guard helps keep your damage from being shit. Hunts will take a long ass time. Flying monsters will make you want to blow your own brains out.
THE weapon for Master Rank. Every fight and set seems specifically crafted with longsword in mind.

My boy who has returned to get tailcut by me again mid-spin. The best 1v1 no bullshit duel in all of monster hunter. His fume-huffing cousin can fuck right off.

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Bet his is all gold while yours only has one gold.

>best designed IG is a Gen DLC weapon from an obscure manga

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>Flying monsters will make you want to blow your own brains out.
You can literally flash at any time now, just abuse that shit. You can also just spam counter claw. If you time it right, you can proc offensive guard for a truly satisfying I WOUNDED IT.

>You can literally flash at any time now
And they're useless.
They work once per hunt and down the monster for about 10 seconds and they'll just start flying again.
Did you even use them in MR yet?

I just bought it for pc, visuals look great in cutscenes, field visuals are pretty crisp too.
Seems to be some terrible issues with voice synching, and some slight choppiness during the opening climbing section.
Is this a common initial problem, or is a ryzen 3600 and 5700xt not enough for this game?
Maybe I should cap the fps instead of getting it be unlimited

user, the lists come from people with save editors who gave themselves max amount of every single deco in the game.

It's a glitch with how legiana calls echo.

Audio bug for the distant roars that monsters make when you're in a different area. Same thing happens with Raths in the Ancient Forest.

>yfw this starts playing

Any IG bros at endgame? What Glaives are you using or consider worth getting?

I saw talk about a Hammer and paralysis build. I don't recommend it. I made an uncapped slugger and max para gyros hammer build and tested it on a few monsters.
The results were always the same, paralysis would process, then like 3-4 hits after KO would proc. Essentially wasting the paralysis. The is would continue to the 2nd and third process cycles too.

Tl;Dr don't do it. KO will waste the paralysis. And stamina drain is useless if the monster is enraged iirc.

10 seconds is enough to crash them into a wall. Also lance has one of the highest vertical reaches in the game, I can't think of any monster that you can't at least poke at when mid flight.

Das it mang

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hey I'm trying to get all the palico gadgets, but I can't find any doodles in the coral highlands or the rotten vale. Should i just keep looking for them?

There's much less risk of overlap if you actually don't stack para.

Maybe so, but they are still working with valid decos that are found in-game.

I don’t really mind wether T. Dks cheated for their decos or not as long as I can get them through grinding.

You don't need to find doodles for those

For the coral highlands you'll get jumped by some cats riding shamos, beat them and follow them to their nest

For the rotten vale you need to find a cat looking for meat in odo's nest, then follow it back to its own nest and place some raw meat to draw it out of hiding

Should I give up? I've done like 20 runs and pubs keep fucking failing me.

>Watch a "clutch claw" guide since wallbanging doesn't seem to be consistent for me. Have only gotten it to happen once.
>Watch a 12 minute guide.
>He spends over half the video explaining how to grab on and press the triangle button to weaken a part.
>He then goes over this explanation a second time.
Why is it so fucking obvious youtube losers just pad their videos so they're over 10 minutes no matter how simple the explanation?

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They're padding for time lol should've just asked us

Astalos is an underrated monster, he's one of the few fun Flying Wyverns, wish we would have gotten him in IB too.

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Vaal Hazak continues to be pure cancer absolutely retarded brainded game design. Any tips for Blackveil VH? Any MR armor with effluvia resist?

Literally just dodge his attacks.

The point is, there's no crit boost+ deco in game.

how do you dodge cancer clouds fuckface

If he's enraged it doesn't work, and if you turn him around too much he might enrage

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Yes because he's supposed to be unique, reminds me of the one horned diablos from freedom.

This Also you should be using Apothecary mantle to trigger Para way before you get the KO. Also stamina drain does work on enraged monsters. Sure, they still become pretty aggressive, but I’ve seen more than one monster just standing there doing nothing while being angry as fuck because they don’t have stamina.

My theory is that going into rage mode gives them back some stamina, but not that much.

Don’t stand in the clouds.

hes fairly popular and is a favored skeleton
probably will be in mh6

Maybe not crit boost+, but I swear I saw a WE+ deco in their vids.


I don't have a bow charge plus deco, is worth using the shitty legiana set just to get the set bonus?

There are no gems in game that are not on that list.

GL is a retarded variant of lance made for autistic children
LS is for weeaboos
DB is for kiritofags that love to cart
HH are healsluts
SnS are just fucking pitiful and irrelevant, what a bunch of losers
Bow is fucking gay
IG is actually fine
CB is the high IQ galaxy brain weapon that for some ironic reason only retards use
SA is based
Lance is the chadest weapon of them all, absolute units
GS is the shitter trap
HBG is for ULTRA violence
Hammer a best
LBG is for being untouchable and chip damage the monsters to death like a rain of needles.

>hes fairly popular
Nobody tell him Japs hate Astalos

They looked at the Dragoon Jump from their FFXIV collab and said "Huh, this should be an IG move" and made it literally the most powerful fucking move you can do with the IG, needs a bit of aim to nail it right but I've gotten my whole jump to do 400+ damage with my shitty decos.

>Lance is the chadest weapon of them all, absolute units
You mean people who are afraid of the monster.

Lunastra just fucks my ass raw. To the point I'm defensive the whole time and I havent killed one yet. Bitch sets every fucking thing on fire

Just give me any third person shooter with a big ass gun.

Chads don't hide behind a wall and tickle their enemies user

You should have like 50 effluvia resistance decos by now m8. Literally one of the most common decos.

Also go full raw. Blackveil is quite resistant to most status and elements.

RIP that gpu.

What list?, I saw no list.

>when they get into the attacks in purpose because they fear nothing
They laugh at the face of danger, no other weapon but hammer can do that.

You don't have to fear anything when you have an impenetrable wall that cannot be broken you can hide behind at any point in time.
No need to learn a monster's attacks when you can just hold R2.

>assuming guard lancing

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I cant get a surspike for shit

>fairly popular
lmao he's legit the least popular of the fated four and only Tama is left in the top 10 as of the last popularity poll in Japan

You are just jealous your stick doesn’t go boom-boom like mine.

I fucking love the Charge Blade, Amy good ones for IceBorn? I love my Deviljho blade but I need an upgrade, any tips? I'm also really starting to love Horn, currently using teostra orphee

The link in though the pic helps you understand how they set the up.

fuck that's right completely forgot they existed

There's no way he's less popular than Gammoth, and I love Gammoth.

That confirmed orrr?

The Melting Grasp
A. Glavenus.
Run w/ handicraft and Protective polish.

You shouldn't need it, I've never used it, and haven't experienced getting tripped in this game yet. Kind of strange, I wonder if they gave HH trip immunity during recitals or something.

100% is less popular now.

GS is for Virgins and Chads.

How are you coping PC bros?
I'm trying to make a mushroomancer build so I can support my bros when we get into iceborne.

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Glad to be helpful anyways.

EBA is the first thing that comes to mind.

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Only game I can think of where you swing around a big cannon is SoulWorker. Are there any others?

Playing other games, huntan occasionally. I already did literally everything in base World except autistic crown collecting.

Savage Jhotaro. Who in the ever loving fuck decided it'd be a good idea for not only his head to be 15 miles off of the goddamn ground but for it to also be a constant source of damage when you finally get close to it? Nevermind the fact that his ass stumbles to the other side of the fucking area when you finally manage to KO him. This shit sucks for Hammer and is only mildly acceptable for CB and I hate it.

i will fucking hug you

I remember that in the poll in which Mizu made it to first place Astalos was 8th overall and was the 3rd place out of the Fated Four, Gammoth is far less popular.

Can't you clutch claw him after every charge attack when he stumbles back 500ft?

Oh come on, I suck at this game but even I was able to forge a fire weapon and get a 40 min no-cart kill on 1st try

Do you even realize how long ago that poll was? There's been two major franchise polls since then. The most recent one is the one that had Zinogre at 1, Narga at 2, and Nergigante at 3.

>Also you should be using Apothecary mantle to trigger Para way before you get the KO
I don't get it.
Isn't the only way that would happen is if you intentionally don't hit the head, which is the whole point of hammer? You'd essentially be nerfing your own damage just to make the proc last.
In the case of apothecary you'd have to ask yourself is it worth having a mantle for the sole purpose of offsetting your status effect timings AND not hitting your most effective hitzone during that time.

I got filtered by Shara Ishvalda.

It's just a stupid Mammoth

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I tried fighting Savage Jho the first time I found him and I could barely get in any attacks (using SA)

Namielle is for ________

>You can just hold R2 the whole time while mounting
300 hours in and I only just now learn this.

Hunting obviously, the fuck else would you do? Can't capture elders.

Only just defeated Velkhana and I just can't deal with Ebony Odogoran.

Only recently got MHW and trying to do AT Xeno right now. Pubs are suffering holy shit. I see hunters with 100+ ranks more than me carting every fight

Does SAED cause other players to flinch or go flying? I'm a virgin to CB and I'd like to use it lengthwise down a monster for maximum effect but I don't want to accidentally bully everyone else

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you can move instead of brace 98% of the time

I kill every single one I see. Why do people portray him as this cute fat lovable monster that only defends himself when he freaks out the second I come near him.

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Post kill screens
>fucking odo ate the trap that was gonna be used for capping

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wishing its armor had any good stats :,(

Who cares, other players should have a Flinch Free decoration on at all times to avoid being interrupted and to maximize their damage. Anyone who claims otherwise is a fucking idiot.

The axe knocks them down on the floor while the discharge can flinch them

I'm playing dark souls 3, not many monster-like bosses, most were humanoid, at least Midir is a fat ass dragon.

Gammoth when? I need more winter clothes.

Seething Bazel wasn't as bad as I expected.
The monster that kicked my shit in most so far was that optional tempered black diablos quest, but I think that was because I was being impatient.

I've seen personified fan art of Xeno, Kulve, Velkhana and Nerg so far. When is Nami getting some?

GS truly represents the duality of man

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>Fighting Seething Bazel
>Get carted when Brach sneaks up and uses his strong roar to keep me in place.
Do all blast monsters have a pact to be shitheads together?

Next game
Unless they add a big fucking ice arena for Ukanlos/Gammoth/Rusted Kush/etc

Hopefully never, ye who has shit taste.

hi LBG fren, looking to play some time as LBG, gib me decent MR ~60 HR ~300 armorset for LBG, i was thinking namielle 4pc and going ele through lunastra lbg's?

no knowledge about the lbg, but i am wizard of cb

Do you guys prefer to hunt solo or online?

Experience online has told me that most people don't.

Break his legs and make this bitch a cripple with crutches.

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So Savage Joe can pin through Guard Up.
Any fellow Lances find a way to avoid it reliably? The initial pin doesn't do too much damage so it's not a danger to my life if I have a good slinger ammo or a Flash equipped but it wastes a lot of time.

Online. Usually SOS if not with friends. I haven't run into very many really bad pubbies yet somehow.

Looks sexy as fuck, thank you

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Every time I unlock a new monster I hunt it once solo and then I do online only. I enjoy the challenge but playing with other people is just more fun IMO.

I'm a PCfag.

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Enraged monsters cant get wall banged because claw attacks and slinger bursts dont affect them.
Every monster runs about twice it's total length when you shoot the shot, and only bounce when the entirety of their head would smash into the wall/fall over the edge of whatever you're aiming towards.
The claw attack makes them rotate just about 90 degrees, and when you fire your slinger burst it shows you which direction they'll head even if they have their head turned or some shit.
Four actions results in an enrage. This means 3 claw attacks and a shot will enrage them after they get up from a bounce or if they dont get bounced at all. A bounce counts as an action, meaning that a claw attack, a shot, and a bounce takes up 3. The next time you claw onto them, your next action will cause an enrage. This in itself is kinda useful for monsters like Glavenous and Odo since in Glave's case, he has more of a chance to sharpen his tail and Odo will get tired out much more easily. This works for the variants as well, though E Odo has considerably more stamina than base.
Monsters that can fly will immediately get stunned if you shoot them while they're flying, with the only exceptions I know of being the Rathalos monsters and the Legianas. They still require you to hit walls even if theyre flying and will be immune to falling over sides while flying.
Finally, you can bash monsters off of more than what you think. Anything breakable but still solid to you counts. You can slam them into environmental traps to trigger them, like the Avalanche in Hoarfrost or the Vine trees in the Forest. Any grounded monster can be thrown over the edge of cliffs as long as they're longer than the monster's legs, and they seem to take more damage depending on the size of the drop. You can bash monsters together if they're ganging up on you as well, damaging them both in the process and resulting in a stun.

Hunting with Friends > Hunting Solo > Hunting with Randoms

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No you definitely trip but from my experience I've only tripped from way higher level monsters, only recently I've experienced this with horn

Knocks you down if you get beaned by it, even with flinch free 1.

Solo every time for first encounters and anything intended to be challenging, online for farming and optional clearing.

I enjoy playing wide range sns and hunting horn with strangers!

Not really. You can still target the head and the first Para will still trigger way before the first KO. Initial status thresholds are often very low and apothecary gets ypu there in a matter of seconds.

Also the best status build-up move is the spin lvl3 charge and the slide charge, which are pretty innacurate so you weren’t going to land all hits on the head in the first place.

Also apothecary is way better than you give it credit for. Whenever monster is down from anything and you can throw it on, its almost a free para.

Also, from my experience it IS wirth it sometimes to hit other things besides the head (mostly when head isn’t available), after all, hitting the legs to trip the monster is a thing even for hammer.

Is it now possible to get crowns outside of investigations and event quests?

Online every chance I get (except most story missions).
I like interacting with people in this game.

When you cap a monster and you set down a BBQ spit and someone runs up to you and does the same thing and you both get well-done meat just as the 20 second timer comes to an end, you feel good.

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Tough call. Online is more fun but it can also be too easy.

>Can bash monsters together or run them off cliffs
Neat, I had no idea, thanks for the info.

Online when I'm too lazy or when I want to piggyback off HR999 players

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but... but thats not useful to me, and its not useful to you. i love pc, but why are you so willing to wait so long, play mhw on ps4 now, i demand it

>It's a "IG user with half health tries to all in the enraged Bazel that's in a corner when we only have one cart left" episode
God fucking damnit I hate the French.

Every weapon but HH = Solo only
HH = online only, strangers only

I love carrying retards with HH by being their infinite medpack, buffbot, and knockout champ. It's extremely satisfying to watch retards get wapped by every attack and be immortal because HH is so overpowered. There's something fun about sheparding 3 retards to victory through sheer buffspam

ps4 has no gaems except for bloodborne, I rather wait.

There has been since launch, the effect is just REALLY fucking tiny.

Anytime, though it's recommended that if you ARE going to try that, try to have the larger monster be the one being launched. It doesn't seem to follow the same rules as the, in which I mean that it only needs any portion of the front to hit any non tail portion of the target to result in a dual stun. Obviously if they're in eachother's face it doesn't matter, but for monsters like Puke, Pao and Girros, it gets much harder to aim than say, Glav, Diablos and Jho.

I think even in base world you could in expeditions, but that was beyond unreliable. In iceborne it seems you can in optionals.

2020 here. If I don't have Glutton, what HBG should I use for a spread build?

Today I killed a Banbaro with a golf swing of my hammer as it turned its' face toward me for the perfect connection. Although not terribly complicated to pull off it had been my first go at the hammer since getting iceborne and I must have watched the clip I recorded of it about 20 times because it was so satisfying at the time.
What sort of great moments have you guys had recently?

>actually stones
why stones tho? are the monsters made out of stone or something?

I think it's supposed to be bits of scales

Beat namielle on my first attempt solo was a thrill.

HR Nerg->MR Anja->Zinogre. Zin's HBG is fucking busted. It's hilarious.

There’s a very small amount of blood there too.

I haven't gotten to him yet myself but I've been trying out the clutch counter wherever possible with the lance, have you given that a try when he does the guard breaking attack?

Just killed him in under 20 min no carts. Effluvia resist really is a game changer.

on pc no iceborne yet

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I wish there was still good visual feedback if you have damage numbers off
Like scales are fine for shitzones but give me some more blood on real weakpoints

She's cute.

clearmind charm bro.

I don't want that, I want the huge ass amount of blood previous games had, it just feel so satisfying, in FU you could even cut a giaprey in half if you hit it on the air, it was fucking metal.

Post hunters

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>try the jho bowgun some user kept shilling
>get the first KO before I even have to reload

O-Oh my...

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Much as I love SA I had to drop it. It became get one attack in, evade, get one attack in, evade, repeat. I don't wanna live my life in a mantle and have to always fit evade into my build.

>have to go back to LR/HR to make weapons that MR versions can only be upgraded from

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nightly el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow

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If you like weapons that switch between a sword and an axe you should give the charge blade a go. If you learn guard points evasion doesn't even have to be a part of how you play.

Tips for namielle ?

Don't get wet

>monster that spams aoes AND creates ledges everywhere
Just fuck my shit up

You can block her big fuck you area blast. Most of it anyhow. Make note of dry areas that are safe to stand on.

I just realized these posts are actually about Palicos meowing all the time

If you’re melee, stay in close and avoid the thunder nova ohko

Are you searching for SOS flares to help your struggling low rank companions progress with their hunts?

Is melee heavy bowgun with KO still viable in MR?

For you

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Are the armor and weapons from the post end game monsters game changing at all? Want to get a build down but don't want it to become obsolete after I fight the later monsters.

Finished my Nuclear set, time to either rip Vaal a new asshole or have him rip me one.

Teo 3 piece is back to being built around in a lot of melee sets, I guess

I want to use it but the actual skills and decos slots are garbage. And I'm talking more about the actual new guiding lands monsters.


Is it a bad idea to stick with one of the basic bitch Rarity 9 MR armor sets for the rest of the expansion? I like how I look, just beat Velkhana and I'm getting by but getting hit sucks.

You also run Garuga legs

Who gives a shit when layered armor exists.

thats fine honestly, i stuck with brachydios' set and GS and beat shara
youre a flaming faggot bitch

Better off with Narga 3 set for Razor Sharp and some actual Evade skills. Slots are still shit though.
Or just good ol Whetfins with 1 point in Speed Sharpening.

Yea, all 5 of them plus the two from iceborne

For what it's worth, much like for base world, we're almost certainly all going to be using post release dlc weapons and armors at the end.

Nigga, master's touch is the best skill in the entire series. You build that no questions asked.

Hot springs layered with Garuga legs is all I need.

>killed a charging Tigrex with my own GS charge
it's good to be home

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>>killed a charging Tigrex with my own GS charge
Literally how? Monsters connect their attack with me way before I can ever hit them and send me flying.

Teostra's set is hot garbage besides the gloves even in MR.
If you don't have to sharpen until the monster leaves the room then True Razor Sharp is effectively the same shit

>deep into the postgame
>I'm still using Taroth Strongarm ice

It better. These G rank weapons kinda suck.

The dual Tigrex MHFU urgent taught me well.

The fight is cancer at first but at some point it just clicks and makes sense. Stick with it and eventually you’ll get it.

Solo if its something difficult and online if its something easy which sounds reversed till you realize online means playing with japs who are all total shitters

Having a monster literally run into the true charge will always be the most satisfying thing.

Not having to sharpen until the monster fucks off vs not having to sharpen at all. MS is objectively the highest long term dps skill in the game.

>tfw retards refuse to pull back and heal themselves because you've done it for them more than once
Fucking gigantic faggots the lot of them. What the hell makes people think I want to eat through my life powders and dusts of life just because they don't want to stop hitting things? I'm not your goddamn mother or a cleric. Fuck you Runa you absolute shitter of a human being. I hope you have a dog and it gets parvovirus you fetid cunt.

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Oh god oh shit please tell me there is a way to grind gold rath besides the one in a fuck you chances she shows up in the grinding lands. It took so long just to find one

I will save this gif, and then forget why saved it years later in your honor!

I used GS for the first time the other day against Banbaro, and when I finally landed a TCS for the first time it also severed the tail. I cannot for the life of me use the thing against fast monsters but against slow boys I’ve been shown the light.

In my friend group, one runs SnS Wide Range and the other plays HH. I've got a real bad habit now of getting it, tossing on a mantle and waiting for someone to heal me.

Investigations, and there's a quest for her + silver rath at MR 125. It's a request for the Impact Mantle upgrade, but it stays on the quest list.

Is coalescence worth using?
Seems useful but I'm kinda reluctant to use the alpha version of velkhanas set because muh slots.

I don't normally advocate capping monsters as it's a bitch move, but but always cap the postgame monsters. You get to fight them again in the special arena.

That or SOS other people's special arena quests.

>Play Gunlance since forever
>Decide to give Lance a try againfor the first time since MHFU
>Can't get used to not shelling

I've been spoiled.

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Only on monsters with Blast or Fire but in those cases you're better off just making yourself immune in the first place.

You would be surprised how hard health augment coddled people

>As of right now there is only a single set of layered armor that you can get normally, being the Thermal Set.
How get?
Also you can get the Guild Cross Layered from the AT Kushala right now, and half of the Dante Layered from AT Teostra, since it also requires Red Orbs.

God Shara is a such a fuckin great fight
>He digs away underground to do the spirit bomb
>Dive it and start charging after him
>He does his shower thing where vibration waves go in all directions back and forth
>manage to run between them and knock him out of it
So goddamn good

Never stray from the path.

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Now, now, user. Don't call out people like that. What happens on the field stays there.

He has a command grab where he bites you off his shoulder, throws you down, pins you with his foot, and breathes blood dragon lightning on you

>Never stray from the path.
>6 LS
>2 SnS
>2 IG

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>never stray from the path

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>Only have one Blight Deco for Black Veil
Hahaha now I remember why I fucking hate Vaal.

So what the fuck happened to the movie?

you need effluvium decos not blight

Solo when learning monsters, online for shits and giggles if I don't care about the quest failing.
AT Nerg was my absolute favourite in base world since I knew the quest was going to fail 90% of the time, and just wanted to see how far people could get.

A teaser was release, and Rathalos does Tigrex's roar animation.

Anderson is currently being sued by an ex stunt double for unsafe practices.
Other than that the movie still looks like it's going to be awful but make enough Chink Money to guarantee a (equally shitty) series.

i mean he didnt, he was tempted yet he never strayed from the path. fucking morons

That's what I meant, Miasma. Still, fuck Vaal.

Exactly my point. Straying from the path was absolutely terrible. I learned that anything other than GS isn't even a real weapon.


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don’t wish death upon dogs, shitter

Get the charm then.

>have a 19 in ice resistance
>have 740 defense in total
>still somehow get one shotted by Velkhanas easy peasy ass ice beam
Literally what the fuck am I doing wrong?

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>decide to play elemental SnS
>turns out element doesn't work at all on my shield attacks, so I'm just spamming spiral slashes and perfect rushes when the monster is down
am i doing it wrong?

Is there any way to make air IG good? The R2 does some decent damage but has a long animation time.

An MH movie could actually work and not be terrible but Anderson is incapable of making one, and he doesn’t want to make good movies anyway.

>come back to the game after like a year
>try the FFXIV crossover
>first Behemoth
Jesus Christ is this fight supposed to be so ridiculous solo? I remember hearing it's meant for a group but holy fuck.

Air just isn't meant to be your main damage zone, it's for remaining offensive while dodging and softening the target for mounting, but the real damage is on the ground.

Yeah I would just HBG cluster bomb him to death.

You can use it on flying monsters since it's better than flailing around on the ground if you can't flash, but otherwise but otherwise you're better off just using jumps for evasion and gap closing.

vitality gem x 3
or dodge the beam, there are obstacles and variations in elevation to help you.

His HP is always set the same regardless of playing solo or in multi.

Yeah I get that. But damn being in the air makes it so much easier to keep up with these fast as fuck monsters like Barioth and Tigrex. On the ground I just get fucked.

>Defense boost still doesn't matter online

maybe throw some mounts and wallbonks for good measure.

Exactly. Everything is there for just a simple movie about people hunting monsters.
Instead we're getting the American Military teleported to an alternate dimension of monsters to fight them with machine guns and humvees before they somehow get sucked into our world (likely to help save on location budget) while Mila plays ANOTHER immediately OP bitch who makes the source material look like a joke.

Nothing. Perfect rush has the best dps and looks cool as fuck. What else do you want to do?
Trust me, this is way better than the day spamming falling shield bash was the most optimal way of dps.

Your DLC monsters;

Rajang (debuts the new Fanged Beast skeleton in the works for the next game)
Zamtrios (debuts the the new Amphibian skeleton in the works for the next game)
Nerscylla (debuts the new Temnoceran/Neopteron/Carapaceon skeleton variation/s in the works for the next game)
Chameleos (endgame focus, his revised moveset is designed to make him fight completely unlike any ED currently in the game)
Alatreon (endgame focus, he gets water elemental control and can use all elements both grounded and flying, attacks Seliana and is later fought in a new arena)

Just started Iceborne and I want to try playing LS but the only seemingly good one I have is the Kjárr Fire. Is it okay or no?

even worse

I really don't think we're gonna get any mid difficulty monsters like Zamtrios and Nerscylla as DLC
Unless they're buffed massively like Lunastra was. Zamtrios could just be given Tigerstripe's moveset instead of the shitty "I'm a massive fat weakpoint now" phase if they wanted to make it harder but even Shrouded Nerscylla isn't a challenge at all without big reworks.

Its ok, you'll drop it for something better in MR anyways

Rajang is literally modified nerg/behemoth skeleton

>massive AOE spam
>creates countless ice walls obscuring vision
>ice beams can go through those walls, and any other wall
>circling ice beam thats undodgable unless you can sheath and superman dive within 1 second
>only wants to fight in narrow areas filled with trees and ledges
>endless AOE-beam-tail stab combos
>ice defense does nothing
>very strong against frame rates
pure cancer

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Group is much easier then solo. I suck ass playing solo but co-op even with strangers is way easier for me.

No he isn't

I felt the same way too at first but once you get into the flow of the fight it’s actually pretty easy, and he’s only got like two moves that can catch you off guard. Unironically one of the best ED fights in the series.

Underrated post

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Is Direwolf even a real armor? Where is it?

Fuck, my HBG's still kind of low rarity. I guess I need to upgrade a new one.

I guess it's a neat idea to make it focused on group play like the MMO, but I can't help but imagine this will be a pain in the ass now that nobody's hunting him anymore.

I'm cleaning up stuff I missed before buying IB, which in retrospect I should have done before IB actually came out.

He shares zero animations with them from what we’ve seen and is quite often posed differently and has slightly different proportions. I’m 99% sure it’s a new skeleton the main team have been working on for MH6 that they decided to debut earlier with Iceborne DLC since it was finished so soon in development.

Luna/Nerg is an upgrade over the normal Nerg gun in HR

this is actually reasonable

that boaboa tempered beotodus quest was cute as hell
i love these goblin bros

What is the deal with the steamworks mini game in the new town, is it really just random? What are the numbers popping up for if it doesn't work when I input them in that order?

Nothing does what monster hunter does. It's why I play the ever living shit out of it.

Yes, it's random. The numbers are what the correct sequence for what you just inputted was.

Yeah the crossover monsters are a mixed bag. They’re cool conceptually but for better or worse they make them fight exactly the same way as in their original game. It’s mostly for worse. Leshen in the Witcher crossover is fucking AIDS but at least tolerable, but good luck with Ancient Leshen.

it's random, they let you R2 through it because the odds are the same
the numbers are to taunt you it seems

What animals for monsters are we missing from MH?

I had 250 hrs on ps4. But unfortunatley no way to transfer to PC. How long to get to the endgame if I fast track? I havent played since Jho, how much new content is there?

Birbs, since Malfesto seems all but forgotten.

No Snails

Mantis shrimp

Snails and non elder dragon snakes.

A lot of them, but there’s tons of monsters who aren’t directly comparable to real world animals. Let’s not fall down the Pokémon autism rabbit hole of ‘BUT WHAT ANIMAL IS IT BASED ON ITS GOTTA BE BASED ON ONE SNIMAL WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT COMBINES TRAITS FROM TWO DIFFERENT ANIMALS THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS WHAT THE FUCK THIS ONE ISNT BASED ON AN ANIMAL AT ALL IT FUCKING SUCKS’

The numbers shown is what the correct sequence was. Has no bearing on future rolls. Its like scratching the prize box on a lottery ticket that didnt win. Just what could have been. It's there to torment you.

How do you make a snail monster interesting to fight?
>non elder dragon snakes
There's a total of one, Naja, and he's awful
They probably can't figure out how to make him work

>can't get myself to stop using my Kulve weapons with their health regen augments
Send help

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Are my connection settings fucky or is it an issue for everyone that sessions are barren and there's hardly any SOS flares? I can't imagine it's a game population problem, I could hop on base game at any time long after all content was old news and get pages and pages and pages for anything.


>Non elder dragon snakes.
I mean, he's kinda shitty but there's no need to be an asshole to him like that man

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I could tolerate it if it the cart comes because it's a fast monster not giving you breathing room but the dumb bastard started his train of failure by carting to first stage Shara of all things while it was in the sand. All because he refused to pull back for five seconds to heal.

>undodgable unless you can sheath and superman dive within 1 second
This describes 60% of MR monsters attacks.

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Since Deviljho they’ve added Kulve Taroth (a decent Siege fight with an absolute cancer gacha rewards system), Lunastra (who got a brand new moveset so she isn’t just blue Teostra anymore), a Final Fantasy XIV crossover where you fight a Behemoth (balanced solely for multiplayer unfortunately, but if you get a good team then it’s a lot of fun) and a Witcher crossover where you play a quest as Geralt and hunt a Leshen in the Ancient Forest and do a few side quests for NPCs along the way (also has Ancient Leshen, an event only subspecies balanced for multiplayer only who is the definition of cancer). There’s also Arch Tempered Elder Dragons, which range from kinda bad to unironically great fights. They’re event only too unfortunately. Then there’s Master Rank in Iceborne.

I am sorry you are getting filtered.

You could base it on sea snails and not land snails. Make it float through the air like amatsu or something.

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Just make a simple elementless weapon, you will making the big #s appear

It's a slow monster but it covers the arena in slime, you have to use salt to clear the slime and it can shoot those sperm needles that snails have at you

scorpions aren't in mainline, which is weird.

Doesn't Queen Seltas kinda count?

Gonna be honest.
Forgot he existed.

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Seltas Queen is basically an armless scorpion

Good, bugs are icky.

>when Element will usually shit on it
Rawdogging is not the only way to play anymore

You could have a snail based monster that doesn’t move slowly. Give it arms too why not, it’s not a real snail. I could see it have acid and poison attacks when it pops out of its shell, so you can either play it safe and attack the shell for the whole fight or take the risky route of engaging it directly where it can slime you and inflict all sorts of status effects. It could roll around from area to area in the shell like Radobaan and Uragaan do too.

>Doing poor against fast monsters

Lmao. I critdraw dance any monster in MR just fine. Throw in some evade extender and you'll be rolling through blows and severing tails as you pose behind the monster.

>snail with arms that isn't slow
Isn't that basically a crab

We only just started getting more Neopterons that aren't fucking Vespoid Queen, give it a few games

What about a Griffin or a Cockatrice? Chimera?

Anyone have the Nergi hedgehog pic? I lost it.

He's talking about early IB though, in which a nice, hard hitting raw weapon like say, a Kjarr one will be shitting all over everything until endgame.

Sounds like Nakarkos.

>Lmao. I critdraw dance any monster in MR just fine.
Re-read my post.

Take a Flail Snail from Dungeons and Dragons

>true gaias veil with assassins creed hood
jesus christ

>until endgame.

Is that you, "spend 40 minutes hitting the back legs" user?

The Monkey Hunter episode of Gintama is still fantastic.

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It was more of a complaint about how frontier has like 4 scorpion monsters and mainline doesn't have one yet.

This actually got me into monster hunter funny enough

For a snail monster they could just make a gross wyvern like Khezu or Gigginox but he’s slimy and can suck his entire body into his shell to hide or do a shell based attack.

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I dropped my kjarr and Styx weapon mid game because it was taking too long to get decent damage in. If you buckle down and farm for a bit you can easily come away with weapons that dick on kulve's gear well before you hit end game. My fucking anja weapons of all things outdid my Kulve stuff.

I was clearing everything in around 20 minutes until I got to Odobobo. Then again, Im a hammer main and was also knocking shit out 4 or 5 times a hunt.

One of those scorpions is a small monster on the same tier as a Kelbi, and two more are just variations on the one actual large scorpion monster.

where does silver rathalos spawn, desert or forest?

E Oroshoto I mean.

Oh you mean Every Oddjob, right?

if my game stutters despite using half of my gpu's VRAM, does that mean I need to upgrade my CPU? Or is my GPU starting to fail?

Cool, I might just start from the beginning, my GFs bro just started playing so I might just run with him, maybe mod back in some of the gems I had.


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Someone will defend this

Yeah the game isn’t exceedingly long outside the unskippable cutscenes, so restarting isn’t too big a deal.

You said it becomes fucking useless on faster monsters. I assume you meant the weapon all together, when I think otherwise.

ah, hai. monhun developer here.
We you heard you gaijins were complaining monhun warldo was too easy (www) so we decided monsters should just be shitting area of effect attacks at all time (wwwwww).
Is this hard enough for big strong american?

CPU is 2500K and 980 ti.

I guess I forgot that ports were CPU intensive. The last ports I played were the Arkham games.

That theme is pure sex though

>fellow GreatSword chad

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>too shit top lay Valor LS
should I just switch to Valor GS?

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LS is basic bitch class. You are too shit to play anything.

Something that can properly swallow a hunter whole as an attack animation.

Get out of here vorefags

>standing near so much blue flames
>wonder why you get fucked

Don't be hating on us vorefags.

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