> released in 2015

>> released in 2015

Attached: 20190915085453_1.jpg (1920x1080, 766K)

Released in 2077

Take better screenshots if you're trying to make one make your points for you.

Could've fooled me. It looks like it was released in 2005


Quite impressive considering this is still the morrowind engine.

Your fucking fault for not modding it.

How is it possible for modders to do such a better job than a paid dev team? Its not even ENBshit that this game needs

Attached: 30673-1559395575-937831603.png (1920x1080, 3.81M)

>It's your job to make the game better!

Then what do I pay you for, Todd

Modders are self taught autists that care about what they do and the people they hire at bethesda probably got hired for diversity reasons and not for any real talent or experience they showed on their resume.

Attached: capybara.jpg (690x900, 219K)

>people they hire at bethesda probably got hired for diversity reasons and not for any real talent or experience they showed on their resume.
do you really believe this? do you think you can get a job as a game developer on one of the highest profile franchises in gaming based solely on your race? You don't think you need a college degree or relevant experience?

You'd be surprised.

Attached: ca.png (1728x1029, 3.12M)

well no because racism and sexism don't @ me you bigot

I take it you lads haven't entered into the white collar work force yet even entry level developer positions require 1-3 years of experience all this SJW diversity bullshit doesn't really fly in the real world.

Someone post that screenshot of the current Obsidian workforce.

Attached: Bedroom Y.jpg (1236x888, 181K)

>Also released in 2015

Attached: DyingLightPlayer_2019_09_07_23_21_47_634.jpg (3200x1800, 3.97M)

because modders are not constrained by deadlines, resources, and money. modders also do not have to build an entire game.
they can spend as long as they need to on their mod.

Actually, 2077 comes out next year


Because mods have 4+ times the texture resolution, higher res models and are aimed at high end PCs. The vanilla game is aimed at consoles and need to be playable on toasters.
It costs too much to make HD version of every asset.

>It costs too much to make HD version of every asset.

Not how it works.


>consoles can't handle fallout 4
You're right but not because of their hardware capabilities

>blizzard game isn't the best graphics
Wow! How new are you kid?

don't most artists work at higher resolutions and then downscale?

There's only me and one other white guy at work with nine others being shitskins and women, often shitskin women. They are utterly retarded and barely know anything but are constantly coddled by management. They should have been fired long ago, never even should have been hired in the first place. I even sat in on one of the interviews and they never gave the whiteboard to any of them.
t. backend developer

It's laughable how shitty and unlikeable Preston Garvey is. Literally a cardboard cut-out of an altruistic "good guy" character. The voice actor fucking blows too.

The "dynamic dialogue" system or whatever you want to call is sucks balls because an NPC can lock you into dialogue spontaneously and prevent you from using the workbenches and shit until you talk with them. Garvey is the fucking worst because if you blow up the Institute without evacuating the scientists he locks you into the same fucking dialogue over and over and over and over every time you see him.

Attached: RA.png (370x4492, 259K)

You don't have to ever interact with Garvey user.

It's necessary in order to be the Minuteman general.

Attached: CE.jpg (1199x718, 148K)


>Fallout 4
>Blizzard game

>was intended as the first human character you encounter in the game
I guarantee you 99% of players didn't manage to avoid interacting with him

>worst quests
>fetch shit and waste resources
Just terrible.
I didn't interact with him since I was "exploring" in my first playthrough. Ended up getting a minigun from some raiders and then sold the bullets to traders. 5 hours later I was in level 14 and was rescuing the synth guy with plenty of ammo. But yeah I can see retards doing what the game wants them to do.

even 2077 looks way better than this autism shit

>tfw 1%

Fallout 4 is trash simply because they removed the ability to pick what your character says and instead did this

>react humorously
>be angry
>be sad
>herp derp i doodly do

Plebs are so fucking dumb they had to make the dialogue system easier..Sometimes the prompts barely even match the dialogue as well.


I just moved him to an empty settlement as soon as I could. He now lives alone, in a shack, somewhere in downtown Boston, surrounded by raiders and mirelurks.

Attached: 53VO49eAFlfa-Gq01q_Bvn-Mu3XHjnIOTVAIHHZAsdg.jpg (1920x2160, 448K)

The Abernathys are the first people you should encounter.

>RPG game
>you don't actually get to role play because you are a pre determined character


Codsworth directly instructs you to go to Concord and meet the locals.

I think the whole premise of a vault being down the street from your home (which ultimately leads you to find Codsworth there as it's the first place you'll come across out of the vault) was the worst part of it.

Fallout 4's map sucks balls. 40% of the map is useless ocean and ~10% is empty glowing sea. Real fucking nice.

Attached: Indian Shanty Town.jpg (800x533, 124K)

>mfw i remember what they did to fallout with 76

i'm so close to throwing my PC off a fucking bridge

Attached: AdobeStock_60945003[1].jpg (2400x1602, 293K)

what the fuck were they thinking with the guns in this game
there isn't a single satisfying or pleasing gun
the hunting rifle is pretty ok but the bolt being on the wrong side sucks
the assault rifle looks ass and is default single fire
pipe guns lol
only like 50 weapons total, compared to new vegas 100 or so
double barrel is pretty satisfying, but only worth using at lower levels and overall kinda ass
10mm is fucking huge for no reason
fat man is either does not as much damage as you'd hope on "big guys" and isn't worth using on common ones same with missile launcher but with even less damage

Kojima's engine is unfair to compare.

It's a shame they're hoarding that shit and doing nothing but making soccer games with it.

Best gun is the railway gun or whatever it's called cause you can impale people

it also makes train noises

also the combat shotgun/rifle looking the exact same and looking like ass

You are so naive.


Attached: 1539842286974.png (642x1074, 852K)

Only 27 weapons in Fallout 4's base game. New Vegas has 54 in the base game, EXCLUDING unique variants.

Attached: Farm Family.jpg (634x941, 147K)

I've given up hope for another RPG-oriented Fallout after 76. Bethesda aren't even pretending anymore. Now I realized why Avellone wrote the Tunnelers apocalypse thing into Lonesome Road, he knew the franchise was fucked so he made sure Bethesda would never touch the West coast.

Looks great

I meant to say "firearms" instead of weapons.

Because these games are made for console

Attached: 1512174429805.png (1815x900, 1.52M)

>It costs too much to make HD version of every asset.

Aren't artists paid to do that?

So? Fuck him. You should just go to your old house for the SPECIAL book anyway.

People who mod their games like that are cringey. Transforms the game from a "game" to a power fantasy.

Attached: NV 3.jpg (589x354, 21K)

He's waiting right outside your old house. Did you play this game?

Attached: Lamb.jpg (961x1462, 97K)

That describes every Fallout, just replace ocean and glowing sea with desert or destroyed ruins.


Attached: 13735-6-1463655604.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

Yeah but at least there's enemies to fight in a desert or destroyed ruins. The only enemy within the game's oceans is the fact that you have to walk all the way around the fucking things if you're in power armor.

Attached: Hard Times.gif (497x373, 489K)

Why does everyone look so shiny in this game?

Best part of signing up for YouTuube Premium was seeing the video of what happens when you kill Garvey.

>dur did you play the game
>literally telling you what is in your house
You don't have to talk to him...

>metal gear rising remaster or sequel on fox engine never ever
Kill me

This is a 2015 AAA video game on ultra settings. This video game probably had a 9 figure budget.

Attached: 1552978613811.jpg (1920x1080, 333K)

Where is this in dying light? Never came across a marsh.

crazy how STALKER still looks better than anything Bethesda has shat out

Attached: 36623-s-t-a-l-k-e-r-shadow-of-chernobyl-screenshot.jpg (800x600, 95K)

>you can't kill characters because fuck you unless you mod it
Man I'd kill all my followers so quickly...

You don't have to, but for 99.9% of players the first thing they'll do is go back to their own house and greet the first friendly NPC they see. This concept is not hard to grasp.

Attached: Defender.jpg (1024x840, 55K)

I like claymation though

I assume that's The Following DLC.

STALKER looked like shit when it first came out and it looks like shit now. Every once in a while the stars align and the lighting makes a dimly lit scene pretty, but that's all it has going for it

if there is something i gotta give fallout 4 the city part of the map is filled with raider/super mutant camps and open roads, as opposed to fallout 3 having every urban area cut off with torn down buildings blocking paths

It's a modded map.

>99.9% of players
according to (you)
Missing the point again that you have the choice to not do certain things. Sadly that is about as far as choices go on Fallout.

Attached: you.png (291x173, 70K)

The best thing to come out of FO4 were assaultrons, prove me wrong

The game's developers obviously intended for the Codsworth rendezvous to be the first stepping stone for a new player. Perhaps on your second playthrough you'd choose not to talk to him but for almost every first-time player they will speak to him.

Did you not speak with Codsworth on your first playthrough?

Attached: NV 1.jpg (558x325, 26K)

Because all they did was add grass. Fallout 76 added grass too, looks better than 4 because of it, but it's not some amazing achievement.
Give me a lore friendly mod that makes Fallout 4 look good.

Far Harbor was good

Attached: Nora.png (1600x887, 1.88M)

Silver Shroud

>lol not really
what did they mean by this

Unfinished content that never manifested like in most Bethesda games

Yeah, I can't play FO4 without mods.

Attached: Fallout4 2016-06-29 00-20-46.jpg (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Far Harbor is just point lookout again.

It's ridiculous, they could have just released it as DLC.

You posted this screenshot a while ago and I complemented your choice of lore-friendly weapon mods.

Did you play it?

Attached: 1474556514949.jpg (1920x1080, 951K)

Gross tacticool weapon and armor.

I did after I had already been in the institute for my first 2 playthroughs.

Great pic user.
Somewhat unrelated, but this pic reminded me how much I want Fallout 4: New Vegas to be finished.

I never understood why people say Fallout 4 looks bad. It was fairly clean looking with nice lighting.

Attached: enb2019_9_14_02_19_35.jpg (1920x1080, 684K)

>implying fallout 4, for the age of its engine runs:
>(a) well on consoles
>(b) well on decent PC's
>(c) at good levels of performance you would expect - on high spec PC's made years after the game
>(d) on potato machines at all
go fuck yourself nigger
my machine plays every game well to this day, and Bethesda's tortured engine is so badly optimized that my processor is slightly below the minimum requirements despite handling newer games 10x better
corporate shill, fuck off

>unfair to compare
It's an engine for a big-name title in 2015. Bethesda should have gotten their shit together by then. It's as fair as fair can be.

The shooting mechanics were good and VATS was better, barring how they changed criticals. Most creature designs/redesigns were great. Modular armor was a good attempt and modding it was good too. Alot of animations and overall engine fixes make it, at least, playable. The companions were overall a good set compared to Bethesda's last attempt. The power armor is a DRASTIC improvement and one of the best things about the game.

Attached: ScreenShot3.png (1920x1080, 3.52M)

Nice giraffe

>when using mods
I hate how they made paid mods a thing on consoles and how tesla armor is only for the shittier T Power Armors.

what are some good mods that make the game look good without affecting framerate much?

>The power armor is a DRASTIC improvement and one of the best things about the game.

>that my processor is slightly below the minimum requirements
are you really upset that your old processor doesn't work on a game that requires more?

Attached: 10481-0-1457871867.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

this. i think we're a little too hard on fallout 4. i'm sure we've all spent a lot of hours playing it and having fun.

now that you mention it the neck is a bit long, I'll see about shortening it.

Attached: enb2019_9_14_02_24_21.jpg (1920x1080, 649K)

are there any mods that genuinely make this game not a clunky piece of shit

Make her shoulders a bit wider.
Giver her bigger tits/hips and make the legs thiccer by 30%.

>Giver her bigger tits/hips and make the legs thiccer by 30%.

Attached: 39636-1561279309-379864258.png (1920x1080, 3.82M)

Let me tell you about a game called Mass Effect andromeda.

I'm not an expert but I've been modding it a bit, what was your problem with it?

Why does it seem like all Fallout 4 fans like whales?

Modders arent necessarilly better, they just have more time and can focus on minor shit.
Not only that, yes they can be better or improve something, but they rarely care about optimization.

The other problem is that you considering like 200 people doing this shit for free, to a studio that has to pay every single worker. And ontop of that, this is an open world game.

If AAA still worked on single player games, you would see a lot more studios like Bungie cropping up. When publishers want good content, they hire good artists. When publishers want a lot of content they hire a lot of artists.

Attached: dims.jpg (530x298, 29K)

delete this

How is that 30%? ....I like it

the lighting is really bad with certain things.
Hair, clothing, and faces especially. Everything has this playdo look to it.



Attached: 39636-1561279321-976589631.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

its a perfectly fine processor
it runs today's games fine without bottlenecking.
bethesda made the game only run on like 1 or 2 cores because it was a little buggy if you let all 8 do their thing.
its not a hardware problem. its a problem with the game using less than a third of the compute power it has available.
it really sucks i have to play a pirated copy of this game (no mod support, no DLCs) for performance when i paid money for the game.
also bethesda alerted my ISP after I pirated an older version of a game I own.
todd is a fucking nigger

>tfw no mod to get shrunk and carried off by some cute giant lady

>>>when using mods
go kill yourself

beautiful 2D artwork. That's how you optimize.

That neck bothers me...

Bethesda have already admitted that their engine is a limitation on them. Their main core team basically only knows how to use it.
So the engine has just been patch fixed and expanded on rather than starting over.

Not that there are a ton of good options for pre-made engines already.

Delete yourself

It's really not possible. Just like skyrim "combat" mods don't fix shit because the base they are working with is bad.

How would you feel if prominent modders had early access to these games a few months before release? Just so they could release their mods along side the game?

Would you play modded Elder scrolls 6 on your first play through?

Attached: s00nsif0quuydyolyndr[1].jpg (350x350, 17K)

>So the engine has just been patch fixed and expanded on rather than starting over.
So basically like every game engine ever?

>Would you play modded Elder scrolls 6 on your first play through?
probably not, just to have a somewhat unbiased experience

>what was your problem with it?

Not him but the animations and feed back is dogshit. compared to dishonored the game feels like quick sand.

What is this trying to prove? Concept art is always cooler than the finished product.

>So basically like every game engine ever?
Not for this long.
It's more that for the development subsidiary of bethesda switching to another engine or creating a new one would take long enough that it would basically kill it.
That and "long term investment" isn't a thing public companies do.

>Would you play modded Elder scrolls 6 on your first play through?
Content mods? probably not.
QoL? Yeah sure.
I would play it, see what I immediately hate and then look for mods to fix it or fix it myself.

>Content mods? probably not.
>QoL? Yeah sure.

what about visuals mods?

Depends on what they are, really. Don't mind basic stuff or upscaled texture shit. But most outfit mods are unique items that would fall under content for me.

Cannot fix this.

Attached: enb2019_9_11_20_39_47.jpg (1920x1080, 654K)

mostly stuff like high poly meshes, 2k textures, enbs, grass. Stuff like that.

I know I can't live unless every sound effect is replaced by a mod.

>Not for this long.
Upgrading an engine cost time and money, Todd would have to go to his bosses boss and ask for 10s of millions in money.

Attached: 1522530846626.jpg (2403x1886, 612K)

Upgrading an engine does cost time and money, yes. But this development can go on during development of the game itself.

Creating a new engine has pre-production period where the engine has to be even remotely established before other elements can be created to fill in.
Swapping to a new one requires employees to learn everything over again. Which costs time, and thus, money.

man everything got worse after battlespire

they removed nudity as well

Jesus skyrim looks bland an souless.

also what the hell happened to the beast races in oblivion.

>Would you play modded Elder scrolls 6 on your first play through?
only big fixes and maybe ui improvements if needed.

I see my man Fargoth I upboat

Let's face it user, you know they would be

It actually is when you are a corporation. Bethesda isn't going to waste money paying their employees to work on something like that during a dev cycle, especially when they know modders will just do the work eventually anyway.

I blame everything about him on bethesda. They made a cardboard cutout of a "good" guy and that's it.

>Literally a cardboard cut-out of an altruistic "good guy" character.

I genuinely like how campy his good boy attitude is.

>The shooting mechanics were good
This is such a fucking meme. Yeah, it's better than FO3 but it's still shit and the price for it was bethesda ignoring everything that made fallout an RPG.

>Would you play modded Elder scrolls 6 on your first play through?
nude mod and skimpy outfits

>everything that made fallout an RPG.

And what would that be?


Like in Fallout 2 when got railroaded into destroying the Enclave

Attached: 11017-0-1458274372.jpg (1920x1080, 836K)

There's this bug on the PS4 version that presents him from even leaving the museum at the start of the game, which resulted in me not knowing what the settlement memes were about. No idea how to recreate it

Attached: JUST.jpg (1000x1000, 113K)

Honestly superfluous choices are a lot better than hard to write dialogue trees for every outcome.

They should have your options be in the gameplay instead of the story. So you can actually role PLAY the character.

The same reason I clean my kitchen and cook better at my house than my cooking area when I was a cook. I don't give a single fuck if a customer's food falls on the floor, literally no cook does. We just do it because it pays a little bit of money to get by and we can cook.
Modern devs are completely owned by publishers, and those publishers hire literally anyone who equally doesn't give a shit about the project being worked on. So when they say "okay add grass to this area", they just add the most basic patches and call it a day. They don't consider any grass physics or thrive to make diverse vegetation in their own time because they're not getting paid for that. Their job was to put grass there and they did it.
Old devs worked on games because they actually wanted to make cool games.

>food analogy

Honestly this. but I think its also paired with the autism. I would think a lot of modders would burn out and say "okay I just need to add grass here" after a certain point.

but the really autistic ones never reach that point.

is anyone porting all the new shit from fallout 76 yet?

Modders just have to hang curtains not build the house.

Attached: image.png (752x941, 450K)

>yfw they rip off Souls combat
You know they would

You should know they can't.

They'll try anyways and cock it up horribly

Kek based mega retard

Why would they do that? I know they have been making dumb decisions lately but I don't think they have gone full retard yet.

dude that would be awesome. A functioning combat system. Imagine it.

because Skyrim's was maximum jank
Souls combat is slightly less jank and infinitely more polished.

No accounting for taste.

Anyone know what the fuck this is about?

Attached: ball.jpg (1122x894, 691K)

A lazy texture artist who googled autographs and used whatever they found

>mfw I installed that mod that essentially gives everything that The Last of Us/Horizon Zero Dawn overgrown look

That alone made the game look a million times better.

Attached: Nods Explosively Toward You.gif (300x237, 2.66M)

Advanced animation framework

>that one shitskin that was openly racist to whites
>never got in trouble for it and walked off scot free

Fuck this whole country

Attached: messy.jpg (640x850, 279K)

>Club penguin

I'm also going with what the other user said. its also possible they searched for the signatures but took the first ones they saw.

Regrowth is amazing but the FPS hit is just horrific
Haven't tried the FPS fix version of it though

They made them look as close to humans as possible for some reason.

Best part of playing them in morrowind was knowing you'd be unable to use boot and helm.

I guess they spent too much time on "radiant AI" or whatever to create some unique pieces of armor for the beast races so they just scrapped that mechanism in oblivion and made every race feel the same

Because they don't have to design with consoles in mind.

That's not excuse either. Kojima's team coded the Fox engine from scratch while they were working on a game and had to relearn their asses for it to make one game and then worked on a completely different engine to make Death Stranding. Bethesda is just garbage.

Close but I think it's more boomers and nepotism.

What mods?



Jewthesda has been using the same engine they developed around 2006.

mmmmm...the handlebars on the one on the far right.

Modders add or touch up some details in the comfort of a cushy seat while chilling out and enjoying themselves, and have total control of what they do.
Hired devs have to deal with the cancerous meddling of boomer suits and are under constant pressure to show results to move on to the next assignment.

Attached: please.jpg (184x184, 24K)

No fucking way, it was like yesterday

People jerk off NV constantly but at least Fallout 4 plays feels good to play, NV is almost eurojank tier shitty, though the setting and other aspecta do make up for it to an extent

Attached: 1545256191636.png (540x540, 494K)

Honestly Fallout 4 is the worst game experience I've had. Every gun sounds like soggy bread being slapped together, damage scaling goes where ever the fuck it wants to go, generic enemies with red skulls will pop out and tell you to fuck off the game decided you're not allowed here. Even the modding communities a barren wasteland of HD feet textures and "armor" mods with blue jeans, shitty jackets, and out of place space suits, its fucking pathetic.

Has it really been 4 years since Fallout 4 came out? Fuck, bros. Time moves too fast ;_;

>he doesn't know


because you made it run on like 1% of PC's in existence instead of 25%

Less sales. Put your thinking hat on

>talent and experience

Attached: 1451969446617.jpg (406x386, 48K)

What mod for the grass?

Get Asurah Reanimation Pack and B42 Inertia for New Vegas and it already feels better to shoot than FO4.

user please. This game look like shit. Same year Witcher 3 came out. Compare graphics of those two games. And don't show me some screenshots with graphic mods and enb.

only tried a little bit of fallout 4 when it came out and haven't touched it again since
point lookout was the best dlc for fo3, maybe I should give fo4 another go

Attached: Fo3PL_Lighthouse.png (1728x1080, 1024K)

>Not Willy

That's like praising a piece of shit

>game is almost 5 years old
>bought it at release
>still havent finished it because every time I try playing I get bored in a few hours and stop playing for 6 months, forget what I was doing and restart

Attached: absolutley super.jpg (1474x925, 190K)

>also release in 2015

Attached: geralt sit.jpg (1920x1080, 666K)

Fallout 4 has better lighting, TW3 has better models. Both have shit textures and are overall console ports in fidelity.

Attached: Fallout4 2015-12-01 15-46-29-19.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

TW3 barely had a lighting engine, Fallout 4 is all volumetric. There's no competition on that front.

Attached: witcher3 2015-05-23 22-48-04-79.jpg (1920x1080, 386K)

Bethesda runs entirely on nepotism. The entire company is just a bunch of high school friends.

I reckon that's Atomic Beauty, armor is X-92

Boston Natural Suroundings