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Do you imagine that your enemies in vidya are people you hate irl?

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No I'm not a psychopath, if that's what you're asking.

Not this time glowinthedark

lazy tranny. if you paint your nails at least keep them looking nice.

This is the definition of rent free. Haters are prisoners.

>Not naming your rival after your best friend
How does it feel being an angry incel btw?

These false flags are getting so desperate.


what would compel a man to paint his nails exactly

>imagine that your enemies in vidya are people you hate irl?
do people really do this?

I don't really hate anyone more than myself.

>the year is 2000
>10 years old
>Pokemon Gold version for Christmas
>Doing Elm's errand to Oak
>On the way back you fight ginger rival for the first time
>His name appears as "???"
>Get back to Elm's lab
>Police officer asks me what the ginger kid's name is
>type "???"

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Nah, that’s pretty cringe and something only an incel would do.
I have a friend who does that and he got bullied all throughout high school.

I did this

Brie isnt a name for a person thats a name for a bread

stop it, get some help

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That make totaly sense and I did the same last year.
I made Gary Oak's name Trump in my last playthrough for the sole purpose of seeing this notification again and again but couldn't have predicted how amazing the dialogue would be. They're both whiny man children and it's just so accurate that it's funny and sad simultaneously.

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that fucking heifer needs to learn to defeat a salad

Oh dude, I just named him Loser.

Its a name for cheese you cultureless swine.

t.french faggot.

what would a Frenchman know about culture

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no but if i'm pissed i'll go into sea of thieves and bully plebs

When I was 8 years old I created my school bully in RCT2. Her name was Laqueesha (unironically). I kept her on a 4x4 patch of dirt until she was sarving, dehydrated, tired, and stifled in her own vomit. Then, I dunked her repeatedly into a lake, saving her when she was just on the cusp of drowning. I repeated this process a few times, before offering her a hot dog at $200. Naturally, she couldn't refuse, and after her "last meal" I drowned her for good, throwing her into a maximum depth tile of water and then covering it with dirt, burying her remains beneath.

Attached: ice.jpg (640x417, 95K)

I remember making IRL places in Hammer (Half Life map creation program, same one Valve used.)
Never really out of spite or hate. But then years later I heard about a kid being suspended (online, not IRL person) for recreating his school in Counter Strike. So it scared me.
Luckily my maps were always shit, so no one would care to report me anyway.

Attached: counter_strike_cs_school.jpg (480x360, 25K)

bro, you're almost 30. get of the internet grandpa retard.

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Woooooooow, that's soooo petty honey.

No, I’m not a mentally stunted retarded faggot with a victim complex.

Also me.

im 34 going 35

eat a bowl of fuck

>lessers trying to talk up to their betters
My sides., not really. That has never even occurred to me.

>user makes a gay thread
>reveals that normalfags are more mentally unstable
What’s wrong with these stupid fucks?

i don't have enemies IRL....

Wheneveri play a FPS game I pretend all the bad guys are my classmates and I’m taking my dad’s gun to school to shoot everyone who ever bullied me.

>people who have interpersonal relationships vent about their interpersonal relationships
Me, there's not really anyone I care about enough to hate.

No that's what the heavy bag is for.

>fat hands
>ugly nails
Every single time
Fuck Trump, Fuck politicians but most of all FUCK YOU!

>OP or whatever person said image was stolen from has an interpersonal relationship with the president
I don’t consider any elected official I don’t agree with or their supporters on policy an “enemy”. As I’m not an underaged retard or mentally stunted adult. What kind of pathetic person would actually live their life like that?

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>this triggers the /vee/

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>What kind of pathetic person would actually live their life like that?
How new are you to 4channel in general user?

I love fucking chubby white women

I don’t know 4channel, I know Yea Forums.

You right, but that's just one example. Everyone knows trannies are mentally ill, anyway.

>the post might be a false flag but the original image is 100 percent pure cope


Tumbler trannies are far from being normalfags, user. Even the majority of Twitter fags are also far from normalfags.

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Christ, how bitter IS the left? Like, I know this is a false flag, but that image man, it just reeks of discontentment on a degree that i can't imagine

>the site has to change because some gook who is fluent in English, but feigns otherwise bought it
No, for some reason newfags and cancerous retards from lesser shit holes think their wants or opinions have merit or worth. i.e. telling /pol/fags to fuck off is in no way an endorsement of stupid fuckwits of equally retarded opinions and wants.

user I'm literally just saying you are on 4channel and people can't stop being a politicians mouthpiece. VIDEOGAMES

I’m sorry user, I was the one who got too frustrated. I just hate the faggots who have flooded the site. I shocan’t lent have taken it out of Yea Forums - the vidya. And through dick, unity.


>litterally everything that makes me look bad is false flag

Is your post a false flag?

holy shit what did they think kids would type?

OP’simage reflects more poorly on the pathetic person who made it than on trump.

why do people hate trump so much

Means words and not wanting to give financial/legal benefits funded by tax payers to people who are nott even citizens of the country he is supposed to be in charge of.

Sure, when i was 10-12 I did.
Now that i'm an adult of course not.

that's the point. I believe hes saying it makes all "anti trump" people look horrible and this is an indirect boon for trump. So he considers this to be a false flag.

Hate is a worthless and self-damaging emotion.
The sooner you can let go of hate, the happier you will be.

People think he does the things he does because he's simply cold hearted instead of the fact that he's actually just being realistic. These retards brains think the world is their favorite anime with clear cut good guys and bad guys basically.

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I’ll have no one left to hate after all my enemies are dead

It sounds corny but it's no less true.

Hate is just a waste of effort. You can't hate someone away, to death, or hate them in to a better person. You're just tiring yourself out. Most of all because all emotion and concentration comes from the same pool in your brain. Your brain is a physical thing. It can get tired the same way muscles can get tired. You've got a set amount of energy in your brain that only comes back so fast. Use it on something that helps you, for god sakes.

If you wanna talk unfairness, being happy or excited pulls from the same resources concentration and anger do. So you have to monitor how often you indulge in good emotions too.

People live in a bubble and get most their information from news or comedians.

a lot of people also don't consider that the loud mouths that spew their politics are the fringe groups of each party.

Why is Yea Forums being rough about the anons who actually do this kind of thing? Kid in the 90's used to do it all the time.
OP here, no everything is about you and your "personality", hon. I also dont care about cuckservatives, that was the only Pic related to the topic I had, did you wanted a wojak meme or Pepe instead?

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alright now I'm starting to believe the false flag theory.

Again, nobody here cares about you. Just leave the thread or talk about the subject.

If you didn't care you would not have replied twice.

The bravest thing he did all month.

I don't hate people, I might feel sorry or pity for them but there is no reason to hate anyone.

>user thinks they get to dictate how threads turn out
Lurk two moar years before posting again.