>Join a german server
>Use a shotgun
>Get banned
Join a german server
Other urls found in this thread:
>Shotguns are EVIL
>Flamethrowers and Chlorine gas just fine tho
Why is Germany still allowed to exist?
>join german server
>slamfire the fuck out them
>threaten to execute their gas troopers
>join german server
>they start speaking german
>join american server
>hear someone shooting
>realize that i'm playing a medieval game
>Join a german server in Squad
>SL has a Japanese name
>Kicks me for speaking English
>Join back and shout "MEIN LEBEN" everytime im hit
>join American server
>"BRB cops outside"
>Hear gunshots over his mic
>join german server
>19 people start speaking english with each other because im the single person with an english name, instead of continuing in german
>join german server
>they start speaking arabic
>:D,;) :,XD,:P
Explain please
>play CS:GO
>Global Elite
>european servers
>its actually a challenging
>go to 'murica
>play CS:GO
>easy mode
>join german server
>”third time player first time donator. Kill the animals”
>join in an european server
>there is a chinese
>he speak only chinese
happen with russians too
In WW1 the Americans started raiding trenches with shotguns and the Germans freaked the fuck out and started talking about executing US troops and shit while at the same time using flamethrowers and gas attacks which are a million times worse
Not just any shotgun. State of the art Pumps designed by God himself (AkA John Moses Browning) Bayonet included
>be jew
>join german team
>get team killed
really oys my veys
what would they think of this, then?
>join german server
>start bombing their hospitals