Are there any vidya youtubers you hate but still watch?
Are there any vidya youtubers you hate but still watch?
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Why do you hate him?
Also, sage
sseth, for being a dirty stealing nigger
leave, nigger
he's a massive gamecubebaby, but his reviews are pretty decent.
I can't stand any of their personalities yet I find myself watching it sometimes
Matt, he had the worst sense of humour and his baby talk back in SBFP was the most annoying shit i've ever heard but his Wha Happun videos are really entertaining.
what's wrong with nitro rad exactly
Same. I can't stand this little faggot and how he constantly talks about being a prior "film student". But he covers all of my favorite fucking games.
Pretty much any reviewer where the "humor" consists of camera zoom + shake + earrape
Besides being a fucking leaf, hes a pretty cool dude. He puts in a lot of effort into his reviews, enough to only review games that he physically owns, and releases a video almost weekly. That better than most reviewers.
His coverage of Sonic Boom made me feel bad for the dev team. I like Wha Happun just because it attempts to be more than "THIS GAME IS SHIT!!! FUNNY KNUCKLES JUMP GLITCH!"
Don't hate him but I'll shill him to DEATH FOR FREE
come on, nitrorad is one of the few review youtubers that are actually good
Yes, it is surprisingly informative, so far it is the only worthwhile series in his channel though, his let's plays are infuriating when his shithead of a wife or Liam are in it.
Not vidya but Nostalgia Critic. I fucking despise him as a person and his skits are ultimate cringe but his reviews still make me laugh occasionally.
I've been meaning to go back and review all if his old stuff, but at the same time, I dont wanna crush my childhood.
Do they count as YouTubers?
I still listen to the podcasts or videos week to week, but every Abby or political segment I skip.
why do people on here develop strange psychotic affections/hate for randos on youtube?
>Nostalgia Critic
I'm officially too old for this website.
the only youtuber Yea Forums has any reason to hate is egoraptor, all the other ones either we like or we just don't watch
>you will never see another drew, dan and jeff episode...
Go to bed grandpa
Yogscast. Their TTT series is comfy as hell, but most of the members are an insufferable bunch of twats
You have very poor reading comprehension
Jan reminds me of Drew in some way, and I think he has actual legit chemistry with Jeff (way more than Ben or Jason) and I kind of wish we just had the Jeff, Vinny, Dan, Jan & Bakalar podcast.
>I've been meaning to go back and review all if his old stuff, but at the same time, I dont wanna crush my childhood.
NC is 12 years old.
I started watching him in the 7th grade, and finally stopped after he killed it off. I watched one more review when he came back, Devil, but I couldn't get back into and dropped him completely. Which is funny because that's when I picked up Sage, immensely much better.
Sometimes he can be funny but his humor is mostly LELSORANDUMBXD bullshit aimed at 12 year olds. Not to mention he can be incredibly thin-skinned and handles criticism like a bitch.
Who doesn't like a good cringe
I don't hate AVGN, but I don't like the episodes he's been releasing lately. If it's more of a history lesson, the episodes are more tolerable, but I find his rage to be extremely forced now as well as his guest episodes being pretty poor. Home alone had some decent moments though
Dunkey has really fallen off. His last few Mario Maker videos has just been the same tired joke. Even ignoring the cuck shit he's such a disappointment now.
this, james is cool
Modern AVGN.
What cuck shit are you talking about?
I just wish someone would take his newer stuff and upload them without the cringy skits, I swear those videos would only be like 10 minutes long without them
____ ______ __
there's someone doing that
I hate most Poketubers but they're the only ones who play Pokemon fangames. Shofu and SacredFireNegro won't stop making clickbait and Voltsy's thing against swear words and Nick Jr level threshold for what counts as inappropriate content gives me secondhand embarrassment.
i find these 4 unfunny as hell but i can't stop watching them
I like nitrorad but i feel he reviews too many literal who games with a furry protagonists.
What the fuck
What's wrong with callmekevin? :(
i cant stand oney around julian and slightly dingdong.
when oney is with dudes from newgrounds or sleepycast i dig those the most
He's dumb but at least he covers games that don't get talked about much. There's something to be said for that.
Honestly newer reviews are hit or miss. The Pepsiman one was decent.
nigga's not funny, but i like watching him fucking with people online
I find him funny. He's pretty enjoyable to watch. yeah he does dumb jokes but it's all in good fun.
That's his entire gimmick aside from indie horror though - forgotten platformers.
Chex Quest was pretty decent.
Could you repeat that statement?
Platformers have a lot of furry protagonists, just the way things are.
I fucking hate antdude after what he said about mischief makers.
Yea Forums hates him for being annoyingly political on Twitter. When he's not tweeting "haha stinky doodoo peepee" he's ranting about Brexit and the Orangutan in-Chief despite neither of them affecting him.
Antdude is the definition of milquetoast. He's got all the generic 'funnyman' components
I don't even follow him on twitter man, I just think he can be pretty fucking stupid at times and obsessed with MUH ART OF FILM bullshit.
I feel like Nitro Rad is hit or miss when he tries to make a funny. His sense of humor clearly isn't for everyone, but I he can get a chuckle out of me every now and then.
Keep saying it
This is called projecting
I've never seen any kind of political tweet from him
The only reason why I watch him is because none of his jokes land, I find it quite amusing
Gman Lives
I've been following him since for at least 7 months now and he never mentions political stuff. He clearly stopped at some point if you aren't just making that up.
_____ ___
He's alright when he's being genuine and not just playing up the whole "I'm a hostile asshole" schtick.
Fuck off /pol/cuck, he's never posted anything remotely political on twitter,
the dude sucks dick at videogames
I added this guy to my videoblocker tags years ago but I really don't remember why.
Not as bad as nakey jakey or relax alex.
Ah, that must've been why then.
Eh, he seems to be alright at most of the shooters he plays. Are you one of the people butthurt about his Sigil review or something?
I watch a game grumps episode once in a while to gauge what new lows youtube channels have to reach in order to be profitable.
That user is a lying sack of shit, Nitro Rad never posted anything about Trump or Brexit.
I miss when Giantbomb all played games together and had cameras on them. They don't really do it that much anymore.
I didn't want to make a new thread for this, but what Youtubers does Yea Forums actually recommend? I'm a big fan of Achievement Hunter but I can't deal with the Rooster Teeth bullshit anymore and I need to jump ship and find something else to plug into hours of my every day.
Have they done a Giant Bomb makes mario with SMM2 and with Jeff and Dan?
What jokes? All he does is make a shocked face at the screen like link related.
I challenge you to find a video where he doesn't make at least one joke out of being shocked by the game. Sometimes he mixes it up and slow zooms though.
He wouldn't shut up about it back in 2017/18. He's probably scrubbed those tweets if you can't find them. I'm not somebody who hates James btw. I'm just going by what /vpol/ has said about him.
They were probably exaggerating.
He's not bad, he's just boring.
He gives the spotlight to mostly obscure shit so he has that going for him.
I could never really get into Funhaus? I don't like that their videos are 10-20 minutes out of 40+ minutes of gameplay, which instead of being like a "best bits" montage ends up feeling jolted and choppy. Plus I feel like their jokes are too often tangential to the game rather than referring the content of the game.
Is it weird that I'm nostalgia for That Guy With The Glasses? Most of the people on that site were cringe, but I miss being younger and watching their videos for some reason.
Matosis, Bunnyhop (when he can contain his activism autism), Accursed Farms, Sseth, LGR
I've been thinking of joining his Discord group for a while, you gotta ask him personally for it.
Acursed Farms
Summoning Salt
Going to change my name. What should I pick for my first name? Male Highlander.
yeah it was one of the better recent ones.
Why did Northernlion succumb to the zoomer audience?
NakeyJakey is the fucking best but I kind of hate him as a person, he reminds me of that Chad friend that was just as nerdy as me but girls liked him because he was extroverted and hot.
Thor highheels, I really don't like him but he does show off some obscure games
Mecha isn't really about games anymore unfortunately. He still does stuff with games, but he's more of a general comedy guy now rather than specifically games.
He mispronounces every other word. Other than that the only vids of his I enjoy are the horror ones.
Listening ti Oney and co spewing shit to my ears as background noise is both a blessing and a curse.
The newest episodes are written by Screenwave Media, which is why they are so different. Sucks. I miss the older episodes that were written by James Rolfe and Mike Matei.
He's a Nintendo cuck but God damnit I can't resist his charm
Wasn't that always his audience? Didn't he just do endless videos of roguelite trash? That was the vibe I always got, shit like BoI is Zoomercore through and through.
he has charm but I don't really find him all that funny
We're talking about how you're a cuck.
Daily Reminder that this faggot literally believed Sega would release mainline Persona games on PC
I guess you're right that he's more of a general comedian now but I guess I don't actually watch a lot of Video Game related content on YouTube.
Forgot to mention Ahoy, his production is so fucking slick
Honestly I'm surprised Atlus is so insistent on keeping their shit on Playstation. It just comes off as pathetic given Sony's utter disinterest in their games.
No skin off my back though, never liked SMT in the first place.
ClementJ64, although reviews aren't really his thing, his LPs are fun and informative.
That's pretty much it for me.
It's easy to forget about him since he disappears for such long periods of time.
When he said FF7 "made no sense" it got me wondering, am I just smart for always being able to understand FF7's plot or is he just retarded for not understanding something even a 10 year old could?
I hate him because I hate seeing people speak less knowledgeably than I could about niche games I have played.
His friend Brady gives it out like candy when he streams Mario Maker.
i fucking hate this faggot
>3 second clip of link killing Zer0 with an up b
>12 seconds of loud inaudible screaming
I like Ahoy and Mark Brown.
Am i the only one who finds this spic to be extremely cringey?
These ADHD riddled youtubers just have their brains shut down the moment you ask them to participate in turn based combat. I swear there's some connection between the inclination to put yourself out there on youtube and to being such a fucking retard that you're incapable of appreciating slower paced games.
>Mark Brown
I couldn't keep watching him after that utterly retarded Metroid 2 video that people wouldn't stop shilling everywhere.
Hi, let's be edgy together.
what are some decent smash youtubers?
i only watch hbox, fatality and stylesx2
Unless it's one of the select few games nobody is ever allowed to criticize i.e Chrono Trigger. Although to be fair FF7's turn-based combat is hardly anything special, it's braindead easy aside from the two optional superbosses and requires little more than just spamming Attack and healing when necessary.
Dude literally got fucked by the government and put out on his ass. He clearly wanted to work in films.
Its funny because he still sucks the governments cock after they shunted him so hard.
he looks like Chadtronic
There is no hope for you
Early Alpharad was good. Not so sure about his recent stuff.
He really is bad at games. I don't know how many time he's complained about "artificial difficulty" or "bullshit bosses" in a game I played that I had no trouble with. I'm not even good at games.
I personally don't mind Nitrorad but ever since he did that awful Eric Andre thing I haven't watched many of his videos. It was just hard to watch.
Dunkeys a faggot who is both unfunny and is a total bitch. The fact that he took a shill contract then got mad when he didn't shill the game and they didn't pay him as a result shows how retarded he is.
What are some bad Youtube channel cliches?
>Humor is camera zoom ins and loud noises
>Music is instrumental hip hop
Most FF games have pretty bland combat, but I'll never understand the people who act like it's somehow unbearable. To be honest most ARPGs are more boring to me than your typical JRPG combat. Diablo clones are just so fucking tedious. I will never understand the people who can only get into a game if it has action gameplay. I got nothing against action games, but I hate this mindset that people seem to have developed lately that turn based is somehow archaic.
hey Yea Forums. if i made a video game youtube channel, would you watch it?
i am a fucking 29 year old boomer, have glasses, but am also jacked as fuck. would any of those things matter if i brought absolutely no attention to those things?
>Raid Shadows legend or some shit like that
IDK. Make a video and post it.
Pikasprey Yellow
Summoning Salt
Those are the only ones where I will immediately watch them when I see that they uploaded.
I haven't been enjoying his recent content as much but the game show was kino and the architecture video was surprisingly good
Would depend on the games you covered and your sense of humor. If you were just covering the typical shit everyone and their mother knows about then not a chance.
Last thing anyone wants is another faggot reviewing AAA games and whatever the popular indie game of the month is. Carve out a niche.
Idk either. Lost Odyssey in particular has more strategic gameplay than every Japanese ARPG combined.
Toe Rogaine sometimes talks about quake
Critikal I guess, I like his doomer/boomer humor but his hot takes are shit and I don't like when he has his non funnu friends on.
What is a good channel covering jrpg?
I already have one for plateformer (nitrorad) and shooter (Gmanlives, that dude larping as a space prisonner)
Relax Alax
He's blatantly trying his best to become the next jontron but fails horribly because he lacks the charm that tubby faggot had.
Also it feels like all of his videos are kind of the same shit not to mention he's an unironic nintentoddler
I like him, but dear god he has to be the fucking worse when it comes to these youtubers trying to be reviewers
>IT 2 is a 80%
>watching stream to for footage of his Gears 5 review and he dies to the dumbest shit, complain about the story not making sense while talking cover every cutscene, and not know basic mechanics
He really should just stick to his boomer shit.
i was thinking one of the first few videos would be to cover the old school digimon electronics and it's evolution into what the fuck it is now, i have all 4 colors of the 20th anniversary edition and wanted to use those as a center piece for something. i'd also like to do something light gun themed, like games like time crisis and where the fuck are those god damn games now and why are there not enough of those in VR. thinking like 5-10 minute videos and no more than that. i think small quick videos work best to build an audience because everyone is a zoomer with 0 attention span. dunkey understands this
The Carmack interview was fun, it was like getting a new Quakecon Keynote.
He doesn't know how to make anything but isaac work.
The channel went down the tubes when he started focusing on streaming.
bdobbinsftw and Shirrako are my goto.
>Dude literally got fucked by the government
He's extremely hit or miss and mostly miss. I don't even know why I watch him
What's wrong with Nitrorad? He gives pretty insightful reviews on lesser talked about and older titles and actually breaks things down instead of focusing on one or two major things and glossing over everything else. Usually gives neat tidbits about the developer and game background too. He's not especially funny, but I prefer that to reviewers who constantly try and crack jokes or insert memes into everything they do. If I had one complaint about him it's that he seems almost afraid of offending people at times. I don't recall him giving any game a bad review aside from Bubsy 3D.
Nitro Rad and his echo AntDude are actually ok, I used to dislike Scott the woz cause I watched like one video from him and it blew up my Jewtube recommended but he's alright I guess
something about canada no longer supporting some jobs involved in moviemaking or something that he wanted to do, i dunno, he mentioned it in one of his recent videos
>only reviews mainstream titles that everybody has talked about ad nauseum and inarguable shovelware that nobody would get offended over being reviewed negatively
>personal blog-tier intro skit and unfunny drawn-out cutaway gags to pad for time
>reviewer breaks out into an ironically bad improv song
>bleeped-out swear words instead of just not swearing
>reviewer's good friend or significant other is a co-host
Theradbrad. I don't hate him but there's nothing to his personality i just watch some of his gameplays of games im interested in buying.
>Used to follow the gaming top ten countdown community religiously
>Josh Scorcher became a Brony faggot
>Autarch of Flame quit
>PBG went from occasionally funny to randumb bullshit
>Itionoben was good until his account got deleted. Then he came back for a bit, but gave up soon after
>Fawfuls Minion uploads less frequently than Jontron
>Everyone else became super irrelevant like Superflipper
>Entire community is now dead
>Except for RabbidLuigi who's still good and actually manages to upload every week[/spoiler}
Is that the stupid ass red skeleton that ripped off pic related? But I hate these faggot's video style in general that has those avatar-fagging and switching the emotion every frame.
RPG Monger is the worst faggot of them all imo. His presentation and neutered tumblr tier opinions make me wretch
I like Nitro Rad a lot, but his sense of humor is the absolute worst. He'll go from describing a system or feedback loop to then saying "yeaaaaah dude, so the difficulty is kinda poop-y like a fart. look at this dude, you gotta love this little dude!"
He strikes me as someone who has been coddled by video games and has never grown up, in these moments.
He is also constantly mispronouncing shit, and says dumb shit sometimes.
"Tonic Trouble just can't keep up with its older brother, Rayman 2." Tonic Trouble is practically a prototype for Rayman 2, why insinuate that 1. it's newer and 2. it isn't a good game because everything it did, Rayman 2 did it years better?
Also he is a Gamecube worshipping zoomer pretending that he has context for ps1/n64 games.
Try Casp O'Saurus, he sounds like what you're looking for.
Shirrako is based but he went overboard with all those red dead 2 killing videos after the first
Somehow that doesn't surprise me in the slightest.