Orc is best
Orc is best
>saving thumbnails
>Humonkey's female
You just can't handle the real orc woman!
blue board
Orcs are SUPERIOR too all other races in any genre.
Orcs are the MEN of any world where "HuMANs" exist.
Other races women all bow before the superiority of the ORC race and gladly take the SEED of a stronger race.
Jealousy is only bound to happen from other WEAK races trying to combat the SUPERIOR kind.
I did not ask for this feel user
>made of poo
orcs are retards and giants are usually stronger and not green
PROOF that Orc superiority ENRAGES the Hu"Man"(lol) kind.
what is going on in that comic
old wizard is so senile he mingles with a crowd of undead and attacks adventurers
It's pretty simple, an artist who isn't funny is trying to do comedy about a trope he doesn't really understand.
reminder orcs are for orcs only not desperate elf sluts
Fuck off coomers, we're trying to have a discussion.
All races females for the Orcs.
No other race can match the stamina or the size of Orcs.
Agreed with the latter part, Orcs would make perfect pack animals if they could be domesticated.
Only domestication going on is your women on our BOC.
yo OP, you got a bigger or full version of that image?
yeah orcs are cool but so are dwarves
what a shit thread honestly
kill yourselves immediately all who posted here
I like the trope of the more ugly and fat you are the more orcs find you attractive. Which goes for both genders.
No, you fucking coomer, fuck off.
Dwarfs are bros.
Orcs = Americans
Humans = Europeans
Elves = EastAsians
Beastfolk = Africans
no need to be mean about it
Fuck off garbage, Annerose is too good and pure for the last three quarters of her own series
"Orced" porn is black fetishism taken to an extreme
I want a fat hairy orc to rape me
it's just one of the many forms of ntr, could be a horse or anything
Don't let your obvious subscription to blacked run out coomer.
look you fucking coomer, kys
we don't fucking care about your fucking porn, you came here to fucking shit up MY thread I worked hard on, and you just fucking post porn.
this is not fun for me and the other users who have put effort into keeping this thread alive.
so stop putting your degenerate behavior on my thread and discuss this maturely.
post more
I prefer goblin porn personally. It's generally focused more on the rape aspect rather than the NTR aspect.
>Female goblin porn
>Its more focused on the impregnation aspect
Who started this so i can thank him
God i wish that were me
based jannie saving the thread
imagine what hes going to do with her haha
I'd rather bird people.
joe bidden playing wow classic
thats fowl
Anyone else notice that they couldn't force gamer so now they're trying to force "coomer", which originates from some cringy vocaroo recording that definitely wasn't created just for the sole purpose of forcing another stupid buzzword?
I dont think Fenoxo started it, but female goblins in CoC worship sex and impregnation as if it was their god, being a woman and not fucking every day and getting pregnant is something to be ashamed of. Now that I think about it I dont remember male goblins existing in that game.
Zoomers are so cringe
thanks faggot, you killed the thread
Why are people posting warham Orcs/Orks in what is ostensibly an Orc NTR thread when those particular Orcs are all asexual? They don't even have dicks.
Nor do you tranny.
NTR is for fagot. I think orc is cool but NTR fagot are ruining orc
Fantasy orks have dicks in certain editions.
At this point it should be considered a word-filter bypass.
Why do people post images of female characters with penises?
This is a wild ride from start to finish if you have the patience to read it. The artist is Dr. Bug and the text is translated on sadpanda
Orc males are fucking monkeys. Orc women would rather fuck humans than their own kind.
Stay gone coomer
>gamers rise up
What's the next discord tranny thread derailer going to be?
>Threads being bogged down with shitloads of porn
>People yell at these mentally retarded people to fuck off and make a word for them
You're so stupid and asshurt i can only think you're a projecting crossdresser.
Why do straight people love cucking themselves?
Trannies are gamers. A trannys brain is so full of cum that he has to make his fetish a lifestyle. You can keep pretending that it's forced by trannies, but in reality it's just people who think porn addicts are losers.
>implying cambrain posters belong here
coomers showed you retards how it's done immediately, imagine being such a foreigner you can't even create a wojak edit and just rip off a brainlet wojak and slap an infographic on it
>Threads being bogged down with shitloads of porn since the beginning of the site
>nobody cares because it's the culture of the site
>resetrannies start raiding
>get triggered by the sight of the female form
>sperg out
imma need some links
>but in reality it's just people who think porn addicts are losers.
And it's not losers disrupting otherwise fun threads with coomer and curmbrian? Or does it take one to know one? Because the "porn addict" "problem" on this board is grossly exaggerated.
>it's just people who think porn addicts are losers
>it's just people who think game addicts are losers
>it's just people who think anime addicts are losers
>it's just people who think internet addicts are losers
Why are you even here?
Your "Fun threads" are only fun for porn addicts.
>the "porn addict" "problem" on this board is grossly exaggerated.
Orc Troll Tauren.
If you main any other race, you're a little faggot cunt.
So are there any actual weird orcs in video games?
>it's just people who think porn addicts are losers
where do you think we are? Where do you think YOU are?
Define "weird".
Who is the guy who drawn this?
Warhammer Orcs are actually pretty wierd as far as traditional orcs go.
me on the left
Humans, Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, and bug people will seethe at the sight of the SUPERIOR undead bvll
>a LITERAL cuck to NiggerLich
Birds are coming back in style user.
Yea Forums is one of the most high traffic boards on this website. Do you really think this board has a specific type of people who use it? You underages always act like this because you think Yea Forums is some sort of edgy secret club.
Don't know, user, i got it from Yea Forums like 2 years ago.
This desu
sorry user, but she was literally made to take gallons of semen in every one of her holes
imagine coming to Yea Forums and complaining about people saying nigger and acting degenerate
East Asians are the most common thing on the planet they are goblins at best
Imagine coming to Yea Forums and not being able to handle people shaming you.
Post more cute orcs without the cucking shit. The Japanese have made cucks and trannies out of all of you.
Imagine coming to Yea Forums and not being able to handle 4channers.
Goblins(many) x human female is better
What are some games which focus on this
Ogres>fat potbelly Trolls with forearms like popeye>Dwarves
For some reason I read this as "or-sed", not "orkt".
Gangbangs are for actual faggots and every non-human female belongs to human males
Absolutely based
it's not really ntr if you hate elves
>coombrain is a tranny meme
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about I'm 90% certain it came from /fit/.
Tranny means anyone vuh doesn't like.
why would /fit/ raid Yea Forums and NOT use it as a chance to trick anons into eating their own cum? They've given Yea Forums so many bullshit get /fit/ quick and become a girl guides that included cum eating
vastly improved. Maybe add an axe at her side but they may ruin the simplicity
orc NTR
So this is the straight males culture.
Case anyone asks, you didn't hear this from me, but it's skateboarding anime maids