Why does Tifa get so many dislikes for every redesign she gets?

Why does Tifa get so many dislikes for every redesign she gets?

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Other urls found in this thread:


none look like her original design, mostly due to the retarded pretty-boy aesthetic modern FF games go for

Tiddies not huge enough!

bottom right is the best

I don’t hate her. She’s still hot as fuck

The bottom right and top right were horrible designs. Even though I play Dissadia NT way too much.

FF7R: A bunch of changes were made under the pretense of appeasing an "ethics department"

Dissidia NT: Currently the most modern and faithful rendition of the OG outfit, not at all a redesign

AC: Relatively faithful rendering that's only seen once in the movie and as a promotional shot

Blair Armitage: fan render done by (semi?) professional that takes liberties but is generally accepted positively

Only one of these is truly controversial

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Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

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I'll never understand breastphobic people.

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Because people only like change if it's for the better.
Change for the worse or change for change's sake is trash.

I enjoy jacking off to her tits

It's hard to believe this AYYLMAO looking soulless twig with tits gets any likes at all, she is the most a-typical generic idea to have ever existed. Literal garbage, waste of energy and space.

Dissidia Tifa is perfect.

>being this upset over a fictional character

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All those Tifas look great!

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Wrong, virgin. Nobody is upset other than the brainless drones who "like" this shit. Look at the OP. Now look at me. You're a fucking faggot.
Thanks for playing.

>Nobody is upset
>You're a fucking faggot

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This isn’t a Samus thread user, you must be confused

>karate girl with long blak hair

Her looks is so generic like she's someone straight came from the 90s generic anime.

Why is her "design" even that popular?

Remake Tifa is objectively bad; poor color balance, needless changes to her design, and overall bad proportions (not including her boobs)

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Because it's so simple yet effective

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You are objectively wrong

Soulful blocky polygonal boobs > soulless 3d graphics

Long black hair is perfection.
I have no idea why Japan insist in giving these characters retarded hair colors and styles when the natural hair of their women is the most beautiful thing on the planet.

Cowgirl Tifa is best Tifa.

Giddy up.

The low quality of the FF7 model allowed a lot of people to fill in the details with imagination. The higher detail redesigns obviously don't match up to what every individual person was thinking.

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She only rides Chocobos!

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That facial animation is remarkable, what is this from?

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But she looks great in most except the Remake

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You look mad to me.

For FF7R? You cannot assert this because the difference is not merely higher resolution with more detail. There are actual changes.

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bottom right is just some shitty fan render with an ugly plastic korean face

She's literally Jennifer Connelly from that movie where she wears a white tank top

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you retarded or something? it's way too animated. nobody fucking talks like that.

>remove iconic breast size
>"stop being triggered you manchildren!!!"
Geez, I wonder why. The same shit happened to Lara Croft.

In the current video game era women with big breast are being seen as problematic go figure.

it's hard to look into the mirror, isn't it?

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She really looks awful in the remake.


that's the point of animation, idiot.

Dislijes? What?

Where'd the top right from.

2>3>4 > power gap > 1

The point of animation is not to overanimate, you fucking retard. Do you honestly think you're clever for posting this tripe?

Plenty of real life people have very animated facial expressions. The point is to accurately convey an action or emotion and not be uncanny. This animation is uncanny. Not because it's over animated. It's because the lighting is not natural and the facial expressions lack essential micro-movements that are doubly visible because the skin is flawless.

because she's not Asian.

i'll never understand autists

>need to make her boobs smaller because big boobs are unrealistic
>leave her stick figure legs and arms the same

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Because virgins have too much time on their hands.

Why do SJWs hate big breasts? That doesn't sound very body-positive to me.

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Nothing's more repulsive than a woman trying to act cute. There can be no cuteness without innocence. The moment a girl becomes self aware of the power her body has over men she is forever removed from being considered cute.

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kek what the fuck? She's not trying to act cute, she's trying to look sexy and show off her big fat milkers. Do you have actual non-meme autism or what?

Wrong. She's trying to act cute and failing. She also doesn't know how to act sexy but idiots like you are still fooled into thinking she's succeeding simply because of her tits. You have no standards and you do not deserve to talk to me. Philistine.

someone hasn't seen her other videos

because of these brave warriors standing up for their right to have cowtits in video games

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Because she's not a stick with monster truck wheel sized titties.

you are objectively correct

You could have just said "yes" lmao

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I wish I could be like you user. Saying such blitheringly retarded shit with such authority takes a confidence I lack.

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is an autist
Your life must be endless suffering.

I bet you look like that too

I'm sure they have legit reasons.

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Disagreeing with me doesn't make you an autist, but being able to comprehend basic human interaction and body language sure does.

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This guy gets it

>being able to
not being able to

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>The point of animation is not to overanimate,
t. Dunning Kruger

Sauce? yandex and google aren't helping and Redmooa has nothing on it.

You literally can't differentiate between a woman trying to act cute and a woman succeeding in acting cute. To you it's all the same; whether or not you consider it sexy. You do not have a leg to stand on. Your grasp on body language is crude and you're projecting your insecurity about it.

Let me be clear. There's a difference between cuteness and sexiness. Knowing that difference is pretty important because one woman wants your attention and the other woman wants your dick. You're an adolescent if you think all these women want your dick.

Her lip is too big in the FF7R. It's the only different I can tell.
Eyes, nose, headshape are pretty much the same in both models.

Because they get worse and worse.

>You literally can't differentiate between a woman trying to act cute and a woman succeeding in acting cute.

Stopped reading here. The point is she was never trying to act cute. She's an instagram thot who gets money and attention by showing off her big huge tits, nothing more. Everyone seems to know that except you, because of the autism.

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It's on pivx

And you're one of the thirsty children who got suckered into giving her attention. I responded to one webm where she was clearly trying and failing to act cute. Not sexy. For some reason you took this shit personally, like I was attacking her and you needed to jump to defend this literal slut's honor. Get fucked, retard.

>And you're one of the thirsty children who got suckered into giving her attention.
I saved these all from Yea Forums my dude.

>For some reason you took this shit personally, like I was attacking her and you needed to jump to defend this literal slut's honor.
I'm just calling you an autist for being autistic lmao

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>She's not trying to act cute
You might have had an argument for that if she wasn't riding a merry-go-round and obviously trying way too hard to look childish and playful. But you don't.

>jacking it to softcore is now white-knighting the woman posing



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Did you just not notice the unsubtle shoving her tits around a pole or what?

Shit are guys for real or am I being trolled right now? Do you think she's trying to be cute and childish here because she has a backpack on?

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In other words you have no argument. You're a pathetic, sad sack white knight treating this worthless whore like nobody should be permitted to impugn her chastity. You exposed yourself for not being able to tell the difference between when a woman is trying to act cute and when a woman is trying to act sexy. You're guilty of the exact thing you're attempting to condemn me for because you're a projecting hypocrite and you just got put in your place.

Everyone can jerk off to whatever the hell they want. But if you're defending them from any sort of benign criticism online you're being a white knight.

The outfit is meant to convey that. You really don't get it. To you it's all the same because you don't know the difference. She's literally trying to act cute right now. You interpreting that as sexiness is your mistake. Look past the tits for 5 seconds, you dope.


>You're a pathetic, sad sack white knight treating this worthless whore like nobody should be permitted to impugn her chastity.
What the fuck are you even talking about? The first thing I said to you is she's openly being a slut lmao where did you even get this chastity shit?

>Look past the tits she's accidentally showing off in her extra tight deep-cut t-shirt
Okay professor, thanks for the guidance.

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not anymore nigga

roy12's ports are often miss than hit.
Jezz...I'm sure porting head to Unity game isn't hard. Making Blend shapes for it, however is time consuming.

>get bent out of shape when I say a woman isn't cute and proceed to dump your collection of webms of her you only coincidentally saved from Yea Forums
You're not fooling anyone, retard. You're white knighting this bitch.

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Hes probably some 16 year old kid. A real man isnt swayed by a woman just because she flaunts her body.


you'll never be able to please autistic waifus fags who's perception of the character has been more influenced by porn

>>get bent out of shape when I say a woman isn't cute
Damn dude, you're so far gone I don't think you can even have meaningful conversations. I never said she was cute, I said she wasn't even trying to be cute. I said to you multiple times she's a fucking e-thot slut shoving her tits around for attention. I called you autistic for failing to understand body language not because you don't think she's cute.

I hope this is samefag and there aren't two of you this retarded in one thread.

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she already looks like she's hitting the wall

>I said she wasn't even trying to be cute.
This is what you are wrong about. I've told you explicitly several times now that you are misinterpreting her body language. You are considering what she's doing sexy because you consider her sexy. You're not looking at her behavior clearly. You're the one failing to understand the body language. Clearly.

And once again you're still not fooling anybody. You're a white knight. You really did get bent out of shape just because someone said she wasn't cute. Get over this shit. It's beneath you.

Latinas either hit it early or never at all.

>I've told you explicitly several times now that you are misinterpreting her body language.
And you're wrong.

>You really did get bent out of shape just because someone said she wasn't cute.
Still wrong. You think if I was going to white knight for anyone out of the millions of girls out there it would be for some spic slut with fake nails? Stop projecting, you dumb nigger.

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for fuck sakes I ate the last few popsicles I had left a few days ago and now I want more.

if there is no one else doing it, he'll always hit

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We posting milk trucks?

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Out of the two of us I'm not lusting after this cunt so it's my opinion that's at least free from bias. Since you've got it bad for this worthless woman your opinion is meaningless since everything she does is considered sexy to you. Get a grip, lancelot.

bitch shut the fuck up not everyone's in some backwards ass third world shithole like yours where the AoC is 18

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Bottom right looks like a pig, I'm sorry

You're right, big boobs are unrealistic and should never be put in video games.

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nigga you blind

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Nobody believes a word out of your mouth considering you were chomping at the bit to defend her from criticism and clearly have a folder dedicated just to her, despite your claim that you consider her a nobody. What you're doing is embarrassing. If you really didn't have personal attachments to the idea of her you would have kept your mouth shut because what I said wouldn't have compelled you to respond. You fucking retard.

Why did this turn into a thot posting thread?

I think I have a decent webm of that chick but it keeps saying "upload failed"

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Because thats all there is to talk about Tifa.
Her character is basically Shitty Rosa.

She's not trying to act cute, she's trying to be sensual because she knows exactly what kind of body she has.
It seems you whole entire proceeding argument hinges on the fact that you say she's trying to be cute and failing as opposed to simply not trying to be cute in the first place, just sexual which is what she's doing.

Who is worse? FFXV-kun or this Connelly-fag?

You don't spend any time around women. There's a difference between trying to act cute and trying to act sexy. Just like him you don't know where the line is.

Looks like you proved me wrong by having pictures of other women. How stupid are you?

The honest answer is that her original representation was low enough on details that everyone filled in the gaps with their own ideals. The high definition redesigns can't match that. Also a healthy amount of straight shitposting because Yea Forums will argue about anything, especially with a game virtually everyone has played.

based user

>be incel
>have sex
pick one

I actually agree with you on that 100%

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The pictures don't prove it. You actually defending the bitch in this thread is what does. That's why you got called out. Someone said a girl you think is sexy isn't cute? Better spend half an hour trying to change his mind!

You're worse than trannies, dilate white faggots

LMAO, based on how she's dressed she's clearly trying to be sexy and not trying and failing to be cute as you claim.
How is any of what she's doing her trying to be cute and not just straight out sexual?
For whatever reason you seem to have a bug up your ass about this girl who is clearly showing of her tits and body in a very clear and provocative way, "failing" to be cute just so you can complain.

Way to misinterpret everything.

Yeah but post more of the other girl tho


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By intentionally exhibiting juvenile mannerisms in an attempt to appear innocent. This is not trying to act sexy. It's trying to act cute. This low effort acting is what you expect to see from bad porn actresses in school girl uniforms. Recognize the difference.

>relatively faithful
Yeah, no. If AC's design came out today, the hypersensitive antiSJWs would be crying about her being covered up.


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What's even the point of having pictures of boobs saved? You can't grab them so it's pointless.

not the same guy, but why are you expecting a 17-18 year old instagram ho to not act juvenile

>I never defended her except

>I actually agree with you anyway
>I just felt compelled to kick the dirt in anger for no reason whatsoever

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Imagine defending some thot over the internet. Fucking pathetic virgins.

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okay i lied, its me

Intentionally. Which is what makes it remarkably not cute.

No, she's a juvenile trying to be sexy, you're the one misinterpreting everything.
I'm sure as she gets older her juvenile behavior will disappear but it's ridiculous that you think a teenager being juvenile is some kind of attempt at acting.

Here is how you make the perfect remake Tifa.

Bottom right's outfit.
Top right's hair.
Bottom left's face.
Top left's...?

t. fooled fool

She's trying to act younger than she is despite already being young. That's what makes it especially egregious.

>Janny deleted all of his posts


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>ayyy lmao
it's like Aerisfags just repeat randomly shit that gets throw at their waifu, without out knowing what that word actually means

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Something looks off with Aeris but I can't put my finger on it.


Every teenager is juvenile as hell, every one of them.
The only acting they perform is that which tries to make them look more mature than they really are.
She's just a typical teenager.

Attached: nutifa.webm (1280x720, 796K)

Why are jannies so racist? they leave up every kind of tit but latina. are they literally trump?

>The only acting they perform is that which tries to make them look more mature than they really are
That was clearly not the case in that webm. You should be careful with absolutes.

>hypersensitive antiSJWs
rent free

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Tifas gameplay footage really turned her for me from a 10/10 cutie back to being 11/10. It makes it's fucking hot the way she casually does her crazy shit.

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I'm pretty sure some of these webms were when this girl was 14-15, exactly how mature do you expect her to act?
I don't know where you are getting this idea that teenagers have this advanced level of maturity and that anything else is some trickery of trying to act juvenile when they clearly ARE juvenile.
It makes me wonder how old you are because everybody that looks back at their teenage years realizes how immature they were during those times even if they thought they were mature for their age, that itself was just a sign of their immaturity too.

Why does Cloud have two right shoulders?

You tell me

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>that cute bounce

Attached: Kamen Rider Tifa.webm (1344x840, 2.93M)

I don't expect her to act mature. I said she was trying to act cute and failing. I expressed this because women try to do this constantly and it never looks good to me. As I originally said the moment a woman starts intentionally trying to act cute to elicit the same response she used to get when she was much younger she's crossed the threshold where she can never be cute in that way again. The fact that women try to do this even when they're in their 20s and 30s is embarrassing. No man in their lives ever told them to knock that stupid shit off.

I love this little slut so much, just look how much fun she has

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She cool

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fucking based

I hate when women try to act cute too, it puts me off but I completely disagree that that is what she was doing.
You are just seeing a teenager being a teenager and that is bugging you in a way that it shouldn't.

cringe soi defence force

I don't know what you hope to accomplish by telling me what you feel. I promise you it's not going to change what I think. I made myself clear. She's failing to be cute. She's not trying to be sexy. Only men who are lusting after her would interpret her childish body language as anything other than trying to act like a pre-pubescent child.

literally and supremely based

a best

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This guy gets it

she needs to jiggle more
fucking sportsbra

I told you only because you told me, so why did you bring it up to begin with?
>she has her tits hanging out of a really tight dress showing tremendous cleavage and the fact that she has really big tits popping her chest out and jumping up and down to make her breasts jiggle
>not trying to be sexy
Anybody with eyes can see she is being overtly sexual but instead you've created this personal fantasy where she's actually trying to be cute but nope it's not working for YOU, you've caught on, your too smart and savvy to fall for that.
She has failed, she is a failure, right?
You clearly are projecting personal issues into this girl, just making shit up so you can have a reason to put her down. If you weren't into her, then you would simply not be into her but no, you had to form a story why you're not into her.
You have issues.

I never hated the redesigns, even this current one I don't hate, my real issue with the current one is they added unneeded shit to it because of a gay ethics department, but I'm sure they'll add a "classic" outfit as purchasable DLC, because why wouldn't they?

FF7R: cute but too thin.
Dissidia NT: I dunno. The body is perfect but she doesnt have one of Tifa's signature: her soft gaze. She looks like some "badass" white woman instead of cute.
AC: the best. Would be perfect if she had red eyes.
Fan made: fuck off.

whiteknighting a literal hoe, lol

You aren't looking past her tits. You are exactly the person she is intending to fool. Now you've adopted the responsibility of defending her on Yea Forums and you want to sit here and act like I'm the one with issues? So what if I don't like the way she acted in a webm. Why the fuck do you care?

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>Dissidia NT
>She looks like some "badass" white woman

Nope. she looks more Asian with that design than the other ones.

what dislikes? is this an aerithfag cope thread?

Because she not best girl.

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She always has and always will be best girl user, that's just scientific truth

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Because they're all vastly inferior to the original. That being said I don't see anyone complaining about Ehrgeiz Tifa. Only someone like me would do that.

was this the realism they were going for when they added the sports bra?

Because they keep trying to change her from a big titted white girl to a medium tittied asian girl.

tifa is literally tiffani even the fucking name and outfit

Nice try, douche.

I'm going to need more scientific proof.

I love them all, everytime I see a wild Tifa it fills my heart with peace

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>they obviously have all three the same face
>still look vastly different
how is something like that possible?

You're developing a more acute facial recognition ability.

Remake Tifa is the first Tifa, where my honest response is "This is not Tifa. This is someone else." instead of "This is a misrepresented Tifa." So, yes, there are dislikes.

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She needs a good spanking for being a naughty terrorist

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>not Asian

You should get over with the reality already.

She's been Asian for 14 years since that movie was out and sorry for you, it won't ever change.

I'm going to need you to be clearer here. Are we talking bare hand, belt, or switch? Is she going to be clothed, in her underwear, or bare bottomed? This needs to be ironed out now before our next meeting.

She used to have big, bright round eyes but now they keep trying to give her small dark asian eyes. That's why she never looks right in any redesigns.

Attached: Tifa-FFVIIArt.png (255x532, 139K)

Source is Redmoa if you're still wondering

because this was perfection

Attached: tifa.png (240x240, 22K)

here's an actual good redesign bro

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I-I want to lick her armpit bros....

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Tifa is a blessing send to this dark world to give humankind a reason to fap

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>face app autist

>An animator's job is not to (((over))) do the thing he does
I see you liked how those facial expressions looked in the new Lion King.


What's stopping you?

>Everyone up in arms against Tifa getting censored
>her game play footage drops
>suddenly everyone is okay with the ethics committee
nu Yea Forums is pure cancer

she doesn't look like she's straight out of a doujin so it's not muh Tifa


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Everyone is built for sex. Even you.

>The point of animation is not to overanimate
wow someone should let Disney and Pixar know!


very nice

What if I told you there's a way around this problem.

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>wanting to sex barret
ur gay user

I don't like how slow the ATB fills for the AI compared to the active character. I know combos are supposed to fill it faster, but if the character you're playing gets 3 or 4 turns to every one the others get you might as well have a party size of one with two cheerleaders. Sure you can switch, but then you'll be doing three times the work to balance it out. As it stands, it seems clear the optimal strategy will be to stay on whatever character has the most useful move and ignore the others.

Having the AI charge as fast (or maybe even a little faster) would seem counter intuitive, but would encourage switching more because then the optimal strategy would be to spend all the ATBs and then switch off to let them build up again.

ever been in a bar brawl? it's like that but without the pretty lights.

She's perfect. Plus they'll no doubt add the classic outfits, so I'm not worried.

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I like the fact that Tifa had 17 redesigns and they all miss the fact tifa had both earrings.
There were so little shots of her in the original game showing both, that the people that worked on her later on didn't even bother to check, so now every single model from AC onwards just has one.

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That's pretty much how FFXIII-3 battle system worked.
You switched between 3 costumes and the time to attack would be recharging while you weren't switched on a certain costume. If you did it right, you would never be out of the ability to do something because you would always be able to switch to something that was ready to go.

Perhaps that's what is meant to be done in this game? Use up the ATB and switch to a character that's charging. The net effect should be that even if the non-selected characters are charging slightly slower they will, because of this, still be ahead of your selected character which was at zero. So switching over to them while they're half way will still get them to pop off an attack before your original selected character is refilled.

>see this shitty minigame
They're going to fuck up Golden Saucer aren't they?

>Only one of these is truly controversial
Truest post on this subject.

Tifa is White

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You wish.

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Because decades of pornography have destroyed people's brains.

>Golden Saucer
You can't really fuck up something that doesn't exist.


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Not good enough. You apologize to me.

Well, I mean in the next 10 years we eventually get it.

Well I haven't heard of the phrase Golden Saucer in any FF7 media ever

>Golden Saucer
Gold Saucer, my bad.

People only know Tifa because Hentai doujins and animations.


Attached: tifatits2.png (273x615, 95K)

its almost like her hair covers the other one 99% of the time on later models so they either don't bother adding it because its behind it most of the time, or its there and you just never see it.

No they were actually trying to avoid realism. If she has the sports bra there is no expectation of jiggle physics vs no bra. If she didn't have it, it would look unrealistic for them to have no jiggle but adding jiggle would get them in hot water with the ethics department.

So they slap the bra on her and get to avoid that issue.


Because OG tifa is a heavily modified version of the model you see in FFVII, embellished by the imagination of horny 12 years old and the distortion produced by their brain on the last 15 years that makes near impossible to live up to the standard that's inside each tifafag since they learned to fap

There's only one way.

Attached: 1562479891583.jpg (1024x681, 146K)

Look in this quick animation, you could've spotted it 5+ times in less than 20 seconds.
And AC Tifa's hair is even thinner and it's obvious it's not there. They were just retarded.

>it doesn't loop
fuck it I'll do it myself

Attached: pullups-loop.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Denial of reality, if it was Tifa from NT, bit for bit, only soviets from the USA would cry about it, rest would find her perfect.

Ia she the ultimate vidya waifu, Yea Forums? 20+ years and she still manages to be a hot topic around here.

Attached: 1560497922309.png (1208x1076, 612K)

more like basic vidya waifu

>Use up the ATB and switch to a character that's charging
But if you use up the ATB, then you're already on a character that's charging.
And at the rate I'm seeing (unless they've adjusted the rates to show off moves in this demo), the active character can charge at least 3 times to every once the AI does, which means there'll rarely be a good reason to switch. Maybe have a second character with full ATB in reserve for healing, but beyond that not much.

Maybe not if you judge waifus by cuteness or some other metric, but she's definitely one of the hottest vidya girls ever created.

and here comes the aeriffthhhh faggots

Oh fuck off you complete faggot. Truth is Tifa fans have been making concessions and compromises for 2 decades. You’re so fucking brainwashed that you can’t admit what OG Tifa actually looks like.

Is it at all possible that you're seeing a character that has "haste" cast on them?

I don't get that scene is she genuinely afraid or is she just doing this since Aeris is trying to pull a move on Cloud?

Attached: 1562895883165.jpg (258x258, 15K)

I love it.

Attached: Love Triangle.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

I want to molest her on a train

Not him user, but both Aerith and Tifa are the basic of basic vidya waifus.

This one is actually very nice, but the real problem is that she doesn't get a fanservice moment with those tits. SE should drop this gracefu waiful shit and give her a shower scene or something. I promise you 99% of all complains about her breast would go away

>drop this graceful waifu shit
but that's her only other charm point

she is definitely up there

Yeah she's definitely not happy with how forward Aerith is being and is trying to butt in.

Only one of those is Tifa.

Cowtits are not breasts. They are just silicon unless they are morbidly obese, both are shit tier.

her other charm is being strong but also being a submissive/devoted waifu. There is no need to not make some fanservice with her

When you take a stylized character and then try to make them "realistic", they just look like cosplayers. They lose the charm of what made them aesthetically pleasing in the first place. Bottom right is best because she still has a stylized look

If you played the original Tifa was jealous as fuck of Aerith.

but didn't she just hear that the plate will get dropped on her friends and home? Why would you put love triangle boloney into a situation like that?

Attached: 1564868014528.jpg (528x792, 84K)

>Cowtits are not breasts

Attached: 1567635742795.jpg (500x480, 57K)

The latter? Just like orginal game.
Aerith is always flirtatious toward Cloud and Tifa is jealous of her.

Well they ARE changing shit.

My theory is that instead of dropping the plate right now, Shinra plans to drop the plate in a few days.

The only people who say shit like this are creepy cumbrian fucks obsessed with anime figurines of flat chested girls who have convinced themselves being a pedo is a badge of honor.

That would makes sense, which means we get more time to dick around with our bitches

Attached: 1564950272893.jpg (426x341, 31K)

>creepy cumbrian
You need to be more subtle nigga

She's perfect.

Attached: 1560352284104.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

How come she looks so good in her battle mode while they messed Aeris up?

Attached: EEZYhTEUcAEqmce.jpg (1200x675, 79K)

Cute tummy.

Attached: 3a7f41249c80527a1c37ef27d0f6ac70.jpg (800x1131, 199K)

why spend so much time perfecting a bitch who's gonna die halfway through the game

It's almost as if Tifa at the highest peak of detail is a modest barebones simplistic low quality model, so when you from that to battle you don't lose much if anything at all.
No, the general consensus is that the cutscene model of Aerith demolishes Tifa's.

She won't die in the first game.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they change up the plot so Aeris doesn't die until the very end of the game just so all that asset work doesn't go to waste.

She's not gonna die in FF7R though :)

but we saw so many high polished Aeris shots, why would they not do the same for her battle scenes?

But Tifa looks genuinely amazing in her battle, even the way her limit break looked was fine as fuck.

You tell me. The lighting fucks up for some frames but she looks good.

Attached: Healing Wind.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)


Attached: bum.jpg (2048x2048, 1.44M)

>that posture when she runs
>dat face
just awful

Attached: 1563576648846.jpg (1014x1000, 91K)

Gimme 10 minutes

Attached: Dance Battler.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

This shit is like MK11
>female fighters are more realistic now xD
Fact that ethic department, Tifa with schoolgirl skirt also feels wrong
>they have zero muscles xD

To be honest here, her gameplay seems very boring. Tifa wins this big time

The in-game lighting and shaders almost certainly aren't fully implemented yet. It's part of why some of the water (particularly in the sewer tsunami) looks weird too.

Attached: Sewer Tsunami.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

She is always going to be best girl.

That said, I'm looking forward to Remake's takes on Scarlet, Elena, and Yuffie

Attached: 1561113939901.jpg (620x870, 87K)

Attached: Aeris versus Tifa.gif (540x300, 2.72M)

This design improves with red gloves and red boots. Also fix her legs for godssake


You're not thinking about this from the standpoint of a corporate studio executive.
This is due in March of 2020, and it's going to be episode 1 of min. 3, possibly 4 episodes.
Even if you go at the insane rate of 1 episode a year, it's going to be 2023 for the whole load.
2023 it's going to be the third full year of PS5 in the market.
They will add a couple effects to sell the game on PS5 and force people to upgrade, the same shit they pulled on GTA. PC and the rest of the platforms will get the ultimate complete version when it's ready.

She's a ranged attacker, frankly the spinning with the pole is as interesting as you can get without going to Limit Breaks. Barret has the same problem.

I'm also out of Tifa webms so have Jessie instead.

Attached: Jessie.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

buy my game, bro

Attached: 1568436379636.jpg (1497x845, 105K)

>posting fanart

I'll buy Briana's game

>Cloud has a Hardedge before ever reaching Shinra HQ
Well okay

>range attacker
>not snore fest

it looks like they made her skirt less bulky and her thighs/legs a bit better than her initial reveal. They just need to give her proper skindentation now

Attached: EEetyV6XYAA5SFD.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)


fucking hell

Attached: 1564924454620.jpg (126x115, 3K)

When do we get the next trailer?

>No, the general consensus is that the cutscene model of Aerith demolishes Tifa's.
Only speak for yourself, user

Attached: z_5d7907c3f22ae.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)



Welp that's going to be another genocide of sperm cells

There we go. Forgot the webm

We've known this for a while; he uses the Hardedge vs Airbuster

Attached: Healing Wind 2.webm (1366x768, 3M)

Not that they won't do that but I think in the Sewer Tsunami case it really is just not done yet. That water looks like plastic while the water under the robo-scorpion fight looked fine.

Yeah, that's a bad lighting thing. Compare to literally one second earlier in pic related or one second later in when she has more than ambient lighting and she looks fine. The model's fine, they just have to fix the lighting in that area or keep that animation's effects from cutting out at that moment.

Attached: Lighting 2.png (831x840, 495K)

>blur affect to the max
She needs a ton of polish to look good. I think they just don't get the mix between asian and western right with her. Like her face is very flat but she also has a massive jaw and chin

Attached: Ironjaw.gif (268x426, 2.94M)

maybe that is the reason why we got so man CG shots of her?

>Blur affect to the max
Print screen and 5 seconds in paint to crop actually.

Attached: CuteLesbians.jpg (424x424, 34K)

All they had to do was tell their ethics department they weren't going to animate the breasts in the first place. What is going to their heads that not having a sports bra means "well I guess we have to animate the boob bounce".


Attached: matt-image-1ef9cbedd0d1d8acfe490ba1b885e2e2085f758d.jpg (542x474, 27K)

You have to understand she has been the first crush of many little kids that grew up with the playstation, I am from 1994 and I cannot deny when I saw her pixelated tits I stayed up all night just to stare at her sometimes, I was about to hit puberty and my desire was a mixture of love and lust.

The game had pretty piss graphics so most of us would go on and imagine what she would look like "realistically" regardless of the official artwork material and CG promo shots.

Likewise, many other kids that are now adults are seeing what was once their pixelated young goddess in forms that they may not have imagined or conceived, prompting a rejection syndrome in a similar way to how some birds might refuse food from a mother if she is kept separated from them long enough, it's a biochemical rejection that is intrinsic to human nature as well.

I personally love tifa no matter the form she takes and to me she will forever be that pixelated popeye goddess flickering in my CRT

Attached: 1568504574488.png (842x1100, 735K)

you can tell this animator is not a professional, those expressions are animated as if it was a fucking disney movie but on a realistic looking character it looks fucking retarded

is this a honey select card?

>character does 300 anime moves
>enemy carries on doing his stupid dance with infinite poise

this is why I don't think rpg's are meant for action combat, it looks so fucking stupid

Don't you get tired trying to preach to a crowd who thinks your lower than a piece of shit scraped from their shoes?
what's even you goal?

based tummy poster


are you telling me after all that shitstorm with her design they still didn't change it?


The right lokks like an emo goth grrril ready to suicide herself. Is this DiGRA brainwashi g again?

there has literally never been a single successful animation that doesn't "overanimate", what the fuck?

Her Dissidia design had a huge positive reaction though

Advent Children flashback did nothing wrong.

C'mon man don't shit talk Shrek like that, he looks far better than she does.

top-left: goblina,
top-right: okay,
bottom-left: goblina,
bottom-right: great

For me big problem is obvious "censoring" of her chest area and that her tits look square, not round

>bottom right great

Off yourself.

>liking anime jaws
no u

Eh, the one from Dissidia is pretty good.
Blair also has made one with a better face, but now it might actually be too western? dunno.

Attached: blair-armitage-tifa-render-light01.jpg (1500x1500, 516K)


All Tifas are love

Attached: 1566278307098.png (1920x1080, 566K)

That face is perfect desu. I wish Blair made her model instead of whatever inept intern handled it.

the right looks fine. And you fucking know why. They make look white and tifa asain. like why?

I love her new outfit desu

Attached: 76790370_p1.jpg (2304x2304, 1.95M)

Too much pointy man jaw.

did you have a stroke?

Attached: 1472996713362.png (334x556, 197K)

Attached: 1562369530518.png (128x128, 18K)

Dissidia > fanart > AC > Remake

i fucking hate the funko shit they been pushing

and the chibi paper dolls like in theatrythm

Attached: 76790370_p3.jpg (2560x4096, 3.63M)

WoFF is good you shitter

gym bunnies are my fetish

she looks like fiona

I seem to remember someone else who thought art was about replicating reality rather than being creative, last I heard of him I think he started killing jews


only with more clothes

Attached: 76790370_p0.jpg (2304x2304, 2.02M)

This, it looks so dumb when sports bra actually show more chest while containing the boobs. They also covered Rinoa's boobs in the remaster

>covered Rinoas boobs
what's there to cover

Attached: 1566735781104.png (888x772, 755K)

Yes user.
The majority of men have a fetish for fit, attractive young women who actively take care of themselves and their appearance in such a way that allows them to retain an appealing amount of muscle mass and fat cutting a feminine and healthy silhouette.

So basically it doesn't matter what Square does unless they give you a scene specifically to make your pee pee hard?

Yes (And that's a good thing)

That's still good, I don't have Yea Forums's hateboner for Tifa's redesign.

Attached: LICK.jpg (2304x2304, 2.04M)

God the SFM porn when this game comes out on PC will be great.

The outfit is fine.
The actual ensemble looks great on this model.
It just happens to be a model that SE didn't make. If they gave her these proportions with that outfit and more faithful hair and few tweaks to the face, she'd be fine.

The dissidia model is extremely superior to the FF7R version that it's disgusting.

Have sex incel

Attached: Bouncy Sprite.gif (506x506, 2.21M)

You are kind of mentally impaired. Something doesn't work fully inside that skull. Talk to a therapist now.

You know what user I respect it, atleast you're honest.

here you go pham


Fuck, now I have an incredibly hard boner.

They hide her boobs even more

I'll be playing Tifa all day errday.

Attached: 1568435807333.webm (1518x872, 2.92M)

All those Tifas look good except the bottom right. I can't wait to see her menu portrait.

Attached: 1568434359029.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

Attached: dankememe.png (500x521, 264K)

Because gamers and Yea Forumscels are a cancer to humanity. They honestly deserve to be mocked and bullied.

Attached: 15u05.jpg (640x480, 67K)

what the fuck happened to her face in top left?
bottom right is just fanart so the artist can make her look like some LoL kpop model and i don't care
but top right actually looks like classic tifa
meanwhile top left i wouldn't even recognize if i hadn't seen the trailer that shows this is supposed to be her

People prefer a shameless cake eater over the hotness that is Tifa. This is the world we live in.

Attached: aerith-tgs.png (1024x725, 449K)

got you dissidia fanboys are retarded

Lips & nose too big on the FF7R. If they tweak those she'll look just the same as top right

I never even played dissidia because it's a shit game
FF7R remake Tifa looks legit like a Yakuza character if you ever played that

top right looks soulless so I'm glad they won't

So she looks like a real person. That's a good thing.

no she has to look like a plastic sexdoll!

>final fantasy
>needing realism
cloud doesn't look like a real person and he looks fine

Cowtits only look decent on clothed women, remove it all you got is saggy piece of shit, with ugly shape

roastie please

Remake Tifa looks great.
Try having sex sometime.

Attached: 1568533558360.jpg (963x732, 297K)

he looks like a gook host

how many times do you think Barret bent her over that bar

I had sex with original and remake tifa. Original was better.

every design is faithful and decent except for FF7RE


Attached: soulless vs soul.jpg (1400x666, 206K)

he lost count, probably did it in front of Marlene couple of times too

It's the shader which team ninja uses that make lightning looks plastic, it has nothing to do with models' meshes.
Tweaking her lips doesn't suddenly turn her into cartoony character. Also does pic related look like a real person to you?

Final fantasy since 10 always have had mix between realism and anime. You're just trying so hard to be a contrarian

Attached: dims_3.jpg (770x420, 28K)

Probably and most likely fucking zero but you're a cuck retard or a black incel who can't stop thinking about interracial bullshit.

It's a demo, they can change the game however they want. Maybe they put it in the demo to show off.

You can that sad buzzword for retards all you want.
But it doesn't change the fact that your taste comes from all the dog dicks you suck.

Which concept are they gonna base her on though

Attached: 12453137.png (435x529, 181K)

Remake Aerith looks about 3x better than remake Tifa I don't know how you people don't see it. Tifa looks like she was shat out so quick just so they could get people talking about the game again.

Which do you think ruined the franchise?

Attached: tabatavsnomura.jpg (1660x1149, 370K)

The one that literally almost bankrupted the entire company.

Attached: 1045402-ff04.jpg (480x320, 22K)

Bottom right is unplayable. Would constantly upskirt her and tally like thousands of hours into the game

What most bugs me about these re-designs is, these characters do not look at all terrorists, at least, the group that cannot feed themselves enough for one or two next week because they are exhausted and basically poor. either barret and tifa seems to be living a "proper" life as a member of big organization or something, which is super strange considering there is even a fan theory Tifa's "real" job is actually prostitution for a customer coming to her bar. They should have made them more "dirty" or "poorly", especially in designs of clothes.

Because she's not real

Google got so triggeerd by big tits they removed all search results from youtube for Tifa.

>there is even a fan theory Tifa's "real" job is actually prostitution for a customer coming to her bar
that's just butthurt aerisfags who know exactly what the "flower girl" is doing, especially after the honey bee inn when you catch her with all those guys she charged different amounts of money.

I got worked

this is why Square did it, because the elites in the west hate big tits now.

youtubes moderation is run by a secret clique of blue haired chestlet cat ladies

>tifa is still shadowbanned on youtube
how long has it been?
it happened a few days after her reveal, right?

Attached: youtube tifa.jpg (1346x1783, 581K)

> They should have made them more "dirty" or "poorly", especially in designs of clothes.

you cant get high pay customer with dirty cloth

>I want my bartender to look like she's covered in dirt and shit

Attached: 1567252873189.png (953x716, 920K)

I like her AC design though..

She looks so bad holy shit. I'm getting RE2make 2 Claire vibes in how bad this redesign is.

autismo claire looks better than this thing

Yeah youtubes moderation is completely biased. Some bitch actually got personally offended by tifa's huge bust.

I do not about care waifu wars, just "reality" in the setting that the game had built. if Aerith has to be a prostitute, then Tifa needs some job to make her life, worth that clothes or facilities. but anyway they are supposed to be just poor people in a slum.

Because the original was perfect.

Attached: C2Jo4taUoAAY0mq.jpg orig.jpg (1048x1192, 145K)

she runs a bar you fucking idiot

>Tifa needs some job to make her life
well she owns a bar / pub

Aerith sells flowers, Tifa runs a bar, Barret helps out with said bar, and Cloud thinks he is a merc.


It's not that she was covered up. It's that her outfit was overall more subdued and uninspired.
It didn't capture her personality. Neither did AC faithfully portray it. She had none of the spunk OG tifa had.

Is that a young Josh Barnett?

tumblr redesign

Shrinking Tifas heavenly milk udders doesnt make sense in the context of her successful bar.
People stay for the beer but they come back for the view.

*Meanwhile Cid's an engineer, Yuffie's a thief, Vincent just woke up and doesn't really need money, and Red XIII is a sentient dog/cat/thing and is okay with dog chow.

did you ever go to brothel in a slum? at least, there should be something in her design to imply her actual life. I think leather motif of her clothes in the old design is a subtle but great symbol to indicate what her is actually because leather material is not necessarily a cheap but robust and lasts for years.

STOP objectifying women.

STOP shaming men for their sexuality

yes, a bar for poor people. just like black people own and run some bars for black people then get some money from these poors. :/

STOP defending the patriarchy.

STOP being a bigot

Dissidia model is really good imo but i think most people dislike her redesigns because they don't look too feminine at all FF7R model gotta be the worst so far she look hideous ples her new costume gotta be pure fetish bait .

Attached: 1554117102096.gif (500x358, 997K)



god please source

So is she White or Asian after all?



Attached: 44A0E496-D57E-4F10-8FA3-66AD9AD2ADBB.png (1920x1080, 816K)

She's on crack

She's from Nibelheim

Attached: D8vk12wXUAAjjWc.jpg (1200x675, 66K)


same race as cloud

>The point of animation is not to overanimate
You should stop talking about things you have no idea about, user.

Is Cloud asian?

dunno, apparently "eastern looking" but not "wutai asian"

Cloud is a nigger.

the way she gets pushed back 100ft by the shitty collision looks awful.

I'm already looking forward to the PC port and twitter fags seething at Tifa mods

God I can't wait. I'm gonna double dip just for those.


The only acceptable Tifa restyling was the one in Ehrgeiz,you know its true

Even if they recreated the "original" blocky Tifa, you fags are gonna complain at how shes not blocky enough.

>AC: Relatively faithful rendering that's only seen once in the movie and as a promotional shot

It was used in KH2 too, where her tits seemed even smaller than AC. I remember people were mad about her tiddies back then too, but Square didn't fucking learn. Those chink fools don't understand how sacred those wonderful udders are to us western gamers.

OG Tifa; non-racial, just anime
AC Tifa: 75% Asian, 25% White
Dissidia Tifa; 25% Asian, 75% White
Dissidia NT Tifa; 75% Asian, 25% White
Remake Tifa; 50% Asian, 50% White

Remake Tifa is the best mix of both worlds.

last one isnt official, you retarded newfag

Remake Tifa is Mexican.

I can't tell what's going on in the fucking battles. It's just a bunch of flashing colors and particle effects. It looks horrible. I wish they'd take a Jackie Chan approach to showing action in fights.

like with more ladders or what?

Who designed this? That sport top is really bad done, those usually leave some space on the top so you don't suffocate, they don't cover boobs this much


>50% Asian, 50% White
You are fucking high, she's just a chink she even has that chinkoid puffy under eye garbage going on

Nibelheim is geologically very close to the Wutai continent, makes sense that Tifa and Cloud have some Asian features, just not as much as Yuffie

Attached: map-default.gif (450x338, 26K)

Agreed, more polygonal means rough enough sensation on my disgraced circumsized dick. Remake Tifa is for europeans and japs.

She’s like half asian half native American / South American. Her whiteness has been erased.

>realistic looking character
You should leave your house more often.

Please someone tell me where this image is from.

>realistic looking character
Her skin looks like rubber
You're a dumb dumb.

It's not really her redesign itself it's just the art style of new final fantasy games is really fucking gay. Anyway there's clearly an audience who likes this awful art (in japan) since people keep buying it so who cares.

You're both autistic and have no idea what you're talking about

Are you the same retard that made that love triangle thread yesterday?

Let's be honest here the reason why people don't like her new design is because it looks Asian while her original looked white. The western audience naturally likes the white design better because they're white and people tend to be attracted to their own race.

I like her new design. Even if I didn't, I'm just more worried about how they're going to fill up Midgar to be a whole game and the kind of stuff they might add to the story to make that happen.

Because American ruin everything

Attached: trailers.jpg (1120x1161, 204K)

>Let's be honest here the reason why people don't like her new design is because it looks Asian while her original looked white. The western audience naturally likes the white design better because they're white and people tend to be attracted to their own race.

Half of the gaming audience are like non-Whites though.
US has the largest audience and it includes Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians.
Japan is the 3rd largest market following the US, and the whole Euros combined, and China and the other Asian countries are the fastest growing market today.

Because they never make the boobies big enough

Blacks and Hispanics aren't playing final fantasy they're playing Madden, call of duty and fortnite.

>Blacks and Hispanics aren't playing final fantasy they're playing Madden, call of duty and fortnite

But we have those palm-posters with their weeb game collections here, of course including FF games.

Are they just fake or something?

But I'm Asian and prefer pretty Asian faces. her FF7R's design is just off.

I'm black.
Strange how nobody's complaining about Barret's design change. I guess it's okay to soften the "nigger" but if they touch mai waifu it's a crime.

They both went from interesting characters to "Meh"

So you just never came been in the general area of a black person before huh?

I'm more concerned what they are going to do with Yuffie's design though.

She was already perfect in AC and DC.

Attached: yuffie0387.jpg (600x800, 97K)


that's because nobody wants to fuck barret

Do you have complaints about Barret? He was and still is cool in the remake. I was concerned with his 2015 Remake iteration, he felt generic and I can't really figure out how. The 2015 version of his sunglasses keep popping in my mind.

Still looks black to me.
That's how nips model blacks though. Don't get offended.
If anything he's blacker than his AC's counterpart

I also noticed he’s a bit lighter skinned than he should be. I also think they made Tifa darker than she should be though.

Attached: A31E4037-19CE-4F56-B455-C1D34DF38A07.jpg (1024x998, 168K)

Attached: 1568528349834.png (1208x1076, 566K)

Attached: 1568528349834.png (1208x1076, 566K)

here's your tifa bro

Attached: chinkfa.jpg (1208x1157, 261K)

>get so many dislikes
what is this faggot zoomer newspeak


*full on asian
There is nothing "hapa" about her.

Why do chronic masturbators have to spam their own threads to keep them up?

People have analyzed it but most people seem to think his new design is reasonably faithful to the old one and where it's not, the result is better.
He doesn't really look much "softer." The biggest changes are:

- He has a realistic-sized mouth now
- Beard is much less distinctive.
- Head shape is more realistic and less like a trapezoid.
- His muscular bulk seems more evenly proportioned. In the concept art he was very top-heavy and his in-game model looked fat.
- He has a tank top instead of being bare-chested.
- Tattoos are a little different.

Overall the result is pretty fucking cool in my opinion. He still looks as black as he did before, the only thing I could see complaining about that the beard change takes away some of that "Mr. T" look from the original.

Attached: Barret-compare.jpg (1622x668, 256K)

why do cock and ball cancer patients care so much about the lifestyle of healthy people?

Attached: 1561310060689.jpg (600x697, 73K)

Healthy people? Is bumping a thread for 16 hours healthy?

>Yea Forums is one person
also announcing sages is unhealthy

Putting sage in the namefield triggers chronic masturbators and incels. Nice thread btw

this probably isn't going to be ready in 2020

Attached: 215278109.png (890x862, 741K)

that's one ugly as fuck sword

Attached: 1370053371997.png (367x380, 202K)

they got at least 4-5 months to fix it.

Yeah, wish he had more beard.
Thanks for the sensible analysis user

>which is super strange considering there is even a fan theory Tifa's "real" job is actually prostitution for a customer coming to her bar.
>expecting game theory tier garbage to make it into the game

Why did they feature two Asian girls in one game back then, one was a full-blown Asian and the other was a controversial one as it still is today though, retiring the sole White girl in the main cast halfway the story?

Is that because they didn't care very much about the Western Audience at that time like their first entry in the West with the game was not a major import back in the 90s?

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Sorry about your blindness bro.

It's pretty obvious that Remake has a wider face, bigger eyes, bags under her eyes, and her hair isn't the same. Then the retarded military style suspenders and pleated skirt, and loose cuff boots. It's a fucking awful travesty of redesign.

Right. You could summon Leviathan in the original FF7 demo.

It's hottest but none of them really capture the original Tifa.

God, Tifa was so perfect in AC. Probably the only good thing about the film.

maybe in that one render, but her AC outfit was garbage too

I'm just gonna leave this here

It's really amazing to me how many people are stupid enough to actually believe what you say, even with all the contrary evidence literally right in your face.

I just want Tifa to look gorgeous. Is this too much to ask for in 2019? She looks ok in the remake but she was THE waifu of the 5th generation. Anything less than perfect is unacceptable.

Autism, she looks great.

This. Changing her outfit was bullshit back the . It’s bullshit now, too. At least they had a timeskip as an excuse, but there’s no excuse now.

then show to us a good example of a recreated Tifa that all fans like.

>Anything less than perfect is unacceptable.

Aerith meant for the perfection when the game was originally out.
Tifa used to be more like girl-next-door type.

Tifa owns and runs the only bar in the slum.
Even if Barrett is dirt poor and can barely pay his people, Tifa wouldn't need to be on his payroll.

Best girl coming through.

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i wonder how they're gonna fuck her up
censored pants is a given

Well no shit none of them are very good.
But notice how no one is complaining about the Aeris redesign? Because that one was done competently.

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Because real women are so insecure of drawings and pixels they dislike it everything that doesn't give them attention.
I mean i never get mad or jealous if a male MC is a meathead why do women rage when a female MC looks better then them?
Isn't the point of games/movies etc to get away for the boring and monotnous reality?

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