Is it strange if it's attractive

Is it strange if it's attractive

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There is no reasom for you to not like this game.

muscle women are my fetish so i'm ok with this. Shame it's in a game i'll never purchase.

I have no interest in shooter looters.

Oh well ok. Fair enough.

Zane is the best Vault Hunter we've ever gotten.

she's brown (not black) and muscular, what's not to like

>what's not to like
>she's brown (not black)

You answered your own question. Unless she's Latina.

she's Indian

nacnac needs to do another pic with her

human beings enjoy game bl3 is made for subhumans

is there a class that has skills and perks for shotguns

buying this game is entirely contingent on that for me


>Never content to stand idly by, she uses her Siren abilities COMMA to smash oppressors and dismantle her foes.
Not only is the content cringe, the grammar is incorrect.

>Brash, aggressive, and self-assured
So just like every insufferable whamen character made by western devs in the last 5 years?

Worst brown of all

Indian >>> La Goblina ass Latinos and Black girls


t. Curry
Even your own women don't want you, so I don't blame you for being salty about the existence of latin american women.

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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blacks aren't browns brainlet. They're blacks

Somebody post the time Randy shilled a Battleborn Rule34 reddit that he made himself.

They killed Lilith and Maya for this? Garbage.

If I look down will I see musclegirl tits?

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Um, honey, Lilith is icky as she was drawn through a very problematic gamer-centric (read, white male) lens. Luckily in the last ten years we have learned so much about alternative beauty standards and catering to under-represented groups and thus the beautiful and strong siren that stands before you has come to be. If only you could set aside your misogyny for a second and take in how important this character is for society.

>replacing pale, slender goth girls with a bulldyke
Oh no.

I think she looks fine except for the abs, but I'm not into musclegirls. Still would play her for the moveset, if I can get a shirt that covers her midriff I'd be cool with that. No big deal if I can't though.

where were you when Maya died and Tanis was a siren?

>goth girls
literally who?

Talk about a shit opinion!

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Maya and Lilith.
Then again, those are closer to punk than goth.

thats exactly why i separated them and called them differently, think you replied to the wrong person

Shut it Carlos

>Actual spoilers in the spoiler tag
I got no one to blame but myself

its ok, Maya's death was really lame desu

oh yeah, Lilith also dies at the end :p that death was pretty dope tho, also the lotus was the bad gu

Can someone explain to me the skill trees, it's like i can buy whatever skill i want without having to switch trees like the old games. Can i mix and match skills from different trees? Otherwise why doesnt it make me switch the top skill

>giant space magic hindu arms
A ground slam, a shitty clone missile, and literally fucking phaselock
I wanted sirenzerker god damn it where are my throws and flurry punches

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she has a melee tree no?

No. Fist of the elements is her element tree.

She has a melee tree dumb dumb

Brawl is her melee tree dumbass

Show me on the skill tree where I can turn an action skill into long range giant arm punch combos instead of the shit we got

>le ORA ORA ORA jojoshitter
yeah, it's time to take your medication.

you're the one who realized it was Jojo related, who's the actual jojoshitter

She's cute imo, nice face. Too bad she's in Borderlands

>Writing is worse than the second one
And I thought getting rid of Burch would improve this shit. Was about to cave in and buy it today, just because a friend was being insistent and felt sorry for him. Lilith's death and the annoying midget just made me lose any interest on this. I'll probably buy it when it's on sale. Should I buy Code Vein instead?

can "she" dilate too?

>actually believing lilith is dead

you replied to a post talking about the worst type of brown. Should have just replied, still better than La Goblina ass Latinos and Black girls rather than that shit tier post you did. Brainlet

it has pretty atrocious character design

Have you checked out Void Bastards?

??? Try taking a couple english classes before attempting to form a sentence you damn incel, Indian girls are 100x hotter than those fake silicone ass Latinas and fat ass blacks. Sit down you fucking degenerate

She was interesting looking until the gameplay where I just saw her just launching her ghost and leaping and doing an area of effect attack. Now I'm really looking into Zane and Moze since my dad's probably gonna play Fl4k and found them much more attractive, ability-wise.

>a hero born in the slums
oh so basically she's like 90% of Yea Forums posters no wonder they relate to her so much