Games best girl isnt a romance option

>games best girl isnt a romance option
the fuck

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She will be in Royal.

God I hope so

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Do you think she would get the tattoos if you married her?

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>adding tattoos

Wasn't she a corrupt psychopath that knowingly prosecuted innocent people just to keep her career? She had a palace. And then she somehow had the audacity to question Joker's faith in the legal system even after he saw how cool she was with cops shooting an underage boy full of heroin and beating the shit out of him.

She wasn't cool with the cops beating and drugging him though. When did it say she prosecuted innocent people?

Sae is really hot, but she’s a pointless character. Her purpose is to have someone for the protagonist to tell the story to. I guess that makes her not pointless, but she sure as hell isn’t an interesting one.

In my opinion all P5 characters are bad except Kamoshida.

Beautiful things are made to be desecrated

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i don't remember her "prosecuting innocents" at all

That was literally all just people speculating, based on Akechi's word of him saying "oh boy I don't know WHAT she'll do, she might even prosecute innocents!" Because he's obviously a very trustworthy source. The worst thing she ever did was vent at her sister a bit and use Sojiro's obvious inability to properly take care of Futaba (it took the Phantom Thieves' miraculous intervention just to get her out of her room) against him while trying to get information.

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do you think she would let me cum on that tummy

already adress this in persona general
no sae fucking me no buying

Dragon Quest 8 but they fixed it in the 3ds version.

>already adress this in persona general
Kill yourself

I want /vg/shitters to leave.

you cant, seething v/ermin

How old is sae implied to be


whatever happened to saefag? last i heard you retards got butthurt that he was posting in a thread and ran him out of town. god i hate all of you so much

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Not until you've given her a child

Tattoos means she’s not afraid of commitment tho

There was a fake calling card and Sae went with it because it benefitted her, even though it didn’t make sense. She was using false evidence so she could win.

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He was an autist that spammed threads when he could have just posted a pastebin. Plus his fanfic was shit.

he finished his story and so stopped posting it its that simple really

>Go into a Sae thread to talk about Sae
>Can't talk about Sae because some retard is posting an enormous post constantly when he could've just pastebin'd it
Gee, I wonder why we don't want retards in the threads

She had no clue it was fake. It was there. She couldn't exactly ignore it.

Heather Brooke is a legend

she bluffed that she could take futaba away from sojiro so he would talk about wakaba. she’s a bitch.

That wasn't a bluff. He wasn't even sending her to school. She could easily have taken her away from him. Just because he was a good guy, doesn't mean he wasn't a shit guardian for her.

I would buy royal if they finally give her a social link.


I want Sae to take me for a ride on her motorcycle (as the art book confirmed she rides just as her sister does)

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>aketchi the moralfag

Akechi was being a moralfag because he knows the pain of being taken away from home and put into foster care.

>aketchi is a big fan of children living with their dads

Okumura was a piece of shit that sold his daughter off to be raped.


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The point of Sae is that she is a good woman who got too focused on her career. She even has that scene where she promises Makoto they can go on vacation after the case before having her heart changed to highlight the fact she isnt total scum like most other palace owners.


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Tell me about it

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You don’t need to be bad to have a palace. She just was hyper-fixated on winning and was being a cunt when she couldn’t win.

>You don’t need to be bad to have a palace
Ye you do

I REALLY wish people would stop acting like they know the game without playing it.

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I did play the game also Futaba was a blackmailing hoe bag at that time and her muh tomb shit made her palace

Futaba was never gonna rat you out because Sojiro would have got in trouble. She was bluffing. Also, wanting to die doesn’t make her a bad person you fucking idiot. They LITERALLY say in game:
>Ann: Someone can have a palace even if they aren’t evil?
>Mona: Yes, if they have strong distorted desires.

Nah nigga she'd blackmail you the game was counting down the days. Also sucide is evil

>Sae gets social services on Sojiro to check out Futaba's condition
>Sojiro loses custody and Futaba gets placed in foster care
>Futaba's anxiety goes into overdrive and her shadow's voice is drowned out even more by her suicidal tendencies
>With no escape and pressure from every direction pushing down on her, Futaba commits suicide to be with her mom again, the only time she ever felt happy
Good job, Sae. Didn't Sojiro say that he tried to take Futaba to therapy, or brought the therapists to her, but she refused to see them? He didn't know what to do to help her after that.


No u

I didn't say it would have been a good thing, but it's not as if she didn't have a leg to stand on.

She didn’t know if Futaba was homeschooled or some shit. Or if she had some condition.

There are so many things I want to do to Shadow Sae.

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>romance options

Thank mr skeltal

I love Anne.

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For me it's concept Sae.

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For some reason characters who aspire to be cops or are cops just completely disinterest me. Their job is usually their entire character.


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that's just bayonetta lol