Where were you when They made Sonic into a MvC style fighting game?

Where were you when They made Sonic into a MvC style fighting game?

Attached: Uj2D5UjoCw7yJpvG.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

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What is this

>no knuckles chuckle at the end

Sonic Smackdown
I guess I'll be posting some more webms

here's the download

Attached: ioHrXcKXl8ESDPIl.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

thanks for the dolphin porn asshole

Attached: 1405713481657.jpg (242x584, 20K)

looks like its straight up using assets ripped from MvC

Attached: f4Jicz8aWmzIGVSt.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

Having a broken combo system might make for cool spectacles but it makes for a terrible game. I thought people learned this with Skull Girls.

Attached: Z9OhhXaIhdqUTb2N.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Forgot to mention, the devs have a Discord where they post updates and whatnot discord.gg/32kFtJy

There's a burst system, where if you have a burst ready, you can use it to break out of combos.

Attached: 6iPMuhkgtZWeNEvO.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

That implies people who actually play fighting games would even make a game like this.

literally wrong
HnK is still one of the most fun fighting games ever

kek, I'll pass.

>A Sonic fighting game that isn't complete garbage like Battle was
>Mecha Sonic is playable

Attached: 1536610237958.png (480x452, 171K)

Will lanky Vector be playable?

This is the current planned character list

Attached: file.png (194x390, 8K)

TO be clear, every webm you see is against a CPU that doesnt fight back. There's a burst system that prevents infinites.


hell yes

I have a feeling Big would be some sort of grappler with his fishing pole, could be neat.

He fights like that in MUGEN along with tard strength/range.

>MvC style
So there's tagging?

>Mecha Sonic AND Metal Sonic

Just joined the Discord, they all seem to be sperging at the fact a thread was made about their game

The guy making the game is a huge faggot who gets pissy about the smallest thing. He actually thinks people owe him shit for making a free game

Hmm.. no real "out there" picks.

I'd give my left nut to fight as a generic badnik.. not an eggrobo something more like coconuts or moto bug or something

Attached: 0kDEaNpBTha6bUCs.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

You sound mad because you're a huge meming faggot who got banned.

Grounder slicer and coconuts are bipedal which will probably transfer well to a fighter than the others.. personally id like to see the Chao in their mechs

Attached: Collection_of_Badniks_(Sonic_2).png (900x550, 330K)

wew, theres a lot of reused animations in this game
i guess its excusable as a fangame but the third hit knuckles does in this webm is literally just balrogs sfv screw smash

Haha, hello the guy that made this game

>no Omega, Emerl or Gamma

Attached: 1453390473069.jpg (1280x842, 108K)

either omega or gamma would be sick


Attached: lewd.jpg (959x960, 165K)

>no chao
fucking DROPED

A Sonic fighting game should either be made by Cyber Connect 2 or be more akin to Battle but more competitive focused.

What is this? Is there somewhere I can follow the development? Is this some lone autist on Yea Forums? I need info OP.

read the rest of the thread