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How's your game coming along? Oh wait...

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Doesn't Unity use C#? Also there are tons of garbage games on UE4.

I don't know but hat in time was made in unity and that's the level of quality I expect for my first game

everyone recognizes the unity symbol

Every popular game engine has both its garbage and its masterpieces user

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it goes without saying that unity is a less powerful engine. of course, if all you're making is a dinky little platformer, unity is what you want

Then OP's opinion is discarded.

Or a platformer with a cool artstyle, like Hollow Knight.
Unreal is for if your indie game is just a springboard to a soul-crushing AAA job.

You forgot the Source Engine you donkey.

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>only have shitty laptop that hardly runs windows
>game maker stopped functioning

What can I do to keep developing games?

Get a job and buy a better laptop

take the godot pill

have job, I'm just retart and put myself in a bad financial situtation (which I'm currently recovering from).

I'm checking it out. what makes you like it personally?

What's the key to making a game look seventh-gen?

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remove any bit of SOUL you might have thought about putting into it.

Blurry textures, decent but no fancy lighting, and extremely generic animations.

Yes, as a warning sign.

paper-thin resource intensity, open source, great documentation

>spend years learning how to code
>spend years learning how to make models/textures/etc
>have to be born with talent in the first place
not gonna make it

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>washed out textures
>brown n BLOOM
>shader rape

Ragdoll and bloom everywhere.

>he doesn't know about Godot

also both of my games are currently only have assets but one does have a tech demo (but not of the major mechanic of the game)

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Hat in Time is made with UE3.

Seeing pic related when you start up a game is a surefire sign that you've wasted your money

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>have talent but don't know how to code for the life of me
>intimidated by coding langauge

>have talent
no you dont

godot is great, i have it saved on a little harddrive so i can work whenever i need to because i don't currently have a laptop

Based. Thanks brother. I have it downloaded and I'm reading the tutorials!

Take the innovations of previous generations, toss them out the window, construct every asscheek and cleavage crevice out of a million polygons, use too much bloom lighting to hide everything that looks bad, 30fps for the """Cinematic""" experience and not because you use too many tit polygons to play the game at a playable framerate on a console, first person shooter gameplay but the game does all the aiming for the player to hide the fact that analogue stick aiming sucks dick.

>"These C++ compile times are crazy, let's try Unity"
>Those domain reload times

Can someone fucking write an engine in C or something I don't know

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this. if I see unity I fully expect subpar performance.

Python > C++ > C#

>tfw Godot is more powerful than Unity
>tfw Godot is smol but powerful

I've seen lots of Godot shilling over the last few weeks. what happened?
> If I release a commercial product, what royalties are due to Epic, and when?

>Generally, you are obligated to pay to Epic 5% of all gross revenue after the first $3,000 per game or application per calendar quarter, regardless of what company collects the revenue. For example, if your product earns $10 from sales on the App Store, the royalty due is $0.50 (5% of $10), even though you would receive roughly $7 from Apple after they deduct their distribution fee of roughly $3 (30% of $10).
>Does Unity take royalties?

>Unity is royalty free. We don't charge on a per title basis or require a revenue share model.

If you're going to shitpost about game engines at least do it properly.

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Godot is a free open source program with no licensing bs that unity has and for a file as small as it is it is very powerful.

I am well aware of godot but you're avoiding my question. godot has been out for years, whats with the recent spike in godot shills

More people discovering it actually. I haven't heard of it until this year, tried it out, I like it

How complicated is C++ memory handling? It's the only thing stopping me from using it.

There's plenty of engines written in C

Fox Engine
RE Engine
Luminous Studio

All these wonderful closed source engines you'll never be able to use within your lifetime.

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I need more people to test network play with.

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has anyone ever even heard of these games?

Of course not Godot is a fucking meme engine.

That is really good user! It's quite solid.

How far is it into completion?

What is the name of it, I'll buy it as soon as it comes out.

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Doesn't Frostbite have an editor?
I mean I don't see why anyone would want to use it but I thought it was available if you did.

Mainly because game devs make the mistake of advertizing to other game devs

I want to play games, not make them.

Thanks, I appreciate it, its called Steelpaw. There’s still a lot I want to add, but I was thinking about going to Steam early access relatively soon.

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>a lot of sharped, baked lighting
>willingness to add lighting and detail into the textures, pasted reflections and such, because you can kiss PBR goodbye
>teal and brown and grey

Brown and grey, actively make characters look ugly, smear everything in a Vaseline filter. Color diversity should only be maybe throwing in a blue level occasionally, but that's it. Guns should be big, blocky, disproportionate, stupid and similarly Vaseline-coated or very cylindrical and Vaseline coated. The closest you should get to greeble are really shitty-looking scuffs.

Make sure all the guns have nice alt-fires though.

Oh look, a retard.

EVE Online uses Python variant. if its good for Eve its good for you.

There's an unofficial editor for Battlefront 1 and 2, but its supposedly very cumbersome to use. Then again so is the actual frostbite given every story from developers whove used it is that its one of the worst engines to work with if you're not making battlefield/front


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Looks great, I keep a note to look out for it.

My projects aren't nearly enough done to even mention them atm.

Good luck with development! I am pretty sure it will do well as there aren't any smash like games like it. especially not in 3rd person.

When it releases you shouuld hand out review copies and copies for streamers like Jerma and Vinesauce to play. From my understanding vinesauce in general is a great place to get your indie game known.

C is better, python is for retards

single digit IQ poster detected

It's a total meme when DX12 exists

You're not going to make anything worthwhile even in Game Maker studio if you can't program. Drag and drop doesn't cut it for anything but the most basic match 3 bullshit.

>Godot for 3d
It's not quite there yet unfortunately. Great engine for 2d shit though.

I have been trying to make a fps game using that engine and boy, while what they have is prettu good it's bit of a bitch to work with

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No way, are you telling me an OP at Yea Forums is full of shit?

nobody cares

Thanks man, I’d be interested in seeing what you’re working on even if it’s really rough and early.

Escape from Tarkov is Unity and it's pretty good, while Squad is Unreal and hot garbage

Is Fox Engine really written in C? It would explain why it runs so damn well even on my 760.

every time i open a game with UE4 it opens at 720p reeee

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The Source Engine was a piece of shit from Day 0.

Better games have come out of Unity though. Everything out of unreal has been shit
