I'm unironically drinking onions milk right now
I'm unironically drinking onions milk right now
>onions onions onions onions
it's filtered user
is that why your gay???
wow i didn't knew onions produced milk
really activates the almonds
why the fuck is onions milk or whatever even called onions i don't get it
Onions are just apples with autism
I bought some soi chocolate milk for the memes when it was discounted, it was pretty bland.
soi soimilk soiboi
>I feel for the meme lol
what did you expect you dumb slut
I too enjoy onions milk
Goes great with my ogre cakes
How does one milk an onion?
It's actually not that bad , and the estrogen in onions have close to no effect on us at all.
onions Onions onions
onions are the opposite of snoy or whatever
I had no idea what to expect, but now I really can't see why someone would drink this over regular milk or regular lactose-free milk if they can't drink lactose.
Onions+milk must taste like hell
How do you milk a onion?
i was under the impression that onions and snoy shit stood for the same thing
i believe it
>tfw chink
>tfw grew up drinking onions milk
>tfw filthy 白左 made onions milk into a meme
Almond milk is pretty good.
soy is for faggots
but eating onions, that's for real men
take freshly baked bread with freshly whipped butter, put some fat piece of bacon on it, take bite of your sandwich then take bite of onion
it's really great
if you drink flavored soy milk you should kill yourself
Get one of those razor sharp graters and grate an onion. It comes out like slush.
It's a /pol/ meme. Or a belief. Who the fuck knows anymore?
They thought s.oy reduced your testosterone and turned you into an effeminate, fey, metropolitan man.
However one user started linking a study that consumption of onion increases your testosterone and it just went from there,
why just flavored
>It's a /pol/ meme
originated in /fit/
>mul /pol/ boogeyman
its an old /fit/ meme you faggot
Jeez guys!
sauce on your pic, op?
all kinds of soy milk are liquid cancer
i just and "flavored" to spice my post
For me, it's almond milk
I hope you're a woman, otherwise enjoy being gay
wait how the fuck did you bypass the filter
ascii you retard