Yea Forums hates beepzorz because he is right

Yea Forums hates beepzorz because he is right

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weebshitters dont post in my thread, go jerk off to hentai like the filth you are

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I grew up playing nothing but Western games outside the usual Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Metroid. As soon as i tried FF7 in 2014 i learned that WRPGs are complete garbage & now i cannot stand anything other than JRPGs. They are objectively superior

Epic thread!

Should I play JA2 vanilla or install mods?

okay casual

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It is laughable the difference between western design and eastern "design".

Good western design always looks to invoke certain aspects of humanity, whether it be deep insights on emotion or the complex and intricate topic of a deeper philosophy. It always aims to challenge the player. Meanwhile it is complimented by outstanding gameplay that invigorates and tries to be fun and engaging.

The best that eastern design can muster is absolute garbage. It's usually extremely shallow character development followed by cutesy faces and dick teasing that anyone who isn't a porn addicted, mindless retard won't find entertaining. It never makes attempts at looking deeper on subjects, and can only tackle a surface level of any sort of topic. The gameplay is usually incredibly boring and lacking, resorting to the absolute snoozefest that is turn-based combat that focuses on numbers and autist-level planning instead of actually being fun or engaging.

The only exception is the few cases where an eastern developer actually makes a good game, which, surprise surprise, is ALWAYS attempting to appeal to western audiences, so they use western design which makes it into a good game.

Weebfaggots WILL reply because they can't handle this truth.

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why do weebs always fall back to shitposting?

Weebfaggot unironically seething. This is your brain on anime and eastern game design. Looks like his brain was broken before he even started arguing!

Idk who that is but I enjoy JRPGs more because they're cartoony and fun. WRPGs aren't bad but they tend to remind me more of CYOA novels when in medieval fantasy format and of PA movies I don't enjoy when in war, Sci-fi, or PA formats like Fallout (3 and up, 1 and 2 are interesting). The games have a very grimy, often much more serious undertone that's not usually something I seek out unless the game is supposed to be horror themed, in which case I'd rather play something like RE or SH.
To put it a different way, WRPGs tend to remind me of how shitty people are and the world is, even in fiction. JRPGs cheer me up and I have more fun overall because I'm happy while I play them. Neither are bad but my personal tastes tend to make me gravitate towards things that will make me happy over things that make me remember the homeless man puking on a woman at the bus stop.
Despite this, my favorite game of all time is actually western technically, as it was directed by an Italian.

Mainstream horseporn got a lot less hot when i found out the horses are drugged up as fuck and they're not even hard.

I think WRPG's are far better than JRPG's but this autist getting exposed is hilarious.


What game?

What do you mean? My favorite game? Or the one that reminded me of a guy puking on someone?


Most ugly humanoid enemies with a spitting attack remind me of that.
Favorite game is actually a duo, it's Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2. I like 2 a little more though.

Stop posting on Yea Forums, Beepzorz.

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tldr im lazy

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wtb wRPG with jRPG tiddies.

Mod Skyrim

Desperately baiting the lolcow is as bad as being the lolcow you ween.

>since he deleted the last thread
You can't delete threads anymore, though?

you can after some time

Wrong way around, you can't delete posts after a time limit passes. You can't delete threads at all anymore.

newfag, it works like I said to prevent dubs/numbers threads. It's been like this for over 7 years

please dont (You) me

Are you fucking stupid? OP posts can't be deleted by the OP anymore, and reply posts can't be deleted by the poster who made it after 5 minutes or so passes. You're living in the fucking past.

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Oh look, how quaint. A Russian.

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Kotor has cute girls

>All party members are fully voice acted


Yeah I'll take Suiko 2, thanks

>Makes Final Fantasy, Xenoblade and Persona fags extremely angry on a daily basis

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.