What are some good mods for a first time player? Someone told me to play complete

What are some good mods for a first time player? Someone told me to play complete.

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Patched, mod after you finished the game.

Please kill that person.
Vanilla is fine, if you want use ZRP for bugfixes.

call of chernobyl because its a nice casual mod
then once you've mastered that you can upgrade to anomaly. Thats really the only path the rest is just unbalanced meme shit.0

Are there any good mods that massively expand CoP or is it all just difficulty mods?

how do i actually get this game running? it crashes every 5 minutes for me.

is zrp any good?

Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links:

Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

Yes, it's the only real "unofficial patch" -tier thing, and central part of STARTER PACKs.

I've not had the vanilla games crash on me since 2007. You on W10 by any chance? It HATES DirectX9 for some reason.
Also, try without any major overhaul mods first.

>call of chernobyl
kill yourself, Bandit scum.

Attached: stalker guide v1,42.png (1536x1250, 1.1M)

Yeah, I'm on Windows 10 LTSC. Didn't work for me on 8.1 either. Considering installing Manjaro and trying it through proton.

Where'd ya get the game (retail, Steam, GOG, pirate)?
Have you patched it at all / what's the version number in the main menu?
Any mods you're using?
Does DirectX8 (Static Lighting) crash too?

yea op DONT play call of chernobyl instead follow this guide LMAO. Op once you realize how shit the guide is, well you'll know what to do. I recommend you follow this guide immediately so you can get it out of the way as fast as possible.

>once you realize how shit the guide is
And if you're one of those filthy CoC-only secondaries, you should go give a BJ to a shotgun, ASAP.

OP make sure you try some greatest hits like Misery lol. All the explanation needed.

>OP asks for rookie mods
>CoC-suckers bring up MISERY
I don't even ...

Why are CoCk secondaries so braindead? OP is clearly asking about SoC mods since he is new to the series and wants to know whats out there yet you recommend him a mod that should only be played once you play all 3 main games in the trilogy. But a secondary like you wouldn't know that since you think that when people discuss/mention Stalker, the first thing that comes to mind is CoCk and all of it's garbage derivative mods. Kill yourself you retarded fucking secondary.

>game is fun
>but you need to install 50 patches and mods

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>first time

Play complete, user.
It's the best entry mod.
It fixes the bugs, improves the graphics and adjusts some of the gameplay aspects without going too far.
Yea Forums will go full autistic about it; ignore them all.
Also don't believe the retards still parroting the "play at master; it's easier" meme, you have no reason to play at the hardest difficulty, play at either novice or stalker difficulties for your 1st playthrough.

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You stupid fucking prick. You immaculate goddamn moron. Is your semen-encrusted brain so fucking tiny you actually think playing any game for the first time with mods is a good idea? McFucking end yourself, you witless reprobate.

thats literally what the guide says lol

You absolute monster

Beat the game on Master difficulty with no crosshairs.

Then when autumn rolls around, install Autumn Aurora


American education, ladies and gentlemen.
Literal, unironically illiterate sub humans.

>Beat the game on Master difficulty with no crosshairs.
Kill yourself.
There is a reason people are dropping stalker while still in the cordon.
Don't play at master op, unless you want to hate the game.

CoCk brain rot is real...

Yes, since missing a large portion of your shots that hit makes the game more fun. Retard. Play on master unless you enjoy Baldur's Gate level 1/Morrowind-tier combat.

Master is how it's intended to be played and how it's balanced. If you're some low-IQ zoomer who wants an arcade shooter that holds your hand and treats you like a fucking retard, play on easier difficulties.

What are some mods that improve the weapon animations and graphics? Shit's ugly af.

And here it comes, the "Yea Forums told me master makes it easier" meme parrot.
You're a fucking retard; and so is everyone that played master.
No, it isn't.
You have absolutely no idea how the difficulties work in those games.
Disgusting and shameful.

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garbage is so comfy

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man, vanilla has such perfect aesthetics.

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I've literally tested it out myself by swapping difficulties. On novice, it took more shots on average to kill my target than it did on master. I tested around 10 times on novice and 10 times on master to make sure it wasn't just random chance, which wasn't really necessary since the difference was so massive. I didn't believe that master was less tedious myself until I actually confirmed it through experimentation.

>Gun fights are much more realistic and the enemies don't take 4000 rounds to drop in master

Yeah dude just play on novice lol, tell me how fun that gets when the game turns into a slog. Have you ever fucking played a stalker game? They're all like that.

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does the steam version work with ZRP?

>i tested it bro! trust me bro! it works bro!
Those values are in the files.
You can access them by yourself, anytime.
It's not easier, you are either lying or simply unable to understand the differences.
By all means you are delusional, because it definitely didn't take more shots.
Math and game configs are not an opinion, user.
>the game is a slog
Except stalker is so well balanced it doesnt matter at what difficulty you play, you will still get your shit kicked in.
But by doing a masters playthrough as your first you will find yourself reloading the same quicksave at least 15 times.
Because it's not fun.
>hey dude i played master savescumming every 5 meters, the true stalker experience braaah xd
Kill yourself.

>babby's first parallax textures


literally yes. the games engine is from what 2006??

Cordon... Home...

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at least it was before strelok fucked everythang up